953 resultados para morphological characteristics


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The objective of the project was to determine the reproductive biology of Indian Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) using Gonado-Somatic Index (GSI); length at first maturity; spawning season; morphological characteristics; and stomach contents.


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We describe a new species, Amolops tuberodepressus, from the mountainous regions of Jingdong County, Yunnan Province, China. This species differs from all other congeners in a combination of both karyological and morphological characteristics. Morphologically, the new species resembles A. mantzorum, A. kangtingensis, A. jinjiangensis, and A. liangshanensis occurring in southern Sichuan and northern Yunnan and may easily be confused with those species. However, Amolops tuberodepressus differs from those species by the presence of a distinct tympanum, flatter supratympanic fold, flatter tubercles on the flanks, and absence of a dorsolateral Fold. Karyological evidence also strongly supports the distinctness of the new species. A consideration of one Karyological character demonstrates that species of Amolops in southwestern China all share secondary constrictions on chromosome pair six. In view of the morphological similarity among species df Amolops in southwestern China, these species may have only recently diverged from a common ancestral species.


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We describe a new species of stream-breeding frog of the genus Amolops, Amolops bellulus, from the mountainous region of Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, near the boundary between Yunnan and Myanmar. This species differs from all its congeners in a combination of morphological characteristics including the absence of a circummarginal groove at the tip of first finger, lack of a supratympanic fold, a white band along the upper jaw extending to shoulder, a black band starting from tip of snout along upper loreal region and extending to anterior flank of body, absence of a vocal sac, tympanum distinct and feebly concave, and the presence of vomerine teeth.


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The structural and morphological characteristics of InAs/GaAs radial nanowire heterostructures were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. It has been found that the radial growth of InAs was preferentially initiated on the { 112 } A sidewalls of GaAs nanowires. This preferential deposition leads to extraordinarily asymmetric InAs/GaAs radial nanowire heterostructures. Such formation of radial nanowire heterostructures provides an opportunity to engineer hierarchical nanostructures, which further widens the potential applications of semiconductor nanostructures. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The presence of the odorous compounds, 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin, as well as causative microorganisms in brackish intensive cultivation fishponds in Tianjin, China that had a severe earthy-musty odor were evaluated. The results revealed that MIB was the primary odorous compound present in the Tianjin fishponds, with a concentration ranging from 0.53-5302.7 ng.L-1. Furthermore, the concentration of MIB was found to be closely correlated with the gross biomass of actinomycetes in the water, which ranged from 10.67-1528.24 x 10(6) cfu.ml(-1). Therefore, the sequences of the 16 SrRNA and morphological characteristics of the actinomycetes in the brackish fishponds were investigated. The results revealed that the actinomycetes in the brackish fishponds included 9 species of common and dominant actinomycetes belonging to 4 genera. Of these genera, Streptomyces were the dominant species, and Streptomyces, Nocardioides and Micromonospora were the most common species in the fishponds evaluated. Next, the ability of each of the isolated Streptomyces to produce MIB was measured under laboratory culture conditions. Streptomyces Sp2 was found to have a strong ability to produce MIB, which indicates that this strain may be the primary source of the earthy-musty odor reported in brackish intensive cultivation fishponds in Tianjin, China.


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Many stick insects and mantophasmids possess tarsal 'heel pads' (euplantulae) covered by arrays of conical, micrometre-sized hairs (acanthae). These pads are used mainly under compression; they respond to load with increasing shear resistance, and show negligible adhesion. Reflected-light microscopy in stick insects (Carausius morosus) revealed that the contact area of 'heel pads' changes with normal load on three hierarchical levels. First, loading brought larger areas of the convex pads into contact. Second, loading increased the density of acanthae in contact. Third, higher loads changed the shape of individual hair contacts gradually from circular (tip contact) to elongated (side contact). The resulting increase in real contact area can explain the load dependence of friction, indicating a constant shear stress between acanthae and substrate. As the euplantula contact area is negligible for small loads (similar to hard materials), but increases sharply with load (resembling soft materials), these pads show high friction coefficients despite little adhesion. This property appears essential for the pads' use in locomotion. Several morphological characteristics of hairy friction pads are in apparent contrast to hairy pads used for adhesion, highlighting key adaptations for both pad types. Our results are relevant for the design of fibrillar structures with high friction coefficients but small adhesion.


