981 resultados para learning transfer


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Les cortices sensoriels sont des régions cérébrales essentielles pour la perception. En particulier, le cortex visuel traite l’information visuelle en provenance de la rétine qui transite par le thalamus. Les neurones sont les unités fonctionnelles qui transforment l'information sensorielle en signaux électriques, la transfèrent vers le cortex et l'intègrent. Les neurones du cortex visuel sont spécialisés et analysent différents aspects des stimuli visuels. La force des connections entre les neurones peut être modulée par la persistance de l'activité pré-synaptique et induit une augmentation ou une diminution du signal post-synaptique à long terme. Ces modifications de la connectivité synaptique peuvent induire la réorganisation de la carte corticale, c’est à dire la représentation de ce stimulus et la puissance de son traitement cortical. Cette réorganisation est connue sous le nom de plasticité corticale. Elle est particulièrement active durant la période de développement, mais elle s’observe aussi chez l’adulte, par exemple durant l’apprentissage. Le neurotransmetteur acétylcholine (ACh) est impliqué dans de nombreuses fonctions cognitives telles que l’apprentissage ou l’attention et il est important pour la plasticité corticale. En particulier, les récepteurs nicotiniques et muscariniques du sous-type M1 et M2 sont les récepteurs cholinergiques impliqués dans l’induction de la plasticité corticale. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de déterminer les mécanismes de plasticité corticale induits par la stimulation du système cholinergique au niveau du télencéphale basal et de définir les effets sur l’amélioration de la perception sensorielle. Afin d’induire la plasticité corticale, j’ai jumelé des stimulations visuelles à des injections intracorticales d’agoniste cholinergique (carbachol) ou à une stimulation du télencéphale basal (neurones cholinergiques qui innervent le cortex visuel primaire). J'ai analysé les potentiels évoqués visuels (PEVs) dans le cortex visuel primaire des rats pendant 4 à 8 heures après le couplage. Afin de préciser l’action de l’ACh sur l’activité des PEVs dans V1, j’ai injecté individuellement l’antagoniste des récepteurs muscariniques, nicotiniques, α7 ou NMDA avant l’infusion de carbachol. La stimulation du système cholinergique jumelée avec une stimulation visuelle augmente l’amplitude des PEVs durant plus de 8h. Le blocage des récepteurs muscarinique, nicotinique et NMDA abolit complètement cette amélioration, tandis que l’inhibition des récepteurs α7 a induit une augmentation instantanée des PEVs. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'ACh facilite à long terme la réponse aux stimuli visuels et que cette facilitation implique les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques et une interaction avec les récepteur NMDA dans le cortex visuel. Ces mécanismes sont semblables à la potentiation à long-terme, évènement physiologique lié à l’apprentissage. L’étape suivante était d’évaluer si l’effet de l’amplification cholinergique de l’entrée de l’information visuelle résultait non seulement en une modification de l’activité corticale mais aussi de la perception visuelle. J’ai donc mesuré l’amélioration de l’acuité visuelle de rats adultes éveillés exposés durant 10 minutes par jour pendant deux semaines à un stimulus visuel de type «réseau sinusoïdal» couplé à une stimulation électrique du télencéphale basal. L’acuité visuelle a été mesurée avant et après le couplage des stimulations visuelle et cholinergique à l’aide d’une tâche de discrimination visuelle. L’acuité visuelle du rat pour le stimulus d’entrainement a été augmentée après la période d’entrainement. L’augmentation de l’acuité visuelle n’a pas été observée lorsque la stimulation visuelle seule ou celle du télencéphale basal seul, ni lorsque les fibres cholinergiques ont été lésées avant la stimulation visuelle. Une augmentation à long terme de la réactivité corticale du cortex visuel primaire des neurones pyramidaux et des interneurones GABAergiques a été montrée par l’immunoréactivité au c-Fos. Ainsi, lorsque couplé à un entrainement visuel, le système cholinergique améliore les performances visuelles pour l’orientation et ce probablement par l’optimisation du processus d’attention et de plasticité corticale dans l’aire V1. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes pharmacologiques impliqués dans l’amélioration de la perception visuelle, j’ai comparé les PEVs avant et après le couplage de la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique en présence d’agonistes/antagonistes sélectifs. Les injections intracorticales des différents agents pharmacologiques pendant le couplage ont montré que les récepteurs nicotiniques et M1 muscariniques amplifient la réponse corticale tandis que les récepteurs M2 muscariniques inhibent les neurones GABAergiques induisant un effet excitateur. L’infusion d’antagoniste du GABA corrobore l’hypothèse que le système inhibiteur est essentiel pour induire la plasticité corticale. Ces résultats démontrent que l’entrainement visuel jumelé avec la stimulation cholinergique améliore la plasticité corticale et qu’elle est contrôlée par les récepteurs nicotinique et muscariniques M1 et M2. Mes résultats suggèrent que le système cholinergique est un système neuromodulateur qui peut améliorer la perception sensorielle lors d’un apprentissage perceptuel. Les mécanismes d’amélioration perceptuelle induits par l’acétylcholine sont liés aux processus d’attention, de potentialisation à long-terme et de modulation de la balance d’influx excitateur/inhibiteur. En particulier, le couplage de l’activité cholinergique avec une stimulation visuelle augmente le ratio de signal / bruit et ainsi la détection de cibles. L’augmentation de la concentration cholinergique corticale potentialise l’afférence thalamocorticale, ce qui facilite le traitement d’un nouveau stimulus et diminue la signalisation cortico-corticale minimisant ainsi la modulation latérale. Ceci est contrôlé par différents sous-types de récepteurs cholinergiques situés sur les neurones GABAergiques ou glutamatergiques des différentes couches corticales. La présente thèse montre qu’une stimulation électrique dans le télencéphale basal a un effet similaire à l’infusion d’agoniste cholinergique et qu’un couplage de stimulations visuelle et cholinergique induit la plasticité corticale. Ce jumelage répété de stimulations visuelle/cholinergique augmente la capacité de discrimination visuelle et améliore la perception. Cette amélioration est corrélée à une amplification de l’activité neuronale démontrée par immunocytochimie du c-Fos. L’immunocytochimie montre aussi une différence entre l’activité des neurones glutamatergiques et GABAergiques dans les différentes couches corticales. L’injection pharmacologique pendant la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique suggère que les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques M1 peuvent amplifier la réponse excitatrice tandis que les récepteurs M2 contrôlent l’activation GABAergique. Ainsi, le système cholinergique activé au cours du processus visuel induit des mécanismes de plasticité corticale et peut ainsi améliorer la capacité perceptive. De meilleures connaissances sur ces actions ouvrent la possibilité d’accélérer la restauration des fonctions visuelles lors d’un déficit ou d’amplifier la fonction cognitive.


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La asignatura troncal “Evaluación Psicológica” de los estudios de Psicología y del estudio de grado “Desarrollo humano en la sociedad de la información” de la Universidad de Girona consta de 12 créditos según la Ley Orgánica de Universidades. Hasta el año académico 2004-05 el trabajo no presencial del alumno consistía en la realización de una evaluación psicológica que se entregaba por escrito a final de curso y de la cual el estudiante obtenía una calificación y revisión si se solicitaba. En el camino hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, esta asignatura consta de 9 créditos que equivalen a un total de 255 horas de trabajo presencial y no presencial del estudiante. En los años académicos 2005-06 y 2006-07 se ha creado una guía de trabajo para la gestión de la actividad no presencial con el objetivo de alcanzar aprendizajes a nivel de aplicación y solución de problemas/pensamiento crítico (Bloom, 1975) siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario de Cataluña (2005). La guía incorpora: los objetivos de aprendizaje, los criterios de evaluación, la descripción de las actividades, el cronograma semanal de trabajos para todo el curso, la especificación de las tutorías programadas para la revisión de los diversos pasos del proceso de evaluación psicológica y el uso del foro para el conocimiento, análisis y crítica constructiva de las evaluaciones realizadas por los compañeros


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In this review, we consider three possible criteria by which knowledge might be regarded as implicit or inaccessible: It might be implicit only in the sense that it is difficult to articulate freely, or it might be implicit according to either an objective threshold or a subjective threshold. We evaluate evidence for these criteria in relation to artificial grammar learning, the control of complex systems, and sequence learning, respectively. We argue that the convincing evidence is not yet in, but construing the implicit nature of implicit learning in terms of a subjective threshold is most likely to prove fruitful for future research. Furthermore, the subjective threshold criterion may demarcate qualitatively different types of knowledge. We argue that (1) implicit, rather than explicit, knowledge is often relatively inflexible in transfer to different domains, (2) implicit, rather than explicit, learning occurs when attention is focused on specific items and not underlying rules, and (3) implicit learning and the resulting knowledge are often relatively robust.


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While the construction industry is frequently encouraged to learn from other business sectors, the difficulties of transferring knowledge from one context to another are rarely acknowledged. The problematic nature of knowledge is addressed with particular emphasis on the concept of contextual embeddedness. From this point of view, the process of 'knowledge transfer' depends upon a prolonged process of socialization between actors from both the 'receiving' and 'sending' contexts networking. It is contended that a significant conceptual chasm exists between the exhortations of industry leaders to learn from other sectors and the theoretical complexities associated with knowledge transfer. An ongoing research project is described that seeks to facilitate knowledge sharing between construction and aerospace. A novel approach to knowledge sharing based upon soft systems methodology (SSM) (Mode 2) is described and justified. Initial findings from the first cycle of the research are discussed and used to highlight the importance of context in the implementation of supply chain management.


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With the rapid growth of information and technology, knowledge is a valuable asset in organisation which has become significant as a strategic resource. Many studies have focused on managing knowledge in organisations. In particular, knowledge transfer has become a significant issue concerned with the movement of knowledge across organisational boundaries. It enables the exploitation and application of existing knowledge for other organisations, reducing the time of creating knowledge, and minimising the cost of organisational learning. One way to capture knowledge in a transferrable form is through practice. In this paper, we discuss how organisations can transfer knowledge through practice effectively and propose a model for a semiotic approach to practice-oriented knowledge transfer. In this model, practice is treated as a sign that represents knowledge, and its localisation is analysed as a semiotic process.


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There is increasing pressure to capture of video within Higher Education. Although much research has looked at how communication technologies enhance information transfer during playback of video, consideration of technical issues seems incongruous if we do not consider how presentation mode affects information assimilated by, and satisfaction of, learners with a range of individual differences, and from a range of different backgrounds. This paper considers whether a relationship exists between the media and presentation mode used in recorded content, and the level of information assimilation and satisfaction perceived by learners with a range of individual differences. Results aim to inform learning practitioners whether generic delivery is justified, or whether tailoring content delivery enhances the experience of specific learner groups.


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Tests, as learning events, are often more effective than are additional study opportunities, especially when recall is tested after a long retention interval. To what degree, though, do prior test or study events support subsequent study activities? We set out to test an implication of Bjork and Bjork’s (1992) new theory of disuse—that, under some circumstances, prior study may facilitate subsequent study more than does prior testing. Participants learned English–Swahili translations and then underwent a practice phase during which some items were tested (without feedback) and other items were restudied. Although tested items were better recalled after a 1-week delay than were restudied items, this benefit did not persist after participants had the opportunity to study the items again via feedback. In fact, after this additional study opportunity, items that had been restudied earlier were better recalled than were items that had been tested earlier. These results suggest that measuring the memorial consequences of testing requires more than a single test of retention and, theoretically, a consideration of the differing status of initially recallable and nonrecallable items.


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It is widely acknowledged that innovation is one of the pillars of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and that technological knowledge from different host locations is a key factor to the MNEs’ competitive advantages development. Concerning these assumptions, in this paper we aim to understand how the social and the relational contexts affect the conventional and reverse transfer of innovation from MNEs’ subsidiaries hosted in emerging markets. We analyzed the social context through the institutional profile (CIP) level and the relational context through trust and integration levels utilizing a survey sent to 172 foreign subsidiaries located in Brazil, as well as secondary data. Through an ordinary least squares regression (OLS) analysis we found that the relational context affects the conventional and reverse innovation transfer in subsidiaries hosted in emerging markets. We however did not find support for the social context effect.


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This paper addresses one of the issues in contemporary globalisation theory: the extent to which there is ‘one best way’ in which business can be done and organisations managed. It uses Czarniawska’s ‘Travels of Ideas’ model as an organising framework to present and understand how the concept of ‘Quality’, so important in contemporary approaches to manufacturing & services, and their management, travelled to, and impinged on, a newly opened vehicle assembly plant in Poland. The extent to which new meanings were mutually created in the process of translation is discussed, using ethnographic reporting and analysis techniques commonly used in diffusion research. Parallels between the process of translation as an idea becomes embedded into a new cultural location, and the processes which contemporary research has identified as important to organisational learning, are briefly discussed in conclusion.


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Background Young people are at an increased risk for illness in working life. The authorities stipulate certain goals for training in occupational health and safety (OHS) in vocational schools. A previous study concluded that pupils in vocational education had limited knowledge in the prevention of health risks at work. The aim of the current study, therefore, was to study how OHS training is organized in school and in workplace-based learning (WPL).   Method The study design featured a qualitative approach, which included interviews with 12 headmasters, 20 teachers, and 20 supervisors at companies in which the pupils had their WPL. The study was conducted at 10 upper secondary schools, located in Central Sweden, that were graduating pupils in four vocational programs.   Result The interviews with headmasters, teachers, and supervisors indicate a staggered picture of how pupils are prepared for safe work. The headmasters generally give teachers the responsibility for how goals should be reached. Teaching is very much based on risk factors that are present in the workshops and on teachers’ own experiences and knowledge. The teaching during WPL also lacks the systematic training in OHS as well as in the traditional classroom environment.   Conclusion Teachers and supervisors did not plan the training in OHS in accordance with the provisions of systematic work environment management. Instead, the teachers based the training on their own experiences. Most of the supervisors did not get information from the schools as to what should be included when introducing OHS issues in WPL.


