935 resultados para methodologies for greenhouse gases emissions inventory and CO2 capture and storage


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The stomatal density and index in compressed leaves of Glossopteris communis from two different roof shales from the Lower Permian in Parana Basin, Brazil (Western Gondwana) have been investigated to test the possible relationship with modeled global changes in atmospheric CO(2) during the Phanerozoic. The obtained parameters show that the genus Glossopteris from the Cool Temperate biome can be used as CO(2) -proxy, despite the impossibility of being compared with living relatives or equivalents. When confronted with already published data for the Tropical Summer Wet biome, the present results confirm the detection of low levels of atmospheric CO(2) during the Early Permian, as predicted by the modeled curve. Nevertheless, the lower stomatal numbers detected at the climax of the coal interval (Faxinal Coalfield, Sakmarian) when compared to the higher ones obtained in leaves from a younger interval (Figueira Coalfield, Artinskian) could be attributed to temporarily high levels of atmospheric CO(2). Therefore, the occurrence of an extensive peat generating event at the southern part of the basin and subsequent greenhouse gases emissions from this environment may have been enough to reverse regionally and temporarily the reduction trend in atmospheric CO(2). Additionally, the Faxinal flora is preserved in a tonstein layer, which is a record of volcanic activity that could also cause a rise in atmospheric CO(2). During the Artinskian, the scarce generation of peat mires, as revealed by the occurrence of thin and discontinuous coal layers, and the lack of volcanism evidence would be insufficient to affect the general low CO(2) trend.


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Atualmente, o parque edificado é responsável pelo consumo de 40% da energia total consumida em toda a União Europeia. As previsões apontam para o crescimento do sector da construção civil, nomeadamente a construção de edifícios, o que permite perspetivar um aumento do consumo de energia nesta área. Medidas importantes, como o lançamento da Diretiva 2010/31/EU do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 19 de Maio de 2010 relativa ao desempenho energético dos edifícios, abrem caminho para a diminuição das necessidades energéticas e emissões de gases de efeito de estufa. Nela são apontados objetivos para aumentar a eficiência energética do parque edificado, tendo como objetivo que a partir de 2020 todos os novos edifícios sejam energeticamente eficientes e de balanço energético quase zero, com principal destaque para a compensação usando produção energética própria proveniente de fontes renováveis. Este novo requisito, denominado nearly zero energy building, apresenta-se como um novo incentivo no caminho para a sustentabilidade energética. As técnicas e tecnologias usadas na conceção dos edifícios terão um impacto positivo na análise de ciclo de vida, nomeadamente na minimização do impacto ambiental e na racionalização do consumo energético. Desta forma, pretendeu-se analisar a aplicabilidade do conceito nearly zero energy building a um grande edifício de serviços e o seu impacto em termos de ciclo de vida a 50 anos. Partindo da análise de alguns estudos sobre o consumo energético e sobre edifícios de balanço energético quase nulo já construídos em Portugal, desenvolveu-se uma análise de ciclo de vida para o caso de um edifício de serviços, da qual resultou um conjunto de propostas de otimização da sua eficiência energética e de captação de energias renováveis. As medidas apresentadas foram avaliadas com o auxílio de diferentes aplicações como DIALux, IES VE e o PVsyst, com o objetivo de verificar o seu impacto através da comparação com estado inicial de consumo energético do edifício. Nas condições iniciais, o resultado da análise de ciclo de vida do edifício a 50 anos no que respeita ao consumo energético e respetivas emissões de CO2 na fase de operação foi de 6 MWh/m2 e 1,62 t/m2, respetivamente. Com aplicação de medidas propostas de otimização, o consumo e as respetivas emissões de CO2 foram reduzidas para 5,2 MWh/m2 e 1,37 t/m2 respetivamente. Embora se tenha conseguido reduzir ao consumo com as medidas propostas de otimização de energia, chegou-se à conclusão que o sistema fotovoltaico dimensionado para fornecer energia ao edifício não consegue satisfazer as necessidades energéticas do edifício no final dos 50 anos.


