980 resultados para meteorites, chondrites, CAIs, RMNs, condensation, segregation
We investigated trophic ecology variation among colonies as well as sex- and age-related differences in the diet of the southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus, a long-lived seabird that is sexually dimorphic in size. We measured stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N) in blood samples collected during breeding at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica) in 1998 and at 2 colonies in the Argentinean area of Patagonia in 2000 and 2001. Individuals from South Georgia showed lower δ13C and δ15N values than those in Patagonia, as expected from the more pelagic location and the short length of the Antarctic food web. Males and females showed significant differences in the isotopic signatures at both localities. These differences agree with the sexual differences in diet found in previous studies, which showed that both sexes rely mainly on penguin and seal carrion, but females also feed extensively on marine prey, such as fish, squid and crustaceans. However, males from Patagonia showed significantly higher δ15N and δ13C values than females did, and the reverse trend was observed at South Georgia. This opposite trend is probably related to the different trophic level of carrion between locations: whereas penguins and pinnipeds in Patagonia rely mainly on fish and cephalopods, in South Georgia they rely mainly on krill. Stable isotope values of male and female chicks in Patagonia did not differ; both attained high values, similar to adult males and higher than adult females, suggesting that parents do not provision their single offspring differently in relation to sex; however, they seem to provide offspring with a higher proportion of carrion, probably of higher quality, and more abundant food, than they consume themselves. Stable isotopes at South Georgia were not affected by age of adults. We have provided new information on intraspecific segregation in the diet in a seabird species and have also underlined the importance of considering food web structure when studying intraspecific variability in trophic ecology.
We analysed concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury and selenium in blood from males and females of the 2 sibling species of giant petrels, the northern Macronectes halli and the southern M. giganteus, breeding sympatrically at Bird Island (South Georgia, Antarctica). Blood samples were collected in 1998 during the incubation period, from 5 November to 10 December. Between species, cadmium and lead concentrations were significantly higher for northern than for southern giant petrels, which probably resulted from northern giant petrels wintering in more polluted areas (mainly on the Patagonian Shelf and Falkland Islands) compared to southern giant petrels (wintering mainly around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands). Between sexes, cadmium concentrations were significantly higher for females than for males in both species, corresponding to the more pelagic habits of females compared to the more scavenging habits of males. Lead and cadmium concentrations in circulating blood decreased significantly over the incubation period, suggesting that when breeding at Bird Island, exposure to the source of pollution had ended, and these metals had been cleared from the blood and excreted, or rapidly transferred to other tissues. Association of lead and cadmium with a common source of pollution was further corroborated by a significant positive correlation between the levels of the 2 elements found. Mercury levels were similar between the species, but showed an opposite trend between sexes, with males showing higher levels than females in northern giant petrels, and the opposite was true in southern giant petrels, with no changes throughout incubation. Selenium levels were similar between sexes, but significantly greater for northern than for southern giant petrels. Moreover, there was a significant increase in the selenium levels over the incubation period in northern giant petrels. Age of adult birds did not affect metal concentrations. Coefficients of variation of metal levels were consistently lower for northern than for southern giant petrels, particularly for mercury, suggesting that the former species is more dietary specialised than the latter. Contaminant analyses, when combined with accurate information on seabird movements, obtained through geolocation or satellite tracking, help us to understand geographic variation of pollution in the marine environment.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in skin and bone of South American sea lions from Brazil and Uruguay were analysed to test the hypothesis that trophic overlap between the sexes is lower during the pre-breeding season than throughout the rest of the year. The isotopic values of skin and bone were used to infer the trophic relationships between the sexes during the pre-breeding period and year round, respectively. Prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline necessary for interpreting the stable isotope ratios of skin and bone. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference in the SIBER routine of the SIAR package in R, suggested that males and females used a wide diversity of foraging strategies throughout the year and that no differences existed between the sexes. However, the diversity of foraging strategies was largely reduced during the pre-breeding period, with all the individuals of each sex adopting similar strategies, but with the two sexes differing considerably in stable isotope values and the ellipse areas of males and females not overlapping at all. Nevertheless, the results revealed a general increase in the consumption of pelagic prey by both sexes during the pre-breeding period. The progressive crowding of individuals in the areas surrounding the breeding rookeries during the pre-breeding period could lead to an increase in the local population density, which could explain the above reported changes.
