889 resultados para moving belt treadmill


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The comments related to the sustainability of knowledge management (KM) have shown signs that it possibly can be a discourse which determines a quick style, but otherwise have also allowed the building of a better understanding about the limits and weaknesses of the knowlege management. In addition to the criticisms, the conceptual bases of knowledge management have been undermined by a contradictory combination of paradigms; there are also contradictions between the theoretical perspective jubjacent to the knwoledge management and its operationality. As a way of minimizing the possibility that the knowledge management may be turned into an umbrella concept and fail, it is suggested that its approaches embody a more interpretative perspective, taking up the role of an instrument which enables and facilitates the processes and practices in building up knowledge and information, enhancing their focus on the support to the establishment of human competences in order to deal intelligently with the present overcharge of information resources and need for building up information in the organizations.


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Recent advances in remote sensing technologies have facilitated the generation of very high resolution (VHR) environmental data. Exploratory studies suggested that, if used in species distribution models (SDMs), these data should enable modelling species' micro-habitats and allow improving predictions for fine-scale biodiversity management. In the present study, we tested the influence, in SDMs, of predictors derived from a VHR digital elevation model (DEM) by comparing the predictive power of models for 239 plant species and their assemblages fitted at six different resolutions in the Swiss Alps. We also tested whether changes of the model quality for a species is related to its functional and ecological characteristics. Refining the resolution only contributed to slight improvement of the models for more than half of the examined species, with the best results obtained at 5 m, but no significant improvement was observed, on average, across all species. Contrary to our expectations, we could not consistently correlate the changes in model performance with species characteristics such as vegetation height. Temperature, the most important variable in the SDMs across the different resolutions, did not contribute any substantial improvement. Our results suggest that improving resolution of topographic data only is not sufficient to improve SDM predictions - and therefore local management - compared to previously used resolutions (here 25 and 100 m). More effort should be dedicated now to conduct finer-scale in-situ environmental measurements (e.g. for temperature, moisture, snow) to obtain improved environmental measurements for fine-scale species mapping and management.


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A new genus (Triassiphaeodina gen. nov.) and two new species (Medusetta japonica sp. nov. and Triassiphaeodina niyodoensis sp. nov.) of Late Triassic (Rhaetian) phaeodarian Radiolaria are described from a phosphatic nodule found in melange rocks of the Northern Chichibu Belt, Shikoku, Japan. The Rhaetian age of the nodule and of the phaeodarian new taxa is based on co-occurring Polycystina Radiolaria, including Bipedis acrostylus Bragin, Livarella densiporata Kozur and Mostler, Fontinella primitiva Carter, and Ferresium sp. A of Carter (1993). This finding shows that phaeodarian Radiolaria were already represented in Late Triassic oceans, with morphologies similar to those known in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, from which they have previously been reported. The new taxa described herein represent the oldest known phaeodarian fossils.


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Assessing the total energy expenditure (TEE) and the levels of physical activity in free-living conditions with non-invasive techniques remains a challenge. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the accuracy of a new uniaxial accelerometer for assessing TEE and physical-activity-related energy expenditure (PAEE) over a 24 h period in a respiratory chamber, and to establish activity levels based on the accelerometry ranges corresponding to the operationally defined metabolic equivalent (MET) categories. In study 1, measurement of the 24 h energy expenditure of seventy-nine Japanese subjects (40 (SD 12) years old) was performed in a large respiratory chamber. During the measurements, the subjects wore a uniaxial accelerometer (Lifecorder; Suzuken Co. Ltd, Nagoya, Japan) on their belt. Two moderate walking exercises of 30 min each were performed on a horizontal treadmill. In study 2, ten male subjects walked at six different speeds and ran at three different speeds on a treadmill for 4 min, with the same accelerometer. O2 consumption was measured during the last minute of each stage and was expressed in MET. The measured TEE was 8447 (SD 1337) kJ/d. The accelerometer significantly underestimated TEE and PAEE (91.9 (SD 5.4) and 92.7 (SD 17.8) % chamber value respectively); however, there was a significant correlation between the two values (r 0.928 and 0.564 respectively; P<0.001). There was a strong correlation between the activity levels and the measured MET while walking (r(2) 0.93; P<0.001). Although TEE and PAEE were systematically underestimated during the 24 h period, the accelerometer assessed energy expenditure well during both the exercise period and the non-structured activities. Individual calibration factors may help to improve the accuracy of TEE estimation, but the average calibration factor for the group is probably sufficient for epidemiological research. This method is also important for assessing the diurnal profile of physical activity.


