994 resultados para mediterranean tlc tropical cyclone hurricane medicane


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Generalmente los patrones espaciales de puntos en ecología, se definen en el espacio bi-dimensional, donde cada punto representado por el par ordenado (x,y), resume la ubicación espacial de una planta. La importancia de los patrones espaciales de plantas radica en que proceden como respuesta ante importantes procesos ecológicos asociados a la estructura de una población o comunidad. Tales procesos incluyen fenómenos como la dispersión de semillas, la competencia por recursos, la facilitación, respuesta de las plantas ante algún tipo de estrés, entre otros. En esta tesis se evalúan los factores y potenciales procesos subyacentes, que explican los patrones de distribución espacial de la biodiversidad vegetal en diferentes ecosistemas como bosque mediterráneo, bosque tropical y matorral seco tropical; haciendo uso de nuevas metodologías para comprobar hipótesis relacionadas a los procesos espaciales. En este trabajo se utilizaron dos niveles ecológicos para analizar los procesos espaciales, el nivel de población y el nivel de comunidad, con el fin de evaluar la importancia relativa de las interacciones intraespecíficas e interespecíficas. Me centré en el uso de funciones estadísticas que resumen los patrones de puntos para explorar y hacer inferencias a partir de datos espaciales, empezando con la construcción de un nuevo modelo nulo para inferir variantes del síndrome de dispersión de una planta parásita en España central. Se analizó la dependencia de los patrones espaciales tanto de los hospedantes afectados como de los no-afectados y se observó fuerte dependencia a pequeña y mediana distancia. Se utilizaron dos funciones (kernel) para simular la dispersión de la especie parásita y se identificó consistencia de estos modelos con otros síndromes de dispersión adicionalmente a la autodispersión. Un segundo tema consistió en desarrollar un método ANOVA de dos vías? para patrones de puntos replicados donde el interés se concentró en evaluar la interacción de dos factores. Este método se aplicó a un caso de estudio que consitió en analizar la influencia de la topografía y la altitud sobre el patrón espacial de un arbusto dominante en matorral seco al sur del Ecuador, cuyos datos provienen de patrones de puntos replicados basados en diseño. Partiendo de una metodología desarrollada para procesos uni-factoriales, se construyó el método para procesos bi-factoriales y así poder evaluar el efecto de interacción. Se observó que la topografía por sí sola así como la interacción con la altitud presentaron efecto significativo sobre la formación del patrón espacial. Un tercer tema fue identificar la relación entre el patrón espacial y el síndrome de dispersión de la comunidad vegetal en el bosque tropical de la Isla de Barro Colorado (BCI), Panamá. Muchos estudios se han desarrollado en este bosque tropical y algunos han analizado la relación síndrome-patrón espacial, sin embargo lo novedoso de nuestro estudio es que se evaluaron un conjunto amplio de modelos (114 modelos) basados en procesos que incorporan la limitación de la dispersión y la heterogeneidad ambiental, y evalúan el efecto único y el efecto conjunto, para posteriormente seleccionar el modelo de mejor ajuste para cada especie. Más de la mitad de las especies presentaron patrón espacial consistente con el efecto conjutno de la limitación de la dispersión y heterogeneidad ambiental y el porcentaje restante de especies reveló en forma equitativa el efecto único de la heterogeneidad ambiental y efecto único de limitación de la dispersión. Finalmente, con la misma información del bosque tropical de BCI, y para entender las relaciones que subyacen para mantener el equilibrio de la biodiversidad, se desarrolló un índice de dispersión funcional local a nivel de individuo, que permita relacionar el patrón espacial con cuatro rasgos funcionales clave de las especies. Pese a que muchos estudios realizados involucran esta comunidad con la teoría neutral, se encontró que el ensamble de la comunidad de BCI está afectado por limitaciones de similaridad y de hábitat a diferentes escalas. ABSTRACT Overall the spatial point patterns in ecology are defined in two-dimensional space, where each point denoted by the (x,y) ordered pair, summarizes the spatial location of a plant. The spatial point patterns are essential because they arise in response to important ecological processes, associated with the structure of a population or community. Such processes include phenomena as seed dispersal, competition for resources, facilitation, and plant response to some type of stress, among others. In this thesis, some factors and potential underlying processes were evaluated in order to explain the spatial distribution patterns of plant biodiversity. It was done in different ecosystems such as Mediterranean forest, tropical forest and dry scrubland. For this purpose new methodologies were used to test hypothesis related to spatial processes. Two ecological levels were used to analyze the spatial processes, at population and community levels, in order to assess the relative importance of intraspecific and interspecific interactions. I focused on the use of spatial statistical functions to summarize point patterns to explore and make inferences from spatial data, starting with the construction of a new null model to infer variations about the dispersal syndrome of a parasitic plant in central Spain. Spatial dependence between point patterns in a multivariate point process of affected and unaffected hosts were analyzed and strong dependence was observed at small and medium distance. Two kernel functions were used to simulate the dispersion of parasitic plant and consistency of these models with other syndromes was identified, in addition to ballistic dispersion. A second issue was to analyze altitude and topography effects on the spatial population structure of a dominant shrub in the dry ecosystem in southern Ecuador, whose data come from replicated point patterns design-based. Based on a methodology developed for uni-factorial process, a method for bi-factorial processes was built to assess the interaction effect. The topography alone and interacting with altitude showed significant effect on the spatial pattern of shrub. A third issue was to identify the relationship between the spatial pattern and dispersal syndromes of plant community in the tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panamá. Several studies have been developed in this tropical forest and some focused on the spatial pattern-syndrome relationship; however the novelty of our study is that a large set of models (114 models) including dispersal limitation and environmental heterogeneity were evaluated, used to identify the only and joint effect to subsequently select the best fit model for each species. Slightly more than fifty percent of the species showed spatial pattern consistent with only the dispersal limitation, and the remaining percentage of species revealed the only effect of environmental heterogeneity and habitat-dispersal limitation joined effect, equitably. Finally, with the same information from the tropical forest of BCI, and to understand the relationships underlying for balance of biodiversity, an index of the local functional dispersion was developed at the individual level, to relate the spatial pattern with four key functional traits of species. Although many studies involve this community with neutral theory, the assembly of the community is affected by similarity and habitat limitations at different scales.