This article carries out an empirical examination of the origin of the differences between immigrant and native-born wage structures in the Spanish labour market. Especial attention is given in the analysis to the role played by occupational and workplace segregation of immigrants. Legal immigrants from developing countries exhibit lower mean wages and a more compressed wage structure than native-born workers. By contrast, immigrants from developed countries display higher mean wages and a more dispersed wage structure. The main empirical finding is that the disparities in the wage distributions for the native-born and both groups of immigrants are largely explained by their different observed characteristics, with a particularly important influence in this context of workplace and, particularly, occupational segregation.
The synthesis and physico-chemical properties of new 6-acetylamino or 6-benzoyl-amino 2-benzylidene-4-methyl-4H-benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-ones and 6-benzoylamino or 6-nitro 2-benzylidene-4H-benzo[1,4]thiazin-3-ones are described. These benzylidene benzothiazine compounds were prepared by the Knoevenagel condensation with benzaldehydes. The configurations and conformations of benzylidene benzothiazine derivatives were optimised using the semi-empirical method AM1.
The catalytic performance of Mg,Al-mixed oxides (MO20, MO25 and MO33) derived from hydrotalcites was evaluated in the Knoevenagel reaction between benzaldehyde and phenylsulfonylacetonitrile at 373 and 383 K. The best results were obtained for the sample MO20 that presented the highest basic sites density and external area and the smallest crystallite sizes. The relative amount of basic sites with weak to intermediate strength also played an important role on catalytic performance. By increasing the catalyst content from 1 to 5 wt.% at 383 K, a complete conversion of the reactants is attained, producing α-phenylsulfonylcinnamonitrile with a selectivity of 100%.
The stability of N-propylbutanimine (1) was investigated under different experimental conditions. The acid-catalyzed self-condensation that produced the E-enimine (4) and Z-inimine (5) was studied by experimental analyses and theoretical calculations. Since the calculations for the energy of 5 indicated that it had a lower energy than 4, yet 4 was the principal product, the self-condensation of 1 must be kinetically controlled.
Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.
The condensation rate has to be high in the safety pressure suppression pool systems of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in order to fulfill their safety function. The phenomena due to such a high direct contact condensation (DCC) rate turn out to be very challenging to be analysed either with experiments or numerical simulations. In this thesis, the suppression pool experiments carried out in the POOLEX facility of Lappeenranta University of Technology were simulated. Two different condensation modes were modelled by using the 2-phase CFD codes NEPTUNE CFD and TransAT. The DCC models applied were the typical ones to be used for separated flows in channels, and their applicability to the rapidly condensing flow in the condensation pool context had not been tested earlier. A low Reynolds number case was the first to be simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-31 was operated near the conditions between the ’quasi-steady oscillatory interface condensation’ mode and the ’condensation within the blowdown pipe’ mode. The condensation models of Lakehal et al. and Coste & Lavi´eville predicted the condensation rate quite accurately, while the other tested ones overestimated it. It was possible to get the direct phase change solution to settle near to the measured values, but a very high resolution of calculation grid was needed. Secondly, a high Reynolds number case corresponding to the ’chugging’ mode was simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-28 was chosen, because various standard and highspeed video samples of bubbles were recorded during it. In order to extract numerical information from the video material, a pattern recognition procedure was programmed. The bubble size distributions and the frequencies of chugging were calculated with this procedure. With the statistical data of the bubble sizes and temporal data of the bubble/jet appearance, it was possible to compare the condensation rates between the experiment and the CFD simulations. In the chugging simulations, a spherically curvilinear calculation grid at the blowdown pipe exit improved the convergence and decreased the required cell count. The compressible flow solver with complete steam-tables was beneficial for the numerical success of the simulations. The Hughes-Duffey model and, to some extent, the Coste & Lavi´eville model produced realistic chugging behavior. The initial level of the steam/water interface was an important factor to determine the initiation of the chugging. If the interface was initialized with a water level high enough inside the blowdown pipe, the vigorous penetration of a water plug into the pool created a turbulent wake which invoked the chugging that was self-sustaining. A 3D simulation with a suitable DCC model produced qualitatively very realistic shapes of the chugging bubbles and jets. The comparative FFT analysis of the bubble size data and the pool bottom pressure data gave useful information to distinguish the eigenmodes of chugging, bubbling, and pool structure oscillations.
