144 resultados para needleless electrospinning


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Engineered muscle constructs provide a promising perspective on the regeneration or substitution of irreversibly damaged skeletal muscle. However, the highly ordered structure of native muscle tissue necessitates special consideration during scaffold development. Multiple approaches to the design of anisotropically structured substrates with grooved micropatterns or parallel-aligned fibres have previously been undertaken. In this study we report the guidance effect of a scaffold that combines both approaches, oriented fibres and a grooved topography. By electrospinning onto a topographically structured collector, matrices of parallel-oriented poly(ε-caprolactone) fibres with an imprinted wavy topography of 90 µm periodicity were produced. Matrices of randomly oriented fibres or parallel-oriented fibres without micropatterns served as controls. As previously shown, un-patterned, parallel-oriented substrates induced myotube orientation that is parallel to fibre direction. Interestingly, pattern addition induced an orientation of myotubes at an angle of 24° (statistical median) relative to fibre orientation. Myotube length was significantly increased on aligned micropatterned substrates in comparison to that on aligned substrates without pattern (436 ± 245 µm versus 365 ± 212 µm; p < 0.05). We report an innovative, yet simple, design to produce micropatterned electrospun scaffolds that induce an unexpected myotube orientation and an increase in myotube length.


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Electrospinning uses electrostatic forces to create nanofibers that are far smaller than conventional fiber spinning process. Nanofibers made with chitosan were created and techniques to control fibers diameter and were well developed. However, the adsorption of porcine parvovirus (PPV) was low. PPV is a small, nonenveloped virus that is difficult to remove due to its size, 18-26 nm in diameter, and its chemical stability. To improve virus adsorption, we functionalized the nanofibers with a quaternized amine, forming N-[(2-hydroxy-3-trimethylammonium) propyl] chitosan chloride (HTCC). This was blended with additives to increase the ability to form HTCC nanofibers. The additives changed the viscosity and conductivity of the electrospinning solution. We have successfully synthesized and functionalized HTCC nanofibers that absorb PPV. HTCC blend with graphene have the ability to remove a minimum of 99% of PPV present in solution.


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Membrane filtration has become an accepted technology for the removal of pathogens from drinking water. Viruses, known to contaminate water supplies, are too small to be removed by a size-exclusion mechanism without a large energy penalty. Thus, functionalized electrospun membranes that can adsorb viruses have drawn our interest. We chose a quaternized chitosan derivative (HTCC) which carries a positively-charged quaternary amine, known to bind negatively-charged virus particles, as a functionalized membrane material. The technique of electrospinning was utilized to produce nanofiber mats with large pore diameters to increase water flux and decrease membrane fouling. In this study, stable, functionalized, electrospun HTCC-PVA nanofibers that can remove 3.6 logs (99.97%) of a model virus, porcine parvovirus (PPV), from water by adsorption and filtration have been successfully produced. This technology has the potential to purify drinking water in undeveloped countries and reduce the number of deaths due to lack of sanitation.


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Recent findings in the field of biomaterials and tissue engineering provide evidence that surface immobilised growth factors display enhanced stability and induce prolonged function. Cell response can be regulated by material properties and at the site of interest. To this end, we developed scaffolds with covalently bound vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and evaluated their mitogenic effect on endothelial cells in vitro. Nano- (254±133 nm) or micro-fibrous (4.0±0.4 μm) poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) non-wovens were produced by electrospinning and coated in a radio frequency (RF) plasma process to induce an oxygen functional hydrocarbon layer. Implemented carboxylic acid groups were converted into amine-reactive esters and covalently coupled to VEGF by forming stable amide bonds (standard EDC/NHS chemistry). Substrates were analysed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), enzyme-linked immuno-assays (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry (anti-VEGF antibody and VEGF-R2 binding). Depending on the reaction conditions, immobilised VEGF was present at 127±47 ng to 941±199 ng per substrate (6mm diameter; concentrations of 4.5 ng mm(-2) or 33.3 ng mm(-2), respectively). Immunohistochemistry provided evidence for biological integrity of immobilised VEGF. Endothelial cell number of primary endothelial cells or immortalised endothelial cells were significantly enhanced on VEGF-functionalised scaffolds compared to native PCL scaffolds. This indicates a sustained activity of immobilised VEGF over a culture period of nine days. We present a versatile method for the fabrication of growth factor-loaded scaffolds at specific concentrations.


