897 resultados para managed funds


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To restore lateral connectivity in highly regulated river-floodplain systems, it has become necessary to implement localized, "managed" connection flows, made possible using floodplain irrigation infrastructure. These managed flows contrast with "natural", large-scale, overbank flood pulses. We compared the effects of a managed and a natural connection event on (i) the composition of the large-bodied fish community and (ii) the structure of an endangered catfish population of a large floodplain lake. The change in community composition following the managed connection was not greater than that exhibited between seasons or years during disconnection. By contrast, the change in fish community structure following the natural connection was much larger than that attributed to background, within-and between-year variability during disconnection. Catfish population structure only changed significantly following the natural flood. While the natural flood increased various population rates of native fishes, it also increased those of non-native carp, a pest species. To have a positive influence on native biodiversity, environmental flows may need to be delivered to floodplains in a way that simulates the properties of natural flood pulses. A challenge, however, will be managing river-floodplain connectivity to benefit native more than non-native species.


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China’s impressive economic growth has led to the accumulation of massive financial assets. The emergence of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), as a governmental investment device for its excessive foreign reserves, symbolizes a major rebalancing of economic power. With its investment portfolios drastically diversified for well-established financial institutions as well as some strategic sectors, a seminal debate seems centered on whether China’s SWFs are in furtherance of purely commercial or geopolitically strategic purposes. Under the sophisticated hard laws associated with international initiatives, it is unlikely that the SWFs-related investment would distort the global financial system, and genuinely threaten national security, which assumption may only exist at a hypothetical level. The potential protectionism would inevitably retard the world economy’s recovery, were it not to be proportionately addressed. A most significant necessity appears to be to strike a proportionate balance between sustaining the credibility of open investment environment and efficiently minimizing implications of SWFs political arenas.


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The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) was introduced into Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It was assumed that local environmental conditions would not facilitate successful reproduction. However, in the 1990s there were reports of C. gigas outside licensed aquaculture sites and this investigation set out to ascertain the current distribution, years of likely recruitment and population structure of the species. C. gigas were found distributed widely throughout the northern basin during surveys; the frequency distribution suggesting C. gigas is not recruiting every year. Establishment of feral populations of C. gigas elsewhere have linked to habitat change. A pilot cull was initiated to assess the success rate of early intervention. This paper demonstrates the potential benefits of responding rapidly to initial reports of non-native species in a way that may curtail establishment and expansion. The method advocated in simple and can be recommended to the appropriate regulatory authorities.


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Aim: To explore the impact of being a family carer to patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease managed without dialysis.
Background: Increasing numbers of patients with renal disease worldwide are making the decision not to embark on dialysis. This group has significant physical and psychological symptom burdens similar to or greater than those in advanced cancer patients. Little is known about the impact on family carers.
Design: Exploratory, qualitative design.
Methods: The study was undertaken with 19 carers caring for patients managed in a Renal Supportive Care Service in the UK between 2006–2008. Sixty-one semi-structured interviews and detailed field notes inform the analysis.
Findings: ‘Caring from diagnosis to death’ was the overarching theme illustrated by three sub-themes: (i) Caregiver's plight – making sense of the disease and potential deterioration; (ii) Having to care indefinitely; and (iii) Avoiding talk of death. ‘Caring from diagnosis to death’ coincides with an original concept analysis of renal supportive care, which is considered an adjunct to the management of patients with renal disease at all stages of their illness.
Conclusion: There is a clear need for further research internationally and theory-based nursing interventions to support carers of patients managed without dialysis. The development of a holistic, integrated care pathway based on carer perspectives, which includes identification of information needs related to original diagnosis, associated comorbidities, treatment options, prognosis, and assistance in developing strategies to manage communication with patients as the end of life approaches, is required.


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On multiprocessors with explicitly managed memory hierarchies (EMM), software has the responsibility of moving data in and out of fast local memories. This task can be complex and error-prone even for expert programmers. Before we can allow compilers to handle the complexity for us, we must identify the abstractions that are general enough to allow us to write applications with reasonable effort, yet speci?c enough to exploit the vast on-chip memory bandwidth of EMM multi-processors. To this end, we compare two programming models against hand-tuned codes on the STI Cell, paying attention to programmability and performance. The ?rst programming model, Sequoia, abstracts the memory hierarchy as private address spaces, each corresponding to a parallel task. The second, Cellgen, is a new framework which provides OpenMP-like semantics and the abstraction of a shared address spaces divided into private and shared data. We compare three applications programmed using these models against their hand-optimized counterparts in terms of abstractions, programming complexity, and performance.