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Endothelial filopodia play key roles in guiding the tubular sprouting during angiogenesis. However, their dynamic morphological characteristics, with the associated implications in cell motility, have been subjected to limited investigations. In this work, the interaction between endothelial cells and extracellular matrix fibrils was recapitulated in vitro, where a specific focus was paid to derive the key morphological parameters to define the dynamics of filopodium-like protrusion during cell motility. Based on one-dimensional gelatin fibrils patterned by near-field electrospinning (NFES), we study the response of endothelial cells (EA.hy926) under normal culture or ROCK inhibition. It is shown that the behaviour of temporal protrusion length versus cell motility can be divided into distinct modes. Persistent migration was found to be one of the modes which permitted cell displacement for over 300 μm at a speed of approximately 1 μm min-1. ROCK inhibition resulted in abnormally long protrusions and diminished the persistent migration, but dramatically increased the speeds of protrusion extension and retraction. Finally, we also report the breakage of protrusion during cell motility, and examine its phenotypic behaviours. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.


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Two ciliated protozoa, Balantidium sinensis Nie 1935 and Balantidium andianusi n. sp., were isolated from the feces of a wild Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) captured from the mountainous area of Shiyan, Hubei Province, Central China in October 2006. It is the first report of Balantidium species inhabiting Cryptobranchoidea amphibians. The occurrence of B. sinensis in A. davidianus should be a new record because the type specimens were first discovered and named by Nie in 1935 from Rana nigromaculata and Rana plancyi. For the lack of enough descriptions of taxonomic features in the previous report, it was re-described in detail and compared with Nie's type specimens and B. giganteum to complete the morphological descriptions in the present work. B. andianusi n. sp. was considered to be a new species based on its unique morphological characteristics, especially the high length/width ratio of the vestibulum (8:1). Comparisons were also made among Balantidium species that were found from urodele amphibians.


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The phylogeny of Oedogoniales was investigated by using nuclear 18S rDNA sequences. Results showed that the genus Oedocladium, as a separated clade, was clustered within the clade of Oedogonium; whereas the genus Bulbochaete was in a comparatively divergent position to the other two genera. The relationship among the species of Oedogonium was discussed, focusing on ITS-2 phylogeny analyzed combining with some morphological characteristics. Our results showed that all the dioecious nannandrous taxa involved in this study were resolved into one clade, while all the monocious taxa were clustered into another clade as a sister group to the former. The report also suggests that the dioecious macrandrous taxa form a paraphyly and could be more basally situated than the dioecious nannandrous and the monoecious taxa by means of molecular phylogeny and morphotype investigations.


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Viable F-1 hybrids were obtained from crosses of female Macrobrachium nipponense and male Macrobrachium hainanense involving spermatophore transfer and artificial insemination. This represents the first successful known case of hybridization of two Macrobrachium species by means of artificial insemination. The hatching rate was over 90%. About 20-60% of newly hatched larvae metamorphosed to postlarvae. The morphological characteristics of the hybrids resembled a combination of features of both parents. Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and esterase (EST) isozyme electrophoresis indicated parents and F-1 hybrids showed co-dominant expression of the paternal and maternal alleles controlling the isozymes and confirmed the hybridization. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The taxonomy of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae strain NH-5, a producer of cyanotoxins, was re-evaluated by comparison with six other Aphanizomenon strains using morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequences. Strain NH-5 was concluded to be improperly identified as Aph. flos-aquae based upon (1) lack of bundle formation in the trichomes, (2) location of akinetes next to heterocytes, (3) lower similarities (less than 97.5%) in the 16S rRNA gene sequences relative to Aph. flos-aquae strains, and (4) comparison within a phylogenetic tree constructed from 16S rRNA gene sequences. The Aphanizomenon strains investigated in this study are classified to four morphological groups as described by the classical taxonomy of Komarek & Kovacik (1989). This classification was supported from the phylogenetic results of 16S rRNA gene sequences. This study also discusses the generic boundaries between Aphanizomenon and Anabaena.


