969 resultados para multi-theoretical


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Este trabalho discute a implementação da estratégia de postponement, um conceito que vem crescendo de importância nos últimos anos. Postponement é um conceito operacional que consiste em retardar a configuração final de produtos até que os pedidos dos consumidores sejam recebidos. Apesar da atratividade teórica e relevância do tema, pouco ainda se sabe sobre seu processo de implementação, especialmente no ambiente de negócio brasileiro. Este trabalho investigou em profundidade a implementação do postponement em cinco conceituadas empresas no Brasil procurando identificar os motivos que levaram seus respectivos executivos a adotarem tal estratégia, quais foram os agentes facilitadores e os obstáculos à implementação e, finalmente, até que ponto o postponement contribuiu para um aumento da competitividade.


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This paper investigates the competitive aspects of multi-product banking operations. Extending Panzar and Rosse (1987)’s model to the case of a multi-product banking firm, we show that the higher the economies of scope in multi-product banking are, the lower Panzar-Rosse’s measure of competition in the banking sector is. To test this empirical implication and determine the impact of multi-production/conglomeration on market power, we use a new dataset on Brazilian banking conglomerates. Consistent with our theoretical prediction, we find that banks offering classic banking products (i.e., loans and credit cards) and other banking products (i.e., brokerage services, insurance and capitalization bonds) have substantially higher market power than banks that offer only classic products. These results suggest a positive bias in the traditional estimates of competition in which multi-output actions are not considered.


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As tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) estão presentes nas mais diversas áreas e atividades cotidianas, mas, em que pesem as ações de governos e instituições privadas, a informatização da saúde ainda é um desafio em aberto no Brasil. A situação atual leva a um questionamento sobre as dificuldades associadas à informatização das práticas em saúde, assim como, quais efeitos tais dificuldades têm causado à sociedade Brasileira. Com objetivo de discutir as questões acima citadas, esta tese apresenta quatro artigos sobre processo de informação da saúde no Brasil. O primeiro artigo revisa a literatura sobre TIC em saúde e baseado em duas perspectivas teóricas – estudos Europeus acerca dos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (SIS) nos Países em Desenvolvimento e estudos sobre Informação e Informática em Saúde, no âmbito do Movimento da Reforma Sanitária –, formula um modelo integrado que combina dimensões de análise e fatores contextuais para a compreensão dos SIS no Brasil. Já o segundo artigo apresenta os conceitos e teóricos e metodológicos da Teoria Ator-Rede (ANT), uma abordagem para o estudo de controvérsias associadas às descobertas científicas e inovações tecnológicas, por meio das redes de atores envolvidos em tais ações. Tal abordagem tem embasado estudos de SI desde 1990 e inspirou as análises dois artigos empíricos desta tese. Os dois últimos artigos foram redigidos a partir da análise da implantação de um SIS em um hospital público no Brasil ocorrida entre os anos de 2010 e 2012. Para a análise do caso, seguiram-se os atores envolvidos nas controvérsias que surgiram durante a implantação do SIS. O terceiro artigo se debruçou sobre as atividades dos analistas de sistema e usuários envolvidos na implantação do SIS. As mudanças observadas durante a implantação do sistema revelam que o sucesso do SIS não foi alcançado pela estrita e técnica execução das atividades incialmente planejadas. Pelo contrário, o sucesso foi construído coletivamente, por meio da negociação entre os atores e de dispositivos de interessamento introduzidos durante o projeto. O quarto artigo, baseado no conceito das Infraestruturas de Informação, discutiu como o sistema CATMAT foi incorporado ao E-Hosp. A análise revelou como a base instalada do CATMAT foi uma condição relevante para a sua escolha durante a implantação do E-Hosp. Além disso, descrevem-se negociações e operações heterogêneas que aconteceram durante a incorporação do CATMAT no sistema E-Hosp. Assim, esta tese argumenta que a implantação de um SIS é um empreendimento de construção coletiva, envolvendo analistas de sistema, profissionais de saúde, políticos e artefatos técnicos. Ademais, evidenciou-se como os SIS inscrevem definições e acordos, influenciando as preferências dos atores na área de saúde.


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Nota: A autora agradece à Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) pela concessão de bolsa de estudos para o desenvolvimento deste projeto de pesquisa.


