849 resultados para modern societies
O crescimento da demanda energética, prevista para a metade do século XXI, com números embasados no crescimento demográfico e de consumo dos países em desenvol- vimento, sugere a busca por fontes energéticas renováveis e de menor impacto ao meio ambiente, conforme os tratados da política internacional. Portanto, o fornecimento de energia suplementar se torna vital nas sociedades modernas e sua extensão até o mar tem se constituído uma recente preocupação do ponto de vista enérgico e ecológico. Várias formas de conversão de energia foram desenvolvidas no decorrer dos anos, com destaque para a energia dos gradientes térmicos. A Plataforma Continental Sul do Bra- sil (PSCB) possui alta variabilidade espacial e temporal nos campos de temperatura, de forma que existe a necessidade de uma análise das regiões de maior potencial energético com respeito ao gradiente vertical de temperatura. Neste estudo, foram utilizados dados do modelo OCCAM com uma grade de resolu- ção horizontal de 0, 25o e resolução vertical de 66 níveis, distribuídos ao longo de um sistema de coordenadas vertical. Foram utilizadas imagens de temperatura superfícial do mar (TSM) obtidas a partir do sensor AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Ra- diometer) de forma a realizar a validação dos dados do modelo OCCAM. A análise da média dos dados do modelo indicou um sítio energético de maior viabilidade devido oC ao padrão médio do gradiente térmico de aproximadamente 0, 17 ao longo da coluna vertical (545 m de profundidade) no oceano. Neste local, foram coletados os dados, e aplicados a um módulo de conversão de energia térmica dos oceanos que vem sendo desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. A região de estudo de- monstrou possuir um local com ótimo potencial energético, onde a produção máxima de energia pode alcançar 111, 9MW , associada com um padrão variabilidade tempo- ral dominante de 12 meses. Este sítio energético demonstra maior eficiência durante o período de verão e outono ao longo dos anos e sua média para todo o período é de 94, 3MW . Neste estudo, duas correntes: Corrente do Brasil (CB) e a Contra Corrente Costeira (CCC), com águas de origem tropical e subantártica com aportes continentais, respecti- vamente, tem alta correlação com os valores dos gradientes térmicos e com os significa- tivos eventos de conversão energética. O sítio energético demonstrou alta estabilidade à sazonalidade e à gama de eventos meteorológicos e oceanográficos, de forma que pode ser qualificado como uma fonte suplementar a matriz energética do país para um futuro próximo.
O ser Humano, desde sempre tem tentado estabelecer relações entre si, o tempo e o clima, de modo a melhorar as suas condições de vida. Atualmente existem questões problema que ameaçam a humanidade, nomeadamente as alterações climáticas e o aquecimento global com vista à promoção de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável. À educação é atribuída extrema importância no desenvolvimento de uma adequada perceção da situação do planeta. Este facto levou as Nações Unidas a proclamarem, no início deste século (dezembro de 2002), a Década da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Um desafio internacional lançado aos países para que recorram à educação como ferramenta essencial na promoção do Desenvolvimento Sustentável. A vida nas sociedades contemporâneas é extremamente influenciada pelos desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos, dependendo dos seus respetivos progressos. Como tal, a Educação Científica assume um papel fundamental na compreensão das problemáticas que o ser Humano enfrenta, assim como na sua própria consciencialização da responsabilidade na situação planetária atual. Devendo promover o desenvolvimento de cidadanias proactivas, fundamentadas e responsáveis, no sentido da mudança, numa perspetiva crítica global que garanta a sustentabilidade do planeta. Estes factos são alvo de reflexão por parte de diversas instâncias da sociedade tais como a UNESCO, comunidades nacionais e internacionais de investigação em Educação Científica, e o poder político que se espelham em propostas de reforma e de revisão curricular em diversos países. Neste contexto, a Escola, como instituição formal de Educação, toma o papel primordial de promover o Desenvolvimento Sustentável através da aquisição de conhecimentos, atitudes, valores e competências que permitam desenvolver nos alunos uma consciencialização ecológica e uma literacia científica. Com este propósito em mente surge a questão investigativa deste estudo “Como Abordar o Tempo Atmosférico numa Perspetiva CTS Através do Ensino Por Pesquisa?”