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El propòsit d'aquest treball és fixar, basant-nos en l'anàlisi tipològica, les diferències lingüístiques en la construcció de les expressions de moviment de l'anglès i el català. Partim de la hipòtesi que en funció de l'origen de la llengua, s'apliquen solucions diferents a determinats problemes lingüístics que apareixen a l'hora de traduir un discurs. Analitzarem, doncs, el grau de fidelitat de la traducció quant a l'expressió del trajecte i de la manera. Per consegüent, estudiarem si hi ha cap pèrdua d'informació, de qualitat o de genuïnitat en relació amb el text original servint-nos de la comparació d'ambdós estils narratius.


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Introduction: One of the main goals for exereise testing in children is evaluation of exercise capacity. There are many testing protocols, but the Bruce treadmill protocol is widely used among pediatrie cardiology centers. Thirty years ago, Cuming et al. were the first to establish normal values for children from North America (Canada) aged 4 to 18 years old. No data was ever published for children from Western Europe. Our study aimed to assess the validity of the normal values from Cuming et al. for children from Western Europe in the 21 st century. Methods: It is a retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care children's hospital. 144 children referred to our institution but finally diagnosed as having a normal heart underwent exercise stress testing using the Bruce protocol between 1999 and 2006. Data from 59 girls and 85 boys aged 6 to 18 were reviewed. Mean endurance time (ET) for each age category and gender was compared with the mean normal values fram Cumming et al by an unpaired t-test. Results: Mean ET increases with age until 15 years old in girls and then decreases. Mean endurance time increases continuouslY'from 6 to 18 years old in boys. The increase is more pronounced in boys than girls. In our study, a significant higher mean ET was found for boys in age categories 10 to 12, 13 to 15 and 16 to 18. No significant difference was found in any other groups. Conclusions: Some normal values from Cuming et al. established in 1978 for ET with the Bruce protocol are probably not appropriate any more today for children from Western Europe. Our study showed that mean ET is higher for boys from 10 to 18 years old. Despite common beliefs, cardiovascular conditioning doesn't seem yet reduced in children from Western Europe. New data for Bruce treadmill exercise. testing for healthy children, 4 to 18 years old, living in Western Europe are required. .


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Among the variety of road users and vehicle types that travel on U.S. public roadways, slow moving vehicles (SMVs) present unique safety and operations issues. SMVs include vehicles that do not maintain a constant speed of 25 mph, such as large farm equipment, construction vehicles, or horse-drawn buggies. Though the number of crashes involving SMVs is relatively small, SMV crashes tend to be severe. Additionally, SMVs can be encountered regularly on non-Interstate/non-expressway public roadways, but motorists may not be accustomed to these vehicles. This project was designed to improve transportation safety for SMVs on Iowa’s public roadway system. This report includes a literature review that shows various SMV statistics and laws across the United States, a crash study based on three years of Iowa SMV crash data, and recommendations from the SMV community.


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This report presents the results of a literature review conducted to evaluate differences in seat belt use by race. A literature review was conducted to evaluate overall seat belt use, racial differences in seat belt use, overall child restraint use, racial differences in child restraint use, and information about seat belt and child restraint use specific to Iowa. A number of national studies and regional studies were found and are presented. Mixed results were found as to whether racial differences exist in both seat belt use and child restraint use. However, in the course of the literature review, several items that are of interest to safety in Iowa have emerged, although little data specific to Iowa was encountered. First, national seat belt use appears to be lower among African-Americans than for Caucasians or Hispanics. Second, national crash rates among Hispanics appear to be higher than those for Caucasians, particularly when population and lower vehicle miles traveled (VMT) are considered. One issue that should be considered throughout this literature review is that the Hispanic population may be higher than reported due to large numbers of undocumented persons who do not appear in population estimates, driver’s license, or other databases.