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青藏高原东缘的亚高山针叶林是长江上游重要的生态屏障,经过近六十年的采伐后,取而代之的是大量人工种植的云杉纯林。目前,这些人工林已经表现出树种单一,结构层次简单等生态问题,其物种多样性及生态效益与同地带天然林相比差距较明显。如何丰富该地区物种多样性,完善人工林生态系统的生态功能是一个十分重要的课题。林下植物是人工林群落的重要组成部分,对维持群落的生物多样性及完善生态系统功能具有明显的作用。因此,研究该地区人工针叶林的林下植被对不同生境的适应性对于理解人工林生态系统物种多样性的形成和维持机制都具有重要的意义。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型----云杉人工林为研究对象,选择林下11种具有不同喜光特性的常见植物,分别设置人工林林冠下及成熟林窗为研究样地,通过对各种植物叶片形态与物质分配特征、叶片解剖学特征、叶片光合生理特性、植物自然分布特征等方面的比较分析,研究林下植物对不同光生境的适应策略及其适应能力,揭示不同物种对人工林生境的适应共性,为西南亚高山地区植被恢复及人工林的经营管理提供科学依据。具体研究结果如下: 在叶片形态和物质分配特征方面:在林窗光生境中,11种林下植物叶片比叶重(LMA)显著高于林下光生境的同种植物。同时,林窗下生长的植物叶片叶片厚度及栅栏细胞长度显著增加,这是影响叶片比叶重变化的直接原因。而多数植物叶重比在两种生境中无明显变化。说明在长期适应自然生境之后,植物可能更多地采取调节叶片组织细胞水平(即叶片功能细胞形态)及叶片器官水平(即单个叶片形态)特征的策略来适应各类生境,而非整株水平上的叶片总比重的增减。 在叶片解剖结构特征方面:多数阔叶物种栅栏组织厚度(PT)、栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度(PT/ST)、栅栏细胞层数及近半数种的气孔密度(SD)在林窗生境中更大或更多,而叶片表皮细胞厚度(UET、LET)气孔长径(SL)及海绵组织厚度(ST)受两种生境影响不大。喜光特性相似的物种在生境适应策略上具有一定的趋同性。 在光合生理特征方面:在林窗生境中多数种植物的最大光合速率(Amax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)及喜光植物光补偿点(LCP)显著或极显著高于林内生境同种植物。且在同一生境条件下,多数深度耐荫植物比喜光及轻度喜光植物有稍低的Rd和LCP。各植物在林内低光生境中具有更大的内禀光能转化效率,并在中午12:00~14:00之间光强最大的时刻发生了的最深程度的光抑制。多数种能通过调节自身某种光合素含量或色素之间的比例来适应不同的光生境,即通过增加叶绿素含量或降低Chla/b值来适应林内弱光生境,通过提高类胡萝卜素含量或单位叶绿素的类胡萝卜素含量降低强光带来的伤害。绝大多数物种并不采取调节叶片C、N含量的策略来适应不同的光生境。总之,植物部分光合参数(Amax、Rd、LCP)受生境的影响与其自身喜光特性有关,但另一些参数(Fv/Fm日变化、色素含量及比例、叶氮相对含量)受生境影响与其自身喜光特性无明显关联。 在表型可塑性方面:在叶片各表型参数中,器官水平及细胞水平的形态特征参数平均可塑性大于整株水平形态和物质分配特征参数可塑性;叶片光合组织的可塑性大于非光合组织可塑性;反映植物光合能力的参数可塑性大于叶片色素含量参数可塑性。植物叶片形态和物质分配、解剖学特征参数平均可塑性大小与其自身喜光特性基本吻合,即喜光种及轻度耐荫种各参数可塑性最高,深度耐荫种可塑性最小,而这种规律并未在光合生理参数的可塑性大小上体现出来。但是叶片形态和物质分配参数、光合生理参数的平均可塑性水平却大于叶片解剖学参数。 在植物自然分布特征方面:喜光物种云杉幼苗及歪头菜在林内生境中分布密度明显降低,深度耐荫种疏花槭却恰恰相反,更多数物种(7种植物)在两种生境中密度变化趋势不明显。从分布格局来看,7种植物在两种生境中均为聚集分布,但聚集强度为林窗>林内;少数物种桦叶荚迷、直穗小檗、冰川茶藨、黄背勾儿茶在林窗中为聚集型,在林内生境中的分布型发生改变而成为随机型,说明光生境的差异能影响到植物种群的分布特征。但这种影响程度与植物自身的喜光特性无关,同时与各物种叶片表型平均可塑性的大小也无明显关联。 The subalpine coniferous forest area in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is important ecology-barrier of upriver Yangtze. In past sixty years, those forests had been cut down and replaced with a lot of spruce plantations. At now, there are many ecology problems presenting to us such as singleness species, simple configuration, lower species diversity and ecological benefit than natural forests at the same belt. How to restore the species diversity and enhance the eco-function of the plantations is a very important issue. The understory plants are important part of plantation community, which improved the bio-diversity and eco-function distinctly of forests. So, it is very significance to study the adaptation of understory plants to different environment in plantation, and this study would helping us to understand how plantations to develop and remain their biodiversity. This study was conducted in a 60a spruce plantation in Miyaluo located in western Sichuan, China, and spruce plantation is major types of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics, the anatomical characteristics, the photosynthetic characteristics and the distribution patterns characteristics of eleven different light-requirement understory species grown in two different environments (forest gaps and underneath close canopy) were studied and compared. The purpose of this study was to analyze the adaptation of this forest understory plants, to show up the commonness of these different light-requirement understory species in light acclimation, and to provide some scientific reference to manage and restore the vegetation of subalpine plantation of southwest China. The results were as follows: The leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics: These eleven species in forest gaps had significantly higher dry weight per leaf area (LMA) than those under close canopy. The palisade parenchyma cells of the broad-leaved species in gaps were significantly longer than those grown under the canopy, which been a directed factor for the change of leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in different environment. But the leaf weight ratio (LWR) of most plants species were not evidently changed by the contrasted environments in our study. It was shown the morphological characteristics changing been adopted as a strategy of light acclimation for plants wasn’t on whole plant level (leaf weight ratio) but cellular level (the function cells morphological characteristics) and organic level (the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics) mostly. The leaf anatomical characteristics: Most broad-leaved plants in gaps increased palisade parenchyma thickness (PT), the palisade parenchyma cell layers and the ratio of palisade to spongy parenchyma (PT/ST). So did as almost about half species in this study in stomatal density (SD). No significant differences in thickness of leaf epidermal cells (UET, LET), stomatal length (SL) and spongy parenchyma (ST) between two environments of most species were observed. The results suggested that species with light-requirement approximately had convergent evolution on adaptation to light condition. The leaf photosynthetic characteristics: The dark respiration rate (Rd) of most plants species, the light compensation point (LCP) of light-demanding plants species in gaps were significantly increased than under close canopy in this study. In a same habitat, most deep-shade-tolerant plants had lower Rd and LCP than those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants. Each species has bigger inherent electron transport rate under close canopy than in gaps, and the greatest photoinhibition happened during 12 to 14 in the daytime. Most species could adapt different light environment by the way of changing their photosynthetic pigments content or the ratio of pigments content. For example, some plants under close canopy increased chlorophyll (Chl) or reduced the values of the ratio Chla/b to adapted the low light condition, some plants in gaps increased carotenoid (Car) or reduced the weight ratio CarChl to avoid been hurt in high light. For most plants, changing the content of C and N in leaf wasn’t a strategy of light acclimation. In conclusion, the variation of some leaf photosynthetic parameters in different light environment such as Fv/Fm, pigments, C and N in leaf related with the light-requirmnet of species, but the others such as Amax, Rd, LCP did not. The leaf plasticity indexes: Among those leaf plasticity indexes, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed parameters on cellular and organic level were greater than on whole plant level for same species, and the photosynthetic parenchyma parameters were greater than non-photosynthetic parenchyma parameters in same leaf, and photosynthetic capability parameters were greater than photosynthetic pigments content parameters for same species. The average plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed and anatomical parameters were accordant with plants’ light-requirement approximately: those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants had bigger plasticity indexes than deep-shade-tolerant plants. But this regular wasn’t observed in physiological plasticity indexes for most plants, though the average leaf plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed, photosynthetic characteristics parameters was greater than the anatomical characteristics parameters. The distribution patterns characteristics: Oppositely to the deep-shade-tolerant specie Acer laxiflorum Pax., the density of light-demanding species Picea asperata Mast. and Vicia unijuga A. Br. in gaps was bigger than under close canopy. Each of the other species has the approximately density in two different environment. The spatial patterns of seven species were aggregated distribution in two environments, but the trend of aggregation of population under close canopy was decrease from in gaps. A few species such as Viburnum betulifoium Batal., Berberis dasystachya Maxim., Ribes glaciale Wall. and Berchemia flavescens Brongn. were aggregated distribution in gaps while random distribution under close canopy. It was shown that the difference between two light environments could affect the distribution pattern of plant population, and the effect didn’t relate with the light-requirement or plasticity indexes of species.


