944 resultados para non-linear dynamic system and DDoS


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The field of prognostics has attracted significant interest from the research community in recent times. Prognostics enables the prediction of failures in machines resulting in benefits to plant operators such as shorter downtimes, higher operation reliability, reduced operations and maintenance cost, and more effective maintenance and logistics planning. Prognostic systems have been successfully deployed for the monitoring of relatively simple rotating machines. However, machines and associated systems today are increasingly complex. As such, there is an urgent need to develop prognostic techniques for such complex systems operating in the real world. This review paper focuses on prognostic techniques that can be applied to rotating machinery operating under non-linear and non-stationary conditions. The general concept of these techniques, the pros and cons of applying these methods, as well as their applications in the research field are discussed. Finally, the opportunities and challenges in implementing prognostic systems and developing effective techniques for monitoring machines operating under non-stationary and non-linear conditions are also discussed.


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Objectives To investigate whether a sudden temperature change between neighboring days has significant impact on mortality. Methods A Poisson generalized linear regression model combined with a distributed lag non-linear models was used to estimate the association of temperature change between neighboring days with mortality in a subtropical Chinese city during 2008–2012. Temperature change was calculated as the current day’s temperature minus the previous day’s temperature. Results A significant effect of temperature change between neighboring days on mortality was observed. Temperature increase was significantly associated with elevated mortality from non-accidental and cardiovascular diseases, while temperature decrease had a protective effect on non-accidental mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Males and people aged 65 years or older appeared to be more vulnerable to the impact of temperature change. Conclusions Temperature increase between neighboring days has a significant adverse impact on mortality. Further health mitigation strategies as a response to climate change should take into account temperature variation between neighboring days.


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Non-linear planar response of a string to planar narrow band random excitation is investigated in this paper. A response equation for the mean square deflection σ2 is obtained under a single mode approximation by using the equivalent linearization technique. It is shown that the response is triple valued, as in the case of harmonic excitation, if the centre frequency of excitation Ω lies in a certain specified range. The triple valued response occurs only if the excitation bandwidth β is smaller than a critical value βcrit which is a monotonically increasing function of the intensity of excitation. An approximate method of investigating the almost sure asymptotic stability of the solution is presented and regions of instability in the Ω-σ2 plane have been charted. It is shown that planar response can become unstable either due to an unbounded growth of the in-plane component of motion or due to a spontaneous appearance of an out-of-plane component.


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State and parameter estimations of non-linear dynamical systems, based on incomplete and noisy measurements, are considered using Monte Carlo simulations. Given the measurements. the proposed method obtains the marginalized posterior distribution of an appropriately chosen (ideally small) subset of the state vector using a particle filter. Samples (particles) of the marginalized states are then used to construct a family of conditionally linearized system of equations and thus obtain the posterior distribution of the states using a bank of Kalman filters. Discrete process equations for the marginalized states are derived through truncated Ito-Taylor expansions. Increased analyticity and reduced dispersion of weights computed over a smaller sample space of marginalized states are the key features of the filter that help achieve smaller sample variance of the estimates. Numerical illustrations are provided for state/parameter estimations of a Duffing oscillator and a 3-DOF non-linear oscillator. Performance of the filter in parameter estimation is also assessed using measurements obtained through experiments on simple models in the laboratory. Despite an added computational cost, the results verify that the proposed filter generally produces estimates with lower sample variance over the standard sequential importance sampling (SIS) filter.


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Using polynomial regression and response surface analysis to examine the non-linearity between variables, this study demonstrates that better analytical nuances are required to investigate the relationships between constructs when the underlying theories suggest non-linearity. By utilising the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Ettlie’s adoption stages as well as employing data gathered from 162 owners of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), our findings reveal that subjective norms and attitude have differing influences upon behavioural intention in both the evaluation and trial stages of the adoption.


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The paper deals with the approximate analysis of non-linear non-conservative systems oftwo degrees of freedom subjected to step-function excitation. The method of averaging of Krylov and Bogoliubov is used to arrive at the approximate equations for amplitude and phase. An example of a spring-mass-damper system is presented to illustrate the method and a comparison with numerical results brings out the validity of the approach.


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This paper considers the on-line identification of a non-linear system in terms of a Hammerstein model, with a zero-memory non-linear gain followed by a linear system. The linear part is represented by a Laguerre expansion of its impulse response and the non-linear part by a polynomial. The identification procedure involves determination of the coefficients of the Laguerre expansion of correlation functions and an iterative adjustment of the parameters of the non-linear gain by gradient methods. The method is applicable to situations involving a wide class of input signals. Even in the presence of additive correlated noise, satisfactory performance is achieved with the variance of the error converging to a value close to the variance of the noise. Digital computer simulation establishes the practicability of the scheme in different situations.