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This chapter describes the profile of the HIA, provides insight into the process and gives an example of how political decisions may be made on behalf of a concerned population through an HIA approach. [Introduction p. 284]


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For the development and evaluation of cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging sequences and methodologies, the availability of a periodically moving phantom to model respiratory and cardiac motion would be of substantial benefit. Given the specific physical boundary conditions in an MR environment, the choice of materials and power source of such phantoms is heavily restricted. Sophisticated commercial solutions are available; however, they are often relatively costly and user-specific modifications may not easily be implemented. We therefore sought to construct a low-cost MR-compatible motion phantom that could be easily reproduced and had design flexibility. A commercially available K'NEX construction set (Hyper Space Training Tower, K'NEX Industries, Inc., Hatfield, PA) was used to construct a periodically moving phantom head. The phantom head performs a translation with a superimposed rotation, driven by a motor over a 2-m rigid rod. To synchronize the MR data acquisition with phantom motion (without introducing radiofrequency-related image artifacts), a fiberoptic control unit generates periodic trigger pulses synchronized to the phantom motion. Total material costs of the phantom are US$ < 200.00, and a total of 80 man-hours were required to design and construct the original phantom. With schematics of the present solution, the phantom reproduction may be achieved in approximately 15 man-hours. The presented MR-compatible periodically moving phantom can easily be reproduced, and user-specific modifications may be implemented. Such an approach allows a detailed investigation of motion-related phenomena in MR images.


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This analysis examined data from a variety of sources to estimate the benefit of enhancing Iowa’s current law to require all passengers to use seat belts. In addition to assessing Iowans’ opinions about changing the law, a literature review, a legislative policy review, and analysis of Iowa crash data were completed. Currently 28 states enforce seat belt laws for all passengers. Belted passengers riding with an unbelted passenger are 2 to 5 times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash relative to when all occupants are using seat belts. Iowans are highly compliant (90%-94%) with the current seat belt law for front seat occupants. Of more than 1000 Iowans surveyed, 85% said they always use a seat belt when riding in the front seat, but only 36% always do so when they ride in the back seat. The most common reasons given for not using seat belts in the back seat are forgetting to buckle up and because it is not the law. Iowans widely support strengthening Iowa’s seat belt law — 62% said Iowa law should require all rear seat passengers to use seat belts. Four out of five respondents said they would use seat belts more often when sitting in the rear seat if it was the law. It is estimated rear seat fatalities would decrease about 48%, from 13 to 7 fatalities annually, if an all-passenger law was implemented in Iowa.


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Résumé Cet article examine le rôle joué par les normes internationales techniques dans la mondialisation des activités de service. Différentes approches d'économie considèrent que les spécificités des activités de services sont un frein à leur délocalisation, à leur industrialisation et à leur normalisation. A l'opposé de ces approches centrées sur les spécificités des activités de services, les approches d'économie politique internationale mettent en avant l'existence de configurations conflictuelles de pouvoir à l'oeuvre dans l'internationalisation des activités de services et ce, au-delà des limites sectorielles et nationales. Cet article examine le cas du secteur des centres d'appels et, plus généralement, celui de la sous-traitance des services aux entreprises (BPO) en Inde. Nos résultats suggèrent que les normes techniques sont importantes dans le secteur étudié, alors même que ces types de services sont conventionnellement identifiés comme étant peu susceptibles d'être soumis à des normes. Une perspective d'économie politique sur la normalisation des activités de service souligne comment la problématique du pouvoir investit la normalisation technique d'une dimension plus progressive à travers les thématiques du "travailleur", du "consommateur", ou de "l'environnement". Abstract This paper explores the role of international standards in the much-debated globalisation of the service economy. Various strands of economic analyses consider that core attributes of services affect their ability to be reliably delocalised, industrialised, and standardised. In contrast, international political economy approaches draw attention to power configurations supporting conflicting use of standards across industries and nations. The paper examines the case of the rising Indian service industry in customer centres and business process outsourcing to probe these opposing views. Our findings suggest that standards matter in types of services that conventional economic analyses identify as unlikely to be standardised, and that the standards used in the Indian BPO industry are widely accepted. Despite little conflict in actual definitions of market requirements, an international political economy perspective on service standardisation highlights the importance of potential power issues related to workers', consumers', and environmental concerns likely to be included in more progressive forms of standardisation.


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Usingof belt for high precision applications has become appropriate because of the rapid development in motor and drive technology as well as the implementation of timing belts in servo systems. Belt drive systems provide highspeed and acceleration, accurate and repeatable motion with high efficiency, long stroke lengths and low cost. Modeling of a linear belt-drive system and designing its position control are examined in this work. Friction phenomena and position dependent elasticity of the belt are analyzed. Computer simulated results show that the developed model is adequate. The PID control for accurate tracking control and accurate position control is designed and applied to the real test setup. Both the simulation and the experimental results demonstrate that the designed controller meets the specified performance specifications.