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The third in a series of five-yearly aerial surveys for dugongs in Shark Bay, Ningaloo Reef and Exmouth Gulf was conducted in July 1999. The first two surveys provided evidence of an apparently stable population of dugongs, with similar to 1000 animals in each of Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef, and 10000 in Shark Bay. We report estimates of less than 200 for each of Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef and similar to 14000 for Shark Bay. This is an apparent overall increase in the dugong population over this whole region, but with a distributional shift of animals to the south. The most plausible hypothesis to account for a large component of this apparent population shift is that animals in Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef moved to Shark Bay, most likely after Tropical Cyclone Vance impacted available dugong forage in the northern habitat. Bias associated with survey estimate methodology, and normal changes in population demographics may also have contributed to the change. The movement of large numbers of dugongs over the scale we suggest has important management implications. First, such habitat-driven shifts in regional abundance will need to be incorporated in assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas that aim to protect dugongs and their habitat. Second, in circumstances where aerial surveys are used to estimate relative trends in abundance of dugongs, animal movements of the type we propose could lead to errors in interpretation.


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Light rainfall is the baseline input to the annual water budget in mountainous landscapes through the tropics and at mid-latitudes. In the Southern Appalachians, the contribution from light rainfall ranges from 50-60% during wet years to 80-90% during dry years, with convective activity and tropical cyclone input providing most of the interannual variability. The Southern Appalachians is a region characterized by rich biodiversity that is vulnerable to land use/land cover changes due to its proximity to a rapidly growing population. Persistent near surface moisture and associated microclimates observed in this region has been well documented since the colonization of the area in terms of species health, fire frequency, and overall biodiversity. The overarching objective of this research is to elucidate the microphysics of light rainfall and the dynamics of low level moisture in the inner region of the Southern Appalachians during the warm season, with a focus on orographically mediated processes. The overarching research hypothesis is that physical processes leading to and governing the life cycle of orographic fog, low level clouds, and precipitation, and their interactions, are strongly tied to landform, land cover, and the diurnal cycles of flow patterns, radiative forcing, and surface fluxes at the ridge-valley scale. The following science questions will be addressed specifically: 1) How do orographic clouds and fog affect the hydrometeorological regime from event to annual scale and as a function of terrain characteristics and land cover?; 2) What are the source areas, governing processes, and relevant time-scales of near surface moisture convergence patterns in the region?; and 3) What are the four dimensional microphysical and dynamical characteristics, including variability and controlling factors and processes, of fog and light rainfall? The research was conducted with two major components: 1) ground-based high-quality observations using multi-sensor platforms and 2) interpretive numerical modeling guided by the analysis of the in situ data collection. Findings illuminate a high level of spatial – down to the ridge scale - and temporal – from event to annual scale - heterogeneity in observations, and a significant impact on the hydrological regime as a result of seeder-feeder interactions among fog, low level clouds, and stratiform rainfall that enhance coalescence efficiency and lead to significantly higher rainfall rates at the land surface. Specifically, results show that enhancement of an event up to one order of magnitude in short-term accumulation can occur as a result of concurrent fog presence. Results also show that events are modulated strongly by terrain characteristics including elevation, slope, geometry, and land cover. These factors produce interactions between highly localized flows and gradients of temperature and moisture with larger scale circulations. Resulting observations of DSD and rainfall patterns are stratified by region and altitude and exhibit clear diurnal and seasonal cycles.


