933 resultados para low-fat sausage


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The purpose of this study was to elaborate bread with yacon flour at two different levels (6% and 11%) and to analyze their proximate composition, their glycemic indices and their prebiotic potentials in vitro. Bread with 6% and 11% of yacon flour presented, simultaneously, low and moderate glycemic index. As for the prebiotic potentials, it was evident the presence of probiotic bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus. The results showed that, the addition of yacon flour on bread rendered products from low to moderate GI, with prebiotic potential, low fat and high fiber contents, according to the Brazilian food legislation.


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This study aimed to develop sensory acceptable, high nutritional value fish crackers that could be kept at room temperature for 180 days. Minced fish of different low-value species was the raw material employed to produce two types of fish crackers: a) the traditional keropok cracker, which was expanded by deep frying; and b) a low-fat fish cracker, expanded by microwave cooking. The protein content of the fried fish crackers (FFCs) and that of the microwaved fish crackers (MFCs) were high (10.86 and 14.70%, respectively). The essential amino acid contents of the two types of fish cracker were above the FAO requirements for adults, and the lysine content was above the requirements for children. Sensory analysis, performed by adult panelists, resulted in a general level of acceptability of 90% for the MFCs and of 97% for the FFCs. Vacuum packaging maintained microbiological and physicochemical properties for a storage period of 180 days at room temperature.


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Fats and oils are very important raw materials and functional ingredients for several food products such as confectionery, bakery, ice creams, emulsions, and sauces, shortenings, margarines, and other specially tailored products. Formulated products are made with just about every part of chemistry, but they are not simple chemicals. In general, they consist of several, and often many, components. Each of these components has a purpose. Most formulated products have a micro- or nano-structure that is important for their function, but obtaining this structure is often the big challenge. Due to a rise in overweight or obesity, health concerns have increased. This fact has led to the need to the develop products with low fat content, which have become a market trend. In addition, the development of new products using fat substitutes can be a good option for companies that are always trying to reduce costs or substitute trans fat or saturated fat. However, the successful development of these products is still a challenge because fat plays multiple roles in determining the desirable physicochemical and sensory attributes, and because the consumers who want or need to replace these ingredients, seek products with similar characteristics to those of the original product. Important attributes such as smooth, creamy and rich texture; milky and creamy appearance; desirable flavor; and satiating effects are influenced by the droplets of fat, and these characteristics are paramount to the consumer and consequently crucial to the success of the product in the market. Therefore, it is important to identify commercially viable strategies that are capable of removing or reducing fat content of food products without altering their sensory and nutritional characteristics. This paper intended to provide an overview about the role of fat in different food systems such as chocolate, ice cream, bakery products like biscuits, breads, and cakes considering the major trends of the food industry to meet the demands of modern society.


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Captive breeding of bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is of great economic potential, mainly for its thighs and leather. The nutritional quality of frog meat includes properly balanced amino acids with a protein profile of high biological value, low fat and low cholesterol, and high digestibility due to its short chain molecule structure. It is recommended by doctors and nutritionists, especially for protein restricted children or malnourished children. Aiming to aggregate value to the segment and offer a product with nutritional properties that meet the need of children aged six months and above, a meat product based on the composition of frog meat was developed experimentally. To ensure raw material quality after bleaching and deboning, the microbiota present in the frog meat was determined. The analyses were performed according to Brazilian laws. It was observed that the resident and transient microbiota met the standards set by regulations. The results found were: mesophyll 4.5 x 10(4) CFU/g; Staphylococcus coagulase positive 2.0 x 10² CFU/g; negative for Salmonella sp. and Aeromonas spp. The findings indicate that the raw material showed satisfactory sanitation even in terms of family industry.


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The labneh or labaneh is a popular fermented milk in the Middle East. Another fermented product that deserves special mention is kefir since it has probiotic activity and unique sensory, nutritional, and therapeutic properties. The aim of the present study was to develop a functional probiotic labneh using kefir as a fermenting agent and to perform a sensory analysis of the obtained product. Kefir was obtained by growing grains in pasteurized milk. Samples of skimmed and whole labneh were prepared from the inoculation of 5% kefir milk (skimmed/whole) at 28 ºC for 24h, followed by cooling (12-18h) and whey drainage (12-24h), both at 4 ºC. Sensory analysis was performed with 70 untrained panelists using a 9-point scale hedonic in the acceptance tests. The paired t-test was used to compare the differences between the means of the scores obtained, with the significance level of 5%. The labneh prepared showed good acceptance by the judges, and the whole labneh samples had the highest scores in the acceptance test. Further studies on the analysis of microbiological viability, nutritional composition, and determination of shelf life, also to improve acceptability of the low-fat version of the product, are needed.