Particle Image Velocimetry, PIV, is an optical measuring technique to obtain velocity information of a flow in interest. With PIV it is possible to achieve two or three dimensional velocity vector fields from a measurement area instead of a single point in a flow. Measured flow can be either in liquid or in gas form. PIV is nowadays widely applied to flow field studies. The need for PIV is to obtain validation data for Computational Fluid Dynamics calculation programs that has been used to model blow down experiments in PPOOLEX test facility in the Lappeenranta University of Technology. In this thesis PIV and its theoretical background are presented. All the subsystems that can be considered to be part of a PIV system are presented as well with detail. Emphasis is also put to the mathematics behind the image evaluation. The work also included selection and successful testing of a PIV system, as well as the planning of the installation to the PPOOLEX facility. Already in the preliminary testing PIV was found to be good addition to the measuring equipment for Nuclear Safety Research Unit of LUT. The installation to PPOOLEX facility was successful even though there were many restrictions considering it. All parts of the PIV system worked and they were found out to be appropriate for the planned use. Results and observations presented in this thesis are a good background to further PIV use.
In two-phase miniature and microchannel flows, the meniscus shape must be considered due to effects that are affected by condensation and/or evaporation and coupled with the transport phenomena in the thin film on the microchannel wall, when capillary forces drive the working fluid. This investigation presents an analytical model for microchannel condensers with a porous boundary, where capillary forces pump the fluid. Methanol was selected as the working fluid. Very low liquid Reynolds numbers were obtained (Re~6), but very high Nusselt numbers (Nu~150) could be found due to the channel size (1.5 mm) and the presence of the porous boundary. The meniscus calculation provided consistent results for the vapor interface temperature and pressure, as well as the meniscus curvature. The obtained results show that microchannel condensers with a porous boundary can be used for heat dissipation with reduced heat transfer area and very high heat dissipation capabilities.
This dissertation critically reviews the idea of meritocracy from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Based on a discussion of classical texts of social philosophy and sociology, it is argued that meritocracy as a concept for social stratification is best compatible with the sociological tradition of status attainment research: both frame social inequality in primarily individualistic terms, centring on the role of ascribed (e.g., gender, social background) and achieved (e.g., educational qualifications) characteristics for determining individuals’ socioeconomic rewards. This theoretical argument introduces the research problem at the core of this dissertation: to what extent can the individualistic conception of social stratification be maintained empirically? Fields of study and their interaction with educational attainment levels play a prominent role in the analysis of this question. Drawing on sociological versions of segmented labour market theory, it is assumed that fields of study may channel individuals into heterogeneous political-economic contexts on the labour market, which potentially modify the socioeconomic benefit individuals derive from their qualification levels. The focus on fields of study may also highlight economic differentials between men and women that derive from the persisting segregation of men’s and women’s occupational and educational specializations rather than direct gender discrimination on the labour market. The quantitative analyses in this dissertation consist of three research articles, which are based primarily on Finnish data, but occasionally extend the view to other European countries. The data sources include register-based macro- and microdata as well as survey data. Article I examines the extent and the patterns of gender segregation within the Finnish educational system between 1981 and 2005. The results show that differences between men’s and women’s field specializations have for the most part remained stable during this period, with particularly high levels of gender