944 resultados para microwave reactor


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Aroylhydrazone oxidovanadium compounds, viz, the oxidoethoxidovanadium(V) [VO(OEt)L1] (1) (H2L =salicylaldehyde-2-hydroxybenzoylhydrazone), the salt like dioxidovanadium(V) (NH3CH2CH2OH)(+) [VO2L](-) (2), the mixed-ligand oxidovanadium(V) [VO(hq)L](Hhq = 8-hydroxyquinoline) (3) and the vanadium(IV) [VO(phen)L] (phen=1,10-phenanthroline) (4) complexes (3 and 4 obtained by the first time), have been tested as catalysts for solvent-free microwave-assisted oxidation of aromatic and alicyclic secondary alcohols with tert-butylhydroperoxide. A facile, efficient and selective solvent-free synthesis of ketones was achieved with yields up to 99% (TON= 497, TOF= 993 h(-1) for 3) and 58% (TON =291, TOF= 581 h(-1) for 2) for acetophenone and cyclohexanone, respectively, after 30 min under low power (25W) microwave irradiation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The iron(III) complexes [H(EtOH)][FeCl2(L)(2)] (1), [H(2)bipy](1/2)[FeCl2(L)(2)].DMF (2) and [FeCl2(L)(2,2'-bipy)] (3) (L = 3-amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylate; H(2)bipy = doubly protonated 4,4'-bipyridine; 2,2'-bipy = 2,2'-bipyridine, DMF = dimethylformamide) have been synthesized and fully characterized by IR, elemental and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, as well as by electrochemical methods. Complexes 1 and 2 have similar mononuclear structures containing different guest molecules (protonated ethanol for 1 and doubly protonated 4,4'-bipyridine for 2) in their lattices, whereas the complex 3 has one 3-amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylate and a 2,2'-bipyridine ligand. They show a high catalytic activity for the low power (10 W) solvent-free microwave assisted peroxidative oxidation of 1-phenylethanol, leading, in the presence of TEMPO, to quantitative yields of acetophenone [TOFs up to 8.1 x 10(3) h(-1), (3)] after 1 h. Moreover, the catalysts are of easy recovery and reused, at least for four consecutive cycles, maintaining 83 % of the initial activity and concomitant rather high selectivity. 3-Amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid is used to synthesize three new iron(III) complexes which act as heterogeneous catalysts for the solvent-free microwave-assisted peroxidative oxidation of 1-phenylethanol.


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Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have received considerable attention in the field of cell-based therapies due to their high differentiation potential and ability to modulate immune responses. However, since these cells can only be isolated in very low quantities, successful realization of these therapies requires MSCs ex-vivo expansion to achieve relevant cell doses. The metabolic activity is one of the parameters often monitored during MSCs cultivation by using expensive multi-analytical methods, some of them time-consuming. The present work evaluates the use of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, through rapid and economic high-throughput analyses associated to multivariate data analysis, to monitor three different MSCs cultivation runs conducted in spinner flasks, under xeno-free culture conditions, which differ in the type of microcarriers used and the culture feeding strategy applied. After evaluating diverse spectral preprocessing techniques, the optimized partial least square (PLS) regression models based on the MIR spectra to estimate the glucose, lactate and ammonia concentrations yielded high coefficients of determination (R2 ≥ 0.98, ≥0.98, and ≥0.94, respectively) and low prediction errors (RMSECV ≤ 4.7%, ≤4.4% and ≤5.7%, respectively). Besides PLS models valid for specific expansion protocols, a robust model simultaneously valid for the three processes was also built for predicting glucose, lactate and ammonia, yielding a R2 of 0.95, 0.97 and 0.86, and a RMSECV of 0.33, 0.57, and 0.09 mM, respectively. Therefore, MIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis represents a promising tool for both optimization and control of MSCs expansion processes.


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Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is the imprint from an early stage of the Universe and investigation of its properties is crucial for understanding the fundamental laws governing the structure and evolution of the Universe. Measurements of the CMB anisotropies are decisive to cosmology, since any cosmological model must explain it. The brightness, strongest at the microwave frequencies, is almost uniform in all directions, but tiny variations reveal a spatial pattern of small anisotropies. Active research is being developed seeking better interpretations of the phenomenon. This paper analyses the recent data in the perspective of fractional calculus. By taking advantage of the inherent memory of fractional operators some hidden properties are captured and described.


