971 resultados para nematode-trapping fungus


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Selenocysteine (Sec) is co-translationally inserted into selenoproteins in response to codon UGA with the help of the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element. The number of selenoproteins in animals varies, with humans having 25 and mice having 24 selenoproteins. To date, however, only one selenoprotein, thioredoxin reductase, has been detected in Caenorhabditis elegans, and this enzyme contains only one Sec. Here, we characterize the selenoproteomes of C.elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae with three independent algorithms, one searching for pairs of homologous nematode SECIS elements, another searching for Cys- or Sec-containing homologs of potential nematode selenoprotein genes and the third identifying Sec-containing homologs of annotated nematode proteins. These methods suggest that thioredoxin reductase is the only Sec-containing protein in the C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In contrast, we identified additional selenoproteins in other nematodes. Assuming that Sec insertion mechanisms are conserved between nematodes and other eukaryotes, the data suggest that nematode selenoproteomes were reduced during evolution, and that in an extreme reduction case Sec insertion systems probably decode only a single UGA codon in C.elegans and C.briggsae genomes. In addition, all detected genes had a rare form of SECIS element containing a guanosine in place of a conserved adenosine present in most other SECIS structures, suggesting that in organisms with small selenoproteomes SECIS elements may change rapidly.


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This booklet is not a complete set of hunting laws. It contains basic information needed during the hunting and trapping seasons.


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Regulations for upland hunting in Iowa.


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This booklet is not a complete set of hunting laws. It contains basic information needed during the hunting and trapping seasons.


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The arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis is formed between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant roots. The fungi provide the plant with inorganic phosphate (P). The symbiosis can result in increased plant growth. Although most global food crops naturally form this symbiosis, very few studies have shown that their practical application can lead to large-scale increases in food production. Application of AMF to crops in the tropics is potentially effective for improving yields. However, a main problem of using AMF on a large-scale is producing cheap inoculum in a clean sterile carrier and sufficiently concentrated to cheaply transport. Recently, mass-produced in vitro inoculum of the model mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis became available, potentially making its use viable in tropical agriculture. One of the most globally important food plants in the tropics is cassava. We evaluated the effect of in vitro mass-produced R. irregularis inoculum on the yield of cassava crops at two locations in Colombia. A significant effect of R. irregularis inoculation on yield occurred at both sites. At one site, yield increases were observed irrespective of P fertilization. At the other site, inoculation with AMF and 50% of the normally applied P gave the highest yield. Despite that AMF inoculation resulted in greater food production, economic analyses revealed that AMF inoculation did not give greater return on investment than with conventional cultivation. However, the amount of AMF inoculum used was double the recommended dose and was calculated with European, not Colombian, inoculum prices. R. irregularis can also be manipulated genetically in vitro, leading to improved plant growth. We conclude that application of in vitro R. irregularis is currently a way of increasing cassava yields, that there is a strong potential for it to be economically profitable and that there is enormous potential to improve this efficiency further in the future.


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Mycetarotes is a small genus of the exclusively Neotropical fungus-growing ants, that includes M. parallelus (Emery), M. senticosus Kempf, M. acutus Mayhé-Nunes and M. carinatus Mayhé-Nunes. We hereby revise historical and recent information regarding Mycetarotes species for the first time, providing an identification key to workers, diagnoses, synoptic illustrated redescriptions of the species, including those of sexuals when known, updates of distributional records, and nest pictures of M. carinatus and M. parallelus. We comment the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships among Mycetarotes and related genera, and on their geographical distribution. The available biological information on the genus is summarized.


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Plants continually encounter many microorganisms. Some are good, but many are bad. Two studies show how beneficial fungi tell the plant to let them in and how the fungus avoids setting off the plant's defense reaction.


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The fungus-farming ant genus Mycetagroicus Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes was proposed based on three species from the Brazilian "Cerrado": M. cerradensis, M. triangularis and M. urbanus. Here we describe a new species of Attini ant of the genus Mycetagroicus, M. inflatus n. sp., based on two workers collected in eastern Pará State, Brazil. A new key for species identification, comments on differences among species and new geographical distribution data are furnished.