segregation observed at lower educational levels. The focus in Article II rests on the effects of gender-segregated fields of study on higher education graduates’ occupational status. It is shown that fields of study matter for accessing professional jobs and avoiding low-skilled positions in Finland: at the early career stage, particularly polytechnic graduates from female-dominated fields are less likely to work in professional positions. Finnish university graduates from male-dominated fields were more likely than their peers with different specializations to work as professionals, yet they also faced a greater risk of being sorted into lowskilled jobs if they failed to make use of this advantage. Article III proceeded to analyse the joint impact of educational qualification levels and fields of study on young adults’ median earnings in Finland between 1985 and 2005. The results show that qualification levels do not confer a consistent benefit in the process of earnings stratification. Advanced qualifications raise median earnings most clearly among individuals specializing in the same field of study. When comparing individuals with different field specializations, on the other hand, higher-level qualifications do not necessarily lead to higher median earnings. Overall, the findings of this dissertation reveal a heterogeneous effect of education for achieving social positions, which challenges individual-centred, meritocratic accounts of social stratification and underlines the problematic lack of structural and institutional dimensions in the dominant account of social status attainment.
Resumo Neste artigo problematizamos diferentes sentidos (culturais e religiosos) atribuídos ao Cais do Valongo, considerado o principal porto de entrada dos africanos escravizados no Brasil, desde que foi redescoberto nas escavações e entrou na pauta do projeto de revitalização da Zona Portuária da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. De uma “africanidade” cultural com nexos religiosos específicos, em um primeiro momento, transformou-se em símbolo da “diáspora africana”, sem que se desse destaque às referências religiosas e, depois, em uma obra realizada pelo Porto Maravilha, recuperada no processo de revitalização em curso, e lugar de promoção turística. Por último, discutimos como hoje segmentos do movimento negro e lideranças religiosas buscam manter o caráter religioso e sacralizado do Cais, promovendo ali a “Lavagem do Cais do Valongo”.
Nous investiguons dans ce travail la création d'échantillons permettant l'étude du comportement des polaritons excitoniques dans les matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques. Le couplage fort entre les états excités d'électrons et des photons impose la création de nouveaux états propres dans le milieu. Ces nouveaux états, les polaritons, ont un comportement bosonique et sont donc capables de se condenser dans un état fortement dégénéré. Une occupation massive de l'état fondamental permet l'étude de comportements explicables uniquement par la mécanique quantique. La démonstration, au niveau macroscopique, d'effets quantiques promet d'éclairer notre compréhension de la matière condensée. De plus, la forte localisation des excitons dans les milieux organiques permet la condensation des polaritons excitoniques organiques à des températures beaucoup plus hautes que dans les semi-conducteurs inorganiques. À terme, les échantillons proposés dans ce travail pourraient donc servir à observer une phase cohérente macroscopique à des températures facilement atteignables en laboratoire. Les cavités proposées sont des résonateurs Fabry-Perot ultraminces dans lesquels est inséré un cristal unique d'anthracène. Des miroirs diélectriques sont fabriqués par une compagnie externe. Une couche d'or de 60 nanomètres est ensuite déposée sur leur surface. Les miroirs sont ensuite mis en contact, or contre or, et compressés par 2,6 tonnes de pression. Cette pression soude la cavité et laisse des espaces vides entre les lignes d'or. Une molécule organique, l'anthracène, est ensuite insérée par capillarité dans la cavité et y est cristallisée par la suite. Dans leur état actuel, les cavités présentent des défauts majeurs quant à la planarité des miroirs et à l'uniformité des cristaux. Un protocole détaillé est présenté et commenté dans ce travail. Nous y proposons aussi quelques pistes pour régler les problèmes courants de l'appareil.