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This thesis argues on the possibility of supporting deictic gestures through handheld multi-touch devices in remote presentation scenarios. In [1], Clark distinguishes indicative techniques of placing-for and directing-to, where placing-for refers to placing a referent into the addressee’s attention, and directing-to refers to directing the addressee’s attention towards a referent. Keynote, PowerPoint, FuzeMeeting and others support placing-for efficiently with slide transitions, and animations, but support limited to none directing-to. The traditional “pointing feature” present in some presentation tools comes as a virtual laser pointer or mouse cursor. [12, 13] have shown that the mouse cursor and laser pointer offer very little informational expressiveness and do not do justice to human communicative gestures. In this project, a prototype application was implemented for the iPad in order to explore, develop, and test the concept of pointing in remote presentations. The prototype offers visualizing and navigating the slides as well as “pointing” and zooming. To further investigate the problem and possible solutions, a theoretical framework was designed representing the relationships between the presenter’s intention and gesture and the resulting visual effect (cursor) that enables the audience members to interpret the meaning of the effect and the presenter’s intention. Two studies were performed to investigate people’s appreciation of different ways of presenting remotely. An initial qualitative study was performed at The Hague, followed by an online quantitative user experiment. The results indicate that subjects found pointing to be helpful in understanding and concentrating, while the detached video feed of the presenter was considered to be distracting. The positive qualities of having the video feed were the emotion and social presence that it adds to the presentations. For a number of subjects, pointing displayed some of the same social and personal qualities [2] that video affords, while less intensified. The combination of pointing and video proved to be successful with 10-out-of-19 subjects scoring it the highest while pointing example came at a close 8-out-of-19. Video was the least preferred with only one subject preferring it. We suggest that the research performed here could provide a basis for future research and possibly be applied in a variety of distributed collaborative settings.


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We propose a new paradigm for collective learning in multi-agent systems (MAS) as a solution to the problem in which several agents acting over the same environment must learn how to perform tasks, simultaneously, based on feedbacks given by each one of the other agents. We introduce the proposed paradigm in the form of a reinforcement learning algorithm, nominating it as reinforcement learning with influence values. While learning by rewards, each agent evaluates the relation between the current state and/or action executed at this state (actual believe) together with the reward obtained after all agents that are interacting perform their actions. The reward is a result of the interference of others. The agent considers the opinions of all its colleagues in order to attempt to change the values of its states and/or actions. The idea is that the system, as a whole, must reach an equilibrium, where all agents get satisfied with the obtained results. This means that the values of the state/actions pairs match the reward obtained by each agent. This dynamical way of setting the values for states and/or actions makes this new reinforcement learning paradigm the first to include, naturally, the fact that the presence of other agents in the environment turns it a dynamical model. As a direct result, we implicitly include the internal state, the actions and the rewards obtained by all the other agents in the internal state of each agent. This makes our proposal the first complete solution to the conceptual problem that rises when applying reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems, which is caused by the difference existent between the environment and agent models. With basis on the proposed model, we create the IVQ-learning algorithm that is exhaustive tested in repetitive games with two, three and four agents and in stochastic games that need cooperation and in games that need collaboration. This algorithm shows to be a good option for obtaining solutions that guarantee convergence to the Nash optimum equilibrium in cooperative problems. Experiments performed clear shows that the proposed paradigm is theoretical and experimentally superior to the traditional approaches. Yet, with the creation of this new paradigm the set of reinforcement learning applications in MAS grows up. That is, besides the possibility of applying the algorithm in traditional learning problems in MAS, as for example coordination of tasks in multi-robot systems, it is possible to apply reinforcement learning in problems that are essentially collaborative


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We propose a new approach to reduction and abstraction of visual information for robotics vision applications. Basically, we propose to use a multi-resolution representation in combination with a moving fovea for reducing the amount of information from an image. We introduce the mathematical formalization of the moving fovea approach and mapping functions that help to use this model. Two indexes (resolution and cost) are proposed that can be useful to choose the proposed model variables. With this new theoretical approach, it is possible to apply several filters, to calculate disparity and to obtain motion analysis in real time (less than 33ms to process an image pair at a notebook AMD Turion Dual Core 2GHz). As the main result, most of time, the moving fovea allows the robot not to perform physical motion of its robotics devices to keep a possible region of interest visible in both images. We validate the proposed model with experimental results


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Using a recent shape-independent approximation for the 3S1-3D1 mixing parameter, theoretical prevision for the low-energy mixing parameters is made. The present prevision is consistent with the deuteron binding energy, its asymptotic D-state to S-state ratio, ηd, the triplet-scattering length, and the meson exchange tail of the tensor nucleon-nucleon potential. The theoretical prevision up to an incident laboratory energy of 25 MeV is consistent with the recent multi-energy determination of mixing parameters, but is much higher than many single-energy determinations of the same. The low single-energy values of the mixing parameter could be reproduced by meson-theoretical potentials only with a substantially reduced ηd. © 1994 The American Physical Society.