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The authors addressed the hypothesis that economy in motor coordination is a learning phenomenon realized by both reduced energy cost for a given workload and more external work at the same prepractice metabolic and attentional energy expenditure. "Self-optimization" of movement parameters has been proposed to reflect learned motor adaptations that minimize energy costs. Twelve men aged 22.3 [+ or -] 3.9 years practiced a 90[degrees] relative phase, upper limb, independent ergometer cycling task at 60 rpm, followed by a transfer test of unpracticed (45 and 75 rpm) and self-paced cadences. Performance in all conditions was initially unstable, inaccurate, and relatively high in both metabolic and attentional energy costs. With practice, coordinative stability increased, more work was performed for the same metabolic and attentional costs, and the same work was done at a reduced energy cost. Self-paced cycling was initially below the metabolically optimal, but following practice at 60 rpm was closer to optimal cadence. Given the many behavioral options of the motor system in meeting a variety of everyday movement task goals, optimal metabolic and attentional energy criteria may provide a solution to the problem of selecting the most adaptive coordination and control parameters.


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A positive change in the learning environment in schools is visible through ongoing professional development of teachers and administrators. Monitoring the professional development program and providing support to teachers and administrators to transfer their learnings into the school environment ensures some measures of quality. Quality issues led to the launching of the Professional Development Program (PDP) for Primary School Teachers (PSTs) of Sindh by the United Educational Initiative (UEI), a consortium of five Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations, working under the supervision of Education Sector Reform Assistance (ESRA). Implementation of the UEI-PDP in four districts of Sindh, is ensured by a team of professionals in each district. Recognising that capacity building of district education employees would improve the educational system in the country, 130 Master Trainers were selected, on merit, from the District Education Office for the training of 17,000 teachers and 3000 Head teachers/administrators over a period of two years. This paper developed the design of a Monitoring Process for a Professional Development Program for Primary School Teachers and Administrators. Data was collected through Pre/Post observations, Interviews, Questionnaires and Reports. Such tools make it possible for the monitoring teams to observe, to inquire further, and, along with the Managers, Master Trainers and School Support Team, seek to explain the progress of the program and take corrective action where indicated. Both formative evaluations as well as summative  evaluation techniques are utilized for evaluating the program. The monitoring process that assisted in formative evaluations is described. In order to assist in summative evaluation, data collected through the monitoring process was further developed to categorize the schools where teachers and head teachers are trained. It is hoped that the categorization of the schools may lead to further improvements in those schools which fall in the group for need improvement. It may also initiate further research as to reasons behind why some schools are in the good category and why others fall in the average category.


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The designer of higher education programs is on the cusp of some very exciting resource development particularly in the area of postgraduate coursework. Part of this is because of the new learner, a millennial or net generation learner who is time-poor, a networker with strong inclinations towards social or community knowledge pooling and a multiple media literacy which is comfortable in virtual worlds and with visual emphasis. The other element is the perceived changing role of the university or higher education in the transfer of knowledge, moving from a transmission or narrative model to learner-centred and performative approaches. This has been highlighted by greater emphasis on experiential learning methodologies, and the development of action learning practices. The nexus of these two influences, the new learner and the higher education response to delivering learning, may be elaborated further from learning theory which seems to be moving beyond social constructivist approaches, or certainly encompassing what is referred to as connectivism.

This may be a new theoretical approach, or it could simply be an organic growth in meeting the needs of large numbers of higher education student participants who perceive a degree as a skills-based workplace preparation. Whatever the theoretical underpinning may be, the large numbers of learners moving to postgraduate coursework or more workplace oriented programs and subjects has thrown out the challenge to instructional designers to provide just-in-time, relevant and socially transferred learning with strong creative and imaginative engagement.

The case studies incorporated in this paper provide two separate approaches to these challenges - one is a workplace oriented postgraduate team project in a Masters in Communication, the other provides a virtual simulation for developing creative and professional writing skills at postgraduate levels. They both provide perspectives on the net generation learner and collaborative and connected learning models.


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This is a reflective article on the importance scaffolding in the EME 150 unit taught in collaboration with Deakin University Australia. Being the first unit introduced in the second semester of the first academic year, students were given a lot of support to enhance their understanding and learning since this curriculum was solely developed by Deakin University and introduced for the first time in teachers education curriculum. The scaffolding tools discussed in this article enabled students to a) establish deep learning of the theory. b) engage in collaborative and engaged learning which established good ethical relations between students c) transfer learning by applying theory into practice.


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This research found that : Learning that is part of an existing worker traineeship program empowers workers and enables organisational achievement. The organisation is not yet ready to utilise all the empowered workers who successfully complete the learning program. The prevailing management systems and work structures govern the degree to which the workers can transfer their newly-learned skills to the workplace.