309 resultados para monarchy


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Australia's cultural cringe towards Britan does not just focus on the monarchy. Many in the ALP and the media pay undue deference to Tony Blair's so-called new Third Way. This book shows why the ALP needs to reassess its own history and examines the complex reality of how it compaes with the British Labor Party.


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As the Arab Revolutions swept across the Middle East and North Africa in late 2010 and into 2011, Iraqis were confronted with the failures of their own democracy to deliver on the many promises made to them since 2003. This led to weeks of scattered protests across Iraq, culminating in the “Day of Rage” (February 25, 2011) in which thousands of protestors took to the streets in at least 17 separate demonstrations across the country following Friday prayers. On the surface, these protests shared much in common with others across the region: the use of Facebook and other social media to promote the protests, and the focus on corruption, unemployment and poor public infrastructure. Also similar was the reaction of key Iraqi political figures such as Maliki and Barzani who met Iraqi protests with a mixture of brutal suppression and modest political and economic concessions. However, as this paper will demonstrate, upon closer inspection the Iraqi protests are in fact very different to others across the MENA and are therefore among the most significant for the future of democracy in the region. The Iraqi people were not protesting against an autocratic regime or an entrenched monarchy that had held power for decades, but a relatively new – and supposedly ‘democratic’ - political elite who had been brought to power in the wake of the US invasion. Indeed, while protestors across the region called for more democracy in the form of a written constitution, free and fair elections, a robust media sphere and the rule of law, Iraqis were protesting against the failures of the Iraqi government to democratise such mechanisms of governance (all of which they more or less have). They felt routinely disenfranchised by a state that has manipulated the very institutions and discourses of democracy to retain, rather than diffuse, power.


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This chapter seeks to extend earlier works on Mesopotamian democracy to a civilisation that is not only typically excluded from such discussions of democracy in the ancient Near East, but generally considered to be among the region’s most bloodthirsty and bellicose: the Assyrians. On the one hand it cannot be denied that the Assyrians went through periods of aggressive expansion, that they were cruel to at least some of their enemies and that the more militant Assyrian kings struck fear into the hearts of men and women across the region (I:106-110, 113; II:1, 54-6 in: Grayson 1991: 201). On the other hand, however, it is peculiar that the intermittent war-mongering of the Assyrians is seen not only as ‘a modern myth exaggerated beyond all proportion’ (Parpola 2003: 1060), but also seen to exclude them from practicing any form of democracy. This is starkly inconsistent with the contemporary assessment of other societies of the ancient world, such as the Greeks or Romans who were both belligerent and at least nominally democratic. To give one example of this double standard, Jana Pecirkova argues that while the Greek polis enabled the birth of science, philosophy and the rule of law, the Assyrians were not able to distinguish ‘between the rational and the irrational, between reality and illusion’ (Pecirkova 1985: 155). The reason for this, according to Pecrikova, is simple: their ‘only alternative to monarchy … was anarchy … Political decisions were arbitrary in character and not governed by any laws or generally acknowledged and accepted rules’ and the ‘people were the passive subjects of political decision-making’ (Pecirkova 1985: 166-8). This chapter, while cautious not to over-state the democratic tendencies of the Assyrians, takes Pecirkova’s argument to task by examining the complex functioning of power and politics, the checks and balances on monarchical authority, the rule of law and the sophisticated intellectual scene of the three key epochs of ancient Assyrian civilisation.


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This chapter seeks to extend earlier works on Mesopotamian democracy to a civilisation that is not only typically excluded from such discussions of democracy in the ancient Near East, but generally considered to be among the region’s most bloodthirsty and bellicose: the Assyrians. On the one hand it cannot be denied that the Assyrians went through periods of aggressive expansion, that they were cruel to at least some of their enemies and that the more militant Assyrian kings struck fear into the hearts of men and women across the region (I:106-110, 113; II:1, 54-6 in: Grayson 1991: 201). On the other hand, however, it is peculiar that the intermittent war-mongering of the Assyrians is seen not only as ‘a modern myth exaggerated beyond all proportion’ (Parpola 2003: 1060), but also seen to exclude them from practicing any form of democracy. This is starkly inconsistent with the contemporary assessment of other societies of the ancient world, such as the Greeks or Romans who were both belligerent and at least nominally democratic. To give one example of this double standard, Jana Pecirkova argues that while the Greek polis enabled the birth of science, philosophy and the rule of law, the Assyrians were not able to distinguish ‘between the rational and the irrational, between reality and illusion’ (Pecirkova 1985: 155). The reason for this, according to Pecrikova, is simple: their ‘only alternative to monarchy … was anarchy … Political decisions were arbitrary in character and not governed by any laws or generally acknowledged and accepted rules’ and the ‘people were the passive subjects of political decision-making’ (Pecirkova 1985: 166-8). This chapter, while cautious not to over-state the democratic tendencies of the Assyrians, takes Pecirkova’s argument to task by examining the complex functioning of power and politics, the checks and balances on monarchical authority, the rule of law and the sophisticated intellectual scene of the three key epochs of ancient Assyrian civilisation.