. Assim, usando o laboratório mais acessível e gratuito, a Atmosfera, e recursos facilmente acessíveis para desenvolver atividades simples é apresentada uma proposta de abordagem em sala de aula para a temática “Tempo Atmosférico” em particular a “Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico”. A Atmosfera é um fascinante laboratório de ensino, porque nela se podem estudar alguns processos físicos lecionados ao longo dos mais variados níveis de ensino nas disciplinas de Física, Química e Geografia. Na Atmosfera, podem realizar-se diversos estudos simples, que de uma forma fácil respondem a inquietantes questões relacionadas com a Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico. Neste estudo foi desenvolvida e usada uma metodologia para construir e interpretar mapas de tempo permitindo a alunos do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico fazer a Previsão e Descrição do Tempo Atmosférico. Após a aplicação da estratégia para o desenvolvimento de capacidades, de criatividade, envolvimento, cidadania e de pensamento crítico, os alunos responderam a um questionário. Através do tratamento dos dados obtidos pode-se considerar que em média 97% dos alunos consideram importante ou muito importante o estudo desta temática e que tem influência no seu dia-a-dia. Verificou-se que em média, se passou de 26% de respostas cientificamente corretas ou parcialmente corretas para 83% de respostas cientificamente corretas ou parcialmente corretas, o que demostra que a estratégia proposta atingiu os seus propósitos que passavam por dinamizar e fomentar uma cultura meteorológica nas escolas e para as escolas. Salienta-se a importância da possibilidade do trabalho em rede e das suas potencialidades na motivação dos alunos dada a oportunidade de fazer diagnóstico do tempo atmosférico local e inter-regiões. Os alunos consultaram e interpretaram mapas de tempo atmosférico, usaram a Internet e compreendam a relação e a influência entre diferentes parâmetros meteorológicos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem afirmar que os alunos desenvolveram competências numa área que é uma preocupação de cada um, o diagnóstico do tempo atmosférico. Cresceu neles uma cultura meteorológica e as aprendizagens nesta temática podem transbordar para colegas, amigos, pais e toda a comunidade escolar. Assim pode considerar-se que a estratégia implementada foi promotora de mudança, de aquisição de conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de competências numa temática tão aliciante que envolve o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Considera-se ainda que a estratégia usada neste estudo é motivadora, aliada à dinâmica CTS e ao Ensino Por Pesquisa, com vista a ser utilizada em contexto de sala de aula. Este estudo é uma forte contribuição para o Ensino das Ciências em especial no ensino da temática Tempo Atmosférico e é uma ferramenta importante que pode e deve ser utilizada em contexto escolar pois está escrito de modo a ser consultado por profissionais de ensino, nomeadamente pelos professores de Física, Química e de Geografia de modo a promoverem o desenvolvimento de competências de literacia científica e de cidadania e contribuir para a formação de futuros cidadãos ativos e conscientes defensores da Sustentabilidade da Terra.
Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
L’aumento dei flussi migratori in diversi paesi europei e la diffusione della globalizzazione su scala mondiale hanno determinato lo sviluppo di società multilingue e multiculturali tra cui quella italiana, che negli ultimi decenni si è rapidamente trasformata in una società “super-diversa”. Questi cambiamenti sociali hanno determinato una svolta anche nella ricerca in ambito sociolinguistico, che descrive e analizza la flessibilità delle pratiche comunicative determinate dalla mobilità e che ha adottato il termine translanguaging per riferirsi all’uso flessibile e dinamico dell’intero repertorio linguistico di un parlante, che include sia elementi verbali che non verbali. Questo progetto di ricerca si propone di esplorare le pratiche di translanguaging della comunità migrante di Cesena (Italia) e di indagare le percezioni dei parlanti in relazione alle loro pratiche e identità multilingue. Attraverso l’analisi qualitativa di interazioni spontanee tra i parlanti ed interviste semi-strutturate, i risultati dell’analisi da un lato evidenziano la flessibilità delle pratiche comunicative dei parlanti multilingue e la spontaneità con cui queste avvengono nella loro quotidianità, dall’altro mettono in luce la connotazione negativa che i parlanti attribuiscono alle proprie pratiche di translanguaging, rivelando l’influenza dell’ideologia del monolinguismo.
