1000 resultados para modelagem dinâmica espacialmente explícita
Brazil is a major world producer and exporter of agricultural products like soybeans, sugar, coffee, orange and tobacoo. However, the action of phytopathogenic fungi has been one of the largest challenges encountered in the field as they are responsible for approximately 25 to 50 per cent of losses in crops of fruits and vegetables. The presence of these pathogens is always a problem, because the damage on the tissues and organs promote lesions which decreses growth vegetation and often leads the individual (host) to death. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the process of spreading of these pathogens in the field to develop strategies which prevent the epidemics caused by them. In this study, the dispersal of fungi phytopathogenic in the field was modeled using the automata cellular formalism. The growth rate of infected plants population was measured by the radius of gyration and the influence of host different susceptibility degrees into the disease spread was assessed. The spatial anisotropy related to the plant-to-plant space and the system’s response to distinct seasonal patterns were also evaluated. The results obtained by a mean field model (spatially implicit models) emphasized the importance of the spatial structure on the spreading process, and dispersal patterns obtained by simulation (using a cellular automata) were in agreement with thse observed in data. All computational implementation was held in language Cl
In this work we study some topics of Celestial Mechanics, namely the problem of rigid body rotation and “spin-orbit” resonances. Emphasis is placed on the problem formulation and applications to some exoplanets with physical parameters (e.g. mass and radius) compatible with a terrestrial type constitution (e.g. rock) belonging to multiple planetary systems. The approach is both analytical and numerical. The analytical part consists of: i) the deduction of the equation of motion for the rotation problem of a spherical body with no symmetry, disturbed by a central body; ii) modeling the same problem by including a third-body in the planet-star system; iii) formulation of the concept of “spin-orbit” resonance in which the orbital period of the planet is an integer multiple of the rotation’s period. Topics of dynamical systems (e.g. equilibrium points, chaos, surface sections, etc.) will be included at this stage. In the numerical part simulations are performed with numerical models developed in the previous analytical section. As a first step we consider the orbit of the planet not perturbed by a third-body in the star-planet system. In this case the eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis of the planet are constants. Here the technique of surface sections, widely used in dynamical systems are applied. Next, we consider the action of a third body, developing a more realistic model for planetary rotation. The results in both cases are compared. Since the technique of disturbed surface sections is no longer applicable, we quantitatively evaluate the evolution of the characteristic angles of rotation (e.g. physical libration) by studying the evolution of individual orbits in the dynamically important regions of phase space, the latter obtained in the undisturbed case
The internal combustion engine is a heat engine widely used in the automotive industry. In order to better understand its behavior many models in the literature have been proposed in the last years. The 0-D thermodynamic model is a fairly simple tool but it is very useful to understand the phenomenon of combustion inside the chamber of internal combustion engines. In the first phase of this work, an extensive literature review was made in order to get information about this kind of analysis and, after this, apply them in a model able to calculate the instantaneous temperature and pressure in one zone of the combustion chamber of a diesel engine. Therefore some considerations were made with the aim of increasing the accuracy of the model in predicting the correct behavior of the engine, adding the combined effects of heat transfer, leakage and injection. In the second phase, the goal was to study the internal flow of a three-dimensional model of an internal combustion engine. In order to achieve this goal the software Solidworks was used to create the geometries of an engine and the suite of softwares Ansys was used to create the moving mesh (ICEM CFD and CFX-Pre) and to solve the CFD problem (Ansys CFX code). The model was able to perform the air flow simulation during the four-stroke cycle of an engine: admission, compression, expansion and exhaust. The results obtained from both models were suitable and they open a new range of possibilities for future researches on the field
Due to an intense process of population growth and urban density in Americana (SP), mainly due to the development of the local textile industry after 1970, there was, concomitant to the occupation of the margin of rivers and streams, soil sealing that increased the level of superficial runoff, triggering frequent floods. Based on the analysis of these processes we investigate the conditions of one densely urbanized area of the county, the Córrego do Parque, in three time series, 1977, 1996 and 2008. Taking as the starting the characterization and spatial distribution of landscape physiography, we prepared thematic letters and synthetic maps digital scale 1:10,000 from photointerpretation of aeroframes. The thematic maps were produced by scanning with subsequent edition using the software Auto-Cad Map. Checking the data and of geographic coordinates with GPS (Global Positioning System). Regarding land use classes, we used the description of the Soil Conservation Service (1975) which allowed us to get the Curve Number parameter, which will be used in hydrologic modeling for verification of flooding (Tucci, 1989). For the process of hydrologic modeling, we used models based on Methodology Object Oriented Modeling Applied to Water Resource Systems, Viegas Filho (1999), using the computer program called IPHS1, which uses models of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS , 2004), for conversion of rainfall-runoff and the spread of excessive rain. The results indicate that increased waterproofing generated by the change in use and occupation over the past decades promoted the increased surface runoff and drainage system overload, increasing the intensity of floods
