993 resultados para magnetic moments


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The electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of Eu2+ (4f(7), S = 7/2) in LaB6 single crystal show a single Dysonian resonance for the localized Eu2+ magnetic moments. It is shown that the Eu2+ ions are covalent exchange coupled to the (B) 2p-like host conduction electrons. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anomalous thermal behavior on the EPR linewidths of Gd impurities diluted in Cc compounds has been observed. In metals, the local magnetic moment EPR linewidth, Delta H, is expected to increase linearly with the temperature. In contrast, in CexLa1-xOs2 the Gd EPR spectra show a nonlinear increase. In this work, the mechanisms that are responsible for the thermal behavior of the EPR lines in CexLa1-xOs2 are examined. We show that the exchange interaction between the local magnetic moments and the conduction electrons are responsible for the narrowing of the spectra at low temperatures. At high temperatures, the contribution to the linewidth of the exchange interaction between the local magnetic moments and the Ce ions has an exponential dependence on the excitation energy of the intermediate valent ions. A complete fitting of the EPR spectra for powdered samples is obtained, (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(98)39911-9].


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The magnetic properties of doped pellets of poly(3-methylthiophene) showing room temperature ferromagnetic behaviour have been discussed in a previous article. The magnetic behaviour was attributed to a weak ferromagnetic phase, due to the superexchange interaction of polarons via the dopant anions. The Dzialoshinsky-Morya interaction among canted spins was proposed to explain the ferromagnetism. In this article the main conclusions of that work concerning the magnetic behaviour are revised. The basic assumption now is that the magnetic moments are spin 1/2 polarons that can interact antiferromagnetically and/or ferromagnetically. In the small crystalline regions of the polymer, which are identified with the polymer portion that remains ferromagnetic at room temperature, the interaction gives rise to S = 0 and 1 bipolarons and the S = 1 triplet state is lower in energy. In the disordered region, disorder will prevent the complete S = 1 and 0 coupling and bands of polarons ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically coupled will appear. Using this approach, all the magnetization data can be qualitatively explained, as well as the electron spin resonance data.


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We support the idea that the baryon, B with mass MB, couples to its current with a coupling λ2 B ∼ 0.71 M6 B from an analysis of magnetic moment sum rules. And we find a sum rule among the experimental magnetic moments which is independent of the parameters of QCDSR. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature is reported in metal-free-conducting polymer samples of poly(3-methylthiophene) doped with ClO 4 -. Magnetic moments associated with spin 1/2 positive polarons are possibly interacting through a Dzialoshinski-Moriya anisotropic superexchange via the dopant anions, giving rise to weak ferromagnetism. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we investigate a possible magnetic moment generation for massive neutral particles with spins-1 and -2 coupled non-minimally, in a specific way, to an external electromagnetic field. It is found that, in the nonrelativistic limit, these particles present g = 1. This result, worked out in the framework of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, seems to suggest that g = 1 for all massive and neutral particles of any spin ≤ 2. We also compare with the results obtained for massive charged particles of spins-1 and -2, in the same regime (nonrelativistic), in order to investigate the role played by the spin separetely from the charge. Copyright © owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Neste trabalho investigamos as propriedades magnéticas de currais de Fe, Cr e Mn adsorvidos sobre a superfície de Pt(111) utilizando o método RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space Linear Muffin Tin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation), o qual é um método de primeiros princípios baseado na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT-Density Functional Theory), que permite o cálculo de estruturas magnéticas não-colineares. Obtivemos que os átomos de Fe apresentam momentos magnéticos elevados, da ordem de 3.5µB /átomo, e têm uma interação de troca entre primeiros vizinhos forte e ferro-magnética. Isto leva a um arranjo magnético colinear no curral. Para os currais de Mn e Cr encontramos que estes possuem elevado momento magnético, da ordem de 4.51µB /átomo e 4.15µB /átomo, respectivamente, e interações de troca entre primeiros vizinhos antiferro-magnéticas. Isto conduz a arranjos magnéticos colineares em currais simples, assim como interessantes ordenamentos não-colineares, tais como estruturas tipo vértice (skyrmions), para os currais com uma geometria particular onde o antiferromagnetismo se apresenta frustado.


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Motivados por estudos experimentais acerca de monocamadas de metais de transição 3d sobre superfícies de Pd, nesta dissertação investigamos o complexo magnetismo de nanoestruturas, embebidas ou adsorvidas, em superfícies metálicas através de cálculos de primeiros princípios. Utilizamos o método RS-LMTO-ASA (Real Space - Linear MuffinTin Orbital - Atomic Sphere Approximation), o qual é baseado na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT - Density Functional Theory) e implementado para o cálculo de estruturas magnéticas não colineares. Com este propósito, investigamos nanoestruturas embebidas e ligas (2 x 2) de metais 3d (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co e Ni) na superfície Pd (110), além de nanoestruturas de Cr adsorvidas sobre a superfície de Pd (111). Primeiro, para as nanoestruturas embebidas na superfície Pd (110), analisamos a variação do momento magnético de spin orbital com relação ao número de vizinhos e de valência dos metais 3d. Também mostramos que estas estruturas têm ordenamento magnético colinear, exceto as de Cr e Mn, que apresentam magnetismo não colinear associado à frustração geométrica. Para o caso de nanofios de Cr adsorvidos sobre a superfície de Pd (111), verificamos uma configuração colinear antiferromagnética para cadeias com até 9 átomos. Para o nanofio com 10 átomos obtivemos uma configuração tipo antiferromagnética inclinada (canted). No caso de nanoestruturas de Cr bidimensionais, verificamos complexas configurações magnéticas não colineares com diferentes quiralidades.