The enormous amount of goods that world societies consume every day, derives from an immense consumption of energy and raw materials, and leads to an unthinkable amount of wastes. The abuse of fossil-based resources and the mismanaged waste is leading to big environmental pollution and climate change, with consequences on all living beings. To solve this issue and start living in equilibrium with nature, modern societies must stop using fossil fuels massively in favor to clean renewable energies, recycling, and biomass and waste utilization for materials and chemical production. Moreover, bioplastic recycling must be prioritized over their biodegrading and composting. This work is dedicated to the study of new synthetic strategies that fall into these fields.
Contents: v. 3. The glorious teachings of our holy religion
Includes index.
Greater income equality - the key to tackling health and social problems Everyone living in Ireland, North and South, could lead happier, healthier and longer lives if measures were put in place to achieve greater income equality according to the authors of 'The Spirit Level: Why more equal societies almost always do better'. Prof Richard Wilkinson and Dr. Kate Pickett will present their findings showing how greater income equality in rich countries is key to reducing social problems and improving health. 'The Spirit Level' highlights how more unequal societies are bad for almost everyone - rich as well as poor. It demonstrates that nearly every modern social and health problem - obesity, lack of community life, violence, drugs, mental illness and big prison populations - are more likely to occur in a less equal society. IPH Chief Executive, Dr. Jane Wilde said "The evidence shows the need to change from being focused on the pursuit of greater wealth to how existing wealth can be more evenly distributed. The current economic climate presents real opportunity to reflect on what we value in society, to learn from mistakes and make plans to move towards communities that are better for everyone."
The principal focus of the PhD thesis lies in the Social Software area and the appropriation of technology in "non-Western" societies taking the example of Bulgaria. The term "non-Western" is used to explain places considered technologically underdeveloped. The aims have been to capture how Bulgarian users creatively interpret and appropriate Internet identifying the sociocultural, political and subjective conditions in which that appropriation occurs, to identify emerging practices based on the interpretation and use of Internet and the impact they had on society and what conditions could influence the technological interpretation and the meaning these practices had for both users and social configuration of Internet as media in Bulgaria. An ethnographic approach has been used simultaneously in different online and offline contexts. On the one hand, this study is based on exploration of the Bulgarian Internet Space through online participant observation in forums and websites reviews and on the other hand, on semi-structured interviews with different types of users of the virtual platforms found, made both face to face and online and finally online participant observation at the same platforms. It is based on some contributions of the ethnographic work of Christine Hine in virtual environments and the notions of time and space of Barbara Czarniawska contextualized in the modern form of organization that occurs in a network of multiple and fragmented contexts across many movements.
What drove the transition from small-scale human societies centred on kinship and personal exchange, to large-scale societies comprising cooperation and division of labour among untold numbers of unrelated individuals? We propose that the unique human capacity to negotiate institutional rules that coordinate social actions was a key driver of this transition. By creating institutions, humans have been able to move from the default 'Hobbesian' rules of the 'game of life', determined by physical/environmental constraints, into self-created rules of social organization where cooperation can be individually advantageous even in large groups of unrelated individuals. Examples include rules of food sharing in hunter-gatherers, rules for the usage of irrigation systems in agriculturalists, property rights and systems for sharing reputation between mediaeval traders. Successful institutions create rules of interaction that are self-enforcing, providing direct benefits both to individuals that follow them, and to individuals that sanction rule breakers. Forming institutions requires shared intentionality, language and other cognitive abilities largely absent in other primates. We explain how cooperative breeding likely selected for these abilities early in the Homo lineage. This allowed anatomically modern humans to create institutions that transformed the self-reliance of our primate ancestors into the division of labour of large-scale human social organization.
