986 resultados para laboratory measurements
In hybrid and electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power, which means that they may be subjected to high electromagnetic fields. The hazards of long-term exposure to these fields must be taken into account when designing electric vehicles and their components. Among all the electric devices present in the power train, the electronic converter is the most difficult to analyze, given that it works with different frequencies. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by a power electronics converter is proposed. After a brief overview of the recommendations of electromagnetic fields exposure, the magnetic field produced by an inverter is analyzed using finite element techniques. The results obtained are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real inverter, in order to validate the model. Finally, results are used to draw some conclusions regarding vehicle design criteria and magnetic shielding efficiency.
En la actualidad, el crecimiento de la población urbana, el incremento de la demanda energética junto al desarrollo tecnológico impulsado en los últimos veinte años han originado un estudio y replanteamiento de los sistemas constructivos empleados. Como consecuencia se han establecido nuevos marcos normativos, marcando nuevos objetivos de confort y de demanda energética. En España, el Código Técnico de la Edificación (aprobado en el Real Decreto 314/2006 de 17 de Marzo) es el marco normativo que establece las exigencias que se deben cumplir al proyectar construir, usar, mantener y conservar los edificios, incluidas sus instalaciones, con el fin de asegurar la calidad, seguridad y salud del usuario, respetando en todo momento su entorno. Para asegurar el cumplimiento de las exigencias del Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE), se han elaborado diferentes Documentos Básicos (DB). Entre ellos están los documentos básicos DB HR-Protección frente al ruido y el DB HS-Salubridad. En el DB HS 3 Calidad del aire interior, se establecen las condiciones que deben de adoptarse para que los recintos de los edificios se puedan ventilar adecuadamente, eliminando los contaminantes que se produzcan de forma habitual durante un uso normal de los edificios, de forma que se aporte un caudal suficiente de aire exterior y se garantice la extracción y expulsión del aire viciado por los contaminantes. En el apartado 3.1, Condiciones generales de los sistemas de ventilación, se indica que las viviendas deben disponer de un sistema general de ventilación donde el aire debe circular desde los locales secos a los húmedos. Para ello los comedores, los dormitorios y las salas de estar deben de disponer de aberturas de admisión, pudiéndose resolver esta cuestión técnica con diversas soluciones. El DB HR Protección frente al ruido del CTE, establece unos valores del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, entre un recinto protegido y el exterior, en función del uso del edificio y del nivel sonoro continuo equivalente día, Ld de la zona donde se ubique el edificio. El hacer compatibles el cumplimiento de las exigencias de los dos Documentos Básicos anteriormente citados, origina algunas dificultades en los proyectos de edificación actuales. Los proyectistas tienen que recurrir en la mayoría de los casos a nuevos sistemas constructivos o duplicaciones de soluciones existentes, evitando la manipulación de los elementos de regulación de entrada de aire en las viviendas. El objetivo fundamental de la Tesis presentada es el estudio de los efectos que producen la colocación de sistemas de aireación permanente en el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de las ventanas compactas. Se comprueba la influencia de cada uno de los componentes de la ventana compacta: perfiles, unidades de vidrio, sistema de apertura, cajón de persiana, persiana, aireadores, etc. en el aislamiento a ruido aéreo del sistema completo. Los ensayos acústicos se han realizado mediante dos métodos: conforme a la norma UNE-EN ISO 10140-2:2011 Medición en laboratorio del aislamiento acústico al ruido aéreo de los elementos de construcción y mediante intensimetría acústica acorde a la norma UNE-EN ISO 15186-1:2004 Medición del aislamiento acústico en los edificios y de los elementos de construcción utilizando intensidad sonora. Los resultados obtenidos podrán ser de gran utilidad para todos los profesionales que intervienen en el proceso edificatorio: arquitectos, ingenieros, instaladores, promotores, fabricantes de productos, etc., tanto en la obra nueva como en la rehabilitación. En un futuro, podrían incorporarse a los Catálogos y Documentos de Aplicación del CTE, así como a los nuevos programas informáticos de diseño y aislamiento acústico. Con el conocimiento adquirido y su aplicación, se contribuirá a la mejora de la calidad de una edificación más sostenible y eficiente. Se incrementará la productividad y la competitividad de los fabricantes de materiales y sistemas constructivos, aumentando el grado de satisfacción del usuario final con el consiguiente aumento de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. También se ampliará el conocimiento técnico de este tipo de sistemas y la compatibilidad entre las distintas exigencias marcadas por la normativa. ABSTRACT At present, the urban population growth, the increase of energy demand and the technological development in the last twenty years have led to a rethinking of the used building systems. As a result, new regulatory frameworks have been established, setting new goals of comfort and energy demand. In Spain, the Building Code, Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE) (RD 314/2006 of March 17th) is the regulatory framework