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This paper deals with an approximate method of analysis of non-linear, non-conservative systems of two degrees of freedom. The approximate equations for amplitude and phase are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on the ultraspherical polynomial approximation. The method is illustrated by an example of a spring-mass-damper system.


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In 1956 Whitham gave a nonlinear theory for computing the intensity of an acoustic pulse of an arbitrary shape. The theory has been used very successfully in computing the intensity of the sonic bang produced by a supersonic plane. [4.] derived an approximate quasi-linear equation for the propagation of a short wave in a compressible medium. These two methods are essentially nonlinear approximations of the perturbation equations of the system of gas-dynamic equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve (or rays) for weak unsteady disturbances superimposed on a given steady solution. In this paper we have derived an approximate quasi-linear equation which is an approximation of perturbation equations in the neighborhood of a bicharacteristic curve for a weak pulse governed by a general system of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations in m + 1 independent variables (t, x1,…, xm) and derived Gubkin's result as a particular case when the system of equations consists of the equations of an unsteady motion of a compressible gas. We have also discussed the form of the approximate equation describing the waves propagating upsteam in an arbitrary multidimensional transonic flow.


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In this paper, the transient response of a third-order non-linear system is obtained by first reducing the given third-order equation to three first-order equations by applying the method of variation of parameters. On the assumption that the variations of amplitude and phase are small, the functions are expanded in ultraspherical polynomials. The expansion is restricted to the constant term. The resulting equations are solved to obtain the response of the given third-order system. A numerical example is considered to illustrate the method. The results show that the agreement between the approximate and digital solution is good thus vindicating the approximation.


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The problem of decoupling a class of non-linear two degrees of freedom systems is studied. The coupled non-linear differential equations of motion of the system are shown to be equivalent to a pair of uncoupled equations. This equivalence is established through transformation techniques involving the transformation of both the dependent and independent variables. The sufficient conditions on the form of the non-linearity, for the case wherein the transformed equations are linear, are presented. Several particular cases of interest are also illustrated.


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The surface water waves are "modal" waves in which the "physical space" (t, x, y, z) is the product of a propagation space (t, x, y) and a cross space, the z-axis in the vertical direction. We have derived a new set of equations for the long waves in shallow water in the propagation space. When the ratio of the amplitude of the disturbance to the depth of the water is small, these equations reduce to the equations derived by Whitham (1967) by the variational principle. Then we have derived a single equation in (t, x, y)-space which is a generalization of the fourth order Boussinesq equation for one-dimensional waves. In the neighbourhood of a wave froat, this equation reduces to the multidimensional generalization of the KdV equation derived by Shen & Keller (1973). We have also included a systematic discussion of the orders of the various non-dimensional parameters. This is followed by a presentation of a general theory of approximating a system of quasi-linear equations following one of the modes. When we apply this general method to the surface water wave equations in the propagation space, we get the Shen-Keller equation.


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The response of a third order non-linear system subjected to a pulse excitation is analysed. A transformation of the displacement variable is effected. The transformation function chosen is the solution of the linear problem subjected to the same pulse. With this transformation the equation of motion is brought into a form in which the method of variation of parameters is applicable for the solution of the problem. The method is applied to a single axis gyrostabilized platform subjected to an exponentially decaying pulse. The analytical results are compared with digital and analog computer solutions.


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Ductility based design of reinforced concrete structures implicitly assumes certain damage under the action of a design basis earthquake. The damage undergone by a structure needs to be quantified, so as to assess the post-seismic reparability and functionality of the structure. The paper presents an analytical method of quantification and location of seismic damage, through system identification methods. It may be noted that soft ground storied buildings are the major casualties in any earthquake and hence the example structure is a soft or weak first storied one, whose seismic response and temporal variation of damage are computed using a non-linear dynamic analysis program (IDARC) and compared with a normal structure. Time period based damage identification model is used and suitably calibrated with classic damage models. Regenerated stiffness of the three degrees of freedom model (for the three storied frame) is used to locate the damage, both on-line as well as after the seismic event. Multi resolution analysis using wavelets is also used for localized damage identification for soft storey columns.


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In this paper, we have first given a numerical procedure for the solution of second order non-linear ordinary differential equations of the type y″ = f (x;y, y′) with given initial conditions. The method is based on geometrical interpretation of the equation, which suggests a simple geometrical construction of the integral curve. We then translate this geometrical method to the numerical procedure adaptable to desk calculators and digital computers. We have studied the efficacy of this method with the help of an illustrative example with known exact solution. We have also compared it with Runge-Kutta method. We have then applied this method to a physical problem, namely, the study of the temperature distribution in a semi-infinite solid homogeneous medium for temperature-dependent conductivity coefficient.