The emerging technologies have recently challenged the libraries to reconsider their role as a mere mediator between the collections, researchers, and wider audiences (Sula, 2013), and libraries, especially the nationwide institutions like national libraries, haven’t always managed to face the challenge (Nygren et al., 2014). In the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages, the National Library of Finland has become a node that connects the partners to interplay and work for shared goals and objectives. In this paper, I will be drawing a picture of the crowdsourcing methods that have been established during the project to support both linguistic research and lingual diversity. The National Library of Finland has been executing the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages since 2012. The project seeks to digitize and publish approximately 1,200 monograph titles and more than 100 newspapers titles in various, and in some cases endangered Uralic languages. Once the digitization has been completed in 2015, the Fenno-Ugrica online collection will consist of 110,000 monograph pages and around 90,000 newspaper pages to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. The majority of the digitized literature was originally published in the 1920s and 1930s in the Soviet Union, and it was the genesis and consolidation period of literary languages. This was the era when many Uralic languages were converted into media of popular education, enlightenment, and dissemination of information pertinent to the developing political agenda of the Soviet state. The ‘deluge’ of popular literature in the 1920s to 1930s suddenly challenged the lexical orthographic norms of the limited ecclesiastical publications from the 1880s onward. Newspapers were now written in orthographies and in word forms that the locals would understand. Textbooks were written to address the separate needs of both adults and children. New concepts were introduced in the language. This was the beginning of a renaissance and period of enlightenment (Rueter, 2013). The linguistically oriented population can also find writings to their delight, especially lexical items specific to a given publication, and orthographically documented specifics of phonetics. The project is financially supported by the Kone Foundation in Helsinki and is part of the Foundation’s Language Programme. One of the key objectives of the Kone Foundation Language Programme is to support a culture of openness and interaction in linguistic research, but also to promote citizen science as a tool for the participation of the language community in research. In addition to sharing this aspiration, our objective within the Language Programme is to make sure that old and new corpora in Uralic languages are made available for the open and interactive use of the academic community as well as the language societies. Wordlists are available in 17 languages, but without tokenization, lemmatization, and so on. This approach was verified with the scholars, and we consider the wordlists as raw data for linguists. Our data is used for creating the morphological analyzers and online dictionaries at the Helsinki and Tromsø Universities, for instance. In order to reach the targets, we will produce not only the digitized materials but also their development tools for supporting linguistic research and citizen science. The Digitization Project of Kindred Languages is thus linked with the research of language technology. The mission is to improve the usage and usability of digitized content. During the project, we have advanced methods that will refine the raw data for further use, especially in the linguistic research. How does the library meet the objectives, which appears to be beyond its traditional playground? The written materials from this period are a gold mine, so how could we retrieve these hidden treasures of languages out of the stack that contains more than 200,000 pages of literature in various Uralic languages? The problem is that the machined-encoded text (OCR) contains often too many mistakes to be used as such in research. The mistakes in OCRed texts must be corrected. For enhancing the OCRed texts, the National Library of Finland developed an open-source code OCR editor that enabled the editing of machine-encoded text for the benefit of linguistic research. This tool was necessary to implement, since these rare and peripheral prints did often include already perished characters, which are sadly neglected by the modern OCR software developers, but belong to the historical context of kindred languages and thus are an essential part of the linguistic heritage (van Hemel, 2014). Our crowdsourcing tool application is essentially an editor of Alto XML format. It consists of a back-end for managing users, permissions, and files, communicating through a REST API with a front-end interface—that is, the actual editor for correcting the OCRed text. The enhanced XML files can be retrieved from the Fenno-Ugrica collection for further purposes. Could the crowd do this work to support the academic research? The challenge in crowdsourcing lies in its nature. The targets in the traditional crowdsourcing have often been split into several microtasks that do not require any special skills from the anonymous people, a faceless crowd. This way of crowdsourcing may produce quantitative results, but from the research’s point of view, there is a danger that the needs of linguists are not necessarily met. Also, the remarkable downside is the lack of shared goal or the social affinity. There is no reward in the traditional methods of crowdsourcing (de Boer et al., 2012). Also, there has been criticism that digital humanities makes the humanities too data-driven and oriented towards quantitative methods, losing the values of critical qualitative