974 resultados para math computation
The dataflow model of computation exposes and exploits parallelism in programs without requiring programmer annotation; however, instruction- level dataflow is too fine-grained to be efficient on general-purpose processors. A popular solution is to develop a "hybrid'' model of computation where regions of dataflow graphs are combined into sequential blocks of code. I have implemented such a system to allow the J-Machine to run Id programs, leaving exposed a high amount of parallelism --- such as among loop iterations. I describe this system and provide an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses and those of the J-Machine, along with ideas for improvement.
Omnidirectional cameras offer a much wider field of view than the perspective ones and alleviate the problems due to occlusions. However, both types of cameras suffer from the lack of depth perception. A practical method for obtaining depth in computer vision is to project a known structured light pattern on the scene avoiding the problems and costs involved by stereo vision. This paper is focused on the idea of combining omnidirectional vision and structured light with the aim to provide 3D information about the scene. The resulting sensor is formed by a single catadioptric camera and an omnidirectional light projector. It is also discussed how this sensor can be used in robot navigation applications
Most network operators have considered reducing Label Switched Routers (LSR) label spaces (i.e. the number of labels that can be used) as a means of simplifying management of underlaying Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and, hence, reducing operational expenditure (OPEX). This letter discusses the problem of reducing the label spaces in Multiprotocol Label Switched (MPLS) networks using label merging - better known as MultiPoint-to-Point (MP2P) connections. Because of its origins in IP, MP2P connections have been considered to have tree- shapes with Label Switched Paths (LSP) as branches. Due to this fact, previous works by many authors affirm that the problem of minimizing the label space using MP2P in MPLS - the Merging Problem - cannot be solved optimally with a polynomial algorithm (NP-complete), since it involves a hard- decision problem. However, in this letter, the Merging Problem is analyzed, from the perspective of MPLS, and it is deduced that tree-shapes in MP2P connections are irrelevant. By overriding this tree-shape consideration, it is possible to perform label merging in polynomial time. Based on how MPLS signaling works, this letter proposes an algorithm to compute the minimum number of labels using label merging: the Full Label Merging algorithm. As conclusion, we reclassify the Merging Problem as Polynomial-solvable, instead of NP-complete. In addition, simulation experiments confirm that without the tree-branch selection problem, more labels can be reduced
The design of control, estimation or diagnosis algorithms most often assumes that all available process variables represent the system state at the same instant of time. However, this is never true in current network systems, because of the unknown deterministic or stochastic transmission delays introduced by the communication network. During the diagnosing stage, this will often generate false alarms. Under nominal operation, the different transmission delays associated with the variables that appear in the computation form produce discrepancies of the residuals from zero. A technique aiming at the minimisation of the resulting false alarms rate, that is based on the explicit modelling of communication delays and on their best-case estimation is proposed
Lecture notes for a course on methods of mathematical physics.
Crowdsourcing. Social Machines. Human computation. Co-construction Made Real
the introduction of this research paper (especially pg 2-4) and its list of references may be useful to clarify the notions of Bayesian learning applied to trust as explained in the lectures. This is optional reading
Speaker(s): Prof. David Evans Organiser: Dr Tim Chown Time: 22/05/2014 10:45-11:45 Location: B53/4025 Abstract Secure multi-party computation enables two (or more) participants to reliably compute a function that depends on both of their inputs, without revealing those inputs to the other party or needing to trust any other party. It could enable two people who meet at a conference to learn who they known in common without revealing any of their other contacts, or allow a pharmaceutical company to determine the correct dosage of a medication based on a patient’s genome without compromising the privacy of the patient. A general solution to this problem has been known since Yao's pioneering work in the 1980s, but only recently has it become conceivable to use this approach in practice. Over the past few years, my research group has worked towards making secure computation practical for real applications. In this talk, I'll provide a brief introduction to secure computation protocols, describe the techniques we have developed to design scalable and efficient protocols, and share some recent results on improving efficiency and how secure computing applications are developed.
La monografía presenta la auto-organización sociopolítica como la mejor manera de lograr patrones organizados en los sistemas sociales humanos, dada su naturaleza compleja y la imposibilidad de las tareas computacionales de los regímenes políticos clásico, debido a que operan con control jerárquico, el cual ha demostrado no ser óptimo en la producción de orden en los sistemas sociales humanos. En la monografía se extrapola la teoría de la auto-organización en los sistemas biológicos a las dinámicas sociopolíticas humanas, buscando maneras óptimas de organizarlas, y se afirma que redes complejas anárquicas son la estructura emergente de la auto-organización sociopolítica.
En este trabajo se implementa una metodología para incluir momentos de orden superior en la selección de portafolios, haciendo uso de la Distribución Hiperbólica Generalizada, para posteriormente hacer un análisis comparativo frente al modelo de Markowitz.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en matemáticas. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales desde el álgebra básica a la geometría, trigonometría y la estadística que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita con explicaciones detalladas estrategias para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye cuatro ensayos prácticos con cincuenta preguntas de selección múltiple de una hora de duración cada uno.
Manual que ofrece información especializada a padres y profesores para analizar los diversos aspectos del pensamiento del superdotado en relación con las matemáticas y la ciencia y ayudar a los estudiantes a combinar el potencial creativo con el rigor intelectual. Los ejercicios, viñetas, concursos etc. pueden adaptarse fácilmente al modo de vida de los estudiantes fuera del aula. El volumen es adecuado para los grados K-12.
Este libro prepara con ejercicios para el TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education), si estás buscando preparación para un trabajo, iniciar una carrera en una compañía privada o demostrar tus habilidades en la escuela, una alta puntuación en el TABE te ayudará a alcanzar tus metas y la vida que tu quieres. Los principales temas del libro son: decimales, fracciones (sumando, restando, multiplicando y dividiendo fracciones) integrales (sumando, restando, multiplicando y dividiendo integrales) porcentajes, operaciones, algebra, resolviendo ecuaciones, geometría (perímetro, área y volumen), medidas (unidades de tiempo, longitud, peso y temperatura).
Resumen tomado de la publicación