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The haploid stage of gametophytes of the subtidal brown alga Undaria pinnatifida can be vegetatively propagated under favorable conditions. This unique characteristic makes it possible to establish independent gametophyte cell lines that are zoospore-derived. Sporophytic offspring can be generated through hybridizing the male and female gametophytes, which are derived from different cell lines. Accumulated experiences in this and other species in Laminariales demonstrated the applicability of this novel way to breed desired strains for open-sea cultivation. Sporophytic offspring originated from mono-crossing of male and female gametophyte clones were shown to have similar morphological characteristics under identical ambient conditions. However, there has been no report to relate this similarity on molecular levels. In this report, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic identity of sporophytic offspring of U. pinnatifida originated from two mono-crossing lines (M1 and M2), two self-breeding lines (S1 and S2) and one wild population (W). Totally 318 AFLP loci were revealed by use of 11 primer sets, of which 4.7%, 0.3%, 17.9%, 16.4% and 36.5% were polymorphic in M1, M2, S1, S2 and W, respectively. The pairwise genetic identity among the individuals of the same line was assessed. It was shown that offspring from mono-crossing lines had a higher degree of identity (95.6-100%) than self-breeding lines (87.7-98.4%) and the wild population (81.5-92.1%). Analysis by use of six microsatellite loci also revealed a higher genetic identity among individuals of the mono-crossing line, further confirming the results of AFLP analysis. Results from this investigation support, on molecular levels, the novel way to produce and maintain strains in U. pinnatifida by use of different gametophyte cell lines.


