952 resultados para mobile device


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Traditional irrigation projects do not locally determine the water availability in the soil. Then, irregular irrigation cycles may occur: some with insufficient amount that leads to water deficit, other with excessive watering that causes lack of oxygen in plants. Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem and the multivariable context of irrigation processes, fuzzy logic is suggested to replace commercial ON-OFF irrigation system with predefined timing. Other limitation of commercial solutions is that irrigation processes either consider the different watering needs throughout plant growth cycles or the climate changes. In order to fulfill location based agricultural needs, it is indicated to monitor environmental data using wireless sensors connected to an intelligent control system. This is more evident in applications as precision agriculture. This work presents the theoretical and experimental development of a fuzzy system to implement a spatially differentiated control of an irrigation system, based on soil moisture measurement with wireless sensor nodes. The control system architecture is modular: a fuzzy supervisor determines the soil moisture set point of each sensor node area (according to the soil-plant set) and another fuzzy system, embedded in the sensor node, does the local control and actuates in the irrigation system. The fuzzy control system was simulated with SIMULINK® programming tool and was experimentally built embedded in mobile device SunSPOTTM operating in ZigBee. Controller models were designed and evaluated in different combinations of input variables and inference rules base


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Bluetooth technology found in smartphones and tablets can add an interesting feature focused on home automation. Through the implementation of a wireless network communication between a mobile device and receiver modules located in different points, or even on a single centralized point in residence, you can manage many household items with just a few taps on smartphones. With such applicability, allow the user greater integration with your home, comfort, safety and economy. In this context, this work presents a system design of low cost Bluetooth communication between a smartphone and a receiver module with microcontroller interface development control from the Android platform


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Changes are occurring worldwide, including the area of positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems in mobile devices such as mobile phones or laptops. This is due to the great improvement and availability of Internet services to these mobile devices. The accuracy and speed of data transmission for these devices makes the technology of sending / receiving data via an internet targeted for optimization. The optimization could allow obtaining, in real-time, coordinates (latitude, longitude and altitude) of suitable quality for users of GPS (Global Positioning System) devices that have wireless Internet access, such as those used to control the eet, locomotion, navigation, agriculture, etc. . The use of the protocol NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) in GPS applications is growing every day. Applications are available in C, which creates an opportunity for development with a focus on multiplatform environments. In this context, we propose an application, implemented in a multiplatform environment and the use of NTRIP, able to run on a mobile device for receiving GNSS data


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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There is a wide range of telecommunications services that transmit voice, video and data through complex transmission networks and in some cases, the service has not an acceptable quality level for the end user. In this sense the study of methods for assessing video quality and voice have a very important role. This paper presents a classification scheme, based on different criteria, of the methods and metrics that are being studied in recent years. This paper presents how the video quality is affected by degradation in the transmission channel in two kinds of services: Digital TV (ISDB-TB) due the fading in the air interface and video streaming service on an IP network due packet loss. For Digital TV tests was set up a scenario where the digital TV transmitter is connected to an RF channel emulator, where are inserted different fading models and at the end, the videos are saved in a mobile device. The tests of streaming video were performed in an isolated scenario of IP network, which are scheduled several network conditions, resulting in different qualities of video reception. The video quality assessment is performed using objective assessment methods: PSNR, SSIM and VQM. The results show how the losses in the transmission channel affects the quality of end-user experience on both services studied.


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The Primary Care Information System (SIAB) concentrates basic healthcare information from all different regions of Brazil. The information is collected by primary care teams on a paper-based procedure that degrades the quality of information provided to the healthcare authorities and slows down the process of decision making. To overcome these problems we propose a new data gathering application that uses a mobile device connected to a 3G network and a GPS to be used by the primary care teams for collecting the families' data. A prototype was developed in which a digital version of one SIAB form is made available at the mobile device. The prototype was tested in a basic healthcare unit located in a suburb of Sao Paulo. The results obtained so far have shown that the proposed process is a better alternative for data collecting at primary care, both in terms of data quality and lower deployment time to health care authorities.