that establishes the requirements to be met by projecting, building, using, maintaining and preserving buildings, including its facilities in order to ensure the quality, safety and health of the user, always respecting the environment. To ensure compliance with the requirements of the CTE, different technical requirements Documentos básicos (DB) have been developed. Among them, are the DB-HR-Protection against noise and DB-HS-Health. In the DB-HS- part3, Indoor Air Quality, are set the conditions needed to be taken into consideration so that the building enclosures can be adequately ventilated, eliminating pollutants that occur regularly during normal use of the buildings, so that a sufficient airflow of outdoor is supplied and a removal and extraction of stale air pollutants is guaranteed. In section 3.1, General Terms of ventilation systems, is indicated that dwellings must have a general ventilation system where air can circulate from dry to wet enclosures. For this, dining rooms, bedrooms and living rooms should have air intake, being able to resolve this technical issue with various solutions. The DB-HR Protection against noise, provides sound insulation values of airborne sound transmission between a protected room and the outside, depending on the use of the building and the equivalent continuous sound level day, Ld, in the area where the building is located. Satisfying the requirements of the two requirements mentioned above causes some difficulties in current building project. Designers have to rely in most cases, to new construction elements or duplicate existing solutions, avoiding the manipulation of the air intakes elements. The main objective of this Thesis is the study of the effects of permanent intakes systems in the acoustic insulation against airborne noise transmission in compact windows. The influence of each of the components of the compact window is determined: frames, glass units, opening systems, shutter box, trickle vents, etc. in the airborne sound insulation of the entire system. The acoustic survey were performed using two methods: UNE-EN ISO 10140-2: 2011 Laboratory measurements of sound insulation of building elements and UNE-EN ISO 15186-1:2004 Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity. The obtained results may be useful for all professionals involved in the building process: architects, engineers, installers, developers, manufacturers, etc. in the new construction developments and in rehabilitation. In the future, it could be added to building catalogues and applications of the Spanish Building Code, as well as to the new design and sound insulation software. With the acquired knowledge and its application, there will be a contribution to improve the quality of a more sustainable and efficient construction. Productivity and competitiveness of manufacturers of building materials and components will improve, increasing the degree of satisfaction of the final user with a consequent increase in the quality of life of citizens. Technical knowledge of such systems and compatibility between the various requirements set by the legislation will also expand.
In electric vehicles, passengers sit very close to an electric system of significant power. The high currents achieved in these vehicles mean that the passengers could be exposed to significant magnetic fields. One of the electric devices present in the power train are the batteries. In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the magnetic field created by these batteries is presented. First, the magnetic field generated by a single battery is analyzed using finite elements simulations. Results are compared to laboratory measurements, taken from a real battery, in order to validate the model. After this, the magnetic field created by a complete battery pack is estimated and results are discussed.
Permeability of the ocean crust is one of the most crucial parameters for constraining submarine fluid flow systems. Active hydrothermal fields are dynamic areas where fluid flow strongly affects the geochemistry and biology of the surrounding environment. There have been few permeability measurements in these regions, especially in felsic-hosted hydrothermal systems. We present a data set of 38 permeability and porosity measurements from the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, an actively venting, felsic hydrothermal field in the eastern Manus Basin. Permeability was measured using a complex transient method on 2.54-cm minicores. Permeability varies greatly between the samples, spanning over five orders of magnitude. Permeability decreases with both depth and decreasing porosity. When the alteration intensity of individual samples is considered, relationships between depth and porosity and permeability become more clearly defined. For incompletely altered samples (defined as >5% fresh rock), permeability and porosity are constant with depth. For completely altered samples (defined as <5% fresh rock), permeability and porosity decrease with depth. On average, the permeability values from the PACMANUS hydrothermal field are greater than those in other submarine environments using similar core-scale laboratory measurements; the average permeability, 4.5 x 10-16 m**2, is two to four orders of magnitude greater than in other areas. Although the core-scale permeability is higher than in other seafloor environments, it is still too low to obtain the fluid velocities observed in the PACMANUS hydrothermal field based on simplified analytical calculations. It is likely that core-scale permeability measurements are not representative of bulk rock permeability of the hydrothermal system overall, and that the latter is predominantly fracture controlled.