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Consuming low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training leads to improvements in body composition. Habitual aerobic exercise and dairy intake are relatively easy lifestyle modifications that could benefit a population at risk for becoming obese. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate combining increased LFM intake with endurance exercise on body composition, blood-lipid profile and metabolic markers. 40 young males were randomized into four groups: one ingesting 750mL LFM immediately post-exercise, the other 6hrs post-exercise; and two isocaloric carbohydrate groups ingesting at the two different times. Participants completed a 12 week endurance-training program (cycling 1 hour/day at ~60%VO2peak, 5 days/week). 23 participants completed the study. Increases in lean mass (p < 0.05), and decreases in anti-inflammatory marker adiponectin (p < 0.05) were seen in all groups. No other significant changes were observed. Future analyses should focus on longer duration exercise and include a larger sample.


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Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).


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L‘obésité constitue un problème de santé publique au Canada, particulièrement chez les populations autochtones où les prévalences les plus élevées ont été rapportées. D’après les écrits recensés, plusieurs méthodes ont été essayées pour étudier la relation entre l’alimentation et l’obésité, mais les résultats sont inconstants. Le but de cette thèse est d’identifier, en termes quantitatif et qualitatif, les différences dans l’alimentation des obèses et non-obèses. Pour y parvenir, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode à l’aide d’une banque de données portant sur les enfants Mohawk de Kahnawake afin d’identifier les différences dans les choix alimentaires. Cette même méthode a été ensuite appliquée à deux autres banques de données (celle des adultes cris de la Baie James et celle des autochtones de l’enquête ESCC 2.2). Globalement, les résultats n’ont pas montré de différences significatives dans l’alimentation des participants selon les catégories d’IMC en considérant les indicateurs reliés à la quantité et à la qualité de l’alimentation comme l’apport énergétique total, l’apport énergétique en provenance des lipides, les fibres alimentaires, la densité énergétique et la diversité alimentaire. Par contre, les résultats de la nouvelle méthode fondée sur la sélection des items alimentaires fréquemment consommés par au moins 10 % des participants ont révélé que les enfants de Kahnawake à risque d’excès de poids consommaient plus fréquemment de croustilles (p=0.001) et moins fréquemment de craquelins que les enfants avec excès de poids ou ceux ayant un poids normal (p=0.015). Ensuite, en prenant la catégorie de poids normal comme référence, le rapport de côte (Odds ratio : OR) d’être à risque d’excès de poids était de 2.16 (95 % IC : 1.14 - 4.09) fois plus élevé chez les enfants de Kahnawake qui consommaient plus fréquemment de croustilles comparativement aux non-consommateurs de croustilles, et ce, après ajustement pour l’âge. Par contre, le rapport de côte d’être à risque d’excès de poids diminuait de 79 % (OR = 0.21; 95 % IC : 0.06 – 0.72) chez les enfants consommateurs de craquelins comparativement à leurs homologues non-consommateurs. Après avoir corrigé les quantités pour l’âge, on note que les enfants avec excès de poids consommaient plus de frites que les enfants à risque d’excès de poids ou ceux ayant un poids normal (p = 0.027). Chez les femmes cries, les résultats de la nouvelle méthode ont montré que le colorant à café était associé à un risque élevé d’obésité (OR = 4.64, 95 % IC : 1.04 - 0.54); alors que le lait faible en matières grasses était associé à un moindre risque d’embonpoint (OR = 0.38, 95 % IC : 0.17 - 0.82), après ajustement pour l’âge. Quant aux hommes cris, le lait entier était associé à un moindre risque d’avoir de l’embonpoint (OR ajusté pour l’âge = 0.38, 95 % IC : 0.20 - 0.71) et, en termes de quantité corrigée pour l’âge, les hommes obèses buvaient plus de boissons sucrées aux fruits comparativement aux hommes de poids normal ou ceux ayant de l’embonpoint (p=0.015). Selon les résultats de cette méthode appliquée aux données de l’enquête ESCC 2.2, les garçons à risque d’excès de poids ou avec excès de poids consommaient moins fréquemment de pain blanc que ceux de poids normal (p=0.048). En termes de quantité toutefois, ils consommaient plus de pain blanc (p=0.040), utilisaient plus de farine de blé (p=0.006) et de levure (p=0.002). Après avoir ajusté les quantités consommées pour l’âge et l’indice d’activité physique, les femmes avec embonpoint ou obèses utilisaient plus de farine de blé (p< 0.001) que leurs homologues de poids normal. Chez les hommes, il n'y avait pas de différences ni dans les fréquences de consommation ni dans les quantités consommées. Concernant les filles, leurs apports alimentaires n'étaient pas valides (facteur d'activité de Goldberg < 1.2 dans la catégorie embonpoint / obèse). Les résultats de cette méthode innovatrice pourraient d’une part, permettre d’axer la sensibilisation sur des aliments particuliers en plus des recommandations générales du Guide Alimentaire Canadien. D’autre part, ils nous renvoient aux données biologiques de laboratoire afin d’identifier les composantes des items susceptibles de contribuer au développement de l’obésité.


