927 resultados para minimally invasive
Background: Medial UKA performed in England and Wales represents 7 to 11% of all knee arthroplasty procedures, and is most commonly performed using mobile-bearing designs. Fixed bearing eliminates the risk of bearing dislocation, however some studies have shown higher revision rates for all-polyethylene tibial components compared to those that utilize metal-backed implants. The aim of the study is to analyse survivorship and maximum 8-year clinical outcome of medial fixed bearing, Uniglide unicompartmental knee arthroplasty performed using an all-polyethylene tibial component with a minimal invasive approach. Methods: Between 2002 and 2009, 270 medial fixed UKAs were performed in our unit. Patients were reviewed pre-operatively, 5 and 8 years post-operatively. Clinical and radiographic reviews were carried out. Patients’ outcome scores (Oxford, WOMAC and American Knee Score) were documented in our database and analysed. Results: Survival and clinical outcome data of 236 knees with a mean 7.3 years follow-up are reported. Every patient with less than 4.93 years follow-up underwent a revision. The patients’ average age at the time of surgery was 69.5 years. The American Knee Society Pain and Function scores, the Oxford Knee Score and the WOMAC score all improved significantly. The 5 years survival rate was 94.1% with implant revision surgery as an end point. The estimated 10 years survival rate is 91.3%. 14 patients were revised before the 5 year follow-up. Conclusion: Fixed bearing Uniglide UKA with an all-polyethylene tibial component is a valuable tool in the management of a medial compartment osteoarthritis, affording good short term survivorship.
Objective. Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is a technically demanding procedure and requires a surgical team skilled in both endocrine and endoscopic surgery. A time consuming learning and training period is mandatory at the beginning of the experience. The aim of our report is to focus some aspects of the learning curve of the surgeon who practices video-assisted thyroid procedures for the first time, through the analysis of our preliminary series of 36 cases. Patients and methods. From September 2004 to April 2005 we selected 36 patients for minimally invasive video-assisted surgery of the thyroid. The patients were considered eligible if they presented with a nodule not exceeding 35mm in maximum diameter; total thyroid volume within normal range; absence of biochemical and echographic signs of thyroiditis. We analyzed surgical results, conversion rate, operating time, post-operative complications, hospital stay, cosmetic outcome of the series. Results. We performed 36 total thyroidectomy. The procedure was successfully carried out in 33/36 cases. Post-operative complications included 3 transient recurrent nerve palsies and 2 transient hypocalcemias; no definitive hypoparathyroidism was registered. All patients were discharged 2 days after operation. The cosmetic result was considered excellent by most patients. Conclusions. Advances in skills and technology have enabled surgeons to reproduce most open surgical techniques with video-assistance or laparoscopically. Training is essential to acquire any new surgical technique and it should be organized in detail to exploit it completely.
Children may benefit from minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the correction of Morgagni hernia (MH). The present study aims to evaluate the outcome of MIS through a multicenter study. National institutions that use MIS in the treatment of MH were included. Demographic, clinical and operative data were analyzed. Thirteen patients with MH (6 males) were operated using similar MIS technique (percutaneous stitches) at a mean age of 22.2±18.3 months. Six patients had chromosomopathies (46%), five with Down syndrome (39%). Respiratory complaints were the most common presentation (54%). Surgery lasted 95±23min. In none of the patients was the hernia sac removed; prosthesis was never used. In the immediate post-operative period, 4 patients (36%) were admitted to intensive care unit (all with Down syndrome); all patients started enteral feeds within the first 24h. With a mean follow-up of 56±16.6 months, there were two recurrences (18%) at the same institution, one of which was repaired with an absorbable suture; both with Down syndrome. The application of MIS in the MH repair is effective even in the presence of comorbidities such as Down syndrome; the latter influences the immediate postoperative recovery and possibly the recurrence rate. Removal of hernia sac does not seem necessary. Non-absorbable sutures may be more appropriate.
Objective: This study aims at determining if a collection of 16 motor tests on a physical simulator can objectively discriminate and evaluate practitioners' competency level, i.e. novice, resident, and expert. Methods: An experimental design with three study groups (novice, resident, and expert) was developed to test the evaluation power of each of the 16 simple tests. An ANOVA and a Student Newman-Keuls (SNK) test were used to analyze results of each test to determine which of them can discriminate participants' competency level. Results: Four of the 16 tests used discriminated all of the three competency levels and 15 discriminated at least two of the three groups (α= 0.05). Moreover, other two tests differentiate beginners\' level from intermediate, and other seven tests differentiate intermediate level from expert. Conclusion: The competency level of a practitioner of minimally invasive surgery can be evaluated by a specific collection of basic tests in a physical surgical simulator. Reduction of the number of tests needed to discriminate the competency level of surgeons can be the aim of future research.
