641 resultados para microRNAs (miRNA)


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Ewing sarcoma is an aggressive and poorly differentiated malignancy of bone and soft tissue. It primarily affects children, adolescents, and young adults, with a slight male predominance. It is characterized by a translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 resulting in the EWSR1-FLI1fusion transcription factor. The aim of this study is to identify putative Ewing sarcoma target genes through an integrative analysis of three microarray data sets. Array comparative genomic hybridization is used to measure changes in DNA copy number, and analyzed to detect common chromosomal aberrations. mRNA and miRNA microarrays are used to measure expression of protein-coding and miRNA genes, and these results integrated with the copy number data. Chromosomal aberrations typically contain also bystanders in addition to the driving tumor suppressor and oncogenes, and integration with expression helps to identify the true targets. Correlation between expression of miRNAs and their predicted target mRNAs is also evaluated to assess the results of post-transcriptional miRNA regulation on mRNA levels. The highest frequencies of copy number gains were identified in chromosome 8, 1q, and X. Losses were most frequent in 9p21.3, which also showed an enrichment of copy number breakpoints relative to the rest of the genome. Copy number losses in 9p21.3 were found have a statistically significant effect on the expression of MTAP, but not on CDKN2A, which is a known tumor-suppressor in the same locus. MTAP was also down-regulated in the Ewing sarcoma cell lines compared to mesenchymal stem cells. Genes exhibiting elevated expression in association with copy number gains and up-regulation compared to the reference samples included DCAF7, ENO2, MTCP1, andSTK40. Differentially expressed miRNAs were detected by comparing Ewing sarcoma cell lines against mesenchymal stem cells. 21 up-regulated and 32 down-regulated miRNAs were identified, includingmiR-145, which has been previously linked to Ewing sarcoma. The EWSR1-FLI1 fusion gene represses miR-145, which in turn targets FLI1 forming a mutually repressive feedback loop. In addition higher expression linked to copy number gains and compared to mesenchymal stem cells, STK40 was also found to be a target of four different miRNAs that were all down-regulated in Ewing sarcoma cell lines compared to the reference samples. SLCO5A1 was identified as the only up-regulated gene within a frequently gained region in chromosome 8. This region was gained in over 90 % of the cell lines, and also with a higher frequency than the neighboring regions. In addition, SLCO5A1 was found to be a target of three miRNAs that were down-regulated compared to the mesenchymal stem cells.


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Changes in circulating miRNA profiles have been associated with different diseases. Here we demonstrate the circulating miRNA profile in serum of HCV infected individuals using a microRNA array that profiles the expression of 940 miRNAs. Serum samples from two HCV genotype -1 and two HCV genotype -3 infected individuals were compared with healthy controls. Expression levels of miR-134, miR-198, miR-320c and miR-483-5p that were commonly upregulated in case of both genotypes were validated in 36 individual patient serum samples. Serum miR-134, miR-320c and miR-483-5p were significantly upregulated during HCV infection. miR-320c and miR-483-5p were also upregulated in HCV-JFH1 infected cells and cell culture supernatant. Pathway analysis of putative target genes of these miRNAs indicated involvement of PI3K-Akt, NFKB and MAPK signaling pathways. Results revealed novel insights on the role of circulating miRNAs in mediating pathogenesis in HCV-infected cells.


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The discovery of microRNAs (miRNAs) has added a new dimension to the gene regulatory networks, making aberrantly expressed miRNAs as therapeutically important targets. Small molecules that can selectively target and modulate miRNA levels can thus serve as lead structures. Cationic cyclic peptides containing sugar amino acids represent a new class of small molecules that can target miRNA selectively. Upon treatment of these small molecules in breast cancer cell line, we profiled 96 therapeutically important miRNAs associated with cancer and observed that these peptides can selectively target paralogous miRNAs of the same seed family. This selective inhibition is of prime significance in cases when miRNAs of the same family have tissue-specific expression and perform different functions. During these conditions, targeting an entire miRNA family could lead to undesired adverse effects. The selective targeting is attributable to the difference in the three-dimensional structures of precursor miRNAs. Hence, the core structure of these peptides can be used as a scaffold for designing more potent inhibitors of miRNA maturation and hence function.


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Various cellular processes including the pathogen-specific immune responses, host-pathogen interactions and the related evasion mechanisms rely on the ability of the immune cells to be reprogrammed accurately and in many cases instantaneously. In this context, the exact functions of epigenetic and miRNA-mediated regulation of genes, coupled with recent advent in techniques that aid such studies, make it an attractive field for research. Here, we review examples that involve the epigenetic and miRNA control of the host immune system during infection with bacteria. Interestingly, many pathogens utilize the epigenetic and miRNA machinery to modify and evade the host immune responses. Thus, we believe that global epigenetic and miRNA mapping of such host-pathogen interactions would provide key insights into their cellular functions and help to identify various determinants for therapeutic value.


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Case-control association study of SNPs in microRNAs and susceptibility to Late-Onset Alzheimer´s disease.


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La aplicaci�n de campos geomagn�ticos con la polaridad cambiante promueve la plasticidad de la corteza visual de animales privados visualmente mediante la cr�a en oscuridad, o bien a trav�s de la sutura palpebral de un ojo.Esto es debido a que la estimulaci�n magn�tica produce la down-regulaci�n de la expresi�n de los microRNAs let-7b*, miR-330, miR-338* y miR-376c en la corteza visual de animales sometidos a la cr�a en oscuridad, as� como de animales sujetos a sutura palpebral de un ojo. Como consecuencia de la down-regulaci�n de la expresi�n de los microRNAs citados anteriormente, se ven incrementados los niveles de expresi�n de sus correspondientes mol�culas diana, Conexina 26 para el caso de let-7b*, Tenascina R en el caso de miR-330, Contactina 4 para el caso de miR-338* y Matriz metalopeptidasa 9 y �-sinucle�na, ambas mol�culas diana de miR-376c. El aumento de expresi�n de estas mol�culas diana a nivel de RNA mensajero, as� como a nivel de prote�na en la corteza visual promueve la capacidad pl�stica de la corteza visual, ya que estas mol�culas diana se encuentran implicadas en procesos de crecimiento/elongaci�n de las neuritas y en la regulaci�n de la morfolog�a de las espinas dendr�ticas.


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Analisis de la implicacion de los Polimorfismos de LLA en la respuesta al Metotrexato


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Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs), which are small, non-coding RNAs approximately 21-nucleotides in length, have become a major focus of research in molecular biology. Mammalian miRNAs are proposed to regulate approximately 30% of all protein-coding genes. P


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The Arabidopsis genome contains a highly complex and abundant population of small RNAs, and many of the endogenous siRNAs are dependent on RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase 2 (RDR2) for their biogenesis. By analyzing an rdr2 loss-of-function mutant using two different parallel sequencing technologies, MPSS and 454, we characterized the complement of miRNAs expressed in Arabidopsis inflorescence to considerable depth. Nearly all known miRNAs were enriched in this mutant and we identified 13 new miRNAs, all of which were relatively low abundance and constitute new families. Trans-acting siRNAs (ta-siRNAs) were even more highly enriched. Computational and gel blot analyses suggested that the minimal number of miRNAs in Arabidopsis is approximately 155. The size profile of small RNAs in rdr2 reflected enrichment of 21-nt miRNAs and other classes of siRNAs like ta-siRNAs, and a significant reduction in 24-nt heterochromatic siRNAs. Other classes of small RNAs were found to be RDR2-independent, particularly those derived from long inverted repeats and a subset of tandem repeats. The small RNA populations in other Arabidopsis small RNA biogenesis mutants were also examined; a dcl2/3/4 triple mutant showed a similar pattern to rdr2, whereas dcl1-7 and rdr6 showed reductions in miRNAs and ta-siRNAs consistent with their activities in the biogenesis of these types of small RNAs. Deep sequencing of mutants provides a genetic approach for the dissection and characterization of diverse small RNA populations and the identification of low abundance miRNAs.


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Using a combined computational program. we identified 50 potential microRNAs (miRNAs) in Giardia lamblia. one of the most primitive unicellular eukaryotes. These miRNAs are unique to G. lamblia and no homologues have been found in other organisms; miRNAs.


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人类区别于其它动物的最本质特征是其拥有其他动物所无法比拟的大脑容量及高 级的认知能力。即使与其近亲-非人灵长类相比,人也拥有比非人灵长类大好几倍的脑 容量和更为发达的认知能力。现在一般认为,人类大脑的形成是适应性选择(达尔文正 选择)的结果。但是到目前为止,对人类起源过程中大脑容量增大及认知能力提高的遗 传学机制却知之甚少。以前的研究表明,几个与大脑发育相关的蛋白质编码基因在人类 起源中受到了正向选择。同时,也有证据表明人类大脑的进化也可能是基因表达调控变 化的结果。因此寻找人与非人灵长类大脑表达基因的调控差异或许能够进一步为人与非 人灵长类为何有如此巨大的差异提供分子生物学水平上的解释。 MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类在转录后水平调控基因表达的不编码蛋白质的小 RNA(长度20-24个碱基)。通过调控靶基因的表达,miRNA参与了众多的生理过程。而 很多大脑表达的miRNA的表达量在大脑发育过程中呈显著的变化,这表明miRNA参与 了大脑的发育调控。由此可知,miRNA对其靶基因调控效率的改变很可能引起大脑发育 调控的改变。 本文通过寻找大脑表达的保守microRNA 及对其靶基因的预测,同时用比较基因组 学的方法发现:有很多microRNA 的靶基因3’UTR 的靶位点中存在人类特异突变位点。 我们推测这些人类特异突变位点可能改变microRNA 对其靶基因的表达调控效应,而调 控效应的改变可能在进化过程中对认知能力的提高发挥重要作用。利用体外报告基因系 统,我们发现有几个预测的靶基因是对应miRNA 的真实靶基因。其中,miR-127 的靶 基因(SEMA3F)3’UTR 的靶位点中所含的一个人类特有的突变增强了miR-127 对 SEMA3F 的调控效率。将该位点突变回复为黑猩猩的位点使得miR-127 对SEMA3F 的 调控效率降低到黑猩猩的水平。这表明miR-127 对SEMA3F 的调控效率的改变确实是 由该人类特异突变位点引起的。我们提供了人类特异突变位点能够引起miR-127 对SEMA3F 的调控效率的改变的体外证据,但是体内的调控模式是否如此尚需进一步的工 作。 总之,本文通过体外试验表明,miRNA靶基因3’UTR的序列变异具有功能效应,它 有可能是人类中枢神经系统在起源和演化中发挥关键作用的重要遗传机制之一。


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microRNAsmiRNAs)是基因组中广泛编码的一类小RNA 基因,存在于绝大多数多细胞生物中,而且在各种生物学过程中都起着举足轻重的作用。miRNAs 在转录后水平通过与mRNAs 的3’UTRs 序列互补识别靶基因,并引起靶基因的降解或阻遏其翻译。在动物中,一个miRNA 可以调控数百个靶基因的表达。大多数miRNAs 在物种间高度保守,暗示了其功能的重要性。然而,非保守的miRNAs可能对物种特有新功能的产生有贡献。为了回答miRNAs是如何起源,如何进化的问题,我们研究了两个非保守miRNA 家族在灵长类中的进化历史。第一个miRNA 家族位于X 染色体上,在灵长类中的数目比狗或啮齿类中的多。我们比较了这一家族在灵长类主要分支-人、大猿、小猿、旧大陆猴和新大陆猴中的序列情况,发现了这一家族在灵长类中的快速进化。这种快速进化包括频繁的串联重复和碱基替换现象。此外,在人和黑猩猩中还发现了相应进化分支特有的替换,可能会导致分支特有的新miRNAs 的产生。对这一miRNA 家族在不同发育阶段恒河猴睾丸中的表达分析揭示了miRNA 表达变化和雄性性成熟之间的负相关,暗示这一家族在睾丸发育和精子成熟中可能起的调节作用。最后,我们认为,像蛋白编码基因一样,与雄性生殖功能相关的miRNAs 容易受到性选择而发生适应性进化。第二个miRNA 家族是位于19 号染色体上的一个灵长类特有的家族。通过分析和比较这一家族以及其临近区域在9 个不同灵长类物种中的序列,我们发现了 Alu 介导的这一家族的产生和扩张。序列比较表明,物种内和物种间miRNAs 的序列分歧相似;同时,在各个灵长类分支中均存在基因拷贝的获得和丢失,也存在基因的假基因化。由此表明,这一家族在灵长类中经历了典型的“生-死”进化历程,暗示这个家族的miRNA 基因在灵长类的进化中其功能可能发生了多样化,以适应不同灵长类物种在发育过程中的需要。此外,二级结构的保守性和前体miRNAs 区域的低SNP 密度都表明这一家族受到功能性约束。最后,我们进一步分析了这一家族在胎盘和胎儿大脑中的表达,揭示其对灵长类胚胎发育可能的重要性。除了研究miRNAs 在灵长类中的进化,我们还探讨了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的影响。通过对已发表的193 例人类大脑基因表达谱的分析发现,基因在人群中的表达变异的大小和调控它的miRNA 数目呈正比,这暗示了miRNAs 对基因表达变异度的直接影响。相比于不受miRNA 调控的基因,受到两个以上 miRNA 核心区调控的基因有较高的表达变异度,不受miRNA 类型的影响。同时,我们还证明,人群中靶基因miRNA 识别序列上的变异(SNPs)会进一步导致靶基因表达变异的增加。我们的研究表明miRNAs 是影响人群中基因表达变异度的因素之一。