767 resultados para myelin sheath


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Multiple isoforms of type 1 hexokinase (HK1) are transcribed during spermatogenesis in the mouse, including at least three that are presumably germ cell specific: HK1-sa, HK1-sb, and HK1-sc. Each of these predicted proteins contains a common, germ cell-specific sequence that replaces the porin-binding domain found in somatic HK1. Although HK1 protein is present in mature sperm and is tyrosine phosphorylated, it is not known whether the various potential isoforms are differentially translated and localized within the developing germ cells and mature sperm. Using antipeptide antisera against unique regions of HK1-sa and HK1-sb, it was demonstrated that these isoforms were not found in pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, condensing spermatids, or sperm, suggesting that HK1-sa and HK1-sb are not translated during spermatogenesis. Immunoreactivity was detected in protein from round spermatids, condensing spermatids, and mature sperm using an antipeptide antiserum against the common, germ cell-specific region, suggesting that HK1-sc was the only germ cell-specific isoform present in these cells. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE suggested that all of the sperm HK1-sc was tyrosine phosphorylated, and that the somatic HK1 isoform was not present. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that HK1-sc was associated with the mitochondria and with the fibrous sheath of the flagellum and was found in discrete clusters in the region of the membranes of the sperm head. The unusual distribution of HK1-sc in sperm suggests novel functions, such as extramitochondrial energy production, and also demonstrates that a hexokinase without a classical porin-binding domain can localize to mitochondria.


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Myelin sheets originate from distinct areas at the oligodendrocyte (OLG) plasma membrane and, as opposed to the latter, myelin membranes are relatively enriched in glycosphingolipids and cholesterol. The OLG plasma membrane can therefore be considered to consist of different membrane domains, as in polarized cells; the myelin sheet is reminiscent of an apical membrane domain and the OLG plasma membrane resembles the basolateral membrane. To reveal the potentially polarized membrane nature of OLG, the trafficking and sorting of two typical markers for apical and basolateral membranes, the viral proteins influenza virus–hemagglutinin (HA) and vesicular stomatitis virus–G protein (VSVG), respectively, were examined. We demonstrate that in OLG, HA and VSVG are differently sorted, which presumably occurs upon their trafficking through the Golgi. HA can be recovered in a Triton X-100-insoluble fraction, indicating an apical raft type of trafficking, whereas VSVG was only present in a Triton X-100-soluble fraction, consistent with its basolateral sorting. Hence, both an apical and a basolateral sorting mechanism appear to operate in OLG. Surprisingly, however, VSVG was found within the myelin sheets surrounding the cells, whereas HA was excluded from this domain. Therefore, despite its raft-like transport, HA does not reach a membrane that shows features typical of an apical membrane. This finding indicates either the uniqueness of the myelin membrane or the requirement of additional regulatory factors, absent in OLG, for apical delivery. These remarkable results emphasize that polarity and regulation of membrane transport in cultured OLG display features that are quite different from those in polarized cells.


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Dexamethasone and progesterone have been found to accelerate the time of initiation and enhance the rate of myelin synthesis in Schwann cell/neuronal cocultures. The expression of mRNA for cytochrome P450scc (converts cholesterol to pregnenolone), 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (converts pregnenolone to progesterone), and the progesterone receptor were detected and markedly induced during peak myelin formation in the cocultures. The mRNA for the glucocorticoid receptor was detected, but was found to be constituitively expressed. In addition, the specific activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was measured and found to increase by 10-fold. The mRNA for cytochrome P450scc and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase also were found to be induced during the differentiation of O-2A precursor cells to oligodendrocytes. Fibroblast growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor were found to have proliferative effects on Schwann cells, but they had no effect on the initiation or the rate of myelin formation. These results demonstrate that myelin-forming cells have inducible enzymes responsible for steroid biosynthesis and suggest a critical role for endogenous steroid hormones in signaling the initiation and enhancing the rate of myelin formation.