With population ageing, spine diseases have an increasing prevalence and induce high economic and social costs. The development of minimally invasive surgeries allows reducing the surgery-associated risks in elderly and polymorbid patients, and save costs by treating more patients in shorter time and reducing the complications. Percutaneous Cement Discoplasty (PCD) is a minimally invasive technique developed to treat highly degenerated intervertebral discs exhibiting a vacuum phenomenon. Filling the disc with bone cement creates a stand-alone spacer which partially restores the disc height and re-opens the foraminal space. PCD has recently been introduced to clinical use. However, the spine biomechanics following this treatment remained unravelled. The aim of this PhD thesis is to bridge the clinical experience with in vitro methodologies, to provide a multilateral evaluation of PCD outcome and a better understanding of its impact on the spine biomechanics, and of its possible contraindications. Firstly, a suitable in vitro porcine model to test the biomechanics of discoplasty by comparing specimens in the preoperative and postoperative conditions was developed. The methodology was then applied to investigate the biomechanics of discoplasty in cadaveric human segments. The in vitro specimens were mechanically investigated in flexion and extension, while a DIC system quantified the range of motion, disc height, and strains on the disc surface. Then, a versatile tool to measure the impact of discoplasty on the foramen space was developed and applied both to clinical and experimental work. The vertebrae reconstructed from CT scans were registered to match the loading configuration, using ex vivo DIC measurements under loading. The foramen volumetric changes caused by PCD was measured using a 3D geometrical method clinically developed by the research group. In conclusion, this project significantly extended the understanding of PCD biomechanics, highlighting its benefits in the treatment of advanced cases of intervertebral disc degeneration.
To evaluate patients with transverse fractures of the shaft of the humerus treated with indirect reduction and internal fixation with plate and screws through minimally invasive technique. Inclusion criteria were adult patients with transverse diaphyseal fractures of the humerus closed, isolated or not occurring within 15 days of the initial trauma. Exclusion criteria were patients with compound fractures. In two patients, proximal screw loosening occurred, however, the fractures consolidated in the same mean time as the rest of the series. Consolidation with up to 5 degrees of varus occurred in five cases and extension deficit was observed in the patient with olecranon fracture treated with tension band, which was not considered as a complication. There was no recurrence of infection or iatrogenic radial nerve injury. It can be concluded that minimally invasive osteosynthesis with bridge plate can be considered a safe and effective option for the treatment of transverse fractures of the humeral shaft. Level of Evidence III, Therapeutic Study.
Operative treatment of coronoid fracture often requires a large dissection of soft tissue, resulting in elbow stiffness and functional limitation. The authors present a minimal invasive, safe technique, useful in the case of isolated coronoid fracture associated with elbow dislocation. This technique does not require soft tissue dissection and allows an early unlimited resumption of sports activities.
