978 resultados para lagoa marginal


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This thesis includes detailed sedimentological and ichnological studies on two geological units: the Pebas Formation, with a special focus in its informal upper member, and the Nauta Formation. Both formations were deposited during the Miocene in Northeastern Peruvian Amazonia, in the Amazon retroarc foreland basin. The Pebas and Nauta successions mainly consist of non-consolidated, clastic sedimentary deposits arranged into sand- to mud-dominated heterolithic successions, which can be upward-coarsening to upward-fining. Sediments in both the Pebas and Nauta successions range from mud to fine- to medium-grained sand. The main facies observed were 1) mud-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; 2) rooted brownish mud; 3) lenticular, mud-draped, cross-stratified sand; 4) mud- to sand-dominated, inclined heterolithic stratification; 5) sand-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; and 6) mud-draped, trough cross-stratified sand. Locally, tidal rhythmites were documented. The facies are interpreted as: 1) muddy, shallow, subaqueous flats/shoals; 2) palaeosols; 3) secondary tidal channels or run-off creeks; 4) tidally influenced point bars; 5) shoreface deposits; and 6) subtidal compound dunes. Thalassinoides-dominated Glossifungites ichnofacies, low-diversity expressions of the Skolithos ichnofacies and depauperate suites consisting of elements common to the Cruziana ichnofacies strongly indicate brackish-water conditions. However, continental trace fossil assemblages, with possible elements common to the Scoyenia ichnofacies, have also been identified. In addition to the palaeoenvironmental study, a local hydrogeochemical characterisation of the Pebas and Nauta formations was also conducted. The geochemistry of the groundwaters reflects the characteristics and the soil geochemistry of the geological formations studied. The Pebas formation has low hardness, acid to neutral waters, whereas the upper Pebas has high hardness, acid to neutral waters. In both units, the arsenic content is locally high. The Nauta formation has low hardness acid groundwaters. A regional review of the Pebas and Nauta formations placed the local observations into a continental perspective and suggests that the whole Pebas-Nauta system was a probably shallow (some tens of metres at maximum), brackish- to freshwater, tidally-influenced epicontinental embayment with a probable semi-diurnal to mixed tidal regime and a microtidal range, surrounded by continental environments such as forest floors, lagoons, rivers and their flood plains, and lakes.


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Os padrões fenológicos da vegetação arbórea do cerrado, savanas e demais formações florestais periodicamente secas ainda são pouco conhecidos, assim como são ainda obscuras as causas da periodicidade observada, ora atribuída a fatores abióticos, ora a fatores bióticos, ou a ambos, ou ainda determinada por restrição filogenética. Em uma área de cerrado marginal no extremo nordeste do Maranhão foram estudadas, durante vinte e dois meses, as dez espécies de leguminosas arbóreas mais freqüentes. As observações foram mensais em uma amostra de dez indivíduos por espécie. Nestas leguminosas, tanto o crescimento vegetativo quanto o reprodutivo são eventos periódicos e sazonais e, na maioria das espécies, a floração ocorre durante a estação seca sendo simultânea à renovação das folhas. Três padrões fenológicos podem ser distinguidos: espécies que renovam suas folhas e florescem precocemente na seca, frutificam e dispersam seus propágulos ainda nesta estação (1), espécies que renovam suas folhas tardiamente na seca e florescem nesta ocasião (2) ou florescem na estação chuvosa (3), frutificando na estação chuvosa e dispersando seus propágulos na seca subseqüente. Períodos de atividade de crescimento vegetativo e dormência alternam-se, aparentemente mais sincronizados com as variações no fotoperíodo, termoperíodo e irradiância do que com as variações sazonais na disponibilidade hídrica. Os padrões fenológicos assim como os períodos de floração e de frutificação variam entre as famílias consideradas como monofiléticas, sendo a única convergência neste nível taxonômico a sincronização da dispersão de propágulos com a estação seca. A reprodução vegetativa parece não ser um evento comum nas leguminosas estudadas.