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In maize (Zea mays L.) two leaf-specific ferredoxin (Fd) isoproteins, Fd I and Fd II, are distributed differentially in mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells. A novel cDNA encoding the precursor of Fd II (pFD2) was isolated by heterologous hybridization using a cDNA for Fd I (pFD1) as a probe. The assignment of the cDNAs to the Fds was verified by capillary liquid-chromatography/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry. RNA-blot analysis demonstrated that transcripts for Fd I and Fd II accumulated specifically in mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells, respectively. The mature regions of pFD1 and pFD2 were expressed in Escherichia coli as functional Fds. Fd I and Fd II had similar redox potentials of −423 and −406 mV, respectively, but the Km value of Fd-NADP+ reductase for Fd II was about 3-fold larger than that for Fd I. Asparagine at position 65 of Fd II is a unique residue compared with Fd I and other Fds from various plants, which have aspartic acid or glutamic acid at the corresponding position as an electrostatic interaction site with Fd-NADP+ reductase. Substitution of asparagine-65 with aspartic acid increased the affinity of Fd II with Fd-NADP+ reductase to a level comparable to that of Fd I. These structural and functional differences of Fd I and Fd II may be related to their cell-specific expression in the leaves of a C4 plant.


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Carbohydrate metabolism of barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves induced to accumulate sucrose (Suc) and fructans was investigated at the single-cell level using single-cell sampling and analysis. Cooling of the root and shoot apical meristem of barley plants led to the accumulation of Suc and fructan in leaf tissue. Suc and fructan accumulated in both mesophyll and parenchymatous bundle-sheath (PBS) cells because of the reduced export of sugars from leaves under cooling and to increased photosynthesis under high photon fluence rates. The general trends of Suc and fructan accumulation were similar for mesophyll and PBS cells. The fructan-to-Suc ratio was higher for PBS cells than for mesophyll cells, suggesting that the threshold Suc concentration needed for the initiation of fructan synthesis was lower for PBS cells. Epidermal cells contained very low concentrations of sugar throughout the cooling experiment. The difference in Suc concentration between control and treated plants was much less if compared at the single-cell level rather than the whole-tissue level, suggesting that the vascular tissue contains a significant proportion of total leaf Suc. We discuss the importance of analyzing complex tissues at the resolution of individual cells to assign molecular mechanisms to phenomena observed at the whole-plant level.


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We used a pale-green maize (Zea mays L.) mutant that fails to accumulate ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) to test the working hypothesis that the regulatory phosphorylation of C4 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) by its Ca2+-insensitive protein-serine/threonine kinase (PEPC kinase) in the C4 mesophyll cytosol depends on cross-talk with a functional Calvin cycle in the bundle sheath. Wild-type (W22) and bundle sheath defective2-mutable1 (bsd2-m1) seeds were grown in a controlled environment chamber at 100 to 130 μmol m−2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux density, and leaf tissue was harvested 11 d after sowing, following exposure to various light intensities. Immunoblot analysis showed no major difference in the amount of polypeptide present for several mesophyll- and bundle-sheath-specific photosynthetic enzymes apart from Rubisco, which was either completely absent or very much reduced in the mutant. Similarly, leaf net CO2-exchange analysis and in vitro radiometric Rubisco assays showed that no appreciable carbon fixation was occurring in the mutant. In contrast, the sensitivity of PEPC to malate inhibition in bsd2-m1 leaves decreased significantly with an increase in light intensity, and there was a concomitant increase in PEPC kinase activity, similar to that seen in wild-type leaf tissue. Thus, although bsd2-m1 mutant plants lack an operative Calvin cycle, light activation of PEPC kinase and its target enzyme are not grossly perturbed.


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Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, a C4 dicot, was genetically transformed with a construct encoding the mature form of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) carbonic anhydrase (CA) under the control of a strong constitutive promoter. Expression of the tobacco CA was detected in transformant whole-leaf and bundle-sheath cell (bsc) extracts by immunoblot analysis. Whole-leaf extracts from two CA-transformed lines demonstrated 10% to 50% more CA activity on a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase-site basis than the extracts from transformed, nonexpressing control plants, whereas 3 to 5 times more activity was measured in CA transformant bsc extracts. This increased CA activity resulted in plants with moderately reduced rates of CO2 assimilation (A) and an appreciable increase in C isotope discrimination compared with the controls. With increasing O2 concentrations up to 40% (v/v), a greater inhibition of A was found for transformants than for wild-type plants; however, the quantum yield of photosystem II did not differ appreciably between these two groups over the O2 levels tested. The quantum yield of photosystem II-to-A ratio suggested that at higher O2 concentrations, the transformants had increased rates of photorespiration. Thus, the expression of active tobacco CA in the cytosol of F. bidentis bsc and mesophyll cells perturbed the C4 CO2-concentrating mechanism by increasing the permeability of the bsc to inorganic C and, thereby, decreasing the availability of CO2 for photosynthetic assimilation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.