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Currently, cell culture systems that include nanoscale topography are widely used in order to provide cells additional cues closer to the in vivo environment, seeking to mimic the natural extracellular matrix. Electrospinning is one of the most common techniques to produce nano fiber mats. However, since many sensitive parameters play an important role in the process, a lack of reproducibility is a major drawback. Here we present a simple and robust methodology to prepare reproducible electrospun-like samples. It consists of a polydimethylsiloxane mold reproducing the fiber pattern to solvent-cast a polymer solution and obtain the final sample. To validate this methodology, poly(L-lactic) acid (PLLA) samples were obtained and, after characterisation, bioactivity and ability to direct cell response were assessed. C2C12 myoblasts developed focal adhesions on the electrospun-like fibers and, when cultured under myogenic differentiation conditions, similar differentiation levels to electrospun PLLA fibers were obtained.


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L’électrofilage est une technique de mise en œuvre efficace et versatile qui permet la production de fibres continues d’un diamètre typique de quelques centaines de nanomètres à partir de l’application d’un haut voltage sur une solution concentrée de polymères enchevêtrés. L’évaporation extrêmement rapide du solvant et les forces d’élongation impliquées dans la formation de ces fibres leur confèrent des propriétés hors du commun et très intéressantes pour plusieurs types d’applications, mais dont on commence seulement à effleurer la surface. À cause de leur petite taille, ces matériaux ont longtemps été étudiés uniquement sous forme d’amas de milliers de fibres avec les techniques conventionnelles telles que la spectroscopie infrarouge ou la diffraction des rayons X. Nos connaissances de leur comportement proviennent donc toujours de la convolution des propriétés de l’amas de fibres et des caractéristiques spécifiques de chacune des fibres qui le compose. Les études récentes à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle ont mis en lumière des comportements inhabituels, particulièrement l’augmentation exponentielle du module avec la réduction du diamètre. L’orientation et, de manière plus générale, la structure moléculaire des fibres sont susceptibles d’être à l'origine de ces propriétés, mais d’une manière encore incomprise. L’établissement de relations structure/propriétés claires et l’identification des paramètres qui les influencent représentent des défis d’importance capitale en vue de tirer profit des caractéristiques très particulières des fibres électrofilées. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes plus accessibles et permettant des analyses structurales rapides et approfondies sur une grande quantité de fibres individuelles présentant une large gamme de diamètre. Dans cette thèse, la spectroscopie Raman confocale est utilisée pour l’étude des caractéristiques structurales, telles que l’orientation moléculaire, la cristallinité et le désenchevêtrement, de fibres électrofilées individuelles. En premier lieu, une nouvelle méthodologie de quantification de l’orientation moléculaire par spectroscopie Raman est développée théoriquement dans le but de réduire la complexité expérimentale de la mesure, d’étendre la gamme de matériaux pour lesquels ces analyses sont possibles et d’éliminer les risques d’erreurs par rapport à la méthode conventionnelle. La validité et la portée de cette nouvelle méthode, appelée MPD, est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement. Par la suite, une méthodologie efficace permettant l’étude de caractéristiques structurales à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle par spectroscopie Raman est présentée en utilisant le poly(éthylène téréphtalate) comme système modèle. Les limites de la technique sont exposées et des stratégies expérimentales pour les contourner sont mises de l’avant. Les résultats révèlent une grande variabilité de l'orientation et de la conformation d'une fibre à l'autre, alors que le taux de cristallinité demeure systématiquement faible, démontrant l'importance et la pertinence des études statistiques de fibres individuelles. La présence de chaînes montrant un degré d’enchevêtrement plus faible dans les fibres électrofilées que dans la masse est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement pour la première fois par spectroscopie infrarouge sur des amas de fibres de polystyrène. Les conditions d'électrofilage favorisant ce phénomène structural, qui est soupçonné d’influencer grandement les propriétés des fibres, sont identifiées. Finalement, l’ensemble des méthodologies développées sont appliquées sur des fibres individuelles de polystyrène pour l’étude approfondie de l’orientation et du désenchevêtrement sur une large gamme de diamètres et pour une grande quantité de fibres. Cette dernière étude permet l’établissement de la première relation structure/propriétés de ces matériaux, à l’échelle individuelle, en montrant clairement le lien entre l’orientation moléculaire, le désenchevêtrement et le module d'élasticité des fibres.


