956 resultados para neo-liberal


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La presente aventura analítica como toda iniciativa académica e intelectual, constituye una batalla por la producción de significados específicos sobre un fenómeno concreto y desde el prohijamiento de singulares horizontes epistémico/políticos, esta vez apelando de una parte a importantes pero siempre insuficientes referentes teóricos, y de otro lado al examen de cómo tales asunciones son o requieren ser localizadas, experimentadas y practicadas. La reivindicación en este trabajo de ciertas visiones y prácticas económico/culturales, se inscribe en agendas que identifican la diferencia como parte del imaginario teórico y político contemporáneo, a la vez que la reconocen como fuente de inteligibilidad, esperanza y posibilidad de articulación de proyectos emancipatorios y no como apelación y práctica de impunidad que posiciona lo diferente sólo como positividad, ´algo bueno´ y lugar no problemático. La concreción de los propósitos del trabajo se mueve en principio a través de una aproximación/revisión crítica a posturas representativas de la modernidad en el contexto latinoamericano, donde su pretendida universalización y naturalización soslaya la multiplicidad de ´topografías diferentes de la modernidad´ ancladas en la diferencia. Con todo esto y siendo una consideración ineluctable, importa el examen a la relación/tensión y articulación entre desarrollo, economía y cultura, triada con entronques a formas de dominio imperial/colonial y de geopolítica global que desconoce otras expresiones, significaciones y representaciones configuradas a partir de singularidades, urgencias locales y la valoración de la diferencia económico/cultural en contextos globalocalizados. En este esfuerzo deductivo, reivindicar la diferencia económico/cultural parte ─sin ser un ortodoxo ejercicio económico─, de mostrar cómo la economía representa una manifestación del proyecto moderno/imperial/colonial, al concebirse como disciplina y práctica totalizante/universal, desde donde, de una parte ha sido imposible el análisis y (re)conocimiento de otras formas de pensar y practicar la realidad económico/cultural, y de otra se han integrado/reducido diversas formas de relación al repertorio capitalogocentrista de la economía (neo)clásica. El ejercicio al presentar no el panorama de lo posible sino ante todo el horizonte y el flujo de lo existente en términos de visiones y prácticas de diferencia económico/cultural, se suma a otros esfuerzos orientados a proporcionar elementos ya no para pensar y construir economías diversas u otras economías, sino ante todo para constatar, visibilizar y movilizar estas expresiones lugarizadas, inscritas sin duda en el marco de la inflexión decolonial o en la perspectiva que promueve también la descolonización de la economía política (versión clásica y marxista) y de la economía formal (versión neoclásica y sus variantes). Estas pretensiones, consideraciones y búsquedas son presentadas en el trabajo como un esfuerzo por rastrear críticamente temas y problemas como occidente, modernidad, desarrollo y economía, para luego a manera de constatación, concentrar el análisis en las visiones y prácticas económico/culturales en contextos de multiplicidad, esta vez en algunas organizaciones y movimientos del Cauca Indígena en Colombia como son el programa económico/ambiental del Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca – Cric, el Tejido Económico/Ambiental de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca Acin – Çxab Wala Kiwe–, y la perspectiva económica del pueblo Misak. La explicitación y análisis de referentes económico/culturales/territoriales en tales organizaciones y movimientos, se hace no como forma de confrontación en pro de posicionamientos vanguardistas frente a la economía hegemónica, sino como posibilidad de volver legibles, visibles e inteligibles visiones y prácticas de diferencia económico/cultural como expresión existencial de otros espacios/superficies, otros actores y de otro tipo de actuaciones. En suma, con estos soportes y desarrollos académicos/intelectuales, políticos y existenciales y en medio de nuestra epocalidad, el trabajo proporciona insumos para complejizar/intensificar los términos en que se debaten desde el pensamiento crítico, fenómenos como la diferencia en sus distintas expresiones y en medio de un mundo múltiple, vulnerable, litigioso, pero igualmente esperanzador. Desde la convicción acerca de que no hay universalismos antropológicos como tampoco económico/culturales, la modernidad, el desarrollo y la economía se asumen como gubernamentalidades, es decir como tecnologías de gobierno de los unos y de los otros, no obstante su interrelaciones e interfecundidades en los diversos escenarios físico/naturales y socio/culturales. Empero, también se trata de juegos discursivos que se movilizan sobre la multiplicidad con efectos ontológicos singulares en la constitución de mundos y modos que hablan de creaciones, efectuaciones y experimentaciones diversas. De esta manera, se reivindican movimientos y organizaciones sociales como comunidades de pensamiento, en cuyas agendas/agencias, de una parte, se ponen en tensión ciertos principios, asunciones, prácticas y valores modernos/imperiales, y de otro lado, se apuesta estratégicamente a una suerte de interfecundidad en la que, también la apelación a lo ´propio´ se asume y practica como forma de instrumentalización política de la singularidad socio/económica y cultural. Las prácticas de resistencia en el Cauca indígena, también se evidencian específicamente en los ´mandatos económico/ambientales´, los ´tejidos de economía y medio ambiente´, los ´Planes de Vida y la economía propia´, ´la economía, la pervivencia, el territorio y la vida´, el lugar y el territorio como superficies y móviles de la diferencia económico/cultural, las redes de reciprocidad y las formas singulares de redistribución, el imperativo de abstención de la acumulación, las expresiones particulares/diferenciales de producción y trabajo, el sistema de producción Nasa Tull/Ya Tull, los trueques o intercambios para la pervivencia de saberes, sabores y solidaridades, los mercados locales y la interculturización económica, la perspectiva económica plural, y entre otros, las relaciones entre economía y revitalización cultural como una misma cosa. En suma, el trabajo deja ver cómo en vez de esperar a que la revolución o el internacionalismo socialista, la globalización neo-liberal, las terceras vías, las fuerzas providenciales, los organismos multilaterales de crédito, las iglesias salvadoras y el capital filantrópico contemporáneo, instalaran e impulsaran las prácticas económico/culturales; los movimientos y comunidades indígenas del Departamento del Cauca Colombia en sus proyectos por ´recuperarlo todo´ y no obstante las condiciones socio/políticas y económicas adversas; continúan movilizando creativa y experimentalmente procesos, esfuerzos e iniciativas propios de ´discursos, visiones y prácticas de diferencia epistémica, política/ecológica, económico/cultural´, horizonte privilegiado para la recuperación de saberes, el fortalecimiento económico/cultural y los procesos autonómicos, siempre en favor de la Vida y en el marco de una suerte de ´minga de resistencia social y comunitaria´.