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Membrane proteins are a large and important class of proteins. They are responsible for several of the key functions in a living cell, e.g. transport of nutrients and ions, cell-cell signaling, and cell-cell adhesion. Despite their importance it has not been possible to study their structure and organization in much detail because of the difficulty to obtain 3D structures. In this thesis theoretical studies of membrane protein sequences and structures have been carried out by analyzing existing experimental data. The data comes from several sources including sequence databases, genome sequencing projects, and 3D structures. Prediction of the membrane spanning regions by hydrophobicity analysis is a key technique used in several of the studies. A novel method for this is also presented and compared to other methods. The primary questions addressed in the thesis are: What properties are common to all membrane proteins? What is the overall architecture of a membrane protein? What properties govern the integration into the membrane? How many membrane proteins are there and how are they distributed in different organisms? Several of the findings have now been backed up by experiments. An analysis of the large family of G-protein coupled receptors pinpoints differences in length and amino acid composition of loops between proteins with and without a signal peptide and also differences between extra- and intracellular loops. Known 3D structures of membrane proteins have been studied in terms of hydrophobicity, distribution of secondary structure and amino acid types, position specific residue variability, and differences between loops and membrane spanning regions. An analysis of several fully and partially sequenced genomes from eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and archaea has been carried out. Several differences in the membrane protein content between organisms were found, the most important being the total number of membrane proteins and the distribution of membrane proteins with a given number of transmembrane segments. Of the properties that were found to be similar in all organisms, the most obvious is the bias in the distribution of positive charges between the extra- and intracellular loops. Finally, an analysis of homologues to membrane proteins with known topology uncovered two related, multi-spanning proteins with opposite predicted orientations. The predicted topologies were verified experimentally, providing a first example of "divergent topology evolution".


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Communication and coordination are two key-aspects in open distributed agent system, being both responsible for the system’s behaviour integrity. An infrastructure capable to handling these issues, like TuCSoN, should to be able to exploit modern technologies and tools provided by fast software engineering contexts. Thesis aims to demonstrate TuCSoN infrastructure’s abilities to cope new possibilities, hardware and software, offered by mobile technology. The scenarios are going to configure, are related to the distributed nature of multi-agent systems where an agent should be located and runned just on a mobile device. We deal new mobile technology frontiers concerned with smartphones using Android operating system by Google. Analysis and deployment of a distributed agent-based system so described go first to impact with quality and quantity considerations about available resources. Engineering issue at the base of our research is to use TuCSoN against to reduced memory and computing capability of a smartphone, without the loss of functionality, efficiency and integrity for the infrastructure. Thesis work is organized on two fronts simultaneously: the former is the rationalization process of the available hardware and software resources, the latter, totally orthogonal, is the adaptation and optimization process about TuCSoN architecture for an ad-hoc client side release.


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Theoretical models are developed for the continuous-wave and pulsed laser incision and cut of thin single and multi-layer films. A one-dimensional steady-state model establishes the theoretical foundations of the problem by combining a power-balance integral with heat flow in the direction of laser motion. In this approach, classical modelling methods for laser processing are extended by introducing multi-layer optical absorption and thermal properties. The calculation domain is consequently divided in correspondence with the progressive removal of individual layers. A second, time-domain numerical model for the short-pulse laser ablation of metals accounts for changes in optical and thermal properties during a single laser pulse. With sufficient fluence, the target surface is heated towards its critical temperature and homogeneous boiling or "phase explosion" takes place. Improvements are seen over previous works with the more accurate calculation of optical absorption and shielding of the incident beam by the ablation products. A third, general time-domain numerical laser processing model combines ablation depth and energy absorption data from the short-pulse model with two-dimensional heat flow in an arbitrary multi-layer structure. Layer removal is the result of both progressive short-pulse ablation and classical vaporisation due to long-term heating of the sample. At low velocity, pulsed laser exposure of multi-layer films comprising aluminium-plastic and aluminium-paper are found to be characterised by short-pulse ablation of the metallic layer and vaporisation or degradation of the others due to thermal conduction from the former. At high velocity, all layers of the two films are ultimately removed by vaporisation or degradation as the average beam power is increased to achieve a complete cut. The transition velocity between the two characteristic removal types is shown to be a function of the pulse repetition rate. An experimental investigation validates the simulation results and provides new laser processing data for some typical packaging materials.