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We present a high-quality (>100× depth) Illumina genome sequence of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, a model species for symbiosis and reproductive conflict studies. We compare this genome with three previously sequenced genomes of ants from different subfamilies and focus our analyses on aspects of the genome likely to be associated with known evolutionary changes. The first is the specialized fungal diet of A. echinatior, where we find gene loss in the ant's arginine synthesis pathway, loss of detoxification genes, and expansion of a group of peptidase proteins. One of these is a unique ant-derived contribution to the fecal fluid, which otherwise consists of "garden manuring" fungal enzymes that are unaffected by ant digestion. The second is multiple mating of queens and ejaculate competition, which may be associated with a greatly expanded nardilysin-like peptidase gene family. The third is sex determination, where we could identify only a single homolog of the feminizer gene. As other ants and the honeybee have duplications of this gene, we hypothesize that this may partly explain the frequent production of diploid male larvae in A. echinatior. The fourth is the evolution of eusociality, where we find a highly conserved ant-specific profile of neuropeptide genes that may be related to caste determination. These first analyses of the A. echinatior genome indicate that considerable genetic changes are likely to have accompanied the transition from hunter-gathering to agricultural food production 50 million years ago, and the transition from single to multiple queen mating 10 million years ago.


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Use of resistant soybean varieties is a very effective strategy for managing soybean cyst nematode (SCN), and numerous SCN-resistant soybean varieties are available for Iowa soybean growers. Each year, public and private SCN-resistant soybean varieties are evaluated in SCN-infested fields throughout Iowa by Iowa State University personnel. The research described in this report was performed to assess the agronomic performance of maturity group (MG) I, II, and III SCN-resistant soybean varieties and to determine the effects of the varieties on SCN numbers or population densities.


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Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) causes the greatest yield loss of any single pathogen of soybean in Iowa. An estimated 50 million bushels were lost in Iowa to SCN in 2004. Damage from SCN is not limited to yield loss from root feeding; SCN also makes other diseases like sudden death syndrome, iron deficiency chlorosis, Pythium, Phytophthora root and stem rot and brown stem rot worse. Once established in a field, SCN cannot be eradicated. However, the use of multiple management tactics can help minimize yield loss.


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The presence of the Etruscan shrew Suncus etruscus is hard to prove where its predator, the barn owl Tyto alba, is absent, because most live traps are not triggered by it. I therefore developed a new trapping method involving a feeding period of 1 week followed by one night of trapping using modified Trip Trap traps. I show here in detail how I caught four Etruscan shrews in 2010 with 24 traps in the Valley of Dora Baltea (Piemonte, Italy). In 2011, another 11 Etruscan shrews were caught in Piemonte and Lombardia, Italy, and Ticino, Switzerland. The proposed new method is useful for establishing the presence of the species.


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Infections with intestinal helminths severely impact on human and veterinary health, particularly through the damage that these large parasites inflict when migrating through host tissues. Host immunity often targets the motility of tissue-migrating helminth larvae, which ideally should be mimicked by anti-helminth vaccines. However, the mechanisms of larval trapping are still poorly defined. We have recently reported an important role for Abs in the rapid trapping of tissue-migrating larvae of the murine parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri. Trapping was mediated by macrophages (MΦ) and involved complement, activating FcRs, and Arginase-1 (Arg1) activity. However, the receptors and Ab isotypes responsible for MΦ adherence and Arg1 induction remained unclear. Using an in vitro coculture assay of H. polygyrus bakeri larvae and bone marrow-derived MΦ, we now identify CD11b as the major complement receptor mediating MΦ adherence to the larval surface. However, larval immobilization was largely independent of CD11b and instead required the activating IgG receptor FcγRI (CD64) both in vitro and during challenge H. polygyrus bakeri infection in vivo. FcγRI signaling also contributed to the upregulation of MΦ Arg1 expression in vitro and in vivo. Finally, IgG2a/c was the major IgG subtype from early immune serum bound by FcγRI on the MΦ surface, and purified IgG2c could trigger larval immobilization and Arg1 expression in MΦ in vitro. Our findings reveal a novel role for IgG2a/c-FcγRI-driven MΦ activation in the efficient trapping of tissue-migrating helminth larvae and thus provide important mechanistic insights vital for anti-helminth vaccine development.