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Este estudio da cuenta que la politología boliviana es parte de aquella estructura epistémica en América Latina que hace de nodo en la reproducción del poder colonial condicionando el espacio de lo posible de la política en Bolivia por la vía de la subalternización de saberes y formas de organización política, sobre todo, en un país que se caracteriza por su complejidad social, cultural y política. En este sentido, en lo específico el estudio estribó a estudiar a la ciencia política boliviana como una estructura institucional, es decir, una red compuesta por instituciones intelectuales/académicas (Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales -ILDIS-Bolivia, Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios-CEBEM, Fundación boliviana para la capacitación democrática- FUNDEMOS, Fundación Milenio, el Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Económica y Social-CERES, el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo PNUD-Bolivia, la Fundación Boliviana para la Democracia Multipartidaria-FBDM y el Instituto Prisma) todas ellas de algún modo se adscriben a la perspectiva teórica de la corriente institucionalista o a la del Pensamiento ILDIS. La politología boliviana legitimó científicamente la reproducción de la colonialidad del poder y las formas de explotación/dominación emergentes del orden democrático (neo) liberal. A posteriori, con la impronta de los indígenas en el poder al despuntar del siglo XXI, reprodujo la colonialidad del saber en su rol inferiorizador de otras formas de hacer política independientemente del canon de la democracia de occidente.


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Indicators are commonly recommended as tools for assessing the attainment of development, and the current vogue is for aggregating a number of indicators together into a single index. It is claimed that such indices of development help facilitate maximum impact in policy terms by appealing to those who may not necessarily have technical expertise in data collection, analysis and interpretation. In order to help counter criticisms of over-simplification, those advocating such indices also suggest that the raw data be provided so as to allow disaggregation into component parts and hence facilitate a more subtle interpretation if a reader so desires. This paper examines the problems involved with interpreting indices of development by focusing on the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI) published each year in the Human Development Reports (HDRs). The HDI was intended to provide an alternative to the more economic based indices, such as GDP, commonly used within neo-liberal development agendas. The paper explores the use of the HDI as a gauge of human development by making comparisons between two major political and economic communities in Africa (ECOWAS and SADC). While the HDI did help highlight important changes in human development as expressed by the HDI over 10 years, it is concluded that the HDI and its components are difficult to interpret as methodologies have changed significantly and the 'averaging' nature of the HDI could hide information unless care is taken. The paper discusses the applicability of alternative models to the HDI such as the more neo-populist centred methods commonly advocated for indicators of sustainable development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For much of the 1990s and 2000s, the emphasis of urban policy in many global cities was on managing and mitigating the social and environmental effects of rapid economic growth. The credit crunch of 2008 and the subsequent recession have undermined some of the core assumptions on which such policies were based. It is in this context that the concept of resilience planning has taken on a new significance. Drawing on contemporary research in London and Hong Kong, the paper shows how resilience and recovery planning has become a key area of political debate. It examines what is meant by conservative and radical interpretations of resilience and how conservative views have come to dominate ‘recovery’ thinking, with élite groups unwilling to accept the limits to the neo-liberal orthodoxies that helped to precipitate the economic crisis. The paper explores the implications of such thinking for the politics of urban development.