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As alterações climáticas são atualmente reconhecidas como uma das mais relevantes ameaças ambientais, sociais e económicas. A resposta a este problema tem-se traduzido na aplicação de um conjunto de legislação e práticas, com o objetivo de promover uma redução significativa das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Entre outros, os gases fluorados são dos mais relevantes gases com efeito de estufa, conforme identificados no Protocolo de Quioto. No enquadramento legal em vigor a certificação de técnicos e empresas, assim como certificação de ferramentas para o manuseamento de gases fluorados, sofreu, desde 2011, uma profunda alteração, com impacto nos procedimentos de manutenção existentes até essa data, na atividade de empresas prestadoras de serviços de manutenção e na atuação dos proprietários de edifícios civis e industriais com equipamentos que contêm gases fluorados. Esta tese tem como objetivo evidenciar as ações que as empresas prestadores de serviços necessitam executar para a sua certificação, assim como informar os proprietários de edifícios civis ou industriais, sobre as diferentes vertentes que têm à sua disposição, em termos de gestão da manutenção, de forma a garantir o cumprimento da legislação em vigor nas suas instalações e a gestão de ativos físicos que contêm gases fluorados, tais como equipamentos e instalações de aquecimento, ventilação, ar condicionado e refrigeração. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa aprofundada sobre os requisitos legais e técnicos necessários para a cerificação das empresas que atuam neste sector. Um caso de estudo foi realizado e os resultados apresentados sobre todo o processo de certificação de uma empresa do setor do ar condicionado e refrigeração, para poder prestar serviços em equipamentos ou sistemas que contenham gases fluorados com efeito de estufa.


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En la actualidad, el cambio climático es uno de los temas de mayor preocupación para la población mundial y los científicos de todo el mundo. Debido al crecimiento de la población de forma exponencial, la demanda de energía aumenta acorde con ello, por lo que las actividades de producción energética aumentan consecuentemente, siendo éstas las principales causantes de la aceleración del cambio climático. Pese a que muchos países previamente habían apostado por la producción energética mediante tecnologías limpias a partir de energías renovables, hoy en día es imposible prescindir de los combustibles fósiles pues, junto a la energía nuclear, suponen el mayor porcentaje dentro del mix energético de los países más grandes del mundo, por lo que el cambio debe ser global y con todos los países implicados al unísono. Por ello, los países desarrollados decidieron acordar una serie de leyes y normas para la regulación y el control de la expansión energética en el mundo, mediante programas de incentivo a las empresas para la producción de energía limpia, libre de emisiones, sustituyendo y mejorando los procesos tecnológicos para que garanticen un desarrollo sostenible. De esta forma, se conseguiría también reducir la dependencia energética de los países productores de los recursos fósiles más importantes y a su vez, ayudar a otros sectores a diversificar su negocio y mejorar así la economía de las áreas colindantes a las centrales de producción térmica. Gracias a estos programas de incentivo o, también llamados mecanismos de flexibilidad, las empresas productoras de energía, al acometer inversiones en tecnologia limpia, dejan de emitir gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. Por tanto, gracias al comercio de emisiones y al mercado voluntario, las empresas pueden vender dichas emisiones aumentando la rentabilidad de sus proyectos, haciendo más atractivo de por sí el hecho de invertir en tecnología limpia. En el proyecto desarrollado, se podrá comprobar de una forma más extensa todo lo anteriormente citado. Para ello, se desarrollará una herramienta de cálculo que nos permitirá analizar los beneficios obtenidos por la sustitución de un combustible fósil, no renovable, por otro renovable y sostenible, como es la biomasa. En esta herramienta se calcularán, de forma estimada, las reducciones de las emisiones de CO2 que supone dicha sustitución y se hallará, en función del valor de las cotizaciones de los bonos de carbono en los diferentes mercados, cuál será el beneficio económico obtenido por la venta de las emisiones no emitidas que supone esta sustitución. Por último, dicho beneficio será insertado en un balance económico de la central donde se tendrán en cuenta otras variables como el precio del combustible o las fluctuaciones del precio de la electricidad, para hallar finalmente la rentabilidad que supondría la inversión de esta adaptación en la central. Con el fin de complementar y aplicar la herramienta de cálculo, se analizarán dos casos prácticos de una central de carbón, en los cuales se decide su suscripción dentro del contexto de los mecanismos de flexibilidad creados en los acuerdos internacionales.


