204 resultados para mycology


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A purified glycoprotein of 43 000 daltons from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (gp43) was tested as paracoccidioidin in delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) tests in both experimental animals (guinea pig and mice) and patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). The gp43 paracoccidioidin was compared with the traditional Fava Netto antigen (AgFN). In guinea pigs, the intradermal injection of 2 μg of gp43 showed a similar response to those obtained with AgFN, showing in histological sections a population of lymphoid cells that participate in DTH. In mice, gp43 at a dose of 3.75μg showed positive DTH response. The use of gp43 as paracoccidioidin in humans showed that this molecule can be used to evaluate the DTH response in patients with PCM. Of 25 PCM patients studied, 48% were positive to gp43 while only 28% were positive to AgFN; 12 PCM patients were completely anergic to both antigens. Considering only those 13 PCM patients who were responsive to gp43 and/or to AgFN, 92.3% reacted against gp43 and 53.8% reacted against AgFN (P < 0.05). Gp43 skin test responses (13.67 ± 9.56 mm) were significantly larger than those obtained with AgFN (8.43 ±3.69 mm). Immunohistochemical study of the human skin showed a perivascular inflammatory response constituted predominantly by T lymphocytes, macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. © 1996 ISHAM.


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The in vitro effect of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis exoantigen on the human lymphocytes cell cycle and chromosomes was studied. Human peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures from ten healthy, white, non-smoking, non-related adult males (mean age 31·3 ± 8·2 years) were studied. Blood cultures were treated with three exoantigen concentrations (0·25, 2·50 and 10·00 μg ml -1). At least 1000 metaphases were analysed at each concentration, for evaluation of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations (cA) and 30 000 for mitotic index (MI). Among the treated cultures, statistically significant differences in the frequencies of MI and cA were not observed. Nevertheless, when compared with control cultures, they all showed a significantly lower frequency of MI and higher frequency of cA. It is suggested that the detected alterations were caused by the exoantigen, its fractions or its metabolites. © 1996 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved.


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Adhesion is regarded as an important step in the pathogenesis of several microorganisms. Thus, the ability to recognize extracellular matrix proteins, such as laminin or fibronectin, has been correlated with invasiveness. Studying the already characterized laminin-binding protein of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the 43 kDa glycoprotein (gp43), we evaluated whether MAb 1.H12, raised against the laminin-binding protein from Staphylococcus aureus, cross-reacts with that fungal protein. By immunoblot analysis we show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes gp43. This interaction is able to inhibit the laminin-mediated adhesion to epithelial cells as well as the P. brasiliensis infection in vivo. Moreover, through immunoenzymatic assays, we show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes gp43 in solid phase and that this interaction is partially inhibited by the addition of anti-gp43 MAbs. These results show that MAb 1.H12 recognizes the gp43, suggesting the presence of an epitope similar to those found in the other laminin-binding proteins from phylogenetically very distant cells. These findings reinforce the possibility of evolutionary conservation of such epitopes.


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IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies to GP43 (glycoprotein fraction of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) were measured by ELISA in 63 samples from 23 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis before and twice after chemotherapy was started. Antibodies against P. brasiliensis were detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IF) (IgG, IgM and IgA isotypes), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) and complement fixation. Two control groups composed of 19 healthy individuals and 12 patients with other diseases (six with histoplasmosis, three with tuberculosis and three with other mycoses). The highest efficiency percentages were found with IgG and IgA- ELISA (100%), IgG-IF (96.2%), CIE (94.4%) and the lowest with CF (75.9%). Highest positive and negative predictive values (100%) were observed for IgG and IgA ELISA. IgG and IgM-ELISA antibodies are more often found in patients with acute than chronic disease (P = 0.01). Four to six months after treatment follow-up showed decreased levels of IgG and IgM-ELISA for acute cases and decreased titres of CIE for chronic cases in relation to pretreatment levels. This study suggests that IgG-ELISA anti-GP43 represents a good marker to monitor clinical response to therapy.


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The yeast form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, the causative agent of a deep mycosis in humans, is known to be phagocytized by, and to multiply inside, macrophages. In this work we describe the involvement of gp43, a major antigenic protein of P. brasiliensis, in the initial steps of attachment of the fungus to macrophages. Anti-gp43 F(ab) polyclonal fragments were capable of inhibiting phagocytosis in a concentrationdependent manner. Sheep red blood cells sensitized with purified gp43 were more endocytized than SRBC alone, and this process was also inhibited by anti-gp43 F(ab) fragments. Inhibition tests indicated the involvement of fucose and mannose residues in the phagocytosis of the fungus and of SRBC-gp43 by macrophages. Taken together, these results suggest that gp43 may be involved in the adherence and uptake of the fungus by murine peritoneal macrophages, and that this binding may be dependent on monosaccharide residues that are part of the gp43 glycoprotein. © 1998 ISHAM.


