999 resultados para musiikki - Brasilia
In August 2010 Brazil decided to limit foreign direct investments (FDIs) in land, and attracted the attention of politicians as much as the fears of businessmen. However, few months before, in September 2009, it had concluded a trilateral agreement with Japan and Mozambique to implement agribusiness and contract farming on an area of ten million hectares in the Mozambican region of Nacala. In light of that, the paper analyses the apparent duality of the Brazilian politics, and concludes that, exactly like in the case of the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, it is not a matter of pathology, but a voluntarily induced double personality which is strategic in positioning Brazil at the core of the global capitalist system.
Este documento busca dar a conocer las distintas estrategias que pueden ser de gran utilidad tanto para entidades públicas como privada a la hora de reconstruir un territorio afectado por desastres naturales.
Los Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno y los Representantes Especiales de Brasil, China, así como Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Antigua y Barbuda, también miembros del Cuarteto de CELAC – y Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Guyana, México, Paraguay, Perú, Surinam, Uruguay y Venezuela, realizamos una reunión en Brasilia, el 17 de julio de 2014, bajo el tema “Igualdad y Beneficio Mutuo, Cooperación Recíproca y Desarrollo Común”, emiten una declaración conjunta reconociendo que el mundo está experimentando por un proceso de globalización económica y cambio político y que nuestros países tienen un rol clave que desempeñar contribuyendo a la paz, la estabilidad, el crecimiento inclusivo y el desarrollo sostenible, la prosperidad y para la forja de un mundo multipolar.
Active participation of Brazilian civil society, coupled with the 2007 education development plan, launched by the Brazilian government provides an interesting example of the influences of the Dakar Goals. The two domestic initiatives share the same name, spirit and direction proposed in Dakar 2000. We analyse here changes in the Brazilian policies and indicators related to the Dakar Education Goals since its creation, we note: (i) an increase in enrolment over the relevant period; (ii) access to primary education was nearly universal by 2000; (iii) over-aged youth and adult students fell considerably during the period, but access did not expand; (iv) illiteracy has been falling at a rate which, if sustained, will enable us to meet the goal; (v) gender discrimination did not take place in Brazil; (vi) most pupil proficiency indicators have progressively deteriorated from what was already a low standard. In summary, quantity indicators did improve over the period while most quality indicators worsened.
O propósito deste trabalho foi o de estudar sistematicamente, a problemática dos estágios supervisionados de treinamento curriculares e extracurriculares -- capazes de concorrer para a melhor formação profissional e humana dos alunos dos cursos superiores de graduação, especialmente dos cursos de Administração. A metodologia adotada foi a de conjugar enfoques teóricos e práticos na elaboração do trabalho, exercitando-se, de um ledo, ,a análise de conteúdo de documentos de caráter institucional e, de outro, anotando-se percepções sobre experiências relativas a esse ,tipo de estágio, através de entrevistas estruturadas com questões para resposta livre. Como resultado dos procedimentos adotados, a análise evidenciou a existência de um modelo emergente de estágios supervisionados de treinamento nos cursos de graduação da Universidade de Brasília', organizado' em harmonia com a política nacional de estágios supervisionados, o qual vem sendo aplicado no seu curso regular de graduação em Administração. As conclusões que resultam das informações e dados analisados,referem-se à política nacional de estágios supervisionados para o ensino superior de graduação; aos estágios proporcionáveis a alunos dos cursos regulares de graduação, em geral, ~ dos cursos de Administração, em especial; ao modelo de estágios supeE. vision~dos de treinamento emergente'na Universidade de Brasília, e à sua aplicação ao ~rso de graduação em Administração. Destacam-se entre as conclusões as seguintes: (a) a polltica nacional de ensino superior tem sido objeto de estudos sistemáticos e de diretrizes e planos de ação com vistas à sua implementa- çao em coordenação com as instituições de ensino superior; (b) o princípio da indissociabi'lidac1e das a'tividades substantivas do ensino superior (ensino-pesquisa-extensão) incorpora-se devidamen te àquela política; (c) ainda não existe uma formulação completa de uma política nacional de estágios supervisionados para o ensino superior de graduação; (d) a ausência dessu formulação é a pri~ cipal responsável pelo surg~ento desordenadc de normas oficiais freqfientemente superpostas, contraditórias, heterogêneas e incompletas, dadas a público em sucessivos decretos federais; (e) a previsão de estágios curriculares obrigatórios e a fixação de sua duração minima embora deixadas a critério das instituições de ensino superior, são atividades da competência legal do Conselho Federal de Educação.