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The objective of the present study was to describe, for the first time in Brazil, the use by a non-ophthalmologist of a community-based marginal rotation procedure by a posterior approach in the indigenous population from the Upper Rio Negro basin. Seventy-three upper eyelids of 46 Indians (11 males and 35 females) with cicatricial upper eyelid entropion and trichiasis were operated in the Indian communities using a marginal rotational procedure by a posterior approach by a non-ophthalmologist physician who had general surgery experience but only an extremely short period (one week) of ophthalmic training. Subjects were reevaluated 6 months after surgery. Results were classified according to the presence and location of residual trichiasis and symptoms were assessed according to a three-level subjective scale (better, worse or no change). Fifty-six eyelids (76.7%) were free from trichiasis, whereas residual trichiasis was observed in 17 eyelids (23.3%) of 10 subjects. In these cases, trichiasis was either lateral or medial to the central portion of the lid. Of these 10 patients, only 4 reported that the surgery did not improve the irritative symptoms. We conclude that marginal rotation by a posterior approach is an effective and simple procedure with few complications, even when performed by non-specialists. Due to its simplicity the posterior approach is an excellent option for community-based upper eyelid entropion surgery.


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The retina is a highly differentiated tissue with a complex layered structure that has been extensively characterized. However, most of the previous studies focused on the histology of the central retina while little is known about the cellular composition, organization and function of the marginal retina. Recent research has identified a subpopulation of multipotential progenitor cells in the marginal regions of the retina, closest to the ciliary body ("ciliary marginal zone"). These cells are capable of differentiation in response to an appropriate stimulus. Thus, it is possible that the structure and composition of the marginal retina are distinct from those of the central retina to accommodate the potential addition of newly formed neurons. To characterize the cellular profile of the chick marginal retina, we labeled it immunohistochemically for markers whose staining pattern is well established in the central retina: calbindin, calretinin, protein kinase C, and choline acetyltransferase. Calbindin was present at very low levels in the marginal retina putative photoreceptor layer. Calretinin-positive horizontal cells were also sparse close to the ciliary marginal zone. The bipolar cells in the marginal outer plexiform layer were positive for anti-protein kinase C antibodies, but the density of labeling was also decreased in relation to the central retina. In contrast, the marginal starburst cholinergic amacrine cell pattern was very similar to the central retina. From these data we conclude that the structure of the marginal retina is significantly different from that of the central retina. In particular, the expression of late retina markers in the marginal retina decreased in comparison to the central retina.