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A one-pot template reaction of sodium 2-(2-(dicyanomethylene) hydrazinyl) benzenesulfonate (NaHL1) with water and manganese(II) acetate tetrahydrate led to the mononuclear complex [Mn(H2O)(6)](HL1a)(2)center dot 4H(2)O (1), where (HL1a) -= 2-(SO3-)C6H4(NH)=N=C(C N) (CONH2) is the carboxamide species derived from nucleophilic attack of water on a cyano group of (HL1) . The copper tetramer [Cu-4(H2O)(10)(-) (1 kappa N: kappa O-2: kappa O, 2 kappa N: k(O)-L-2)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (2) was obtained from reaction of Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 2.5H(2)O with sodium 5-(2( 4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidene) hydrazinyl)-4-hydroxybenzene-1,3-disulfonate (Na2H2L2). Both complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, ESI-MS and single crystal X-ray diffraction. They exhibit a high catalytic activity for the solvent-and additive-free microwave (MW) assisted oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols with tert-butylhydroperoxide, leading to yields of the oxidized products up to 85.5% and TOFs up to 1.90 x 103 h(-1) after 1 h under low power (5-10 W) MW irradiation. Moreover, the heterogeneous catalysts are easily recovered and reused, at least for three consecutive cycles, maintaining 89% of the initial activity and a high selectivity.


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It is recognized that breast feeding is an alternative means of transmission of Chagas disease. However, thermal treatment of milk can prevent this occurrence. As domestic microwave ovens are becoming commonplace, the efficacy of microwave thermal treatment in inactivating Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes in human milk was tested. Human milk samples infected with T. cruzi trypomastigotes (Y strain) from laboratory-infected mice, were heated to 63 °C in a domestic microwave oven (2 450 MHz, 700 W). Microscopical and serological examinations demonstrated that none of the animals inoculated orally or intraperitoneally with infected milk which had been treated, got the infection, while those inoculated with untreated, infected milk, became infected. It was concluded that the simple treatment prescribed, which can easily be done at home, was effective in inactivating T. cruzi trypomastigotes contained in human milk.


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Dissertation to obtain the degree of master in Bioorganic


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women all over the world. An important issue that is not commonly addressed in breast cancer imaging literature is the importance of imaging the underarm region—where up to 80% of breast cancer cells can metastasise to. The first axillary lymph nodes to receive drainage from the primary tumour in the breast are called Sentinel Node. If cancer cells are found in the Sentinel Node, there is an increased risk of metastatic breast cancer which makes this evaluation crucial to decide what follow-up exams and therapy to follow. However, non-invasive detection of cancer cells in the lymph nodes is often inconclusive, leading to the surgical removal of too many nodes which causes adverse side-effects for patients. Microwave Imaging is one of the most promising non-invasive imaging modalities for breast cancer early screening and monitoring. This novel study tests the feasibility of imaging the axilla region by means of the simulation of an Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging system. Simulations of such system are completed in several 2D underarm models that mimic the axilla. Initial imaging results are obtained by means of processing the simulated backscattered signals by eliminating artefacts caused by the skin and beamforming the processed signals in order to time-align all the signals recorded at each antenna. In this dissertation several image formation algorithms are implemented and compared by visual inspection of the resulting images and through a range of performance metrics, such as Signal-to-Clutter Ratio and FullWidth Half Maximum calculations. The results in this study showed that Microwave Imaging is a promising technique that might allow to identify the presence and location of metastasised cancer cells in axillary lymph nodes, enabling the non-invasive evaluation of breast cancer staging.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo contribuir para o estudo do desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático aplicado à digestão anaeróbia de resíduos sólidos, que incorpore os condicionamentos da geometria dos reactores e a sua influência na cinética do processo biológico. Nesse sentido, o trabalho propõe-se avaliar o comportamento cinético de três reactores, com o mesmo volume mas com diferentes relações tridimensionais, utilizando o mesmo substrato, e idênticos parâmetros ambientais e operacionais de funcionamento. Pretendeu-se estudar em que medida a relação do comprimento, largura e altura de um reactor pode interferir nas taxas de remoção de substrato, condicionando a respectiva difusão na biomassa e crescimento dos microrganismos. Considera-se que este aspecto é do maior interesse para o desenvolvimento de um modelo cinético, podendo minimizar desvios inerentes à própria modelação de processos biológicos complexos. A geometria do reactor, que se correlaciona com uma determinada relação tridimensional, pode constituir um parâmetro importante, que se designou por Kcig (Constante de Inibição Geométrica), dada a influência que poderá exercer na cinética do processo biológico. A sua avaliação, parametrização e consequente modelação, deverá facilitar a escolha da relação comprimento/largura/altura mais adequada, de forma a optimizar o funcionamento operacional do reactor. O plano experimental desenvolveu-se em duas fases, utilizando-se dois substratos com graus distintos de dificuldade de utilização pelos microrganismos, nomeadamente: Fase 1 (glucose), Fase 2 (FORSU e relva). Concluiu-se que a cinética do processo é influenciada pela relação entre as áreas de separação de biogás/biomassa (As) e de contacto biomassa/reactor (Ac), que interferem na geometria do reactor. Assim, através dos resultados das fases 1 e 2 pode observar-se que a variação da taxa de remoção de substrato se aproxima de uma função de saturação, pelo que se propõe uma adaptação do modelo de Monod, através de um formalismo que incorpora uma grandeza adimensional, Kcig, para reflectir o efeito da geometria do reactor. Verificou-se que a equação adoptada para Kcig se mostrou adequada, o que permitiu, através do modelo de Monod ajustado, estimar os valores de rx máx e Ks que se admite estarem mais próximos dos verdadeiros, embora se considere que apenas se pretende corrigi-los em função do efeito da geometria do reactor. Por outro lado, o estudo permitiu identificar um valor de Kcig para o reactor de 2,5 L, a partir do qual poderá não ser interessante a relação entre a taxa de remoção de substrato e a área de construção do reactor.