Seventy specimens of Hypsiboas albopunctatus (Anura: Hylidae) were collected and surveyed for endoparasites in Brasilia, Brazil at the end of the rainy season (February and March) in 2005. Sixteen males (22.86%) were infected by Rhabdias sp., Aplectana sp., Cosmocerca sp., and Falcaustra mascula. Rhabdias sp., a lung parasite, presented the highest prevalence (8.57%), mean intensity of infestation (1.333), and mean abundance (0.114). Moreover, this is the first report of a rhabdiasid nematode in the Hylidae in Brazil. The intestinal parasites, Cosmocerca sp. and Aplectana sp., had a similar prevalence (5.71%), but the former presented a higher mean intensity of infestation and mean abundance. The behavior and food habits of amphibians are responsible for the differences in their helminthofauna, and this study presents four new records of nematodes in H. albopunctatus.
'Brasilia' is a cultivar of carrot with characteristics suiting cultivation under hot conditions but with problems in seed production, arising from the conflicting requirements of root and seed production. One solution is to select cultivars requiring vernalisation and then to use GA(3) to induce flowering where the climate prevents this. There is, however, little information on plant population, seed maturity and harvesting time on which to base such a procedure. Accordingly this research was carried out to study the physiological quality and production of the seeds in plant populations from 25,000 to 800,000 plants/ha, in the seed-to-seed method of cv. Brasilia in Anapolis, GO, Brazil. In each population, two harvest methods (from first and second orders of umbels, or selected harvest, and remaining orders, or total harvest) and two stages of maturity (brownish, or mature seeds, and yellowish, or immature ones) were also evaluated. Two trials were carried out, with and without gibberellic acid. Seed was evaluated for physical characters, germination, vigour, 1000-seed weight, water content, dry matter and productivity. Seed was produced in both experiments (with or without GA3 spraying). Mature seed showed germination at least 30% greater than immature, and seed from the selected harvest showed germination 16% greater than from the total harvest. In increasing plant population to 200,000 plants/ha, seed quality was not affected, but productivity increased.
The Brasilia Fold Thrust Belt at Tapira area (SW of Minas Gerais State, Brazil) has four different litho-tectonic domains imbricated by thrust faults with vergency to the São Francisco Craton. Sm/Nd isotopic studies were undertaken and the results show different model and metamorphic ages for the thrust sheets. Rocks from the lower thrust sheet yield a metamorphic age of 543 Ma while the upper thrust sheet has a metamorphic age of 581 Ma. The TDM model ages are similar for both thrust sheets, between 1.7 and 2.2 Ga. Because of their lithologic characteristics, the thrust sheets are interpreted as having been deposited in a distal continental platform environment, their main source being Paleoproterozoic rocks of the São Francisco Craton. The upper thrust sheet rocks presents a metamorphism age of 612 Ma and a bimodal distribution of TDM model ages between 1.3 and 1.9 - 2.0 Ga, respectively. The lithologic and isotopic characteristics of this thrust sheet the rocks are interpreted as a result of deposition on a continental slope or oceanic floor environment, with mixed contributions from Paleo - and Mesoproterozoic rocks of the São Francisco Craton. In spite of the small number of analyzed samples and the uncertainties inherent to the Sm/Nd method the metamorphisms are not considered to be synchronous in the different thrust sheets. This is to be expected in a thrust belt system, in which the more metamorphosed thrust sheets are juxtaposed to less metamorphosed ones.
Contiene la propuesta de resolución a ser discutida en la reunión sobre el cambio de nombre del Instituto por el de: Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social, y conservar la sigla ILPES.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography