876 resultados para location-based multicast
The mobile application proposed in this undergraduate project, classified as a Location-Based Service and named Traveller, was developed to support users of mobile phones equipped with GPS in unknown locations by providing information about weather, location of users and stores in urban areas. The mobile devices whose this project is intended are those equipped with Android. The programming language Java was selected and the Eclipse development environment was used along with the toolkit for developing Android (ADT - Android Development Tools)
This paper describes a logic-based formalism for qualitative spatial reasoning with cast shadows (Perceptual Qualitative Relations on Shadows, or PQRS) and presents results of a mobile robot qualitative self-localisation experiment using this formalism. Shadow detection was accomplished by mapping the images from the robot’s monocular colour camera into a HSV colour space and then thresholding on the V dimension. We present results of selflocalisation using two methods for obtaining the threshold automatically: in one method the images are segmented according to their grey-scale histograms, in the other, the threshold is set according to a prediction about the robot’s location, based upon a qualitative spatial reasoning theory about shadows. This theory-driven threshold search and the qualitative self-localisation procedure are the main contributions of the present research. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work that uses qualitative spatial representations both to perform robot self-localisation and to calibrate a robot’s interpretation of its perceptual input.
The full exploitation of multi-hop multi-path connectivity opportunities offered by heterogeneous wireless interfaces could enable innovative Always Best Served (ABS) deployment scenarios where mobile clients dynamically self-organize to offer/exploit Internet connectivity at best. Only novel middleware solutions based on heterogeneous context information can seamlessly enable this scenario: middleware solutions should i) provide a translucent access to low-level components, to achieve both fully aware and simplified pre-configured interactions, ii) permit to fully exploit communication interface capabilities, i.e., not only getting but also providing connectivity in a peer-to-peer fashion, thus relieving final users and application developers from the burden of directly managing wireless interface heterogeneity, and iii) consider user mobility as crucial context information evaluating at provision time the suitability of available Internet points of access differently when the mobile client is still or in motion. The novelty of this research work resides in three primary points. First of all, it proposes a novel model and taxonomy providing a common vocabulary to easily describe and position solutions in the area of context-aware autonomic management of preferred network opportunities. Secondly, it presents PoSIM, a context-aware middleware for the synergic exploitation and control of heterogeneous positioning systems that facilitates the development and portability of location-based services. PoSIM is translucent, i.e., it can provide application developers with differentiated visibility of data characteristics and control possibilities of available positioning solutions, thus dynamically adapting to application-specific deployment requirements and enabling cross-layer management decisions. Finally, it provides the MMHC solution for the self-organization of multi-hop multi-path heterogeneous connectivity. MMHC considers a limited set of practical indicators on node mobility and wireless network characteristics for a coarsegrained estimation of expected reliability/quality of multi-hop paths available at runtime. In particular, MMHC manages the durability/throughput-aware formation and selection of different multi-hop paths simultaneously. Furthermore, MMHC provides a novel solution based on adaptive buffers, proactively managed based on handover prediction, to support continuous services, especially by pre-fetching multimedia contents to avoid streaming interruptions.
Il proliferare di dispositivi di elaborazione e comunicazione mobili (telefoni cellulari, computer portatili, PDA, wearable devices, personal digital assistant) sta guidando un cambiamento rivoluzionario nella nostra società dell'informazione. Si sta migrando dall'era dei Personal Computer all'era dell'Ubiquitous Computing, in cui un utente utilizza, parallelamente, svariati dispositivi elettronici attraverso cui può accedere a tutte le informazioni, ovunque e quantunque queste gli si rivelino necessarie. In questo scenario, anche le mappe digitali stanno diventando sempre più parte delle nostre attività quotidiane; esse trasmettono informazioni vitali per una pletora di applicazioni che acquistano maggior valore grazie alla localizzazione, come Yelp, Flickr, Facebook, Google Maps o semplicemente le ricerche web geo-localizzate. Gli utenti di PDA e Smartphone dipendono sempre più dai GPS e dai Location Based Services (LBS) per la navigazione, sia automobilistica che a piedi. Gli stessi servizi di mappe stanno inoltre evolvendo la loro natura da uni-direzionale a bi-direzionale; la topologia stradale è arricchita da informazioni dinamiche, come traffico in tempo reale e contenuti creati dagli utenti. Le mappe digitali aggiornabili dinamicamente sono sul punto di diventare un saldo trampolino di lancio per i sistemi mobili ad alta dinamicità ed interattività, che poggiando su poche informazioni fornite dagli utenti, porteranno una moltitudine di applicazioni innovative ad un'enorme base di consumatori. I futuri sistemi di navigazione per esempio, potranno utilizzare informazioni estese su semafori, presenza di stop ed informazioni sul traffico per effettuare una ottimizzazione del percorso che valuti simultaneamente fattori come l'impronta al carbonio rilasciata, il tempo di viaggio effettivamente necessario e l'impatto della scelta sul traffico locale. In questo progetto si mostra come i dati GPS raccolti da dispositivi fissi e mobili possano essere usati per estendere le mappe digitali con la locazione dei segnali di stop, dei semafori e delle relative temporizzazioni. Queste informazioni sono infatti oggi rare e locali ad ogni singola municipalità, il che ne rende praticamente impossibile il pieno reperimento. Si presenta quindi un algoritmo che estrae utili informazioni topologiche da agglomerati di tracciati gps, mostrando inoltre che anche un esiguo numero di veicoli equipaggiati con la strumentazione necessaria sono sufficienti per abilitare l'estensione delle mappe digitali con nuovi attributi. Infine, si mostrerà come l'algoritmo sia in grado di lavorare anche con dati mancanti, ottenendo ottimi risultati e mostrandosi flessibile ed adatto all'integrazione in sistemi reali.
La geolocalizzazione e i LBS (Location-based services), servizi associati a questi tecnologia stanno trasformando radicalmente il modo in cui i consumatori interagiscono con brand, prodotti e aziende, sia online che nel mondo reale. L 'esplosione nell'utilizzo degli smartphone ha causato un notevole aumento dell'interesse degli utenti per i servizi geolocalizzati, che aprono nuove frontiere sia ai consumatori che ai marketers. Questa tesi di laurea analizza in particolare il fenomeno Foursquare nel mondo e in Italia definendo il modello di business associato a questa tecnologia, servendosi di numerose case history e testimonianze.
L'obiettivo di questa tesi, in base all'analisi di atti di convegni e workshop, lettura di libri e articoli pubblicati in siti Web, in materie di gamification, è per prima cosa, spiegare il concetto della gamification, partendo da alcune definizioni date da ricercatori e progettisti di videogiochi, cercando di capire sia i fattori positivi, sia i fattori negativi. Si vogliono elencare e spiegare gli elementi di gioco che compongono la gamification, con particolare attenzione alle meccaniche, come punti, distintivi, premi e dinamiche, come competenza, espressione di sè, status sociale, elementi collegati tra di loro, analizzando quali meccaniche originano certe dinamiche. Si cercherà anche di analizzare la gamification sotto gli aspetti psicologici e di User Experience che innescano le motivazioni intrinseche ed estrinseche delle persone, le prime azionate dalle meccaniche, le seconde azionate dalle dinamiche della gamification e l'importanza di ciò nella progettazione di applicazioni gamificate. Si vogliono esaminare ed illustrare in generale, progetti i quali adottano tecniche di gamification, che spaziano dal fitness fino ad attività di marketing per capire i benefici riscontrati. Si vuole inoltre scoprire se ci sono dei validi presupposti per sviluppare App gamificate per smarphone, che sfruttino alcune specifiche tecniche dei dispositivi mobili come, connettività, il GPS ed i sensori come ad esempio, l'accelerometro ed altre tecnologie come il lettore NFC, QR-code. Infine, come caso di studio, saranno testate tre app per smarphone, Foursquare, tramite la quale un utente può consultare e lasciare consigli sui luoghi nelle sue vicinanze, Swarm, tramite la quale un utente oltre ad effettuare il check-in in un luogo, può vedere se ci sono amici nelle vicinanze e Waze, tramite la quale un utente può inviare ed apprendere informazioni relative al traffico.
L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di esplorare l'ideazione di sistemi software collaborativi innovativi basati su smart-glasses e forme di realtà aumentata mobile. In particolare, è stato formulato un caso di studio che cattura alcuni aspetti essenziali di questi sistemi: un'applicazione nel quale più utenti dotati di smart glasses si muovono in una zona precisa cercando di raggiungere tutti i punti d'interesse preimpostati in fase di inizializzazione e ottendendo le ricompense contenute dentro agli scrigni situati nei suddetti punti. Lo specifico caso di studio si occupa di approfondire gli aspetti relativi all'Interfaccia Utente, mentre precedentemente erano state affrontate le parti riguardanti la comunicazione e la cooperazione. L'applicazione è location-based e si serve delle tecniche di geolocalizzazione GPS ed è hands-free perché l'interfaccia grafica è mostrata all'utente tramite lo schermo degli smart-glasses.
In this paper, we propose the use of specific system architecture, based on mobile device, for navigation in urban environments. The aim of this work is to assess how virtual and augmented reality interface paradigms can provide enhanced location based services using real-time techniques in the context of these two different technologies. The virtual reality interface is based on faithful graphical representation of the localities of interest, coupled with sensory information on the location and orientation of the user, while the augmented reality interface uses computer vision techniques to capture patterns from the real environment and overlay additional way-finding information, aligned with real imagery, in real-time. The knowledge obtained from the evaluation of the virtual reality navigational experience has been used to inform the design of the augmented reality interface. Initial results of the user testing of the experimental augmented reality system for navigation are presented.
Location prediction has attracted a significant amount of research effort. Being able to predict users’ movement benefits a wide range of communication systems, including location-based service/applications, mobile access control, mobile QoS provision, and resource management for mobile computation and storage management. In this demo, we present MOBaaS, which is a cloudified Mobility and Bandwidth prediction services that can be instantiated, deployed, and disposed on-demand. Mobility prediction of MOBaaS provides location predictions of a single/group user equipments (UEs) in a future moment. This information can be used for self-adaptation procedures and optimal network function configuration during run-time operations. We demonstrate an example of real-time mobility prediction service deployment running on OpenStack platform, and the potential benefits it bring to other invoking services.
Indoor positioning has become an emerging research area because of huge commercial demands for location-based services in indoor environments. Channel State Information (CSI) as a fine-grained physical layer information has been recently proposed to achieve high positioning accuracy by using range-based methods, e.g., trilateration. In this work, we propose to fuse the CSI-based ranges and velocity estimated from inertial sensors by an enhanced particle filter to achieve highly accurate tracking. The algorithm relies on some enhanced ranging methods and further mitigates the remaining ranging errors by a weighting technique. Additionally, we provide an efficient method to estimate the velocity based on inertial sensors. The algorithms are designed in a network-based system, which uses rather cheap commercial devices as anchor nodes. We evaluate our system in a complex environment along three different moving paths. Our proposed tracking method can achieve 1:3m for mean accuracy and 2:2m for 90% accuracy, which is more accurate and stable than pedestrian dead reckoning and range-based positioning.
Many location-based services target users in indoor environments. Similar to the case of dense urban areas where many obstacles exist, indoor localization techniques suffer from outlying measurements caused by severe multipath propaga??tion and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception. Obstructions in the signal path caused by static or mobile objects downgrade localization accuracy. We use robust multipath mitigation techniques to detect and filter out outlying measurements in indoor environments. We validate our approach using a power-based lo??calization system with GSM. We conducted experiments without any prior knowledge of the tracked device's radio settings or the indoor radio environment. We obtained localization errors in the range of 3m even if the sensors had NLOS links to the target device.
Indoor positioning has attracted considerable attention for decades due to the increasing demands for location based services. In the past years, although numerous methods have been proposed for indoor positioning, it is still challenging to find a convincing solution that combines high positioning accuracy and ease of deployment. Radio-based indoor positioning has emerged as a dominant method due to its ubiquitousness, especially for WiFi. RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) has been investigated in the area of indoor positioning for decades. However, it is prone to multipath propagation and hence fingerprinting has become the most commonly used method for indoor positioning using RSSI. The drawback of fingerprinting is that it requires intensive labour efforts to calibrate the radio map prior to experiments, which makes the deployment of the positioning system very time consuming. Using time information as another way for radio-based indoor positioning is challenged by time synchronization among anchor nodes and timestamp accuracy. Besides radio-based positioning methods, intensive research has been conducted to make use of inertial sensors for indoor tracking due to the fast developments of smartphones. However, these methods are normally prone to accumulative errors and might not be available for some applications, such as passive positioning. This thesis focuses on network-based indoor positioning and tracking systems, mainly for passive positioning, which does not require the participation of targets in the positioning process. To achieve high positioning accuracy, we work on some information of radio signals from physical-layer processing, such as timestamps and channel information. The contributions in this thesis can be divided into two parts: time-based positioning and channel information based positioning. First, for time-based indoor positioning (especially for narrow-band signals), we address challenges for compensating synchronization offsets among anchor nodes, designing timestamps with high resolution, and developing accurate positioning methods. Second, we work on range-based positioning methods with channel information to passively locate and track WiFi targets. Targeting less efforts for deployment, we work on range-based methods, which require much less calibration efforts than fingerprinting. By designing some novel enhanced methods for both ranging and positioning (including trilateration for stationary targets and particle filter for mobile targets), we are able to locate WiFi targets with high accuracy solely relying on radio signals and our proposed enhanced particle filter significantly outperforms the other commonly used range-based positioning algorithms, e.g., a traditional particle filter, extended Kalman filter and trilateration algorithms. In addition to using radio signals for passive positioning, we propose a second enhanced particle filter for active positioning to fuse inertial sensor and channel information to track indoor targets, which achieves higher tracking accuracy than tracking methods solely relying on either radio signals or inertial sensors.
Indoor positioning has become an emerging research area because of huge commercial demands for location-based services in indoor environments. Channel State Information (CSI) as fine-grained physical layer information has been recently proposed to achieve high positioning accuracy by using range based methods, e.g., trilateration. In this work, we propose to fuse the CSI-based ranging and velocity estimated from inertial sensors by an enhanced particle filter to achieve highly accurate tracking. The algorithm relies on some enhanced ranging methods and further mitigates the remaining ranging errors by a weighting technique. Additionally, we provide an efficient method to estimate the velocity based on inertial sensors. The algorithms are designed in a network-based system, which uses rather cheap commercial devices as anchor nodes. We evaluate our system in a complex environment along three different moving paths. Our proposed tracking method can achieve 1.3m for mean accuracy and 2.2m for 90% accuracy, which is more accurate and stable than pedestrian dead reckoning and range-based positioning.