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L’électrofilage est une technique de mise en œuvre efficace et versatile qui permet la production de fibres continues d’un diamètre typique de quelques centaines de nanomètres à partir de l’application d’un haut voltage sur une solution concentrée de polymères enchevêtrés. L’évaporation extrêmement rapide du solvant et les forces d’élongation impliquées dans la formation de ces fibres leur confèrent des propriétés hors du commun et très intéressantes pour plusieurs types d’applications, mais dont on commence seulement à effleurer la surface. À cause de leur petite taille, ces matériaux ont longtemps été étudiés uniquement sous forme d’amas de milliers de fibres avec les techniques conventionnelles telles que la spectroscopie infrarouge ou la diffraction des rayons X. Nos connaissances de leur comportement proviennent donc toujours de la convolution des propriétés de l’amas de fibres et des caractéristiques spécifiques de chacune des fibres qui le compose. Les études récentes à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle ont mis en lumière des comportements inhabituels, particulièrement l’augmentation exponentielle du module avec la réduction du diamètre. L’orientation et, de manière plus générale, la structure moléculaire des fibres sont susceptibles d’être à l'origine de ces propriétés, mais d’une manière encore incomprise. L’établissement de relations structure/propriétés claires et l’identification des paramètres qui les influencent représentent des défis d’importance capitale en vue de tirer profit des caractéristiques très particulières des fibres électrofilées. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes plus accessibles et permettant des analyses structurales rapides et approfondies sur une grande quantité de fibres individuelles présentant une large gamme de diamètre. Dans cette thèse, la spectroscopie Raman confocale est utilisée pour l’étude des caractéristiques structurales, telles que l’orientation moléculaire, la cristallinité et le désenchevêtrement, de fibres électrofilées individuelles. En premier lieu, une nouvelle méthodologie de quantification de l’orientation moléculaire par spectroscopie Raman est développée théoriquement dans le but de réduire la complexité expérimentale de la mesure, d’étendre la gamme de matériaux pour lesquels ces analyses sont possibles et d’éliminer les risques d’erreurs par rapport à la méthode conventionnelle. La validité et la portée de cette nouvelle méthode, appelée MPD, est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement. Par la suite, une méthodologie efficace permettant l’étude de caractéristiques structurales à l’échelle de la fibre individuelle par spectroscopie Raman est présentée en utilisant le poly(éthylène téréphtalate) comme système modèle. Les limites de la technique sont exposées et des stratégies expérimentales pour les contourner sont mises de l’avant. Les résultats révèlent une grande variabilité de l'orientation et de la conformation d'une fibre à l'autre, alors que le taux de cristallinité demeure systématiquement faible, démontrant l'importance et la pertinence des études statistiques de fibres individuelles. La présence de chaînes montrant un degré d’enchevêtrement plus faible dans les fibres électrofilées que dans la masse est ensuite démontrée expérimentalement pour la première fois par spectroscopie infrarouge sur des amas de fibres de polystyrène. Les conditions d'électrofilage favorisant ce phénomène structural, qui est soupçonné d’influencer grandement les propriétés des fibres, sont identifiées. Finalement, l’ensemble des méthodologies développées sont appliquées sur des fibres individuelles de polystyrène pour l’étude approfondie de l’orientation et du désenchevêtrement sur une large gamme de diamètres et pour une grande quantité de fibres. Cette dernière étude permet l’établissement de la première relation structure/propriétés de ces matériaux, à l’échelle individuelle, en montrant clairement le lien entre l’orientation moléculaire, le désenchevêtrement et le module d'élasticité des fibres.


