984 resultados para network protocols


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Overlay networks have been used for adding and enhancing functionality to the end-users without requiring modifications in the Internet core mechanisms. Overlay networks have been used for a variety of popular applications including routing, file sharing, content distribution, and server deployment. Previous work has focused on devising practical neighbor selection heuristics under the assumption that users conform to a specific wiring protocol. This is not a valid assumption in highly decentralized systems like overlay networks. Overlay users may act selfishly and deviate from the default wiring protocols by utilizing knowledge they have about the network when selecting neighbors to improve the performance they receive from the overlay. This thesis goes against the conventional thinking that overlay users conform to a specific protocol. The contributions of this thesis are threefold. It provides a systematic evaluation of the design space of selfish neighbor selection strategies in real overlays, evaluates the performance of overlay networks that consist of users that select their neighbors selfishly, and examines the implications of selfish neighbor and server selection to overlay protocol design and service provisioning respectively. This thesis develops a game-theoretic framework that provides a unified approach to modeling Selfish Neighbor Selection (SNS) wiring procedures on behalf of selfish users. The model is general, and takes into consideration costs reflecting network latency and user preference profiles, the inherent directionality in overlay maintenance protocols, and connectivity constraints imposed on the system designer. Within this framework the notion of user’s "best response" wiring strategy is formalized as a k-median problem on asymmetric distance and is used to obtain overlay structures in which no node can re-wire to improve the performance it receives from the overlay. Evaluation results presented in this thesis indicate that selfish users can reap substantial performance benefits when connecting to overlay networks composed of non-selfish users. In addition, in overlays that are dominated by selfish users, the resulting stable wirings are optimized to such great extent that even non-selfish newcomers can extract near-optimal performance through naïve wiring strategies. To capitalize on the performance advantages of optimal neighbor selection strategies and the emergent global wirings that result, this thesis presents EGOIST: an SNS-inspired overlay network creation and maintenance routing system. Through an extensive measurement study on the deployed prototype, results presented in this thesis show that EGOIST’s neighbor selection primitives outperform existing heuristics on a variety of performance metrics, including delay, available bandwidth, and node utilization. Moreover, these results demonstrate that EGOIST is competitive with an optimal but unscalable full-mesh approach, remains highly effective under significant churn, is robust to cheating, and incurs minimal overheads. This thesis also studies selfish neighbor selection strategies for swarming applications. The main focus is on n-way broadcast applications where each of n overlay user wants to push its own distinct file to all other destinations as well as download their respective data files. Results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the performance of our swarming protocol for n-way broadcast on top of overlays of selfish users is far superior than the performance on top of existing overlays. In the context of service provisioning, this thesis examines the use of distributed approaches that enable a provider to determine the number and location of servers for optimal delivery of content or services to its selfish end-users. To leverage recent advances in virtualization technologies, this thesis develops and evaluates a distributed protocol to migrate servers based on end-users demand and only on local topological knowledge. Results under a range of network topologies and workloads suggest that the performance of the distributed deployment is comparable to that of the optimal but unscalable centralized deployment.


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Version 1.1 of the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) was principally developed as a means for reducing both document transfer latency and network traffic. The rationale for the performance enhancements in HTTP/1.1 is based on the assumption that the network is the bottleneck in Web transactions. In practice, however, the Web server can be the primary source of document transfer latency. In this paper, we characterize and compare the performance of HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 in terms of throughput at the server and transfer latency at the client. Our approach is based on considering a broader set of bottlenecks in an HTTP transfer; we examine how bottlenecks in the network, CPU, and in the disk system affect the relative performance of HTTP/1.0 versus HTTP/1.1. We show that the network demands under HTTP/1.1 are somewhat lower than HTTP/1.0, and we quantify those differences in terms of packets transferred, server congestion window size and data bytes per packet. We show that when the CPU is the bottleneck, there is relatively little difference in performance between HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. Surprisingly, we show that when the disk system is the bottleneck, performance using HTTP/1.1 can be much worse than with HTTP/1.0. Based on these observations, we suggest a connection management policy for HTTP/1.1 that can improve throughput, decrease latency, and keep network traffic low when the disk system is the bottleneck.


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Current Internet transport protocols make end-to-end measurements and maintain per-connection state to regulate the use of shared network resources. When a number of such connections share a common endpoint, that endpoint has the opportunity to correlate these end-to-end measurements to better diagnose and control the use of shared resources. A valuable characterization of such shared resources is the "loss topology". From the perspective of a server with concurrent connections to multiple clients, the loss topology is a logical tree rooted at the server in which edges represent lossy paths between a pair of internal network nodes. We develop an end-to-end unicast packet probing technique and an associated analytical framework to: (1) infer loss topologies, (2) identify loss rates of links in an existing loss topology, and (3) augment a topology to incorporate the arrival of a new connection. Correct, efficient inference of loss topology information enables new techniques for aggregate congestion control, QoS admission control, connection scheduling and mirror site selection. Our extensive simulation results demonstrate that our approach is robust in terms of its accuracy and convergence over a wide range of network conditions.


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MOTIVATION: Although many network inference algorithms have been presented in the bioinformatics literature, no suitable approach has been formulated for evaluating their effectiveness at recovering models of complex biological systems from limited data. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approach to evaluate network inference algorithms according to their ability to recover a complex functional network from biologically reasonable simulated data. RESULTS: We designed a simulator to generate data representing a complex biological system at multiple levels of organization: behaviour, neural anatomy, brain electrophysiology, and gene expression of songbirds. About 90% of the simulated variables are unregulated by other variables in the system and are included simply as distracters. We sampled the simulated data at intervals as one would sample from a biological system in practice, and then used the sampled data to evaluate the effectiveness of an algorithm we developed for functional network inference. We found that our algorithm is highly effective at recovering the functional network structure of the simulated system-including the irrelevance of unregulated variables-from sampled data alone. To assess the reproducibility of these results, we tested our inference algorithm on 50 separately simulated sets of data and it consistently recovered almost perfectly the complex functional network structure underlying the simulated data. To our knowledge, this is the first approach for evaluating the effectiveness of functional network inference algorithms at recovering models from limited data. Our simulation approach also enables researchers a priori to design experiments and data-collection protocols that are amenable to functional network inference.


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The future convergence of voice, video and data applications on the Internet requires that next generation technology provides bandwidth and delay guarantees. Current technology trends are moving towards scalable aggregate-based systems where applications are grouped together and guarantees are provided at the aggregate level only. This solution alone is not enough for interactive video applications with sub-second delay bounds. This paper introduces a novel packet marking scheme that controls the end-to-end delay of an individual flow as it traverses a network enabled to supply aggregate- granularity Quality of Service (QoS). IPv6 Hop-by-Hop extension header fields are used to track the packet delay encountered at each network node and autonomous decisions are made on the best queuing strategy to employ. The results of network simulations are presented and it is shown that when the proposed mechanism is employed the requested delay bound is met with a 20% reduction in resource reservation and no packet loss in the network.


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The key attributes of a smarter power grid include: pervasive interconnection of smart devices; extensive data generation and collection; and rapid reaction to events across a widely dispersed physical infrastructure. Modern telecommunications technologies are being deployed across power systems to support these monitoring and control capabilities. To enable interoperability, several new communications protocols and standards have been developed over the past 10 to 20 years. These continue to be refined, even as new systems are rolled out.

This new hyper-connected communications infrastructure provides an environment rich in sub-systems and physical devices that are attractive to cyber-attackers. Indeed, as smarter grid operations become dependent on interconnectivity, the communications network itself becomes a target. Consequently, we examine cyber-attacks that specifically target communications, particularly state-of-the-art standards and protocols. We further explore approaches and technologies that aim to protect critical communications networks against intrusions, and to monitor for, and detect, intrusions that infiltrate Smart Grid systems.


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Several studies in the last decade have pointed out that many devices, such as computers, are often left powered on even when idle, just to make them available and reachable on the network, leading to large energy waste. The concept of network connectivity proxy (NCP) has been proposed as an effective means to improve energy efficiency. It impersonates the presence of networked devices that are temporally unavailable, by carrying out background networking routines on their behalf. Hence, idle devices could be put into low-power states and save energy. Several architectural alternatives and the applicability of this concept to different protocols and applications have been investigated. However, there is no clear understanding of the limitations and issues of this approach in current networking scenarios. This paper extends the knowledge about the NCP by defining an extended set of tasks that the NCP can carry out, by introducing a suitable communication interface to control NCP operation, and by designing, implementing, and evaluating a functional prototype.


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The myriad of technologies and protocols working at different layers pose significant security challenges in the upcoming Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Security features and needs vary from application to application and it is layer specific. In addition, security has to consider the constraints imposed by energy limited sensor nodes and consider the specific target application in order to provide security at different layers. This paper analyses current standardization efforts and protocols. It proposes a generic secured network topology for IoT and describes the relevant security challenges. Some exploitation examples are also provided.


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IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15), Hong Kong, China.


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Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are expected to play a significant role in smart healthcare systems. One of the most important attributes of WBANs is to increase network lifetime by introducing novel and low-power techniques on the energy-constrained sensor nodes. Medium access control (MAC) protocols play a significant role in determining the energy consumption in WBANs. Existing MAC protocols are unable to accommodate communication requirements in WBANs. There is a need to develop novel, scalable and reliable MAC protocols that must be able to address all these requirements in a reliable manner. In this special issue, we attracted high quality research and review papers on the recent advances in MAC protocols for WBANs.