methods (Fish, 2012). And on top of that, the downsides of the traditional crowdsourcing become more imminent when you leave the Anglophone world. Our potential crowd is geographically scattered in Russia. This crowd is linguistically heterogeneous, speaking 17 different languages. In many cases languages are close to extinction or longing for language revitalization, and the native speakers do not always have Internet access, so an open call for crowdsourcing would not have produced appeasing results for linguists. Thus, one has to identify carefully the potential niches to complete the needed tasks. When using the help of a crowd in a project that is aiming to support both linguistic research and survival of endangered languages, the approach has to be a different one. In nichesourcing, the tasks are distributed amongst a small crowd of citizen scientists (communities). Although communities provide smaller pools to draw resources, their specific richness in skill is suited for complex tasks with high-quality product expectations found in nichesourcing. Communities have a purpose and identity, and their regular interaction engenders social trust and reputation. These communities can correspond to research more precisely (de Boer et al., 2012). Instead of repetitive and rather trivial tasks, we are trying to utilize the knowledge and skills of citizen scientists to provide qualitative results. In nichesourcing, we hand in such assignments that would precisely fill the gaps in linguistic research. A typical task would be editing and collecting the words in such fields of vocabularies where the researchers do require more information. For instance, there is lack of Hill Mari words and terminology in anatomy. We have digitized the books in medicine, and we could try to track the words related to human organs by assigning the citizen scientists to edit and collect words with the OCR editor. From the nichesourcing’s perspective, it is essential that altruism play a central role when the language communities are involved. In nichesourcing, our goal is to reach a certain level of interplay, where the language communities would benefit from the results. For instance, the corrected words in Ingrian will be added to an online dictionary, which is made freely available for the public, so the society can benefit, too. This objective of interplay can be understood as an aspiration to support the endangered languages and the maintenance of lingual diversity, but also as a servant of ‘two masters’: research and society.
Historical events are interpreted by collectivities in ways that are then instrumentalised in policy-making processes. This creates mythical "truths" and "rules of conduct" which in 20th (21st) century Western civilisations are not much different from those of pre-Enlightenment societies.
Studying the sociobiology and behavioral ecology of cetaceans is particularly challenging due in large part to the aquatic environment in which they live. Nevertheless, many of the obstacles traditionally associated with data gathering on tree-ranging whales, dolphins and porpoises are rapidly being overcome, and are now far less formidable. During the past several decades, marine mammal scientists equipped with innovative research methods and new technologies have taken field-based behavioral studies to a new level of sophistication. In some cases, as is true for bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, sperm whales and humpback whales, modern research paradigms in the marine environment are comparable to present-day studies of terrestrial mammal social systems. Cetacean Society stands testament to the relatively recent advances in marine mammal science, and to those scientists, past and present, whose diligence has been instrumental in shaping the discipline.
This thesis assesses the question, whether accounting for non-tradable goods sectors in a calibrated Auerbach-Kotlikoff multi-regional overlapping-generations-model significantly affects this model’s results when simulating the economic impact of demographic change. Non-tradable goods constitute a major part of up to 80 percent of GDP of modern economies. At the same time, multi-regional overlapping-generations-models presented by literature on demographic change so far ignored their existence and counterfactually assumed perfect tradability between model regions. Moreover, this thesis introduces the assumption of an increasing preference share for non-tradable goods of old generations. This fact-based as-sumption is also not part of models in relevant literature. rnThese obvious simplifications of common models vis-à-vis reality notwithstanding, this thesis concludes that differences in results between a model featuring non-tradable goods and a common model with perfect tradability are very small. In other words, the common simplifi-cation of ignoring non-tradable goods is unlikely to lead to significant distortions in model results. rnIn order to ensure that differences in results between the ‘new’ model, featuring both non-tradable and tradable goods, and the common model solely reflect deviations due to the more realistic structure of the ‘new’ model, both models are calibrated to match exactly the same benchmark data and thus do not show deviations in their respective baseline steady states.rnA variation analysis performed in this thesis suggests that differences between the common model and a model with non-tradable goods can theoretically be large, but only if the bench-mark tradable goods sector is assumed to be unrealistically small.rnFinally, this thesis analyzes potential real exchange rate effects of demographic change, which could occur due to regional price differences of non-tradable goods. However, results show that shifts in real exchange rate based on these price differences are negligible.rn