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ABSTRACT Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most prevalent airbone fungal pathogen and can cause severe fatal invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients. Several antifungal agents are available to treat these infections but with limited success. These agents include polyenes (amphotericin B), echinocandins (caspofungin) and azoles, which constitute the most important class with itraconazole (ITC) and voriconazole as major active compounds. Azole-derived antifungal agents target the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway via the inhibition of the lanosterol 14α-demethylase (cyp51/ERG1 1), a cytochrome P450 responsible for the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol, which is the main component of cell membrane in fungi. A. fumigatus is also found in the environment as a contaminant of rotting plant or present in composting of organic waste. Among antifungal agents used in the environment for crop protection, the class of azoles is also widely used with propiconazole or prochloraz as examples. However, other agents such as dicarboximide (iprodione), phenylamide (benalaxyl) or strobilurin (azoxystrobin) are also used. Emergence of clinical azole-resistant isolates has been described in several European countries. However the incidence of antifungal resistance has not been yet reported in details in Switzerland. In this study, the status of antifungal resistance was investigated on A. fumigatus isolates collected from Swiss hospitals and from different environmental sites and. tested for their susceptibility to several currently used antifungal agents. The data showed a low incidence of resistance for all tested agents among clinical and environmental isolates. Only two azole-resistant environmental isolates were detected and none among the clinical tested isolates. In general, A. fumigatus was susceptible to all antifungals tested in our study, except to azoxystrobin which was the less active agent against all isolates. Since mechanisms of antifungal resistance have been poorly investigated until now in A. fumigatus, this work was aimed 1) to identify A. fumigatus genes involved in antifungal resistance and 2) to test their involvement in the development of resistance in sampled isolates. Therefore, this work proposed to isolate A. fumigatus genes conferring resistance to a drug-hypersusceptible Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain due to a lack of multidrug transporter genes. Several genes were recovered including three distinct efflux transporters (atrF, atrH and mdrA) and a bZip transcription factor, yapA. The inactivation of each transporter in A. fumigatus indicated that the transporters were involved in the basal level of azole susceptibility. The inactivation of YapA led to a hypersusceptibility to H2O2, thus confirming the involvement of this gene in the oxidative stress response of A. fumigatus. The involvement of the abovementioned transporters genes and of other transporters genes identified by genome analysis in azole resistance was tested by probing their expression in some ITC-resistant isolates. Even if upregulation of some transporters genes was observed in some investigated isolates, the correlation between azole resistance and expression levels of all these transporters genes could not be clearly established for all tested isolates. Given these results, the present work addressed 1) alteration in the expression of cyp51A encoding for the azole target enzyme, and 2) mutation(s) in the cyp51A sequence as potential mechanisms of azote resistance in A. . However, overexpression of cyp51A in the investigated isolates was not linked with azote resistance. Since it was reported that mutation(s) in cyp51A were participating in azote resistance in A. fumigatus, a functional complementation of cyp51A cDNAs from ITC-resistant A. fumigatus strains in S. cerevisiae ergl 1 Δ mutant strain was attempted. Expression in S. cerevisiae allowed the testing of these cDNAs with regards to their functionality and involvement in resistance to specific azote compounds. We could demonstrate that Cyp51A protein with a G54E or M220K mutations conferred resistance to specific azoles in S. cerevisiae, therefore suggesting that these mutations were important for the development of azote resistance in A. fumigatus. In conclusion, this work showed a correlation between ITC resistance and mechanisms involving overexpression of transporters and cyp51A mutations in A. fumigatus isolates. However, azole resistance of some isolates has not been solved and