990 resultados para land ownership - Tanzania - Zanzibar


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El tema central se vincula con el Ordenamiento territorial y su correlato en herramientas y metodologías de intervención y gestión urbanas, desde una visión del saber ambiental. A partir de los conceptos categoriales de territorio, actores y ambiente se propone aportar, por un lado metodologías para la comprensión, explicación y análisis del territorio y sus lugares, por el otro mecanismos de gestión para una normativa basada en la inteligencia territorial. Desde estos conceptos se pretende entonces, realizar una vinculación conceptual y normativa para la gestión sustentable del territorio que logre salvar las diferencias entre el estatismo normativo y la dinámica socio-espacial. El área objeto de estudio, es el aquella denominada aquí Area de La Bajada. Así, para un abordaje integral y conceptual del territorio se trabaja desde lo metodológico con los métodos Territorii y Stlocus. Incluyendo mecanismos participativos, como talleres y encuestas que aporten a la comprensión del territorio real, pensado, legal, vivido y posible, propuestos por Territorii que estructura el proceso de lectura y comprensión del lugar. Por su parte el método Stlocus en su ensamble con Territorii permite indagar y analizar el lugar, desde el reconocimiento de patrones de ocupación del lugar, apropiación territorial y vocaciones. Conceptos que llevarán a incoporar a la normativa categorías y dimensiones de urbanístico-territoriales. Desde lo ambiental, se cree de gran importancia el desarrollo del riesgo (vulnerabilidad + amenazas) como concepto operativo para la obtención de dos objetivos: la inclusión de los actores a la dinámica de gestión y la operativización de acciones ambientales directas sobre el territorio. Finalmente, luego del proceso de comprensión y análisis iniciado se arriba a tres cuestiones fundamentales: los métodos propuestos son herramientas flexibles que aportan a la comprensión del territorio desde conceptos categoriales de espacio se torna fundamental, los actores pueden ser incluidos en esta indagación en cualquier etapa del proceso. Sin embargo, aquí aparece la terca línea fundamental: la participación y la gestión de territorios sustentables. Para ello es necesario iniciar un proceso de gobernanza que logre minimizar los impactos de los procesos distorsivos del mercado mediante un Estado proactivo que regule de manera inclusiva, para reducir al mínimo las diferentes dinámicas entre los cuerpos normativos, y su vinculación directa con el territorio deseado por todos los ciudadanos a través de una normativa urbana con inteligencia territorial


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This paper reveals how rural Cambodian people reconstructed their social relationships after the collapse of the Pol Pot regime by examining farmland, which was the most important means of production in rural areas at that time. Section 1 and 2 illustrate the process of returning from collective farming under the Pol Pot regime to the family farming system. Section 3 analyzes the structure of land ownership created through land distribution by Krom Samakki. Section 4 studies the actualities of tenant farming. Section 5 examines the changes of the land ownership structure during a decade years after the distribution of Krom Samakki. This paper concludes that the legacy of Krom Samakki started to fade as early as the 1990s.


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This paper explores the attempts to co-ordinate rural resistance and struggles in South Africa during apartheid through a case study of the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA), a land NGO established in Natal in 1979. It was a small group but had a significant local and national impact. The paper addresses three key questions concerning the character and works of AFRA: (1) What was the character and strategy of AFRA in the politicised context of the late 1970s and 1980s? (2) Was there any historical continuity and discontinuity with early attempts by Natal liberals and African landowners to organise anti-removal campaigns in the 1950s? (3) How and to what extent could AFRA negotiate the increasing influence of the Inkatha and KwaZulu government over Natal rural communities? The paper aims to serve as a critical evaluation of AFRA's strategies and activities, and its relationship with rural communities up to 1990 when land movements became nationwide.


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The objective of this paper is to explore the entities that have developed private farms (trang trai) in Vietnam. Various types of private farms have emerged in the last ten years. It is noteworthy that the owners of private farms are not necessarily agricultural households but also include government officials and the urban rich. Based on data collected from the author’s field surveys in Vietnam from 2006 to 2011, the paper attempts to categorize patterns in the development of private farms and analyze their differences. The paper argues that private farms developed by agricultural households are still limited because of the difficulty of consolidating land.


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We estimate the economic impacts of irrigation using the panel data set from rural Thailand. We employed difference-in-differences estimation and showed that tertiary irrigation has unexpected impacts. Contrary to the local experts predicitions that it should have substantial productivity impacts as it allows better water controls for farmers, we found largely zero profitability impacts. Another unexpected finding is that, while profitability is not affected, we see an increase in cultivation probability with the construction of tertiary canals. This is observed in both wet and dry seasons. This finding suggests that Thai farmers are willing to expand operation scale once they get water.