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Today, perhaps without their realization, Iowans are factoring climate change into their lives and activities. Current farming practices and flood mitigation efforts, for example, are reflecting warmer winters, longer growing seasons, warmer nights, higher dew-point temperatures, increased humidity, greater annual stream flows, and more frequent severe precipitation events (Fig. 1) than were prevalent during the past 50 years. Some of the effects of these changes (such as longer growing season) may be positive, while others (particularly the tendency for greater precipitation events that lead to flooding) are negative. Climate change embodies all of these results and many more in a complex manner. The Iowa legislature has been proactive in seeking advice about climate change and its impacts on our state. In 2007, Governor Culver and the Iowa General Assembly enacted Senate File 485 and House File 2571 to create the Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council (ICCAC). ICCAC members reported an emissions inventory and a forecast for Iowa’s greenhouse gases (GHGs), policy options for reducing Iowa’s GHG, and two scenarios charting GHG reductions of 50% and 90% by 2050 from a baseline of 2005. Following issuance of the final report in December 2008, the General Assembly enacted a new bill in 2009 (Sec. 27, Section 473.7, Code 2009 amended) that set in motion a review of climate change impacts and policies in Iowa. This report is the result of that 2009 bill. It continues the dialogue between Iowa’s stakeholders, scientific community, and the state legislature that was begun with these earlier reports.


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Tutkimus suomalaisten yritysten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksista hiilidoksidipäästöjen vähentämisen parissa Luoteis-Venäjällä.


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Global warming mitigation has recently become a priority worldwide. A large body of literature dealing with energy related problems has focused on reducing greenhouse gases emissions at an engineering scale. In contrast, the minimization of climate change at a wider macroeconomic level has so far received much less attention. We investigate here the issue of how to mitigate global warming by performing changes in an economy. To this end, we make use of a systematic tool that combines three methods: linear programming, environmentally extended input output models, and life cycle assessment principles. The problem of identifying key economic sectors that contribute significantly to global warming is posed in mathematical terms as a bi criteria linear program that seeks to optimize simultaneously the total economic output and the total life cycle CO2 emissions. We have applied this approach to the European Union economy, finding that significant reductions in global warming potential can be attained by regulating specific economic sectors. Our tool is intended to aid policymakers in the design of more effective public policies for achieving the environmental and economic targets sought.


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Global warming is assertively the greatest environmental challenge for humans of 21st century. It is primarily caused by the anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) that trap heat in the atmosphere. Because of which, the GHG emission mitigation, globally, is a critical issue in the political agenda of all high-profile nations. India, like other developing countries, is facing this threat of climate change while dealing with the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic growth. India’s economy is closely connected to its natural resource base and climate sensitive sectors like water, agriculture and forestry. Due to Climate change the quality and distribution of India’s natural resources may transform and lead to adverse effects on livelihood of its people. Therefore, India is expected to face a major threat due to the projected climate change. This study proposes possible solutions for GHG emission mitigation that are specific to the power sector of India. The methods discussed here will take Indian power sector from present coal dominant ideology to a system, centered with renewable energy sources. The study further proposes a future scenario for 2050, based on the present Indian government policies and global energy technologies advancements.