thus it will be necessary to approach the study of resistance mechanisms in this fungal species using alternative methodologies. RESUME Aspergillus fumigatus est un champignon opportuniste répandu et est la cause d'aspergilloses invasives le plus souvent fatales chez des patients immunodéprimés. Plusieurs antifongiques sont disponibles afin de traiter ces infections, cependant avec un succès limité. Ces agents incluent les polyènes (amphotericin B), les échinocandines (caspofungin) et les azoles, qui représentent la plus importante classe d'antifongiques avec l'itraconazole (ITC) et le voriconazole comme principaux agents actifs. Les dérivés azolés ciblent la voie de biosynthèse de l'ergostérol via l'inhibition de la lanostérol 14α-demethylase (cyp51/ERG11), un cytochrome P450 impliqué dans la conversion du lanostérol en ergostérol, qui est un composant important de la membrane chez les champignons. A. fumigatus est également répandu dans l'environnement. Parmi les antifongiques employés en agriculture afin de protéger les cultures, les azoles sont aussi largement utilisés. Cependant, d'autres agents tels que les dicarboximides (iprodione), les phenylamides (benalaxyl) et les strobilurines (azoxystrobin) peuvent être également utilisés. L'émergence de souches cliniques résistantes aux azoles a été décrite dans différents pays européens. Cependant, l'incidence d'une telle résistance aux azoles n'a pas encore été reportée en détails en Suisse. Dans ce travail, l'émergence de la résistance aux antifongiques a été étudiée par analyse de souches d'A. fumigatus provenant de milieux hospitaliers en Suisse et de différents sites et leur susceptibilité testée envers plusieurs antifongiques couramment utilisés. Les données obtenues ont montré une faible incidence de la résistance parmi les souches cliniques et environnementales pour les agents testés. Seulement deux souches environnementales résistantes aux azoles ont été détectées et aucune parmi les souches cliniques. Les mécanismes de résistance aux antifongiques ayant été très peu étudiés jusqu'à présent chez A. fumigatus , ce travail a eu aussi pour but 1) d'identifier les gènes d' A. fumigatus impliqués dans la résistance aux antifongiques et 2) de tester leur implication dans la résistance de certaines souches. Ainsi, il a été proposé d'isoler les gènes d' A. fumigatus pouvant conférer une résistance aux antifongiques à une souche de Saccharomyces cerevisiae hypersensible aux antifongiques. Trois transporteurs à efflux (atrF, atrH et mdrA) et un facteur de transcription appartenant à la famille des bZip (YapA) ont ainsi été isolés. L'inactivation, dans une souche d'A. fumigatus, de chacun des ces transporteurs a permis de mettre en évidence leur implication dans la susceptibilité d'A. fumigatus aux antifongiques. L'inactivation de YapA a engendré une hypersusceptibilité à l' H2O2, confirmant ainsi le rôle de ce gène dans la réponse au stress oxydatif chez A . fumigatus. La participation dans la résistance aux antifongiques des gènes codant pour des transporteurs ainsi que d'autres gènes identifiés par analyse du génome a été déterminée en testant leur niveau d'expression dans des souches résistantes à l'ITC. Bien qu'une surexpression de transporteurs ait été observée dans certaines souches, une corrélation entre la résistance à l'ITC et les niveaux d'expression de ces transporteurs n'a pu être clairement établie. Ce présent travail s'est donc porté sur l'étude de 2 autres mécanismes potentiellement impliqués dans la résistance aux azoles : 1) la surexpression de cyp51A codant pour l'enzyme cible et 2) des mutations dans cyp51A. Cependant, la surexpression de cyp51A dans les souches étudiées n'a pas été constatée. L'effet des mutations de cyp51A dans la résistance aux azoles a été testée par complémentation fonctionnelle d'une souche S. cerevisiae déletée dans son gène ERG11. L'expression de ces gènes chez S. cerevisiae a permis de démontrer que les protéines Cyp51Ap contenant une mutation G54E ou M220K pouvaient conférer une résistance spécifique à certains azoles, ainsi suggérant que ces mutations pourraient être importantes dans le développement d'une résistance aux azoles chez A. fumigatus. En conclusion, ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence, dans des souches d'A. fumigatus , une corrélation entre leur résistance à l' ITC et les mécanismes impliquant une surexpression de transporteurs et des mutations dans cyp51A. Cependant, ces mécanismes n'ont pu expliquer la résistance aux azoles de certaines souches et c'est pourquoi de nouvelles approches doivent être envisagées afin d'étudier ces mécanismes.