RESUME Les améliorations méthodologiques des dernières décennies ont permis une meilleure compréhension de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Il manque toutefois une méthode qui permette de suivre la progression du chyme le long du tube gastro-intestinal. Pour permettre l'étude de la motilité de tout le tractus digestif humain, une nouvelle technique, peu invasive, a été élaborée au Département de Physiologie, en collaboration avec l'EPFL. Appelée "Magnet Tracking", la technique est basée sur la détection du champ magnétique généré par des matériaux ferromagnétiques avalés. A cet usage, une pilule magnétique, une matrice de capteurs et un logiciel ont été développés. L'objet de ce travail est de démontrer la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinale chez l'Homme par cette méthode. L'aimant est un cylindre (ø 6x7 mm, 0.2 cm3) protégé par une gaine de silicone. Le système de mesure est constitué d'une matrice de 4x4 capteurs et d'un ordinateur portable. Les capteurs fonctionnent sur l'effet Hall. Grâce à l'interface informatique, l'évolution de la position de l'aimant est suivie en temps réel à travers tout le tractus digestif. Sa position est exprimée en fonction du temps ou reproduite en 3-D sous forme d'une trajectoire. Différents programmes ont été crées pour analyser la dynamique des mouvements de l'aimant et caractériser la motilité digestive. Dix jeunes volontaires en bonne santé ont participé à l'étude. L'aimant a été avalé après une nuit de jeûne et son séjour intra digestif suivi pendant 2 jours consécutifs. Le temps moyen de mesure était de 34 heures. Chaque sujet a été examiné une fois sauf un qui a répété sept fois l'expérience. Les sujets restaient en décubitus dorsal, tranquilles et pouvaient interrompre la mesure s'ils le désiraient. Ils sont restés à jeûne le premier jour. L'évacuation de l'aimant a été contrôlée chez tous les sujets. Tous les sujets ont bien supporté l'examen. Le marqueur a pu être détecté de l'oesophage au rectum. La trajectoire ainsi constituée représente une conformation de l'anatomie digestive : une bonne superposition de celle-ci à l'anatomie est obtenue à partir des images de radiologie conventionnelle (CT-scan, lavement à la gastrografine). Les mouvements de l'aimant ont été caractérisés selon leur périodicité, leur amplitude ou leur vitesse pour chaque segment du tractus digestif. Ces informations physiologiques sont bien corrélées à celles obtenues par des méthodes établies d'étude de la motilité gastro-intestinale. Ce travail démontre la faisabilité d'un examen de la motilité gastro-intestinal chez l'Homme par la méthode de Magnet Tracking. La technique fournit les données anatomiques et permet d'analyser en temps réel la dynamique des mouvements du tube digestif. Cette méthode peu invasive ouvre d'intéressantes perspectives pour l'étude de motilité dans des conditions physiologiques et pathologiques. Des expériences visant à valider cette approche en tant que méthode clinique sont en voie de réalisation dans plusieurs centres en Suisse et à l'étranger. SUMMARY Methodological improvements realised over the last decades have permitted a better understanding of gastrointestinal motility. Nevertheless, a method allowing a continuous following of lumina' contents is still lacking. In order to study the human digestive tract motility, a new minimally invasive technique was developed at the Department of Physiology in collaboration with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The method is based on the detection of magnetic field generated by swallowed ferromagnetic materials. The aim of our work was to demonstrate the feasibility of this new approach to study the human gastrointestinal motility. The magnet used was a cylinder (ø6x7mm, 0.2 cm3) coated with silicon. The magnet tracking system consisted of a 4x4 matrix of sensors based on the Hall effect Signals from the sensors were digitised and sent to a laptop computer for processing and storage. Specific software was conceived to analyse in real time the progression of the magnet through the gastrointestinal tube. Ten young and healthy volunteers were enrolled in the study. After a fasting period of 12 hours, they swallowed the magnet. The pill was then tracked for two consecutive days for 34 hours on average. Each subject was studied once except one who was studied seven times. Every subject laid on his back for the entire experiment but could interrupt it at anytime. Evacuation of the magnet was controlled in all subjects. The examination was well tolerated. The pill could be followed from the esophagus to the rectum. The trajectory of the magnet represented a "mould" of the anatomy of the digestive tube: a good superimposition with radiological anatomy (gastrografin contrast and CT) was obtained. Movements of the magnet were characterized by periodicity, velocity, and amplitude of displacements for every segment of the digestive tract. The physiological information corresponded well to data from current methods of studying gastrointestinal motility. This work demonstrates the feasibility of the new approach in studies of human gastrointestinal motility. The technique allows to correlate in real time the dynamics of digestive movements with the anatomical data. This minimally invasive method is ready for studies of human gastrointestinal motility under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Studies aiming at validation of this new approach as a clinically relevant tool are being realised in several centres in Switzerland and abroad. Abstract: A new minimally invasive technique allowing for anatomical mapping and motility studies along the entire human digestive system is presented. The technique is based on continuous tracking of a small magnet progressing through the digestive tract. The coordinates of the magnet are calculated from signals recorded by 16 magnetic field sensors located over the abdomen. The magnet position, orientation and trajectory are displayed in real time. Ten young healthy volunteers were followed during 34 h. The technique was well tolerated and no complication was encountered, The information obtained was 3-D con-figuration of the digestive tract and dynamics of the magnet displacement (velocity, transit time, length estimation, rhythms). In the same individual, repea-ted examination gave very reproducible results. The anatomical and physiological information obtained corresponded well to data from current methods and imaging. This simple, minimally invasive technique permits examination of the entire digestive tract and is suitable for both research and clinical studies. In combination with other methods, it may represent a useful tool for studies of Cl motility with respect to normal and pathological conditions.