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Geological carbon dioxide storage (CCS) has the potential to make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the UK. Amid concerns over maintaining security, and hence diversity, of supply, CCS could allow the continued use of coal, oil and gas whilst avoiding the CO2 emissions currently associated with fossil fuel use. This project has explored some of the geological, environmental, technical, economic and social implications of this technology. The UK is well placed to exploit CCS with a large offshore storage capacity, both in disused oil and gas fields and saline aquifers. This capacity should be sufficient to store CO2 from the power sector (at current levels) for a least one century, using well understood and therefore likely to be lower-risk, depleted hydrocarbon fields and contained parts of aquifers. It is very difficult to produce reliable estimates of the (potentially much larger) storage capacity of the less well understood geological reservoirs such as non-confined parts of aquifers. With the majority of its large coal fired power stations due to be retired during the next 15 to 20 years, the UK is at a natural decision point with respect to the future of power generation from coal; the existence of both national reserves and the infrastructure for receiving imported coal makes clean coal technology a realistic option. The notion of CCS as a ‘bridging’ or ‘stop-gap’ technology (i.e. whilst we develop ‘genuinely’ sustainable renewable energy technologies) needs to be examined somewhat critically, especially given the scale of global coal reserves. If CCS plant is built, then it is likely that technological innovation will bring down the costs of CO2 capture, such that it could become increasingly attractive. As with any capitalintensive option, there is a danger of becoming ‘locked-in’ to a CCS system. The costs of CCS in our model for UK power stations in the East Midlands and Yorkshire to reservoirs in the North Sea are between £25 and £60 per tonne of CO2 captured, transported and stored. This is between about 2 and 4 times the current traded price of a tonne of CO2 in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. In addition to the technical and economic requirements of the CCS technology, it should also be socially and environmentally acceptable. Our research has shown that, given an acceptance of the severity and urgency of addressing climate change, CCS is viewed favourably by members of the public, provided it is adopted within a portfolio of other measures. The most commonly voiced concern from the public is that of leakage and this remains perhaps the greatest uncertainty with CCS. It is not possible to make general statements concerning storage security; assessments must be site specific. The impacts of any potential leakage are also somewhat uncertain but should be balanced against the deleterious effects of increased acidification in the oceans due to uptake of elevated atmospheric CO2 that have already been observed. Provided adequate long term monitoring can be ensured, any leakage of CO2 from a storage site is likely to have minimal localised impacts as long as leaks are rapidly repaired. A regulatory framework for CCS will need to include risk assessment of potential environmental and health and safety impacts, accounting and monitoring and liability for the long term. In summary, although there remain uncertainties to be resolved through research and demonstration projects, our assessment demonstrates that CCS holds great potential for significant cuts in CO2 emissions as we develop long term alternatives to fossil fuel use. CCS can contribute to reducing emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere in the near term (i.e. peak-shaving the future atmospheric concentration of CO2), with the potential to continue to deliver significant CO2 reductions over the long term.


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The evaluation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from power generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a critical factor in energy and policy analysis. The current paper examines life cycle emissions from three types of fossil-fuel-based power plants, namely supercritical pulverized coal (super-PC), natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), with and without CCS. Results show that, for a 90% CO2 capture efficiency, life cycle GHG emissions are reduced by 75-84% depending on what technology is used. With GHG emissions less than 170 g/kWh, IGCC technology is found to be favorable to NGCC with CCS. Sensitivity analysis reveals that, for coal power plants, varying the CO2 capture efficiency and the coal transport distance has a more pronounced effect on life cycle GHG emissions than changing the length of CO2 transport pipeline. Finally, it is concluded from the current study that while the global warming potential is reduced when MEA-based CO2 capture is employed, the increase in other air pollutants such as NOx and NH3 leads to higher eutrophication and acidification potentials.


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The feasibility of halving greenhousegasemissions from hotels by 2030 has been studied as part of the Carbon Vision Buildings Programme. The aim of that programme was to study ways of reducing emissions from the existing stock because it will be responsible for the majority of building emissions over the next few decades. The work was carried out using detailed computer simulation using the ESP-r tool. Two hotels were studied, one older and converted and the other newer and purpose-built, with the aim of representing the most common UKhotel types. The effects were studied of interventions expected to be available in 2030 including fabric improvements, HVAC changes, lighting and appliance improvements and renewable energy generation. The main finding was that it is technically feasible to reduce emissions by 50% without compromising guest comfort. Ranking of the interventions was problematical for several reasons including interdependence and the impacts on boiler sizing of large reductions in the heating load