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The play Epic Sea Battle at Night was originally staged in 1967, to commemorate two of China’s People’s Liberation Army’s military triumphs over the Taiwanese navy two years previously. Produced at the height of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the play is an example of the exploitation of the arts as an ideological instrument, celebrating military heroism and political conviction. Stills from the play were included in, China Pictorial 11, an English language propaganda pamphlet that was distributed to Western Imperialists in order to educate them in Maoist policy. Today, these images are clear representations of ideology. More than forty years after the Cultural Revolution, the ideology under which we live, neo-liberal late-capitalism, deliberately shirks from such blatant displays of propaganda. We have supposedly the freedom to believe whatever we like in a post-ideological age, and yet core beliefs about meritocracy, individualism and competitiveness frequently go unchallenged. By juxtaposing the visual language of ideology with the text of the capitalist manifesto, the re-enactment of a scene from Epic Sea Battle at Night harnesses the aesthetics of the past so as to allow us to reconsider the alleged neutrality of the present. The design of the stage, the positioning of the actors, costumes and props of the current production closely resembled those documented in China Pictorial 11, yet the actors’ monologues belong to a completely different context. No less heroic and utopian in tone than the speech given by the political instructor of gunboat 874 in the original play, the capitalist manifesto was an attempt to give a concrete language to the shapeless ideology of the present, and to force the invisible currents that govern life today, in China as in the West, to the surface. Neither a lecture on neo-liberal economics, nor a theatrical performance of a narrative, the piece appropriated the format of the propaganda play to re-evaluate the relationship between art and politics now.


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The reform of previously state-owned and operated industries in many Less Developed Countries (LDCs) provide contrary experiences to those in the developed world, which have generally had more equitable distributional impacts. The economic reform policies proposed by the so-called 'Washington Consensus' state that privatisation provides governments with opportunities to raise revenues through the sale of under-performing and indebted state industries, thereby reducing significant fiscal burdens, and, at the same time, facilitating influxes of foreign capital, skills and technology, with the aim of improving operations and a "trickle-down" of benefits. However, experiences in many LDCs over the last 15-20 years suggest that reform has not solved the problem of chronic public-sector debt, and that poverty and socio-economic inequalities have increased during this period of 'neo-liberal' economics. This paper does not seek to challenge the policies themselves, but rather argues that the context in which reform has often taken place is of fundamental significance. The industry-centric policy advice provided by the IFIs typically causes a 'lock-in' of inequitably distributed 'efficiency gains', providing minimal, if any, benefits to impoverished groups. These arguments are made using case study analysis from the electricity and mining sectors.


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This paper reviews the impact of the global financial crisis on financial system reform in China. Scholars and practitioners have critically questioned the efficiencies of the Anglo- American principal-agent model of corporate governance which promotes shareholder-value maximisation. Should China continue to follow the U.K.-U.S. path in relation to financial reform? This conceptual paper provides an insightful review of the corporate governance literature, regulatory reports and news articles from the financial press. After examining the fundamental limitations of the laissez-faire philosophy that underpins the neo-liberal model of capitalism, the paper considers the risks in opening up China’s financial markets and relaxing monetary and fiscal policies. The paper outlines a critique of shareholder-capitalism in relation to the German team-production model of corporate governance, promoting a “social market economy” styled capitalism. Through such analysis, the paper explores numerous implications for China to consider in terms of developing a new and sustainable corporate governance model. China needs to follow its own financial reform through understanding its particular economy. The global financial crisis might help China rethink the nature of corporate governance, identify its weakness and assess the current reform agenda.


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Varying concepts of citizenship, implicit within policy providing countryside access opportunities in England and the sometimes contrasting political rhetoric concerning citizenship, are evaluated here. The focus for this paper surrounds the Countryside Stewardship Scheme and, generically, the access elements of Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs) and the implications of the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in this context. Policy formulation in respect of countryside access may not be prepared considering the philosophical implications for citizens rights or property rights constructions. However, it is hypothesized that particular modes of regulation and commodification (of certain countryside goods) are imbued with certain values which reflect a neo-Liberal political philosophy. This view is contextualized within present theoretical debates concerning rural society.