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The physical properties of small rhodium clusters, Rh-n, have been in debate due to the shortcomings of density functional theory (DFT). To help in the solution of those problems, we obtained a set of putative lowest energy structures for small Rh-n (n = 2-15) clusters employing hybrid-DFT and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). For n = 2-6, both hybrid and GGA functionals yield similar ground-state structures (compact), however, hybrid favors compact structures for n = 7-15, while GGA favors open structures based on simple cubic motifs. Thus, experimental results are crucial to indicate the correct ground-state structures, however, we found that a unique set of structures (compact or open) is unable to explain all available experimental data. For example, the GGA structures (open) yield total magnetic moments in excellent agreement with experimental data, while hybrid structures (compact) have larger magnetic moments compared with experiments due to the increased localization of the 4d states. Thus, we would conclude that GGA provides a better description of the Rh-n clusters, however, a recent experimental-theoretical study [ Harding et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 214304 (2010)] found that only compact structures are able to explain experimental vibrational data, while open structures cannot. Therefore, it indicates that the study of Rh-n clusters is a challenging problem and further experimental studies are required to help in the solution of this conundrum, as well as a better description of the exchange and correlation effects on the Rh n clusters using theoretical methods such as the quantum Monte Carlo method.


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We describe the system of massive Weyl fields propagating in a background matter and interacting with an external electromagnetic field. The interaction with an electromagnetic field is due to the presence of anomalous magnetic moments. To canonically quantize this system first we develop the classical field theory treatment of Weyl spinors in frames of the Hamilton formalism which accounts for the external fields. Then, on the basis of the exact solution of the wave equation for a massive Weyl field in a background matter we obtain the effective Hamiltonian for the description of spin-flavor oscillations of Majorana neutrinos in matter and a magnetic field. Finally, we incorporate in our analysis the neutrino self-interaction which is essential when the neutrino density is sufficiently high. We also discuss the applicability of our results for the studies of collective effects in spin-flavor oscillations of supernova neutrinos in a dense matter and a strong magnetic field. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Structural and electronic properties of the PtnTM55-n (TM = Co, Rh, Au) nanoalloys are investigated using density functional theory within the generalized gradient approximation and employing the all-electron projected augmented wave method. For TM = Co and Rh, the excess energy, which measures the relative energy stability of the nanoalloys, is negative for all Pt compositions. We found that the excess energy has similar values for a wide range of Pt compositions, i.e., n = 20-42 and n = 28-42 for Co and Rh, respectively, with the core shell icosahedron-like configuration (n = 42) being slightly more stable for both Co and Rh systems because of the larger release of the strain energy due to the smaller atomic size of the Co and Rh atoms. For TM = Au, the excess energy is positive for all compositions, except for n = 13, which is energetically favorable due to the formation of the core-shell structure (Pt in the core and Au atoms at the surface). Thus, our calculations confirm that the formation of core-shell structures plays an important role to increase the stability of nanoalloys. The center of gravity of the occupied d-states changes almost linearly as a function of the Pt composition, and hence, based on the d-band model, the magnitude of the adsorption energy of an adsorbate can be tuned by changing the Pt composition. The magnetic moments of PtnCo55-n decrease almost linearly as a function of the Pt composition; however, the same does not hold for PtRh and PtAu. We found an enhancement of the magnetic moments of PtRh by a few times by increasing Pt composition, which we explain by the compression effects induced by the large size of the Pt atoms compared with the Rh atoms.


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We investigate standard and non-standard solar neutrino signals in direct dark matter detection experiments. It is well known that even without new physics, scattering of solar neutrinos on nuclei or electrons is an irreducible background for direct dark matter searches, once these experiments reach the ton scale. Here, we entertain the possibility that neutrino interactions are enhanced by new physics, such as new light force carriers (for instance a "dark photon") or neutrino magnetic moments. We consider models with only the three standard neutrino flavors, as well as scenarios with extra sterile neutrinos. We find that low-energy neutrino-electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering rates can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude, potentially enough to explain the event excesses observed in CoGeNT and CRESST. We also investigate temporal modulation in these neutrino signals, which can arise from geometric effects, oscillation physics, non-standard neutrino energy loss, and direction-dependent detection efficiencies. We emphasize that, in addition to providing potential explanations for existing signals, models featuring new physics in the neutrino sector can also be very relevant to future dark matter searches, where, on the one hand, they can be probed and constrained, but on the other hand, their signatures could also be confused with dark matter signals.