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The color mutations in Bangiaceae were investigated by treating the blades, conchocelis and conchospores phase of Bangia sp., Porphyra yezoensis, and P. haitanensis sampled in China with mutagen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). A high percentage of mutation in different expression characteristics in all three phases were shown within optimum mutagen concentrations. Among mutagenized blades, mutations occurred on single cells, which is a direct outcome of mutation of haploid cells. The mutation of mutagenized conchocelis resulted in a two-step process: low-level expression in conchocelis phase, and high-level expression in progeny, explaining that mutation took place in diploid cells. The mutations of conchospores were expressed immediately at germination of spores, indicating a change in ploidy. This paper reports the process of meiosis and its effect on frond development, and the relation between color mutations and morphological characteristics expressed by mutations in Bangiaceae.


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A modified surface spreading technique for synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis was tested to assess the process of chromosome synapsis in spermatocytes of diploid and induced triploid Fenneropenaeus chinensis. Spermatocytes of diploid shrimp showed typical morphological characteristics of eukaryote SC, with complete synapsis of bivalents. No recognizable bivalent associated with sex chromosomes was observed in spermatocytes of diploid shrimp. However, differences in morphology of SC, including unsynapsed univalents, bivalents, totally paired trivalents with non-homologous synapsis, partnerswitches and triple synapsis were identified at early pachytene stage of triploid spermatocytes. Triple synapsis was especially common at late pachytene stage in spermatocytes of triploid shrimp. The observed abnormal synapsis behavior of chromosomes in spermatocytes indicated that triploid male shrimp may find it difficult to develop normal haploid sperm. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.