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[ES] Aplicación para dispositivos móviles Android que, ayudada por acelerómetros y giroscopios, da soporte al desarrollo de actividades físicas que necesiten un plan de trabajo basado en repeticiones y rutinas de ejercicios. El App ayuda a contabilizar las repeticiones de cada ejercicio, informando al usuario mediante sonido, para que este pueda mantener un ritmo continuo. El App permite la realización de ejercicios individuales hasta alcanzar un número objetivo de repeticiones o repeticiones libres; o permite la realización de una serie de ejercicios que forman parte de una rutina de ejercicios. Es posible crear rutinas de ejercicios personalizadas, eliminar rutinas o editar rutinas ya existentes (añadiendo o eliminando ejercicios y repeticiones). El reconocimiento de movimientos para la contabilización de repeticiones se realiza usando el valor absoluto del vector de aceleración generado a partir de los datos del acelerómetro del dispositivo. Este método, aunque no permite la precisión de reconocimiento de movimientos que permitiría el modelado tridimensional de la aceleración lineal del dispositivo, permite un reconocimiento menos computacionalmente costoso, ignorando ciertos factores exteriores y sin la necesidad de entrenamiento previo de la aplicación.


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[ES] IPOL es una revista científica de procesamiento digital de imágenes y diversos métodos de análisis de imágenes. En cada publicación se incorpora una demo donde cualquier persona puede probar, vía web, el funcionamiento del método descrito en dicha publicación. De esta forma, se puede usar el método sin tener conocimiento de programación ni tener que instalarlo en su ordenador. En este proyecto fin de carrera se quiere desarrollar una aplicación que permita la ejecución de las demos desde un dispositivo móvil. Con ello, se pretende hacer más accesible la ejecución de algoritmo de procesamiento de imágenes y aumentar su divulgación científica.


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Máster en Ingeniería Informática. Escuela de Ingeniería Informática


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Il Web ha subito numerose trasformazioni rispetto al passato. Si è passati da un Web statico, in cui l'unica possibilità era quella di leggere i contenuti della pagina, ad un Web dinamico e interattivo come quello dei social network. Il Web moderno è, ancora oggi, un universo in espansione. La possibilità di arricchire le pagine con contenuti interattivi, video, foto e molto altro, rende l'esperienza web sempre più coinvolgente. Inoltre la diffusione sempre più ampia di mobile device ha reso necessaria l'introduzione di nuovi strumenti per sfruttare al meglio le funzionalità di tali dispositivi. Esistono al momento tantissimi linguaggi di scripting e di programmazione, ma anche CMS che offrono a chiunque la possibilità di scrivere e amministrare siti web. Nonostante le grandi potenzialità che offrono, spesso queste tecnologie si occupano di ambiti specifici e non permettono di creare sistemi omogenei che comprendano sia client che server. Dart si inserisce proprio in questo contesto. Tale linguaggio dà a i programmatori la possibilità di poter sviluppare sia lato client sia lato server. L'obiettivo principale di questo linguaggio è infatti la risoluzione di alcune problematiche comuni a molti programmatori web. Importante in questo senso è il fatto di rendere strutturata la costruzione di programmi web attraverso l'uso di interfacce e classi. Fornisce inoltre un supporto per l'integrazione di svariate funzionalità che allo stato attuale sono gestite da differenti tecnologie. L'obiettivo della presente tesi è quello di mettere a confronto Dart con alcune delle tecnologie più utilizzate al giorno d'oggi per la programmazione web-based. In particolare si prenderanno in considerazione JavaScript, jQuery, node.js e CoffeeScript.


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La tesi si concentra sull’infrastruttura di coordinazione TuCSoN on Android, realizzando il refactoring del servizio di geolocalizzazione platform-independent (lato infrastruttura) e platform-dependent (lato mobile device), nonché l’integrazione del modello event-driven con la proprietà di situatedness.