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Nosocomial infections with Candida species are recognized as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in both seriously ill immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients. Infections with Candida albicans and non-albicans Candida species have become a significant cause of infection in humans. Several of the more commonly Candida spp isolates are less susceptible to the antifungal drugs currentlly applied in clinical treatment, a factor that means significant difficulties for effective treatment. The modern mycology laboratory has an important role to play in several aspects relating to these organisms, including therapy, detection, identification and epidemiological analysis. In this study, we have provided an initial comparison of differences in species distribution among Candida isolates from four general hospitals of São Paulo,SP. Overall, 40 isolates of C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis were isolated respectively in 35%, 50% and 15%, revealed a tendency of higher frequency of non-albicans species. The species distribution in patients with candidemia showed that the most commonly species were C. parapsilosis (45,4%), followed by C. albicans (36,4%) and C. tropicalis (18,2%); thus, we have an increase of non-albicans species. The three different species were include in 6, 3, and 4 different biotypes, respectively C. albicans, C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis. This study emphasizes the importance of periodic evaluation of Candida species distribution especially in centers caring for patients at risk.


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An outbreak of cryptococcosis occurred in a breeding aviary in São Paulo, Brazil. Seven psittacine birds (of species Charmosyna papou, Lorius lory, Trichoglossus goldiei, Psittacula krameri and Psittacus erithacus) died of disseminated cryptococcosis. Incoordination, progressive paralysis and difficulty in flying were seen in five birds, whereas superficial lesions coincident with respiratory alterations were seen in two birds. Encapsulated yeasts suggestive of Cryptococcus sp. were seen in faecal smears stained with India ink in two cases. Histological examination of the birds showed cryptococcal cells in various tissues, including the beak, choana, sinus, lungs, air sacs, heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines and central nervous system. High titres of cryptococcal antigen were observed in the serum of an affected bird. In this case, titres increased during treatment and the bird eventually died. Yeasts were isolated from the nasal mass, faeces and liver of one bird. Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii serovar B was identified based on biochemical, physiological and serological tests. These strains were resistant (minimum inhibitory concentration 64 μ g/ml) to fluconazole. This is the first report of C. neoformans var. gattii occurring in psittacine birds in Brazil. © 2004 ISHAM.


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Dermatophytosis on skin, hair and nails are the most common infectious process in the world. A total of 94 individuals from Public Institutions from the city of Araraquara - Sao Paulo/Brazil, with suspected of dermatophytic lesions were examined in order to determine the incidence and etiology of dermatophytosis. 105 specimens were collected from August to December of 2001 in the Mycology Laboratory of the Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas. It was observed that 47 samples were positive for dermatophytes. Trichophyton rubrum was the prevalent specie (59.6%), followed by Microsporum canis (17%), T. tonsurans (10.6%), T. mentagrophytes (8.5%) and Epidermophyton floccosum (4.3%). T. rubrum was the most frequent in interdigital lesions (81.5%) and M. canis was the main dermatophyte involved in scalp lesions (58.3%). Therefore, it was observed a predominance of antropophilic and zoophilic species, respectively. These results are in agreement with statistical data from South and Southeast regions of Brazil, as well as from other parts of the world in which these fungi were the most frequently isolates from tinea pedis and tinea capitis. In this study, it was also observed a high percentage of T. tonsurans (41.7%) in tinea capitis and this result was different from the statistical data collected until now in our region.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. As infectious diseases can cause DNA damage, the authors aimed at analyzing DNA breakage in peripheral blood cells of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis by using the comet assay. The results suggested that paracoccidioidomycosis does not cause genotoxicity.


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The present study focuses on potential agents of chromoblastomycosis and other endemic diseases in the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. Using a highly selective protocol for chaetothyrialean black yeasts and relatives, environmental samples from the living area of symptomatic patients were analysed. Additional strains were isolated from creosote-treated wood and hydrocarbon-polluted environments, as such polluted sites have been supposed to enhance black yeast prevalence. Isolates showed morphologies compatible with the traditional etiological agents of chromoblastomycosis, e.g. Fonsecaea pedrosoi and Phialophora verrucosa, and of agents of subcutaneous or systemic infections like Cladophialophora bantiana and Exophiala jeanselmei. Some agents of mild disease were indeed encountered. However, molecular analysis proved that most environmental strains differed from known etiologic agents of pronounced disease syndromes: they belonged to the same order, but mostly were undescribed species. Agents of chromoblastomycosis and systemic disease thus far are prevalent on the human host. The hydrocarbon-polluted environments yielded yet another spectrum of chaetothyrialean fungi. These observations are of great relevance because they allow us to distinguish between categories of opportunists, indicating possible differences in pathogenicity and virulence.