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Sustained delivery of heparin to the localized adventitial surface of grafted blood vessels has been shown to prevent the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation that can lead to graft occlusion and failure. In this study heparin was incorporated into electrospun poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) fiber mats for assessment as a controlled delivery device. Fibers with smooth surfaces and no bead defects could be spun from polymer solutions with 8% w/v PCL in 7:3 dichloromethane: methanol. A significant decrease in fiber diameter was observed with increasing heparin concentration. Assessment of drug loading, and imaging of fluorescently labeled heparin showed homogenous distribution of heparin throughout the fiber mats. A total of approximately half of the encapsulated heparin was released by diffusional control from the heparin/PCL fibers after 14 days. The fibers did not induce an inflammatory response in macrophage cells in vitro and the released heparin was effective in preventing the proliferation of VSMCs in culture. These results suggest that electrospun PCL fibers are a promising candidate for delivery of heparin to the site of vascular injury. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The potential for microbial contamination associated with a recently developed needleless closed luer access device (CLAD) (Q-Syte™ Becton Dickinson, Sandy, UT, USA) was evaluated in vitro. Compression seals of 50 multiply activated Q-Syte devices were inoculated with Staphylococcus epidermidis NCTC 9865 in 25% (v/v) human blood and then disinfected with 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol followed by flushing with 0.9% (w/v) sterile saline. Forty-eight of 50 (96%) saline flushes passed through devices that had been activated up to a maximum of 70 times remained sterile. A further 25 Q-Syte CLADs that had undergone multiple activations were challenged with prefilled 0.9% (w/v) sterile saline syringes, the external luer tips of which had been inoculated with S. epidermidis NCTC 9865 prior to accessing the devices. None of the devices that had been accessed up to 70 times allowed passage of micro-organisms, despite challenge micro-organisms being detected on both the syringe tip after activation and the compression seals before decontamination. These findings suggest that the Q-Syte CLAD may be activated up to 70 times with no increased risk of microbial contamination within the fluid pathway. The device may also offer protection from the external surface of syringe tips contaminated with micro-organisms. © 2005 Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Central venous catheters have become an integral part of patient management however they are associated with many complications including infection. Despite efforts being made to reduce the incidence of such infect ions the problem continues to increase and has resource implications for the Health Service. Studies relating to the source of microorganisms causing CVC-associated infection, the cost of such infections and the efficacy of an antimicrobial catheter have been undertaken. Thirty patients who required a CVC as part of their medical management and underwent cardiac surgery had the distal tips of their catheters sampled whilst in situ. Sampling took place within 1 h of catheter placement. Bacteria were isolated from 16% of the catheter distal tips sampled in situ. The guidewires used to insert the devices were also contaminated (50%). When CVC were inserted via a protective sheath, avoiding contact with the skin. the incidence of microbial contamination was reduced. These findings suggest that despite rigorous skin disinfection and strict aseptic technique, viable microorganisms are impacted onto the distal tip of CVC during the insertion procedure. Needleless intravascular access devices have been introduced in order to reduce the incidence of need1estick injury. However, it was unclear whether such connectors would act as a portal of entry for microorganisms to CVC. The efficacy of these devices was investigated. Within the controlled laboratory environment it was demonstrated that needleless devices, when challenged with microorganisms, did not allow the passage of microbes when flu id was injected. This therefore suggested that the devices should not increase the risk of catheter colonisation. When used in clinical practice however microbial contamination of the needleless connectors was 55 % in comparison to the routinely used luer connectors (23%). The cost of infections associated with CVC was determined. Twenty patients catheterised with a CVC designed for long term use who were admitted to hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of catheter-related infection were studied. The treatment given specifically for this infection was costed. The mean cost of such an infection was £ 1781.81. Throughout the UK this may amount to £1.565.906 per annum. The cost of infections associated with CVC designed for short term use was estimated to be between 5 and 7 million pounds per annum in the UK. In an attempt to reduce both the incidence and cost of catheter- related infection antimicrobial CVC have been developed. The efficacy of a novel polyurethane CVC impregnated on both the internal and external catheter surface with the quaternary ammonium compound benzalkonium chloride was investigated. Eighty eight patients received an antimicrobial catheter and 78 patients a conventional polyurethane CVC. The anti-microbial CVC resulted in a reduction in microbial colonisation of the external and internal polymer surfaces as compared to the control device. The observed reduction in microbial colonisation with the anti-microbial CVC may decrease the likelihood of subsequent infection offering a useful approach to the prevention of catheter-related infections.