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The intercellular distribution of the enzymes and metabolites of assimilatory sulfate reduction and glutathione synthesis was analyzed in maize (Zea mays L. cv LG 9) leaves. Mesophyll cells and strands of bundle-sheath cells from second leaves of 11-d-old maize seedlings were obtained by two different mechanical-isolation methods. Cross-contamination of cell preparations was determined using ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (EC and nitrate reductase (EC as marker enzymes for bundle-sheath and mesophyll cells, respectively. ATP sulfurylase (EC and adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate sulfotransferase activities were detected almost exclusively in the bundle-sheath cells, whereas GSH synthetase (EC and cyst(e)ine, γ-glutamylcysteine, and glutathione were located predominantly in the mesophyll cells. Feeding experiments using [35S]sulfate with intact leaves indicated that cyst(e)ine was the transport metabolite of reduced sulfur from bundle-sheath to mesophyll cells. This result was corroborated by tracer experiments, which showed that isolated bundle-sheath strands fed with [35S]sulfate secreted radioactive cyst(e)ine as the sole thiol into the resuspending medium. The results presented in this paper show that assimilatory sulfate reduction is restricted to the bundle-sheath cells, whereas the formation of glutathione takes place predominantly in the mesophyll cells, with cyst(e)ine functioning as a transport metabolite between the two cell types.


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UV irradiation induces apoptosis (or programmed cell death) in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells within 3 h. UV-induced apoptosis is accompanied by activation of a 36-kDa myelin basic protein kinase (p36 MBP kinase). This kinase is also activated by okadaic acid and retinoic acid-induced apoptosis. Irrespective of the inducing agent, p36 MBP kinase activation is restricted to the subpopulation of cells actually undergoing apoptosis. Activation of p36 MBP kinase occurs in enucleated cytoplasts, indicating no requirement for a nucleus or fragmented DNA in signaling. We also demonstrate the activation of p36 kinase in tumor necrosis factor-alpha- and serum starvation-induced cell death using the human prostatic tumor cell line LNCap and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, respectively. We postulate that p36 MBP kinase is a common component in diverse signaling pathways leading to apoptosis.


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Oral administration of autoantigens can prevent and partially suppress autoimmune diseases in a number of experimental models, Depending on the dose of antigen fed, this approach appears to involve distinct yet reversible and short-lasting mechanisms (anergy/deletion and suppression) and usually requires repeated feeding of large (suppression) to massive (anergy/deletion) amounts of autoantigens to be effective. Most importantly, this approach is relatively less effective in animals already systemically sensitized to the fed antigen, such as in animals already harboring autoreactive T cells and, thus, presumably also in humans suffering from an autoimmune disorder. We have previously shown that feeding a single dose of minute amounts of antigens conjugated to cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) can effectively suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions in systemically immune animals. We now report that feeding small amounts of myelin basic protein (MBP) conjugated to CTB either before or after disease induction protected rats from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Such treatment was as effective in suppressing interleukin 2 production and proliferative responses of lymph node cells to MBP as treatment involving repeated feeding with much larger (50- to 100-fold) doses of free MBP. Different from the latter treatment, which led to decreased production of interferon-gamma in lymph nodes, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment was associated with increased interferon-gamma production. Most importantly, low-dose oral CTB-MBP treatment greatly reduced the level of leukocyte infiltration into spinal cord tissue compared with treatment with repeated feeding of large doses of MBP. These results suggest that the protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis achieved by feeding CTB-conjugated myelin autoantigen involves immunomodulating mechanisms that are distinct from those implicated by conventional protocols of oral tolerance induction.