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Com o aumento das necessidades energéticas, bem como dos cada vez mais conhecidos efeitos nocivos dos combustíveis fósseis, tornou-se imperativo pesquisar e desenvolver alternativas sustentáveis e verdes a esses recursos. O biodiesel é considerado como o melhor substituto para o combustível diesel convencional de base petroquímica. A transesterificação de óleos vegetais revela-se como uma importante via de obtenção do biodiesel. Na produção de biodiesel com catalisadores básicos homogéneos, como o hidróxido de sódio, deparamo-nos com um problema na hidrólise de triglicéridos, levando à formação de sabões e emulsões. Mesmo quando são usados reagentes secos, há formação de água devido à reacção do hidróxido com o álcool. Estes problemas podem ser solucionados com a utilização de catalisadores heterogéneos. Este estudo incidiu na preparação de membranas catalíticas de álcool polivinílico (PVA) incorporadas com um catalisador heterogéneo sólido básico (óxido de cálcio) obtido de resíduos industriais (casca de ovo). Caracterizaram-se as membranas catalíticas através da determinação da espessura, ângulos de contacto, grau de inchamento e espectroscopia de infravermelho. As membranas de PVA foram testadas na metanólise de óleo de soja em reactor batch e reactor de membrana catalítica. Estudou-se o efeito da reticulação química e por irradiação gama, nas propriedades das membranas e na actividade catalítica.


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O Grupo de Engenharia de Tecidos da FCT/UNL desenvolve e produz membranas poliméricas tubulares biodegradáveis que servem de substrato a culturas celulares e que se destinam a substituir temporariamente vasos sanguíneos danificados. O objectivo desta dissertação foi o desenvolvimento de um bio-reactor com a capacidade de bombeamento controlado de um fluido adequado à manutenção de uma cultura celular, que simula a passagem do fluxo sanguíneo pelo interior das membranas tubulares, permitindo que as células nelas semeadas recebam os estímulos adequados ao seu desenvolvimento. Foi construído um bio-reactor de perfusão pulsátil para cultura celular em membranas tubulares que é instalável numa incubadora, beneficiando assim de condições ambientais — pH, temperatura e humidade — semelhantes às fisiológicas. O bio-reactor é capaz de gerar estímulos mecânicos pulsáteis favoráveis ao alinhamento de células endoteliais e de músculo liso. O sistema foi desenvolvido de modo a que a pressão e o caudal aplicados às membranas pudessem ser monitorizados e controlados. Foram semeadas células endoteliais em matrizes planas de policaprolactona, tendo-se confirmado a sua adesão e proliferação por microscopia de fluorescência. Após enrolamento, obtiveram-se duas membranas tubulares com células endoteliais semeadas no lúmen. Uma delas foi submetida a cultura estática, e outra a cultura dinâmica no bio-reactor. Após 10 dias de condicionamento in vitro, as membranas foram novamente observadas por microscopia de fluorescência. Os resultados obtidos não foram conclusivos, pelo que serão necessários novos estudos para concluir se o bio-reactor construído é capaz de garantir o condicionamento mecânico das células semeadas nas matrizes.


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Imaging microwave reconstruction dielectric contrast regularization iterative multiport cavity measurement


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n-Butane, Partial oxidation, Maleic anhydride, electrochemical oxygen pumping, solid electrolyte membrane reactor


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Reactive Chromatography, Fixed-Bed Reactor, Heterogeneous, Hydrolysis, Ester, Catalyst, Adsorption, Ion-Exchange Resin