To reach the goals established by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) STOP TB USA, measures must be taken to curtail a future peak in Tuberculosis (TB) incidence and speed the currently stagnant rate of TB elimination. Both efforts will require, at minimum, the consideration and understanding of the third dimension of TB transmission: the location-based spread of an airborne pathogen among persons known and unknown to each other. This consideration will require an elucidation of the areas within the U.S. that have endemic TB. The Houston Tuberculosis Initiative (HTI) was a population-based active surveillance of confirmed Houston/Harris County TB cases from 1995–2004. Strengths in this dataset include the molecular characterization of laboratory confirmed cases, the collection of geographic locations (including home addresses) frequented by cases, and the HTI time period that parallels a decline in TB incidence in the United States (U.S.). The HTI dataset was used in this secondary data analysis to implement a GIS analysis of TB cases, the locations frequented by cases, and their association with risk factors associated with TB transmission. ^ This study reports, for the first time, the incidence of TB among the homeless in Houston, Texas. The homeless are an at-risk population for TB disease, yet they are also a population whose TB incidence has been unknown and unreported due to their non-enumeration. The first section of this dissertation identifies local areas in Houston with endemic TB disease. Many Houston TB cases who reported living in these endemic areas also share the TB risk factor of current or recent homelessness. Merging the 2004–2005 Houston enumeration of the homeless with historical HTI surveillance data of TB cases in Houston enabled this first-time report of TB risk among the homeless in Houston. The homeless were more likely to be US-born, belong to a genotypic cluster, and belong to a cluster of a larger size. The calculated average incidence among homeless persons was 411/100,000, compared to 9.5/100,000 among housed. These alarming rates are not driven by a co-infection but by social determinants. The unsheltered persons were hospitalized more days and required more follow-up time by staff than those who reported a steady housing situation. The homeless are a specific example of the increased targeting of prevention dollars that could occur if TB rates were reported for specific areas with known health disparities rather than as a generalized rate normalized over a diverse population. ^ It has been estimated that 27% of Houstonians use public transportation. The city layout allows bus routes to run like veins connecting even the most diverse of populations within the metropolitan area. Secondary data analysis of frequent bus use (defined as riding a route weekly) among TB cases was assessed for its relationship with known TB risk factors. The spatial distribution of genotypic clusters associated with bus use was assessed, along with the reported routes and epidemiologic-links among cases belonging to the identified clusters. ^ TB cases who reported frequent bus use were more likely to have demographic and social risk factors associated with poverty, immune suppression and health disparities. An equal proportion of bus riders and non-bus riders were cultured for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, yet 75% of bus riders were genotypically clustered, indicating recent transmission, compared to 56% of non-bus riders (OR=2.4, 95%CI(2.0, 2.8), p<0.001). Bus riders had a mean cluster size of 50.14 vs. 28.9 (p<0.001). Second order spatial analysis of clustered fingerprint 2 (n=122), a Beijing family cluster, revealed geographic clustering among cases based on their report of bus use. Univariate and multivariate analysis of routes reported by cases belonging to these clusters found that 10 of the 14 clusters were associated with use. Individual Metro routes, including one route servicing the local hospitals, were found to be risk factors for belonging to a cluster shown to be endemic in Houston. The routes themselves geographically connect the census tracts previously identified as having endemic TB. 78% (15/23) of Houston Metro routes investigated had one or more print groups reporting frequent use for every HTI study year. We present data on three specific but clonally related print groups and show that bus-use is clustered in time by route and is the only known link between cases in one of the three prints: print 22. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^
The main problem of pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) using only a body-attached inertial measurement unit is the accumulation of heading errors. The heading provided by magnetometers in indoor buildings is in general not reliable and therefore it is commonly not used. Recently, a new method was proposed called heuristic drift elimination (HDE) that minimises the heading error when navigating in buildings. It assumes that the majority of buildings have their corridors parallel to each other, or they intersect at right angles, and consequently most of the time the person walks along a straight path with a heading constrained to one of the four possible directions. In this article we study the performance of HDE-based methods in complex buildings, i.e. with pathways also oriented at 45°, long curved corridors, and wide areas where non-oriented motion is possible. We explain how the performance of the original HDE method can be deteriorated in complex buildings, and also, how severe errors can appear in the case of false matches with the building's dominant directions. Although magnetic compassing indoors has a chaotic behaviour, in this article we analyse large data-sets in order to study the potential use that magnetic compassing has to estimate the absolute yaw angle of a walking person. Apart from these analysis, this article also proposes an improved HDE method called Magnetically-aided Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination (MiHDE), that is implemented over a PDR framework that uses foot-mounted inertial navigation with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is fed with the MiHDE-estimated orientation error, gyro bias corrections, as well as the confidence over that corrections. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the proposed MiHDE-based PDR method, comparing it with the original HDE implementation. Results show that both methods perform very well in ideal orthogonal narrow-corridor buildings, and MiHDE outperforms HDE for non-ideal trajectories (e.g. curved paths) and also makes it robust against potential false dominant direction matchings.