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The topic of this thesis is marginaVminority popular music and the question of identity; the term "marginaVminority" specifically refers to members of racial and cultural minorities who are socially and politically marginalized. The thesis argument is that popular music produced by members of cultural and racial minorities establishes cultural identity and resists racist discourse. Three marginaVminority popular music artists and their songs have been chosen for analysis in support of the argument: Gil Scott-Heron's "Gun," Tracy Chapman's "Fast Car" and Robbie Robertson's "Sacrifice." The thesis will draw from two fields of study; popular music and postcolonialism. Within the area of popular music, Theodor Adorno's "Standardization" theory is the focus. Within the area of postcolonialism, this thesis concentrates on two specific topics; 1) Stuart Hall's and Homi Bhabha's overlapping perspectives that identity is a process of cultural signification, and 2) Homi Bhabha's concept of the "Third Space." For Bhabha (1995a), the Third Space defines cultures in the moment of their use, at the moment of their exchange. The idea of identities arising out of cultural struggle suggests that identity is a process as opposed to a fixed center, an enclosed totality. Cultures arise from historical memory and memory has no center. Historical memory is de-centered and thus cultures are also de-centered, they are not enclosed totalities. This is what Bhabha means by "hybridity" of culture - that cultures are not unitary totalities, they are ways of knowing and speaking about a reality that is in constant flux. In this regard, the language of "Otherness" depends on suppressing or marginalizing the productive capacity of culture in the act of enunciation. The Third Space represents a strategy of enunciation that disrupts, interrupts and dislocates the dominant discursive construction of US and THEM, (a construction explained by Hall's concept of binary oppositions, detailed in Chapter 2). Bhabha uses the term "enunciation" as a linguistic metaphor for how cultural differences are articulated through discourse and thus how differences are discursively produced. Like Hall, Bhabha views culture as a process of understanding and of signification because Bhabha sees traditional cultures' struggle against colonizing cultures as transforming them. Adorno's theory of Standardization will be understood as a theoretical position of Western authority. The thesis will argue that Adorno's theory rests on the assumption that there is an "essence" to music, an essence that Adorno rationalizes as structure/form. The thesis will demonstrate that constructing music as possessing an essence is connected to ideology and power and in this regard, Adorno's Standardization theory is a discourse of White Western power. It will be argued that "essentialism" is at the root of Western "rationalization" of music, and that the definition of what constitutes music is an extension of Western racist "discourses" of the Other. The methodological framework of the thesis entails a) applying semiotics to each of the three songs examined and b) also applying Bhabha's model of the Third Space to each of the songs. In this thesis, semiotics specifically refers to Stuart Hall's retheorized semiotics, which recognizes the dual function of semiotics in the analysis of marginal racial/cultural identities, i.e., simultaneously represent embedded racial/cultural stereotypes, and the marginal raciaVcultural first person voice that disavows and thus reinscribes stereotyped identities. (Here, and throughout this thesis, "first person voice" is used not to denote the voice of the songwriter, but rather the collective voice of a marginal racial/cultural group). This dual function fits with Hall's and Bhabha's idea that cultural identity emerges out of cultural antagonism, cultural struggle. Bhabha's Third Space is also applied to each of the songs to show that cultural "struggle" between colonizers and colonized produces cultural hybridities, musically expressed as fusions of styles/sounds. The purpose of combining semiotics and postcolonialism in the three songs to be analyzed is to show that marginal popular music, produced by members of cultural and racial minorities, establishes cultural identity and resists racist discourse by overwriting identities of racial/cultural stereotypes with identities shaped by the first person voice enunciated in the Third Space, to produce identities of cultural hybridities. Semiotic codes of embedded "Black" and "Indian" stereotypes in each song's musical and lyrical text will be read and shown to be overwritten by the semiotic codes of the first person voice, which are decoded with the aid of postcolonial concepts such as "ambivalence," "hybridity" and "enunciation."


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Tesis (Maestría en Odontología Restauradora) UANL, 2012.


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Au 20e siècle en France et en Allemagne, l’art moderne prend son essor. Certains, comme Francastel, qualifient cet art de destruction d’un espace plastique classique. Cette destruction devient un vecteur de création chez plusieurs artistes qui, suite aux deux grandes guerres, remettent en question leur état « civilisé » et se tournent vers le « primitif » pour offrir une autre voie, loin de tout processus civilisateur. Cette admiration pour les peuples primitifs ainsi que pour les productions artistiques d’enfants, d’amateurs et de « fous » est visible chez plusieurs collectionneurs d’art. En constituant des collections d’art marginal, ces derniers défendaient une idéologie qui propose une autre forme de culture en remplacement d’une civilisation dépassée. Grâce à leurs collections, la libre expression se positionna contre le rationalisme occidental. On compte, parmi ces collectionneurs, le psychiatre Hans Prinzhorn, le marchand d’art Wilhelm Udhe et les artistes André Breton, Jean Dubuffet et Arnulf Rainer. Chacun d’eux a eu un impact sur la construction du récit de l’art moderne et de l’art contemporain. Leurs collections ont chacune sa spécificité et offrent des vocabulaires différents pour parler de productions artistiques marginales, c’est-à-dire se développant « hors culture ». C’est par l’analyse des terminologies employées par les collectionneurs, principalement la dénomination d’art pathologique, que nous tracerons un portrait de la construction historique de l’art marginal en lien avec l’art moderne