Réalisé sous la co-direction des Drs Denis Bouchard et Michel Pellerin
Introduction Acute hemodynamic instability increases morbidity and mortality. We investigated whether early non-invasive cardiac output monitoring enhances hemodynamic stabilization and improves outcome. Methods A multicenter, randomized controlled trial was conducted in three European university hospital intensive care units in 2006 and 2007. A total of 388 hemodynamically unstable patients identified during their first six hours in the intensive care unit (ICU) were randomized to receive either non-invasive cardiac output monitoring for 24 hrs (minimally invasive cardiac output/MICO group; n = 201) or usual care (control group; n = 187). The main outcome measure was the proportion of patients achieving hemodynamic stability within six hours of starting the study. Results The number of hemodynamic instability criteria at baseline (MICO group mean 2.0 (SD 1.0), control group 1.8 (1.0); P = .06) and severity of illness (SAPS II score; MICO group 48 (18), control group 48 (15); P = .86)) were similar. At 6 hrs, 45 patients (22%) in the MICO group and 52 patients (28%) in the control group were hemodynamically stable (mean difference 5%; 95% confidence interval of the difference -3 to 14%; P = .24). Hemodynamic support with fluids and vasoactive drugs, and pulmonary artery catheter use (MICO group: 19%, control group: 26%; P = .11) were similar in the two groups. The median length of ICU stay was 2.0 (interquartile range 1.2 to 4.6) days in the MICO group and 2.5 (1.1 to 5.0) days in the control group (P = .38). The hospital mortality was 26% in the MICO group and 21% in the control group (P = .34). Conclusions Minimally-invasive cardiac output monitoring added to usual care does not facilitate early hemodynamic stabilization in the ICU, nor does it alter the hemodynamic support or outcome. Our results emphasize the need to evaluate technologies used to measure stroke volume and cardiac output--especially their impact on the process of care--before any large-scale outcome studies are attempted.
Excessive occlusal surface wear can result in occlusal disharmony, functional and esthetic impairment. As a therapeutic approach, conventional single crowns have been proposed, but this kind of treatment is complex, highly invasive and expensive. This case report describes the clinical outcomes of an alternative minimally invasive treatment based on direct adhesive-pin retained restorations. A 64-year-old woman with severely worn dentition, eating problems related to missing teeth and generalized tooth hypersensitivity was referred for treatment. Proper treatment planning based on the diagnostic wax-up simulation was used to guide the reconstruction of maxillary anterior teeth with direct composite resin over self-threading dentin pins. As the mandibular remaining teeth were extremely worn, a tooth-supported overdenture was installed. A stabilization splint was also used to protect the restorations. This treatment was a less expensive alternative to full-mouth rehabilitation with positive esthetic and functional outcomes after 1.5 years of follow-up.
Focal cryoablation (FC), brachytherapy (B) and active surveillance (AS) were offered to patients diagnosed with very low-risk prostate cancer (VLRPC) in an equal access protocol. Comprehensive validated self-report questionnaires accessed patients' erectile (IIEF-5) and voiding (IPSS) functions, Beck scales measured anxiety (BAI), hopelessness (BHS) and depression (BDI), SF-36 reflected patients' quality of life added to the emotional thermometers including five visual analogue scales (distress, anxiety, depression, anger and need for help). Kruskal-Wallis or ANOVA tests and Spearman's correlations were obtained among groups and studied variables. Thirty patients were included, median follow-up 18 months (15-21). Those on AS (n = 11) were older, presented higher hopelessness (BHS) and lower general health perceptions (SF-36) scores than patients opting for FC (n = 10) and B (n = 9), P = 0.0014, P = 0.0268 and P = 0.0168 respectively. Patients on B had higher IPSS scores compared to those under FC and AC, P = 0.0223. For all 30 included patients, Spearman's correlation (rs ) was very strong between BHS and general health perceptions (rs = -0.800, P < 0.0001), and weak/moderate between age and BHS (rs = 0.405, P = 0.026) and age and general health perceptions (rs = -0.564, P = 0.001). The sample power was >60%. To be considered in patients' counselling and care, current study supports the hypothesis that even VLRPC when untreated undermines psychosocial domains.