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Nerve cells depend on specific interactions with glial cells for proper function. Myelinating glial cells are thought to associate with neuronal axons, in part, via the cell-surface adhesion protein, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG). MAG is also thought to be a major inhibitor of neurite outgrowth (axon regeneration) in the adult central nervous system. Primary structure and in vitro function place MAG in an immunoglobulin-related family of sialic acid-binding lactins. We report that a limited set of structurally related gangliosides, known to be expressed on myelinated neurons in vivo, are ligands for MAG. When major brain gangliosides were adsorbed as artificial membranes on plastic microwells, only GT1b and GD1a supported cell adhesion of MAG-transfected COS-1 cells. Furthermore, a quantitatively minor ganglioside expressed on cholinergic neurons, GQ1b alpha (also known as Chol-1 alpha-b), was much more potent than GT1b or GD1a in supporting MAG-mediated cell adhesion. Adhesion to either GT1b or GQ1b alpha was abolished by pretreatment of the adsorbed gangliosides with neuraminidase. On the basis of structure-function studies of 19 test glycosphingolipids, an alpha 2,3-N-acetylneuraminic acid residue on the terminal galactose of a gangliotetraose core is necessary for MAG binding, and additional sialic acid residues linked to the other neutral core saccharides [Gal(II) and GalNAc(III)] contribute significantly to binding affinity. MAG-mediated adhesion to gangliosides was blocked by pretreatment of the MAG-transfected COS-1 cells with anti-MAG monoclonal antibody 513, which is known to inhibit oligodendrocyte-neuron binding. These data are consistent with the conclusion that MAG-mediated cell-cell interactions involve MAG-ganglioside recognition and binding.


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Orally administered antigens induce a state of immunologic hyporesponsiveness termed oral tolerance. Different mechanisms are involved in mediating oral tolerance depending on the dose fed. Low doses of antigen generate cytokine-secreting regulatory cells, whereas high doses induce anergy or deletion. We used mice transgenic for a T-cell receptor (TCR) derived from an encephalitogenic T-cell clone specific for the acetylated N-terminal peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) Ac-1-11 plus I-Au to test whether a regulatory T cell could be generated from the same precursor cell as that of an encephalitogenic Th1 cell and whether the induction was dose dependent. The MBP TCR transgenic mice primarily have T cells of a precursor phenotype that produce interleukin 2 (IL-2) with little interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, or transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). We fed transgenic animals a low-dose (1 mg x 5) or high-dose (25 mg x 1) regimen of mouse MBP and without further immunization spleen cells were tested for cytokine production. Low-dose feeding induced prominent secretion of IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta, whereas minimal secretion of these cytokines was observed with high-dose feeding. Little or no change was seen in proliferation or IL-2/IFN-gamma secretion in fed animals irrespective of the dose. To demonstrate in vivo functional activity of the cytokine-secreting cells generated by oral antigen, spleen cells from low-dose-fed animals were adoptively transferred into naive (PLJ x SJL)F1 mice that were then immunized for the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Marked suppression of EAE was observed when T cells were transferred from MBP-fed transgenic animals but not from animals that were not fed. In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals with MBP in complete Freund's adjuvant induced IFN-gamma-secreting Th1 cells in vitro and experimental encephalomyelitis in vivo. Despite the large number of cells reactive to MBP in the transgenic animals, EAE was also suppressed by low-dose feeding of MBP prior to immunization. These results demonstrate that MBP-specific T cells can differentiate in vivo into encephalitogenic or regulatory T cells depending upon the context by which they are exposed to antigen.


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Leaves of the C4 plant maize have two major types of photosynthetic cells: a ring of five large bundle sheath cells (BSC) surrounds each vascular bundle and smaller mesophyll cells (MC) lie between the cylinders of bundle sheath cells. The enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase is encoded by nuclear rbcS and chloroplast rbcL genes. It is not present in MC but is abundant in adjacent BSC of green leaves. As reported previously, the separate regions of rbcS-m3, which are required for stimulating transcription of the gene in BSC and for suppressing expression of reporter genes in MC, were identified by an in situ expression assay; expression was not suppressed in MC until after leaves of dark-grown seedlings had been illuminated for 24 h. Now we have found that transient expression of rbcS-m3 reporter genes is stimulated in BSC via a red/far-red reversible phytochrome photoperception and signal transduction system but that blue light is required for suppressing rbcS-m3 reporter gene expression in MC. Blue light is also required for the suppression system to develop in MC. Thus, the maize gene rbcS-m3 contains certain sequences that are responsive to a phytochrome photoperception and signal transduction system and other regions that respond to a UVA/blue light photoperception and signal transduction system. Various models of "coaction" of plant photoreceptors have been advanced; these observations show the basis for one type of coaction.