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Magnetic polymer nanofibres intended for drug delivery have been designed and fabricated by electrospinning. Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles were successfully incorporated into electrospun nanofibre composites of two cellulose derivatives, dehydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP) and cellulose acetate (CA), while indomethacin (IDN) and aspirin have been used as model drugs. The morphology of the neat and magnetic drug-loaded electrospun fibres and the release characteristics of the drugs in artificial intestinal juice were investigated. It was found that both types of electrospun composite nanofibres containing magnetite nanoparticles showed superparamagnetism at room temperature, and their saturation magnetisation and morphology depend on the Fe3O4 nanoparticle content. Furthermore, the presence of the magnetite nanoparticles did not affect the drug release profiles of the nanofibrous devices. The feasibility of controlled drug release to a target area of treatment under the guidance of an external magnetic field has also been demonstrated, showing the viability of the concept of magnetic drug-loaded polymeric composite nanofibres for magneto-chemotherapy.


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Metal-binding polymer fibres have attracted major attention for diverse applications in membranes for metal sequestration from waste waters, non-woven wound dressings, matrices for photocatalysis, and many more. This paper reports the design and synthesis of an 8-hydroxyquinoline-based zinc-binding styrenic monomer, QuiBoc. Its subsequent polymerisation by reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) yielded well-defined polymers, PQuiBoc, of controllable molar masses (6 and 12 kg mol−1) with low dispersities (Đ, Mw/Mn < 1.3). Protected (PQuiBoc) and deprotected (PQuiOH) derivatives of the polymer exhibited a high zinc-binding capacity, as determined by semi-quantitative SEM/EDXA analyses, allowing the electrospinning of microfibres from a PQuiBoc/polystyrene (PS) blend without the need for removal of the protecting group. Simple “dip-coating” of the fibrous mats into ZnO suspensions showed that PQuiBoc/PS microfibres with only 20% PQuiBoc content had almost three-fold higher loadings of ZnO (29%) in comparison to neat PS microfibres (11%).


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The purpose of this study was to produce a well-characterised electrospun polystyrene scaffold which could be used routinely for three-dimensional (3D) cell culture experimentation. A linear relationship (p<0.01p<0.01) between three principal process variables (applied voltage, working distance and polymer concentration) and fibre diameter was reliably established enabling a mathematical model to be developed to standardise the electrospinning process. Surface chemistry and bulk architecture were manipulated to increase wetting and handling characteristics, respectively. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of oxygen-containing groups after argon plasma treatment, resulting in a similar surface chemistry to treated tissue culture plastic. The bulk architecture of the scaffolds was characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to assess the alignment of both random and aligned electrospun fibres, which were calculated to be 0.15 and 0.66, respectively. This compared to 0.51 for collagen fibres associated with native tissue. Tensile strength and strain of approximately of 0.15 MPa and 2.5%, respectively, allowed the scaffolds to be routinely handled for tissue culture purposes. The efficiency of attachment of smooth muscle cells to electrospun scaffolds was assessed using a modified 3-[4,5-dimethyl(thiazol-2yl)-3,5-diphery] tetrazolium bromide assay and cell morphology was assessed by phalloidin-FITC staining of F-actin. Argon plasma treatment of electrospun polystyrene scaffold resulted in significantly increased cell attachment (p<0.05p<0.05). The alignment factors of the actin filaments were 0.19 and 0.74 for the random and aligned scaffold respectively, compared to 0.51 for the native tissue. The data suggests that electrospinning of polystyrene generates 3D scaffolds which complement polystyrene used in 2D cell culture systems.


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Three-dimensional TiO2 with tunable morphology and crystalline phase was successfully prepared by the electrospinning technique and subsequent annealing. Porous-shaped anatase TiO2, cluster-shaped anatase TiO2, hierarchical-shaped rutile (minor) TiO2 and nano-necklace rutile (major) TiO2 were achieved at 500, 600, 700 and 800°C, respectively. The mechanism of the formation of these tailored morphologies and crystallinity was investigated. Lithium insertion properties were evaluated by galvanostatic and potentiostatic modes in half-cell configurations. By combining the large surface area, open mesoporosity and stable crystalline phase, the porous-shaped anatase TiO2 exhibited the highest capacity, best rate and cycling performance among the four samples. The present results demonstrated the usefulness of three-dimensional TiO 2 as an anode for lithium storage with improved electrode performance. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Carbon is a versatile material which is composed of different allotropes, and also come in with different structures. Carbon nanofibres (CNFs) is one dimensional carbon nanomaterials, which have exhibited superior mechanical properties, great specific area, good electrical conductivity, good biocompatibility, and ease of modification. In addition to the lower cost associated to compare with carbon nanotubes (CNTs), CNFs have been attracted in numerous applications, such as reinforcement materials, filtrations, Li-ion battery, supercapacitor as well as tissue engineering, just to list a few. Therefore, it is a great deal to understand the relationship between the fabrication conditions and the characteristics of the resulted CNFs. In this project, electrospun PAN NFs were used as precursor material to fabricate carbon nanofibres. In order to produce CNFs with good morphology, the processing parameters of PAN nanofibres by electrospinning was optimized toward to the morphology at solution concentration of 12 wt%. The optimized processing parameters at given concentration were 16 kV, 14 cm and 1.5 mL/h, which led to the formation of PAN NFs with average fibre diameter of approximately 260 nm. Along with the effect of processing parameter study, the effect of concentration on the morphology was also carried out at optimized processing parameters. It was found that by increasing concentration of PAN solution from 2 to 16%, the resulted PAN transformed from beads only, to beaded fibres and finally to smooth fibres. With further increasing concentration the morphology of smooth fibres remain with increase in the fibre diameter. Electrospun PAN NFs with average fibre of 306 nm was selected to be converted into CNFs by using standard heating procedures, stabilisation in air at 280 °C and carbonization in N2. The effect of carbonization temperature ranging from 500 to 1000 °C was investigated, by using SEM, FTIR, Raman, and Impedance spectroscopy. With increasing carbonization temperature from 500 to 1000 °C, the diameter of NFs was decreased from 260 to 187, associated with loss of almost all functional groups of NFs. It was indicated by Raman results, that the graphitic crystallite size was increased from 2.62 to 5.24 nm, and the activation energy obtained for this growth was 7570 J/mol. Furthermore, impedance results (i.e. Cole-Cole plot) revealed that the electrical characteristic of CNFs transitioned from being insulating to electrically conducting in nature, suggested by the different electrical circuits extracted from Cole-Cole plots with carbonization temperature from 500 to 800 °C. The carbonization on PAN NFs with diameter of ~431nm was carried out by using novel route, microwave plasma enhance chemical vapour deposition (MPECVD) process. To compare with carbonized PAN NFs by using conventional route, MPECVD was not only able to facilitate carbonization process, but more interestingly can form carbon nanowalls (CNWs) grown on the surfaces of carbonized PAN NFs. Suggested by the unique morphology, the potential applications for the resulted carbon fibrous hybrid materials are supercapacitor electrode material, filtrations, and etc., The method developed in this project required one step less, compared with other literature. Therefore, using MPECVD on stabilised PAN NFs is proposed as economical, and straightforward approach towards mass production of carbon fibrous hybrid materials containing CNWs.