956 resultados para murine cytomegalovirus


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Aryl hydroxylamine derivs. have been synthesized that are some of the most potent inhibitors of hCMV protease prepd. to date (IC50 14-60 nM). Mass spectrometry studies indicate that oxazinone derived hydroxylamines inhibit the enzyme by acylation of Ser132 whereas non-oxazinone derived hydroxylamines appear to inhibit via formation of a sulfinanilide at Cys138.


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Endothelial cell association with vascular basement membranes is complex and plays a critical role in regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation. The interaction between the membrane-associated 67-kd receptor (67LR) and the basement membrane protein laminin has been studied in several cell systems where it was shown to be crucial for adhesion and attachment during angiogenesis. As angiogenesis in the pathological setting of proliferative retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the Western world we examined the expression of 67LR in a murine model of hyperoxia-induced retinopathy that exhibits retinal neovascularization. Mice exposed to hyperoxia for 5 days starting at postnatal day 7 (P7) and returned to room air (at P12) showed closure of the central retinal vasculature. In response to the ensuing retinal ischemia, there was consistent preretinal neovascularization starting around P17, which persisted until P21, after which the new vessels regressed. Immunohistochemistry was performed on these retinas using an antibody specific for 67LR. At P12, immunoreactivity for 67LR was absent in the retina, but by P17 it was observed in preretinal proliferating vessels and also within the adjacent intraretinal vasculature. Intraretinal 67LR immunoreactivity diminished beyond P17 until by P21 immunoreactivity was almost completely absent, although it persisted in the preretinal vasculature. Control P17 mice (not exposed to hyperoxia) failed to demonstrate any 67LR immunoreactivity in their retinas. Parallel in situ hybridization studies demonstrated 67LR gene expression in the retinal ganglion cells of control and hyperoxia-exposed mice. In addition, the neovascular intra- and preretinal vessels of hyperoxia-treated P17 and P21 mice labeled strongly for 67LR mRNA. This study has characterized 67LR immunolocalization and gene expression in a murine model of ischemic retinopathy. Results suggest that, although the 67LR gene is expressed at high levels in the retinal ganglion cells, the mature receptor protein is preferentially localized to the proliferating retinal vasculature and is almost completely absent from quiescent vessels. The differential expression of 67LR between proliferating and quiescent retinal vessels suggests that this laminin receptor is an important and novel target for future chemotherapeutic intervention during proliferative vasculopathies.


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We introduced a targeted single base deletion at codon 307 of the rds-peripherin gene in mice, similar mutations being known to cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in man. Histopathological and electroretinographic analysis indicate that the retinopathy in mice homozygous for the codon 307 mutation appears more rapid than that in the naturally occurring null mutant, the rds(-/-) mouse, suggesting that the rds-307 mutation displays a dominant negative phenotype in combination with that due to haplosufficiency. RP is the most prevalent cause of registered visual handicap in those of working age in developed countries, the 50 or so mutations so far identified within the RDS-peripherin gene accounting for up to 10% of dominant cases of the disease. Given the sequence homologies that exist between the murine rds-peripherin and the human RDS-peripherin gene, this disease model, the first to be generated for peripherin-based RP using gene targeting techniques, should in principle be of value in the work-up in mice of therapeutics capable of targeting transcripts derived from the human gene.


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The Hox family are master transcriptional regulators of developmental processes, including hematopoiesis. The Hox regulators, caudal homeobox factors (Cdx1-4), and Meis1, along with several individual Hox proteins, are implicated in stem cell expansion during embryonic development, with gene dosage playing a significant role in the overall function of the integrated Hox network. To investigate the role of this network in normal and aberrant, early hematopoiesis, we employed an in vitro embryonic stem cell differentiation system, which recapitulates mouse developmental hematopoiesis. Expression profiles of Hox, Pbx1, and Meis1 genes were quantified at distinct stages during the hematopoietic differentiation process and compared with the effects of expressing the leukemic oncogene Tel/PDGFRß. During normal differentiation the Hoxa cluster, Pbx1 and Meis1 predominated, with a marked reduction in the majority of Hox genes (27/39) and Meis1 occurring during hematopoietic commitment. Only the posterior Hoxa cluster genes (a9, a10, a11, and a13) maintained or increased expression at the hematopoietic colony stage. Cdx4, Meis1, and a subset of Hox genes, including a7 and a9, were differentially expressed after short-term oncogenic (Tel/PDGFRß) induction. Whereas Hoxa4-10, b1, b2, b4, and b9 were upregulated during oncogenic driven myelomonocytic differentiation. Heterodimers between Hoxa7/Hoxa9, Meis1, and Pbx have previously been implicated in regulating target genes involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and leukemic progression. These results provide direct evidence that transcriptional flux through the Hox network occurs at very early stages during hematopoietic differentiation and validates embryonic stem cell models for gaining insights into the genetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis.