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The effects and influence of the Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Methods (BREEAM) on construction professionals are examined. Most discussions of building assessment methods focus on either the formal tool or the finished product. In contrast, BREEAM is analysed here as a social technology using Michel Foucault’s theory of governmentality. Interview data are used to explore the effect of BREEAM on visibilities, knowledge, techniques and professional identities. The analysis highlights a number of features of the BREEAM assessment process which generally go unremarked: professional and public understandings of the method, the deployment of different types of knowledge and their implication for the authority and legitimacy of the tool, and the effect of BREEAM on standard practice. The analysis finds that BREEAM’s primary effect is through its impact on standard practices. Other effects include the use of assessment methods to defend design decisions, its role in both operationalizing and obscuring the concept of green buildings, and the effect of tensions between project and method requirements for the authority of the tool. A reflection on assessment methods as neo-liberal tools and their adequacy for the promotion of sustainable construction suggests several limitations of lock-in that hinder variation and wider systemic change.


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Analyses of neo-liberal change in African mining tend to frame discussion through the lens of an overarching structural perspective. Far less attention has been paid to the way change is enacted within social relations in mining communities. To this end, our chapter considers how development in the Tanzanian mineral sector transforms people’s relationships and stimulates new iterations of power and agency within local trajectories of development, focusing on the case of artisanal gold mining in Mgusu village in Geita region, Tanzania. The aim is to trace how neo-liberal change configures market rationality and property relations in ways that can fundamentally alter social relationships within the local community, occupational groups and families, raising both opportunities for wealth accumulation and the potential to entrench poverty. The creative action involved in these processes generates new associational ties and repertoires of practice, as miners’ respond to change and the need to protect their livelihoods.


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Much has been written about Wall Street and the global financial crisis (GFC). From a fraudulent derivatives market to a contestable culture of banking bonuses, culpability has been examined within the frames of American praxis, namely that of American exceptionalism. This study begins with an exploratory analysis of non-US voices concerning the nature of the causes of the GFC. The analysis provides glimpses of the globalized extent of assumptions shared, but not debated within the globalization convergence of financial markets as the neo-liberal project. Practical and paradigmatic tensions are revealed in the capture of a London-based set of views articulated by senior financial executives of financial service organizations, the outcomes of which are not overly optimistic for any significant change in praxis within the immediate future.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the critical assumptions lying behind the Anglo American model of corporate governance. Design/methodology/approach – Literature review examining the concept of a nexus of contracts underpinning agency theory which, it is argued, act as the platform for neo-liberal corporate governance focusing on shareholder wealth creation. Findings – The paper highlights the unaddressed critical challenge of why eighteenth century ownership structures are readily adopted in the twenty-first century. Social implications – A re-examination of wealth creation and wealth redistribution. Originality/value – The paper is highly original due to the fact that few contributions have been made in the area of rethinking shareholder value.


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The purpose of this paper is to review the impact of the global financial crisis on banking reform in China. The significant doubt concerning the efficiencies of Anglo-American model of corporate governance has raised a critical political question amongst scholars and practitioners as to whether China should continue to follow the U.K.-U.S. path in relation to financial reform. This conceptual paper provides an insightful review of the corporate governance literature and regulatory reports. After examining the fundamental limitations of the laissez-faire philosophy that underpins the neo-liberal model of capitalism, which promotes greater liberalization and less control, the paper considers the risks in opening China’s financial markets and relaxing monetary and fiscal policies. A critique of shareholder-capitalism is outlined in relation to the German’s “social market economy” styled capitalism. Through such analysis the paper explores a number of implications for China to consider in terms of developing a new and sustainable corporate governance model applicable to the Chinese context.


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Efforts to engage with communities in spatial planning have been criticised as being tokenistic, vehicles for co-option or designed to promote neo-liberal agendas. The introduction of neighbourhood planning (NP) in England under the Localism Act (2011) is claimed by proponents to be a step change in the way that local communities are involved in planning their own areas. However, little empirical evidence has yet emerged to substantiate such claims, or provide details about the practices and experiences of NP. The paper highlights that there are numerous parties involved in the co-production of Neighbourhood Development Plans and there are numerous instances where ideas, policies and priorities that emerge from within neighbourhoods are being ‘rescripted’ to ensure conformity to a bounded form of collaboration.


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This paper draws upon critical discourse analysis, cultural studies and communication theory, studies on media and educational reform, and the work of Bernstein, Bourdieu and Luhmann in particular, to explore how the print and media 'mediated' a period of educational change marked by moves to self-management in schools in Victoria, Australia. It considers how the media was mobilized by various education stakeholders, and in turn informed relations between schools and government, through policy discourses and texts. It considers why and how particular themes became media 'issues', how schools and teachers responded to these issues, and how the media was used by various stakeholders in education to shape policy debates. It is based on a year-long qualitative study that explored critical incidents and representations about education in the print media over a year in the daily press. It illustrates the ways in which a neo-liberal Victorian government mobilized the media to gain strategic advantage to promote radical education reform policies, considers the media effects of this media/tion process on schools and teachers, and conceptualizes how school and system performance is fed from and into media representations, public perceptions and community understandings of schools and teachers' work.