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Sarah Bernhardt, the greatest theatrical star of the late nineteenth century, enabled and even promoted the association of early film with the British monarchy. She did this literally, by playing the role of Queen Elizabeth in Queen Elizabeth (Les Amours de la Reine Elisabeth, Henri Desfontaines and Louis Mercanton, 1912). Bernhardt also promoted the association of the cinema with monarchy symbolically, making the medium a new empathetic vehicle for the development of celebrity mystique and global power.


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A globalização do capitalismo joga indivíduo em um mundo de controvérsias, quase de crise existencial, já que oscila entre sonho de satisfazer todos os seus desejos realidade de não poder realizá-los. globalização que interessa são as ressacas emocionais do indivíduo, que distancia da razão, do equilíbrio entre poder querer torna um compulsivo do consumo. processo de massificação homogeneização cultural, que não apenas gera vícios consumistas nos indivíduos, como também os impede de participarem politicamente. Politicamente, uma primeira fase da globalização caracterizada pela égide das monarquias absolutistas que concentram enorme poder mobilizam os recursos econômicos, militares burocráticos, para manterem expandirem seus impérios coloniais. Os principais desafios que enfrentam advinham das rivalidades entre elas, seja pelas disputas dinástico-territoriais ou pela posse de novas colônias no além do mar. Politicamente globalização recente caracteriza-se pela crescente adoção de regimes em procura de uma democracia mais ampla participativa participação política, portanto, exigência básica para que indivíduo supere as barreiras impostas pela globalização consiga desenvolver ações de cidadania dentro da própria sociedade global. Nesse sentido, necessário encurtar distanciamento entre as formas institucionais existentes, sejam jurídicas ou políticas, real possibilidade de reconhecer nas leis, nas instituições, as suas próprias leis seu próprio poder.


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Cet article met les conceptions et projets politiques ayant trait au processus conduisant à la constituion impériale brésilienne de 1824 dans un contexte historique dont le pont de départ est la notion d'empire civil, telle qu'elle se développa lors de la réorganisation politico-administrative du royaume et de l'empire du Portugal au XVIIIe siècle. Le texte montre qu'avec le couronnement de Pierre I on fit un usage moderne d'une institution ancienne, le sacre royal, ce qui servit à étayer une sujection politique fondée sur la raison universelle humaine. Cette étude permet de comprendre pourquoi le Brésil indépendant fut pour commencer un empire, pas un royaume, ainsi que le sens profond du pouvoir modérateur attribué à l'empereur par la constitution de 1824.


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Ce texte analyse le cérémonial royal de la monarchie constitutionnelle brésilienne: le sacre et le couronnement de l'Empereur D. Pedro I. Notre examen de ce cérémonial a comme point de départ son caractère liturgique, pour comprendre pourquoi cet aspect a été considéré essentiel alors pour affirmer l'autonomie du nouveau royaume et, en même temps, a contribué pour définir le pouvoir politique de l'Empire du Brésil.


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The Catholic kings government - Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castille - (1474-1504) is set in Middle to Modern Age transition period and was considered a period of justice and peace in Castille. It makes us possible to question about implications, to law, of a kingdom organization in a transition era. We propose to verify what characterize the passage from a medieval law to a modern law, and which elements indicate this transition in catholic kings government. We emphasize two main prerrogatives, a medieval tradition, a judge one, and another of modern character, the legislative, that close on Fernando and label tradition.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)