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Aim: The aim of this study is to assess the murine heart of normal embryos, neonates, and juveniles using high-frequency ultrasound. Methods: Diastolic function was measured with E/A ratio (E wave velocity/A wave velocity) and isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT), systolic function with isovolumetric contraction time (ICT), percentage fractional shortening (FS%), percentage ejection fraction (EF%). Global cardiac performance was quantified using myocardial performance index (MPI). Results: Isovolumetric relaxation time remained stable from E10.5 to 3 weeks. Systolic function (ICT) improved with gestation and remained stable from E18.5 onward. Myocardial performance index showed improvement in embryonic lift (0.82-0.63) and then stabilized from 1 to 3 week (0.60-0.58). Percentage ejection fraction remained high during gestation (77%-69%) and then decreased from the neonate to juvenile (68%-51%). Conclusion: The ultrasound biomicroscope allows for noninvasive in-depth assessment of cardiac function of embryos and pups. Detailed physiological and functional cardiac function readouts can be obtained, which is invaluable for comparison to mouse models of disease.


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Mr C, a 68-year-old Chinese male with diabetes mellitus, previous stroke and ischaemic cardiomyopathy on clopidogrel, presented with haematochezia. Colonoscopy showed a sigmoid ulcer, which was treated endoscopically. Histology of the biopsy from the ulcer revealed non-specific changes. However, he presented with recurrent bleeding from this non-healing sigmoid ulcer. A review of the histologic specimen revealed CMV intranuclear inclusion bodies. He was treated with intravenous ganciclovir, with no further hematochezia.

Keywords Hematochezia, cytomegalovirus, ulcer


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We have investigated the ability of collagen to induce signalling and functional responses in suspensions of murine platelets deficient in the FcRgamma (Fc receptor gamma) chain, which lack the collagen receptor GPVI (glycoprotein VI). In the absence of the FcRgamma chain, collagen induced a unique pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation which was potentiated by the thromboxane analogue U46619. Immunoprecipitation studies indicated that neither collagen alone nor the combination of collagen plus U46619 induced phosphorylation of the GPVI-regulated proteins Syk and SLP76 (Src homology 2-containing leucocyte protein of 76 kDa). A low level of tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2 was observed, which was increased in the presence of U46619, although the degree of phosphorylation remained well below that observed in wild-type platelets (similar to 10%). By contrast, collagen-induced phosphorylation of the adapter ADAP (adhesion- and degranulation-promoting adapter protein) was substantially potentiated by U46619 to levels equivalent to those observed in wild-type platelets. Collagen plus U46619 also induced significant phosphorylation of FAK (focal adhesion kinase). The functional significance of collagen-induced non-GPVI signals was highlighted by the ability of U46619 and collagen to induce the secretion of ATP in FcRgamma chain-deficient platelets, even though neither agonist was effective alone. Protein tyrosine phosphorylation and the release of ATP were abolished by the anti(alpha2 integrin) antibodies Ha1/29 and HMalpha2, but not by blockade of alphaIIbbeta3. These results illustrate a novel mechanism of platelet activation by collagen which is independent of the GPVI-FcRgamma chain complex, and is facilitated by binding of collagen to integrin alpha2beta1.


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We have investigated the effects of decreased levels of the complex between glycoprotein VI (GPVI) and the Fc receptor gamma-chain (FcRgamma) on responses to collagen and GPVI-specific ligands in murine platelets. We show that levels of GPVI-FcRgamma of the order of 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels caused 2- and 5-fold shifts to the right respectively in the dose-response curve for aggregation in response to collagen, the snake toxin convulxin and the monoclonal antibody JAQ1. In addition, there is a delay in the onset of aggregation in response to collagen. In contrast, the stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by collagen (as measured after 150 s) and adhesion to a collagen-coated surface under static conditions were unaffected in platelets with 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels of GPVI. In contrast, responses to a collagen-related peptide (CRP), made up of repeat glycine-proline-hydroxyproline motifs, were markedly inhibited and abolished in platelets expressing 50 % and 20 % of wild-type levels of GPVI respectively. We suggest that the marked effect of a reduction in GPVI levels on the CRP-induced activation of platelets is due to the multivalent nature of CRP and the fact that GPVI is its sole receptor on platelets. Thus it appears that the interaction of CRP with GPVI is determined by a combination of affinity and avidity. The observation that collagen does not behave like CRP in platelets expressing reduced levels of GPVI, even in the combined presence of blocking antibodies against integrin alpha2beta1 and GPV, suggests that collagen has a greater affinity than CRP for GPVI, and/or that other receptors are involved in its binding to platelets. The clinical significance of these results is discussed.


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Minimal toxicity data are available for 1-alkylquinolinium bromide ionic liquids. Here, their toxicity to NIH 3T3 murine fibroblast cells, of relevance to their potential antimicrobial application, is presented. Toxicity data, presented by time-point analysis with a particular focus on the immediate toxicity upon short term cellular exposure, indicate a link between the length of the alkyl chain substituent and resultant biological toxicity. 1-Tetradecylquinolinium bromide was found to exhibit cellular toxicity comparable to benzalkonium chloride over all time points tested. By comparison, 1-octylquinolinium bromide initially exerted significantly lower cytotoxicity at one hour; however, toxicity was found to have a cumulative effect over time-course analysis up to three days. This illustrates that alkyl chain components may govern not only overall toxicity, but also the rate of toxicity. Fluorescence microscopy was utilised to examine destabilisation of the plasma membrane by 1 tetradecylquinolinium bromide and benzalkonium chloride after one hour, with membrane destabilisation not observed for 1-octylquinolinium bromide, or the base constituent quinoline.