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Water systems in the Sultanate of Oman are inevitably exposed to varied threats and hazards due to both natural and man-made hazards. Natural disasters, especially tropical cyclone Gonu in 2007, cause immense damage to water supply systems in Oman. At the same time water loss from leaks is a major operational problem. This research developed an integrated approach to identify and rank the risks to the water sources, transmission pipelines and distribution networks in Oman and suggests appropriate mitigation measures. The system resilience was evaluated and an emergency response plan for the water supplies developed. The methodology involved mining the data held by the water supply utility for risk and resilience determination and operational data to support calculations of non-revenue water. Risk factors were identified, ranked and scored at a stakeholder workshop and the operational information required was principally gathered from interviews. Finally, an emergency response plan was developed by evaluating the risk and resilience factors. The risk analysis and assessment used a Coarse Risk Analysis (CRA) approach and risk scores were generated using a simple risk matrix based on WHO recommendations. The likelihoods and consequences of a wide range of hazardous events were identified through a key workshop and subsequent questionnaires. The thesis proposes a method of translating the detailed risk evaluations into resilience scores through a methodology used in transportation networks. A water audit indicated that the percentage of NRW in Oman is greater than 35% which is similar to other Gulf countries but high internationally. The principal strategy for managing NRW used in the research was the AWWA water audit method which includes free to use software and was found to be easy to apply in Oman. The research showed that risks to the main desalination processes can be controlled but the risk due to feed water quality might remain high even after implementing mitigation measures because the intake is close to an oil port with a significant risk of oil contamination and algal blooms. The most severe risks to transmission mains were found to be associated with pipe rather than pump failure. The systems in Oman were found to be moderately resilient, the resilience of desalination plants reasonably high but the transmission mains and pumping stations are very vulnerable. The integrated strategy developed in this study has a wide applicability, particularly in the Gulf area, which may have risks from exceptional events and will be experiencing NRW. Other developing countries may also experience such risks but with different magnitudes and the risk evaluation tables could provide a useful format for further work.


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A study of intense hurricane-type vortices in the ECMWF operational model is reported. These vortices develop around day 4 in the forecast and occur in the tropical belt in areas and at times where intense tropical cyclones normally occur. The frequency resembles that observed over most tropical regions with a pronounced maximum in the western North Pacific. The life time of the vortices and their 3-dimensional structure agree in some fundamental way with observations although, because of the resolution, the systems are less intense than the observed ones. The general large-scale conditions for active and inactive cyclone periods are discussed. The model cyclones are sensitive to the sea-surface temperature and do not develop with sea surface temperatures lower than 28–29°C. The dynamical conditions favouring cyclone development are characterized by intense large-scale divergence in the upper troposphere. Cyclogenesis appears to take place when these conditions are found outside the equatorial zone and over oceans where the water is sufficiently warm.


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This work explores in detail synoptic and mesoscale features of Hurricane Catarina during its life cycle from a decaying baroclinic wave to a tropical depression that underwent tropical transition (TT) and finally to a Category 2 hurricane at landfall over Santa Catarina State coast, southern Brazil. This unique system caused 11 deaths mostly off the Brazilian coast and an estimated half billion dollars in damage in a matter of a few hours on 28 March 2004. Although the closest meteorological station available was tens of kilometres away from the eye, in situ meteorological measurements provided by a work-team sent to the area where the eye made landfall unequivocally reproduces the tropical signature with category 2 strength, adding to previous analysis where this data was not available. Further analyses are based mostly on remote sensing data available at the time of the event. A classic dipole blocking set synoptic conditions for Hurricane Catarina to develop, dynamically contributing to the low wind shear observed. On the other hand, on its westward transit, large scale subsidence limited its strength and vertical development. Catarina had relatively cool SST conditions, but this was mitigated by favourable air-sea fluxes leading to latent heat release-driven processes during the mature phase. The ocean`s dynamic topography also suggested the presence of nearby warm core rings which may have facilitated the transition and post-transition intensification. Since there were no records of such a system at least in the past 30 years and given that SSTs were generally below 26 degrees C and vertical shear was usually strong, despite all satellite data available, the system was initially classified as an extratropical cyclone. Here we hypothesise that this categorization was based oil inadequate regional scale model outputs which did not account for the importance of the latent heat fluxes over the ocean. Hurricane Catarina represents a dramatic event on weather systems in South America. It has attracted attention worldwide and poses questions as whether or not it is a symptom of global warming. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study presents the first analysis of the energetics associated with a hybrid cyclone`s transition in the Southern Hemisphere, Hurricane Catarina ( March 2004). Catarina has earned a place in history as the first documented South Atlantic hurricane, but its unusual tropical transition is still poorly understood. Here we show that Catarina`s transition was preceded by marked environmental changes in the Lorenz energy cycle, with an abrupt shift from a baroclinic to a predominantly barotropic state. Such changes help to explain the unusual vortex`s growth until its transition was completed. Although the vortex`s energy flux is not explicitly calculated, a likely mechanism linking the environmental energetics with Catarina is the extraction of eddy kinetic energy from horizontal momentum and heat transfers within the through component of the blocking. The results advance the understanding of this rare event and suggest that the technique has a great potential to study transitioning systems in general.