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’acquérir une connaissance détaillée sur l’évolution spatiale de la température de surface du sol (GST) au mont Jacques-Cartier et sur la réponse thermique de son îlot de pergélisol alpin aux changements climatiques passés et futurs. L’étude est basée sur un ensemble de mesures de température (GST, sous-sol) et de neige, ainsi que des modèles spatiaux de distribution potentielle de la GST et des simulations numériques du régime thermique du sol. Les résultats montrent que la distribution de la GST sur le plateau est principalement corrélée avec la répartition du couvert nival. Au-dessus de la limite de la végétation, le plateau est caractérisé par un couvert de neige peu épais et discontinu en hiver en raison de la topographie du site et l’action des forts vents. La GST est alors couplée avec les températures de l’air amenant des conditions froides en surface. Dans les îlots de krummholz et les dépressions topographiques sur les versants SE sous le vent, la neige soufflée du plateau s’accumule en un couvert très épais induisant des conditions de surface beaucoup plus chaude que sur le plateau dû à l’effet isolant de la neige. En raison de la quasi-absence de neige en hiver et de la nature du substrat, la réponse du pergélisol du sommet du mont Jacques-Cartier au signal climatique est très rapide. De 1978 à 2014, la température du sol a augmenté à toutes les profondeurs au niveau du forage suivant la même tendance que les températures de l’air. Si la tendance au réchauffement se poursuit telle que prévue par les simulations climatiques produites par le consortium Ouranos, le pergélisol pourrait disparaître d’ici à 2040-2050.


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This paper presents the impact of integrating interventions like nutrition gardening, livestock rearing, product diversification and allied income generation activities in small and marginal coconut homesteads along with nutrition education in improving the food and nutritional security as well as the income of the family members. The activities were carried out through registered Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in three locations in Kerala, India during 2005-2008. Data was collected before and after the project periods through interviews using a pre-tested questionnaire containing statements indicating the adequacy, quality and diversity of food materials. Fifty respondents each were randomly selected from the three communities, thereby resulting in a total sample size of 150. The data was analysed using SPSS by adopting statistical tools like frequency, average, percentage analysis, t – test and regression. Participatory planning and implementation of diverse interventions notably intercropping and off-farm activities along with nutrition education brought out significant improvements in the food and nutritional security, in terms of frequency and quantity of consumption as well as diet diversity. At the end of the project, 96%of the members became completely food secure and 72% nutritionally secure. The overall consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk by both children and adults and egg by children recorded increase over the project period. Consumption of fish was more than the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) level during pre and post project periods. Project interventions like nutrition gardening could bring in surplus consumption of vegetables (35%) and fruits (10%) than RDI. In spite of the increased consumption of green leafy vegetables and milk and milk products over the project period, the levels of consumption were still below the RDI levels. CBO-wise analysis of the consumption patterns revealed the need for location-specific interventions matching to the needs and preferences of the communities.


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Se incluyen todas las actividades y las metodologías desarrolladas


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Descubrir los discursos, los objetivos, las creencias, los valores, etc., de una institución escolar en un contexto marginal y de los sujetos que la nutren es el objetivo prioritario. Saber si unos y otros son capaces de hablar un mismo lenguaje, si hay entendimiento, si se cree que lo hay sin haberlo, si lo que los sujetos demandan a la escuela es lo mismo que lo que la escuela está dispuesta a darles, si lo que la escuela pide a los alumnos es sólo un desiderátum, etc. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa que emplea como método básico la etnografía. Está realizada en una escuela marginal de Córdoba y se centra, fundamentalmente, en la reconstrucción del modo de vida de la unidad de estudio con objeto de descubrir los aspectos ocultos -creencias, sentimientos, intenciones, valores, deseos, etc.- tanto de la institución escolar como de los sujetos que la nutren. La particularidad del trabajo es que está realizado por una investigadora participante, una maestra inserta en el escenario de estudio durante veintiún años. Al tratarse de una investigación etnográfica, los hallazgos son, necesariamente, contingentes y singulares, por lo que no es posible realizar a partir de ellos inferencias -tomar las conclusiones como premisas de investigaciones futuras- ni generalizaciones -extender los resultados a otros casos-. Sin embargo, posibilitan el descubrimiento de las claves tanto de la realidad como de la utopía (posible). Es decir, el examen a fondo del objeto de estudio -una realidad social que soporta la violación de los derechos humanos más elementales- despliega su interrogación y el desarrollo de alternativas transformadoras. Es preciso entender la escuela como un espacio natural donde los niños viven y protagonizan su propio aprendizaje. No es, como suele entenderse, el lugar en el que los maestros enseñan, sino en el que los niños aprenden -que no es lo mismo-, y éstos han de aprender con la enseñanza de sus profesores o a pesar de ella.