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Les Indigènes canadiens vivent une rapide transition nutritionnelle marquée par une consommation accrue des produits commercialisés au dépit des aliments traditionnels. Ce mémoire cherche à identifier les patrons alimentaires associés à une meilleure alimentation des femmes autochtones vivant dans les réserves en Colombie Britannique. L’échantillon (n=493) a été sélectionné de l’étude ‘First Nations Food, Nutrition, and Environment Study’. L’étude a utilisé des rappels alimentaires de 24 heures. Pour identifier les patrons alimentaires, un indice de qualité alimentaire (QA) basé sur 10 éléments nutritionnels (fibre alimentaire, gras totaux/saturés, folate, magnésium, calcium, fer, vitamines A, C, D) a permis de classifier les sujets en trois groupes (tertiles). Ces groupes ont été comparés sur leur consommation de 25 groupes alimentaires (GAs) en employant des tests statistiques non-paramétriques (Kruskal-Wallis et ANCOVA). Une analyse discriminante (AD) a confirmé les GAs associés à la QA. La QA des sujets était globalement faible car aucun rappel n’a rencontré les consommations recommandées pour tous les 10 éléments nutritionnels. L'AD a confirmé que les GAs associés de façon significative à la QA étaient ‘légumes et produits végétaux’, ‘fruits’, ‘aliments traditionnels’, ‘produits laitiers faibles en gras’, ‘soupes et bouillons’, et ‘autres viandes commercialisées’ (coefficients standardisés= 0,324; 0,295; 0,292; 0,282; 0,157; -0.189 respectivement). Le pourcentage de classifications correctes était 83.8%. Nos résultats appuient la promotion des choix alimentaires recommandés par le « Guide Alimentaire Canadien- Premières Nations, Inuits, et Métis ». Une consommation accrue de légumes, fruits, produits laitiers faibles en gras, et aliments traditionnels caractérise les meilleurs patrons alimentaires.


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Este trabajo es un proyecto de viabilidad en cuanto a la creación de una empresa exportadora de carne de caracol a Francia como mercado objetivo, en el proyecto se explora el sector de la helicicultura, sector que para la mayoría de la población es una palabra desconocida, un sector que podría abrir paso a un mercado muy grande de exportación y también podría llegar a ser una propuesta de negocio muy innovadora tanto nacional como internacionalmente. La helicicultura, tiene como propósito obtener la parte cárnica del caracol, este es un negocio que actualmente se encuentra en crecimiento y lo mas importante de todo es que su desarrollo es a nivel mundial ya que esta carne esta satisfaciendo una demanda alta debido a varias características que posee, como su alto contenido de elementos minerales y su bajo contenido de grasa. La idea principal es poder lograr una excelente producción de carne de caracol, equipados con alta capacidad técnica, infraestructura adecuada y tecnología para así poder generar los más altos estándares de calidad, creando las mejores condiciones del producto para lograr un proceso de producción y comercialización y ser competitivos en el mercado. En Colombia se hallan todas las facilidades para poner en práctica la helicicultura dado que la especie de caracol Hélix Aspersa se cultiva en trece de los treinta y dos departamentos Colombianos, lo que nos da una idea de cuan valiosa seria esta producción y el volumen que se podría producir para su posterior comercialización y su exportación hacia otros continentes.


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The completion of the Single European Market was expected to create a large market that would enable firms to capture economies of scale that would in turn result in lower prices to European consumers. These benefits are only likely to be realised if consumers in the various countries of the EU wish to consume the same products and respond to similar marketing strategies (with respect to promotion, distribution etc). This study examines, through a model of yoghurt consumption, whether cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the EU. The model is derived from the marketing literature and views the consumption decision as the outcome of a multi-stage process in which yoghurt knowledge, attitudes to different yoghurt attributes (such as bio-bifidus, low-fat, organic) and overall attitude towards yoghurt as a product all feed into the frequency with which yoghurt is consumed at breakfast, as a snack and as a dessert. The model uses data collected from a consumer survey in I I European countries and is estimated using probit and ordinal probit methods. The results suggest that important cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the I I countries of the study. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dynamic rheological techniques can aid the understanding of the factors contributing to ice cream structure, though the data obtained differs from that deduced from destructive techniques. Studies have shown that ice cream systems are both strain- and frequency-dependent. Chocolate ice cream is normally more viscous than the equivalent vanilla ice cream during mix preparation and has more body on freezing. Ice creams were prepared with and without cocoa solids and frequency sweeps were made from 0.1 to 100 Hz at 0.1% strain. With rapidly frozen ice creams, both G' and G" increased in the presence of cocoa solids. Comparison of mixes made with and without low-fat cocoa powder or non-gelatinizing starch demonstrated a similar relationship, with higher apparent viscosities in those mixes containing either cocoa powder or the starch. The results were consistent with the cocoa particles adding to the effect of the fat globules in increasing viscosity.


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With the rising rate of obesity, there is considerable interest in dietary strategies to reduce insulin resistance, a major characteristic of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) have been suggested as an alternative to low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets to improve glycemic control. However, inconsistent effects have been observed with MUFA-rich diets in both healthy and insulin-resistant individuals. In studies that have reported favorable effects on insulin sensitivity, Mediterranean-style diets have been used that are rich not only in MUFA but also whole-grain foods, fiber, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. There is a need for intervention studies to examine the true impact of MUFA-rich oils on glycemic control in both Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean populations. In addition, the metabolic and genotypic status of the participants may also play a role in the inter-individual variability in insulin sensitivity in response to MUFA-rich diets.


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Postprandial plasma insulin concentrations after a single high-fat meal may be modified by the presence of specific fatty acids although the effects of sequential meal ingestion are unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of altering the fatty acid composition in a single mixed fat-carbohydrate meal on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity of a second meal eaten 5 h later. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a minimal model approach. Ten healthy post-menopausal women underwent four two-meal studies in random order. A high-fat breakfast (40 g fat) where the fatty acid composition was predominantly saturated fatty acids (SFA), n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), long-chain n-3 PUFA or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was followed 5 h later by a low-fat, high-carbohydrate lunch (5.7 g fat), which was identical in all four studies. The plasma insulin response was significantly higher following the SFA meal than the other meals after both breakfast and lunch (P<0.006) although there was no effect of breakfast fatty acid composition on plasma glucose concentrations. Postprandial insulin sensitivity (SI(Oral)) was assessed for 180 min after each meal. SI(Oral) was significantly lower after lunch than after breakfast for all four test meals (P=0.019) following the same rank order (SFA < n-6 PUFA < n-3 PUFA < MUFA) for each meal. The present study demonstrates that a single meal rich in SFA reduces postprandial insulin sensitivity with 'carry-over' effects for the next meal.


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Background and aims CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (CEBPA) is a transcription factor involved in adipogenesis and energy homeostasis. Caloric restriction reduces CEBPA protein expression in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). A previous report linked rs12691 SNP in CEBPA to altered concentration of fasting triglycerides. Our objective was to assess the effects of rs12691 in glucose metabolism in Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) patients. Methods and results Glucose metabolism was assessed by static (glucose, insulin, adiponectin, leptin and resistin plasma concentrations) and dynamic (disposition index, insulin sensitivity index, HOMA-IR and acute insulin response to glucose) indices, performed at baseline and after 12 weeks of 4 dietary interventions (high saturated fatty acid (SFA), high monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), low-fat and low-fat-high-n3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)) in 486 subjects with MetS. Carriers of the minor A allele of rs12691 had altered disposition index (p = 0.0003), lower acute insulin response (p = 0.005) and a lower insulin sensitivity index (p = 0.025) indicating a lower insulin sensitivity and a lower insulin secretion, at baseline and at the end of the diets. Furthermore, A allele carriers displayed lower HDL concentration. Conclusion The presence of the A allele of rs12691 influences glucose metabolism of MetS patients. Clinical Trials Registry number NCT00429195.