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The oil flotation isolation technique has been successfully applied to recover chaetothyrialean black yeasts and relatives from the environment. The selective mechanisms playing a role in isolation are unknown. The fungi concerned are supposed to occupy specialized microniches in nature, taking advantage of (1) oligotrophism. Mineral oil as a main selective agent may be based on (2) hydrophobicity or on (3) assimilation. All three hypotheses are tested in this paper. Results show that cell wall hydrophobicity is unlikely to be a selective factor. Incubation under poor nutrient conditions provides competitive advantage for black yeasts, especially for Exophiala strains, which are subsequently enriched by mineral oil which enhances growth in this group of fungi. Incubation under mineral media and mineral oil can be used as selective factor.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of specific parameters of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on biofilms formed by Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans or an association of both species. Single and dual-species biofilms - SSB and DSB - were exposed to laser doses of 5, 10 or 20 J/cm 2 from a near infrared InGaAsP diode laser prototype (LASERTable; 780 ± 3 nm, 0.04 W). After irradiation, the analysis of biobilm viability (MTT assay), biofilm growth (cfu/mL) and cell morphology (SEM) showed that LLLT reduced cell viability as well as the growth of biofilms. The response of S. mutans (SSB) to irradiation was similar for all laser doses and the biofilm growth was dose dependent. However, when associated with C. albicans (DSB), S. mutans was resistant to LLLT. For C. albicans, the association with S. mutans (DSB) caused a significant decrease in biofilm growth in a dose-dependent fashion. The morphology of the microorganisms in the SSB was not altered by LLLT, while the association of microbial species (DSB) promoted a reduction in the formation of C. albicans hyphae. LLLT had an inhibitory effect on the microorganisms, and this capacity can be altered according to the interactions between different microbial species.


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Taking into account that paracoccidioidomycosis infection occurs by inhalation of the asexual conidia produced by Paracoccidioides spp. in its saprobic phase, this work presents the collection of aerosol samples as an option for environmental detection of this pathogen, by positioning a cyclonic air sampler at the entrance of armadillo burrows. Methods included direct culture, extinction technique culture and Nested PCR of the rRNA coding sequence, comprising the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region. In addition, we evaluated one armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) as a positive control for the studied area. Although the pathogen could not be isolated by the culturing strategies, the aerosol sampling associated with molecular detection through Nested PCR proved the best method for discovering Paracoccidioides spp. in the environment. Most of the ITS sequences obtained in this investigation proved to be highly similar with the homologous sequences of Paracoccidioides lutzii from the GenBank database, suggesting that this Paracoccidioides species may not be exclusive to mid-western Brazil as proposed so far. © 2013 ISHAM.


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The aim of this study was to compare biofi lm formation by Candida glabrata and Candida albicans on acrylic, either individually or when combined (single and dual species) and then examine the antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles and nystatin on these biofi lms. Candidal adhesion and biofi lm assays were performed on acrylic surface in the presence of artifi cial saliva (AS) for 2 h and 48 h, respectively. Candida glabrata and C. albicans adherence was determined by the number of colony forming units (CFUs) recovered from the biofi lms on CHROMagar ® Candida . In addition, crystal violet (CV) staining was used as an indicator of biofi lm biomass and to quantify biofi lm formation ability. Pre-formed biofi lms were treated either with silver nanoparticles or nystatin and the effect of these agents on the biofi lms was evaluated after 24 h. Results showed that both species adhered to and formed biofi lms on acrylic surfaces. A signifi cantly ( P < 0.05) higher number of CFUs was evident in C. glabrata biofi lms compared with those formed by C. albicans . Comparing single and dual species biofi lms, equivalent CFU numbers were evident for the individual species. Both silver nanoparticles and nystatin reduced biofi lm biomass and the CFUs of single and dual species biofi lms ( P < 0.05). Silver nanoparticles had a signifi cantly ( P < 0.05) greater effect on reducing C. glabrata biofi lm biomass compared with C. albicans . Similarly, nystatin was more effective in reducing the number of CFUs of dual species biofi lms compared with those of single species ( P < 0.05). In summary, C. glabrata and C. albicans can co-exist in biofi lms without apparent antagonism, and both silver nanoparticles and nystatin exhibit inhibitory effects on biofi lms of these species. © 2013 ISHAM.


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In vitro investigations of curcumin-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) are encouraging, but there is a lack of reliable in vivo evidence of its efficacy. This study describes the photoinactivation of Candida albicans in a murine model of oral candidiasis, using curcumin as a photosensitizer. Forty immunosuppressed mice were orally inoculated with C. albicans and after five days, they received topical curcumin (20, 40 and 80 μM) and illumination with LED light. The use of curcumin or light alone were also investigated. Positive control animals did not receive any treatment and negative control animals were not inoculated with C. albicans. The number of surviving yeast cells was determined and analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (α = 0.05). Histological evaluation of the presence of yeast and inflammatory reaction was also conducted. All exposures to curcumin with LED light caused a significant reduction in C. albicans viability after PDT, but the use of 80 μM curcumin associated with light was able to induce the highest log10 reduction in colony counts (4 logs). It was concluded that curcumin-mediated PDT proved to be effective for in vivo inactivation of C. albicans without harming the host tissue of mice. © 2013 ISHAM.