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Josep-Maria Terricabras és el director de la Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani. Ara fa vint anysque va tenir la idea de crear una càtedra de pensament en una Girona que tenia estudis universitaris però que encara no tenia universitat pròpia. Han passat els anys i es pot afirmar que ha estat una jugada reeixida perquè, gràcies a la Càtedra, han passat per la ciutat personatges destacats de la cultura, com Chomsky, Quine, Cavalli-Sforza, Nyman o Stieglitz, fins a completar una llista que molt aviat arribarà a la trentena. La Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani és més antiga que la mateixa Universitat de Girona. El 2 de novembre vinent farà vint anys que es va crear


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En el trabajo se estudian los efectos redistributivos de las remesas enviadas al país desde el extranjero y su impacto en la pobreza en seis regiones y en el nivel nacional. Los hallazgos indican que la magnitud del impacto, de un incremento del 10% en las remesas, es distinto según el grado de difusión de la migración que presente cada zona, es decir, la cantidad de hogares en los deciles de ingreso más bajos que tengan acceso a estos recursos. Para ello, se sigue la metodología de descomposición del coeficiente de Gini y de los índices de pobreza FGT (0, 1 y 2) por fuentes de ingreso. En las regiones Central (incluye el Eje Cafetero) y Oriental se observa que los hogares de los deciles más bajos no tienen acceso a los mercados laborales internacionales, razón por la cual el efecto del incremento porcentual en las remesas no es significativo ni en la desigualdad ni en la pobreza. Antioquia y Atlántico, en cambio, muestran mayores niveles relativos de experiencia migratoria; por ello, el impacto de las remesas extranjeras, aunque moderadamente bajo, disminuye la pobreza y la desigualdad. Las remesas internas exhiben un efecto mucho más redistributivo y atenuador de la pobreza, en la medida en que esta fuente de recursos es una opción real para diversificar el ingreso, en los hogares más pobres.


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El tema del ensayo esta insertado en un tipo de estrategia de supervivencia de la producción local frente a las transformaciones de los sistemas tradicionales de producción. Se refiere a cooperativas de mujeres en la zona de Mata de Pernambuco, en el Pueblo de Lagoa do Carro. Dichas cooperativas viene desarrollando un trabajo de producción de alfombras artesanales que son hechas, en general, en el propio hogar de las mujeres y que son comercializadas en una pequeña tienda localizada al margen de la carretera PE-90.  


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Conocer la problemática de la marginación, reflexionar sobre la práctica educativa en un casal infantil, en el barrio del Raval de Barcelona (Distrito V). Recoger la experiencia desde el proceso de adaptación al entorno, hasta la fase más organizada y planificada de la acción educativa. Recoger la descripción del contexto histórico amplio,y del contexto barrio (problemática social, sanitaria y educativa). Proponer el esparcimiento como alternativa al tiempo libre. Describir las características del sujeto. Proponer un programa basado en un taller de expresión. 8 niños y niñas entre 8 y 10 años, que provienen de familias con deterioro económico, con rasgos comunes como la impulsividad, inmediatez, inestabilidad emocional, confusión interna, conductas caóticas y relaciones poco satisfactorias con su entorno. Realixa un conocimiento reflexivo del barrio. Observa y plantea possibles intervenciones sobre la inestabilidad emocional y las demandas que realizan estos sujetos a través de provocaciones, para conseguir acercarse como educadora, creando un clima de confianza. Propone y aplica diferentes actividades manuales, como la creación de objetos útiles para sus casas mediante materiales sobrantes. Realiza una descripción detallada del proceso de acercamiento entre la educadora y los niños que en un principio mostraban rechazo. Recoge datos sobre las actividades económicas no básicas del Informe Sociológico del distrito V elaborado por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Concluye que se han logrado satisfactoriamente los objetivos propuestos: conocer la problemática de la marginacion. Consiguiendo teorizar sobre la práctica educativa desde el punto de vista psicológico, sociológico y pedagógico. Durante la práctica educativa consigue superar la primera etapa más intuitiva a través de la planificación intensiva de la intervención en el contexto de la marginación. Refleja 3 áreas de dificultad para considerar en próximas intervenciones educativas: la estabilidad emocional individual, la disminución de la agresividad y la cohesión grupal dentro del taller.