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This dissertation is devoted to the study of non-normal (modal) systems for deontic logics, both on the propositional level, and on the first order one. In particular we developed our study the Multi-relational setting that generalises standard Kripke Semantics. We present new completeness results concerning the semantic setting of several systems which are able to handle normative dilemmas and conflicts. Although primarily driven by issues related to the legal and moral field, these results are also relevant for the more theoretical field of Modal Logic itself, as we propose a syntactical, and semantic study of intermediate systems between the classical propositional calculus CPC and the minimal normal modal logic K.


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This thesis deals with the analytic study of dynamics of Multi--Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It is conceived to give a set of mathematical instruments apt to the theoretical study and design of these flying machines. The entire work is organized in analogy with classical academic texts about airplane flight dynamics. First, the non--linear equations of motion are defined and all the external actions are modeled, with particular attention to rotors aerodynamics. All the equations are provided in a form, and with personal expedients, to be directly exploitable in a simulation environment. This has requited an answer to questions like the trim of such mathematical systems. All the treatment is developed aiming at the description of different multi--rotor configurations. Then, the linearized equations of motion are derived. The computation of the stability and control derivatives of the linear model is carried out. The study of static and dynamic stability characteristics is, thus, addressed, showing the influence of the various geometric and aerodynamic parameters of the machine and in particular of the rotors. All the theoretic results are finally utilized in two interesting cases. One concerns the design of control systems for attitude stabilization. The linear model permits the tuning of linear controllers gains and the non--linear model allows the numerical testing. The other case is the study of the performances of an innovative configuration of quad--rotor aircraft. With the non--linear model the feasibility of maneuvers impossible for a traditional quad--rotor is assessed. The linear model is applied to the controllability analysis of such an aircraft in case of actuator block.


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The physics of the operation of singe-electron tunneling devices (SEDs) and singe-electron tunneling transistors (SETs), especially of those with multiple nanometer-sized islands, has remained poorly understood in spite of some intensive experimental and theoretical research. This computational study examines the current-voltage (IV) characteristics of multi-island single-electron devices using a newly developed multi-island transport simulator (MITS) that is based on semi-classical tunneling theory and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation. The dependence of device characteristics on physical device parameters is explored, and the physical mechanisms that lead to the Coulomb blockade (CB) and Coulomb staircase (CS) characteristics are proposed. Simulations using MITS demonstrate that the overall IV characteristics in a device with a random distribution of islands are a result of a complex interplay among those factors that affect the tunneling rates that are fixed a priori (e.g. island sizes, island separations, temperature, gate bias, etc.), and the evolving charge state of the system, which changes as the source-drain bias (VSD) is changed. With increasing VSD, a multi-island device has to overcome multiple discrete energy barriers (up-steps) before it reaches the threshold voltage (Vth). Beyond Vth, current flow is rate-limited by slow junctions, which leads to the CS structures in the IV characteristic. Each step in the CS is characterized by a unique distribution of island charges with an associated distribution of tunneling probabilities. MITS simulation studies done on one-dimensional (1D) disordered chains show that longer chains are better suited for switching applications as Vth increases with increasing chain length. They are also able to retain CS structures at higher temperatures better than shorter chains. In sufficiently disordered 2D systems, we demonstrate that there may exist a dominant conducting path (DCP) for conduction, which makes the 2D device behave as a quasi-1D device. The existence of a DCP is sensitive to the device structure, but is robust with respect to changes in temperature, gate bias, and VSD. A side gate in 1D and 2D systems can effectively control Vth. We argue that devices with smaller island sizes and narrower junctions may be better suited for practical applications, especially at room temperature.


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This voluminous book which draws on almost 1000 references provides an important theoretical base for practice. After an informative introduction about models, maps and metaphors, Forte provides an impressive presentation of several perspectives for use in practice; applied ecological theory, applied system theory, applied biology, applied cognitive science, applied psychodynamic theory, applied behaviourism, applied symbolic interactionism, applied social role theory, applied economic theory, and applied critical theory. Finally he completes his book with a chapter on “Multi theory practice and routes to integration.”