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
With the deployment of Digital TV in Brazil, there is a need to foment the development and production of interactive audiovisual quality content, especially for programs that present educational messages from the entertainment concept - defined as Edutertainment. The objective of this study is to propose application of the gamification as a link of communication to encourage and modify user behavior, through a narrative that encourages intrinsic motivation for learning and entertainment in this media. This paper points out that there are few models of screenplays for applications production, particularly educational, with simultaneous interactive applications for television flow or complementary programming content offered. For this reason, a special attention is given to the screenplay, by virtue of inserting in its construction, the elements that make up the mechanics and dynamics of games. As a result, is shown the entry "Gamification-iDTV", which defines these two scenarios, as well as the development of a modeling methodology of a content and process, supported by conceptual maps, wireframes and roadmaps, substantiating the conception and elaboration of screenplay's prototype with elements of gamification for educational programs and its interaction applications.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A qualidade de vida para o ser humano depende do resultado das relações entre os processos biológicos, ecológicos, culturais e socioeconômicos que acontecem no espaço. Assim, a preocupação com a influência de zonas urbanas sobre o meio ambiente e a população tem sido um tema de crescente importância no Brasil, associando o desenvolvimento de novas políticas de gestão e reestruturação de grandes cidades. Nessa discussão, incluiu-se a questão da transformação da paisagem em ambientes urbanos, com impacto na manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos e na qualidade de vida da população humana. Este estudo propôs a caracterização da evolução da cobertura e uso do solo para a cidade de Carapicuíba, na Grande São Paulo, através da elaboração de seis mapas temáticos de uso e ocupação do solo do município, entre o período de 1962 e 2013. Além disso o projeto também pretendia fazer a modelagem de cenários futuros de mudanças, através de uma abordagem baseada no uso integrado de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informações geográficas e modelos espaciais dinâmicos. Os mapas temáticos foram elaborados através de três mosaicos de fotografias aéreas adquiridas em 1962, 1972 e 1994, uma imagem orbital do sensor Ikonos de 2002, um mosaico de ortofotos aéreas adquirido em 2008, e uma imagem do sistema orbital RapidEye adquirida em 2013, para avaliação da dinâmica de ocupação da superfície da terra. As datas de imageamento disponíveis conseguiram representar momentos diferentes na história do município, referentes a acontecimentos importantes e que influenciaram significativamente na alteração da paisagem urbana: o grande crescimento demográfico e a construção das vias de acesso a Carapicuíba. As análises de dados e discussões apontam que o tipo de via de acesso à Carapicuíba e o tipo de uso do solo urbano, influenciaram na estratificação socioeconômica e na conservação de cobertura vegetal...
A qualidade de vida para o ser humano depende do resultado das relações entre os processos biológicos, ecológicos, culturais e socioeconômicos que acontecem no espaço. Assim, a preocupação com a influência de zonas urbanas sobre o meio ambiente e a população tem sido um tema de crescente importância no Brasil, associando o desenvolvimento de novas políticas de gestão e reestruturação de grandes cidades. Nessa discussão, incluiu-se a questão da transformação da paisagem em ambientes urbanos, com impacto na manutenção dos serviços ecossistêmicos e na qualidade de vida da população humana. Este estudo propôs a caracterização da evolução da cobertura e uso do solo para a cidade de Carapicuíba, na Grande São Paulo, através da elaboração de seis mapas temáticos de uso e ocupação do solo do município, entre o período de 1962 e 2013. Além disso o projeto também pretendia fazer a modelagem de cenários futuros de mudanças, através de uma abordagem baseada no uso integrado de sensoriamento remoto, sistema de informações geográficas e modelos espaciais dinâmicos. Os mapas temáticos foram elaborados através de três mosaicos de fotografias aéreas adquiridas em 1962, 1972 e 1994, uma imagem orbital do sensor Ikonos de 2002, um mosaico de ortofotos aéreas adquirido em 2008, e uma imagem do sistema orbital RapidEye adquirida em 2013, para avaliação da dinâmica de ocupação da superfície da terra. As datas de imageamento disponíveis conseguiram representar momentos diferentes na história do município, referentes a acontecimentos importantes e que influenciaram significativamente na alteração da paisagem urbana: o grande crescimento demográfico e a construção das vias de acesso a Carapicuíba. As análises de dados e discussões apontam que o tipo de via de acesso à Carapicuíba e o tipo de uso do solo urbano, influenciaram na estratificação socioeconômica e na conservação de cobertura vegetal...