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This work is dedicated to comparison of open source as well as proprietary transport protocols for highspeed data transmission via IP networks. The contemporary common TCP needs significant improvement since it was developed as general-purpose transport protocol and firstly introduced four decades ago. In nowadays networks, TCP fits not all communication needs that society has. Caused of it another transport protocols have been developed and successfully used for e.g. Big Data movement. In scope of this research the following protocols have been investigated for its efficiency on 10Gbps links: UDT, RBUDP, MTP and RWTP. The protocols were tested under different impairments such as Round Trip Time up to 400 ms and packet losses up to 2%. Investigated parameters are the data rate under different conditions of the network, the CPU load by sender andreceiver during the experiments, size of feedback data, CPU usage per Gbps and the amount of feedback data per GiByte of effectively transmitted data. The best performance and fair resources consumption was observed by RWTP. From the opensource projects, the best behavior is showed by RBUDP.


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Cyber security is one of the main topics that are discussed around the world today. The threat is real, and it is unlikely to diminish. People, business, governments, and even armed forces are networked in a way or another. Thus, the cyber threat is also facing military networking. On the other hand, the concept of Network Centric Warfare sets high requirements for military tactical data communications and security. A challenging networking environment and cyber threats force us to consider new approaches to build security on the military communication systems. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a cyber security architecture for military networks, and to evaluate the designed architecture. The architecture is described as a technical functionality. As a new approach, the thesis introduces Cognitive Networks (CN) which are a theoretical concept to build more intelligent, dynamic and even secure communication networks. The cognitive networks are capable of observe the networking environment, make decisions for optimal performance and adapt its system parameter according to the decisions. As a result, the thesis presents a five-layer cyber security architecture that consists of security elements controlled by a cognitive process. The proposed architecture includes the infrastructure, services and application layers that are managed and controlled by the cognitive and management layers. The architecture defines the tasks of the security elements at a functional level without introducing any new protocols or algorithms. For evaluating two separated method were used. The first method is based on the SABSA framework that uses a layered approach to analyze overall security of an organization. The second method was a scenario based method in which a risk severity level is calculated. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture fulfills the security requirements at least at a high level. However, the evaluation of the proposed architecture proved to be very challenging. Thus, the evaluation results must be considered very critically. The thesis proves the cognitive networks are a promising approach, and they provide lots of benefits when designing a cyber security architecture for the tactical military networks. However, many implementation problems exist, and several details must be considered and studied during the future work.


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Internet today has become a vital part of day to day life, owing to the revolutionary changes it has brought about in various fields. Dependence on the Internet as an information highway and knowledge bank is exponentially increasing so that a going back is beyond imagination. Transfer of critical information is also being carried out through the Internet. This widespread use of the Internet coupled with the tremendous growth in e-commerce and m-commerce has created a vital need for infonnation security.Internet has also become an active field of crackers and intruders. The whole development in this area can become null and void if fool-proof security of the data is not ensured without a chance of being adulterated. It is, hence a challenge before the professional community to develop systems to ensure security of the data sent through the Internet.Stream ciphers, hash functions and message authentication codes play vital roles in providing security services like confidentiality, integrity and authentication of the data sent through the Internet. There are several ·such popular and dependable techniques, which have been in use widely, for quite a long time. This long term exposure makes them vulnerable to successful or near successful attempts for attacks. Hence it is the need of the hour to develop new algorithms with better security.Hence studies were conducted on various types of algorithms being used in this area. Focus was given to identify the properties imparting security at this stage. By making use of a perception derived from these studies, new algorithms were designed. Performances of these algorithms were then studied followed by necessary modifications to yield an improved system consisting of a new stream cipher algorithm MAJE4, a new hash code JERIM- 320 and a new message authentication code MACJER-320. Detailed analysis and comparison with the existing popular schemes were also carried out to establish the security levels.The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) I Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol is one of the most widely used security protocols in Internet. The cryptographic algorithms RC4 and HMAC have been in use for achieving security services like confidentiality and authentication in the SSL I TLS. But recent attacks on RC4 and HMAC have raised questions about the reliability of these algorithms. Hence MAJE4 and MACJER-320 have been proposed as substitutes for them. Detailed studies on the performance of these new algorithms were carried out; it has been observed that they are dependable alternatives.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue for sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limitedlifetime. Routing schemes are used to transfer data collectedby sensor nodes to base stations. In the literature many routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are suggested. In this work, four routing protocols for wireless sensor networks viz Flooding, Gossiping, GBR and LEACH have been simulated using TinyOS and their power consumption is studied using PowerTOSSIM. A realization of these protocols has beencarried out using Mica2 Motes.


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Sensor networks are one of the fastest growing areas in broad of a packet is in transit at any one time. In GBR, each node in the network can look at itsneighbors wireless ad hoc networking (? Eld. A sensor node, typically'hop count (depth) and use this to decide which node to forward contains signal-processing circuits, micro-controllers and a the packet on to. If the nodes' power level drops below a wireless transmitter/receiver antenna. Energy saving is one certain level it will increase the depth to discourage trafiE of the critical issue forfor sensor networks since most sensors are equipped with non-rechargeable batteries that have limited lifetime.