Laboratory measurements on sediment samples and density well logs run at DSDP Site 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin were used to establish an in situ velocity and density structure. Synthetic seismograms were generated for comparison to reprocessed seismic reflection data in the vicinity of the Site. Uncertainties in the relative positions of the hole and seismic reflection data, velocity corrections, and the composition of the unrecovered section were evaluated. In light of the errors and compressed section, no unique correlation of the seismic reflection data to the drill hole is completely defensible either in this chapter or elsewhere. The preferred correlation resulting from this exercise is as follows, with the Site 534 report correlation shown in parentheses where different. Horizon beta', 887 m; Horizon beta, 950 m (975 m); Horizon C , 1202 m (1250 m); Horizon C, 1268 m (1340 m); Horizon D', 1342 m (1432 m); Horizon D, 1550 m (1552 m). The major differences in these correlations arise from the use of slightly different velocities and hole location relative to the seismic profiles. The Site 534 report results rely on hole placement on a basement flank, whereas in this chapter we locate it within a basement depression still within the uncertainty of the navigation. The Site 534 report also uses drilling rates, CDP velocity analyses, sonobuoy data, and previous similar drilling correlation methods used at Site 391, along with other geologic considerations in arriving at differing results. Although the correlation method used in this investigation is more objective and the hole location uncertainties better defined, in order to have confidence in any results we will require drilling in areas where reflections are either more widely spaced or where we have better vertical velocity control in the hole.
Laboratory measurements of the acoustic and physical properties of deep-sea sediments and rocks are important for the interpretation of seismic reflection and refraction data and estimation of in situ physical property values. Furthermore, the results of such measurements can be used to design geoacoustic models of the upper oceanic crust that can relate the physical properties of deep-sea sediments to lithology, depth of burial, and diagenetic effects (Hamilton, 1980; Milholland et al., 1980). The purpose of this paper is to report the results of laboratory measurements of wet-bulk density, compressionalwave velocity, and velocity anisotropy on sediments cored during DSDP Leg 79. The sample suite consists of 11 calcareous claystones and clay-rich chalks recovered between 370 to 720 m sub-bottom at Holes 545 and 547A.
This study focuses on the temperature field observed in boreholes drilled as part of interdisciplinary scientific campaign targeting the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake in NE Russia. Temperature data are available from two sites: the lake borehole 5011-1 located near the center of the lake reaching 400 m depth, and the land borehole 5011-3 at the rim of the lake, with a depth of 140 m. Constraints on permafrost depth and past climate changes are derived from numerical simulation of the thermal regime associated with the lake-related talik structure. The thermal properties of the subsurface needed for these simulations are based on laboratory measurements of representative cores from the quaternary sediments and the underlying impact-affected rock, complemented by further information from geophysical logs and data from published literature. The temperature observations in the lake borehole 5011-1 are dominated by thermal perturbations related to the drilling process, and thus only give reliable values for the lowermost value in the borehole. Undisturbed temperature data recorded over more than two years are available in the 140 m deep land-based borehole 5011-3. The analysis of these observations allows determination of not only the recent mean annual ground surface temperature, but also the ground surface temperature history, though with large uncertainties. Although the depth of this borehole is by far too insufficient for a complete reconstruction of past temperatures back to the Last Glacial Maximum, it still affects the thermal regime, and thus permafrost depth. This effect is constrained by numerical modeling: assuming that the lake borehole observations are hardly influenced by the past changes in surface air temperature, an estimate of steady-state conditions is possible, leading to a meaningful value of 14 ± 5 K for the post-glacial warming. The strong curvature of the temperature data in shallower depths around 60 m can be explained by a comparatively large amplitude of the Little Ice Age (up to 4 K), with low temperatures prevailing far into the 20th century. Other mechanisms, like varying porosity, may also have an influence on the temperature profile, however, our modeling studies imply a major contribution from recent climate changes.
Laboratory measurements of physical properties are important because the results may be applied to the interpretation of seismic and other types of geophysical data, and because they can be used to estimate the in situ physical properties of different lithologies present beneath the sea floor. In this chapter, wet-bulk densities and compressional-wave velocities, measured at elevated confining pressures, are reported for a suite of seven sediment samples recovered on DSDP Leg 60. Of the seven samples studied, two are mudstones, two are vitric tuffs, and three are chalks. All but one of the samples are from Hole 459B, near the eastern limit of the Mariana fore-arc region. In five cases, velocities were measured parallel and perpendicular to bedding to test for velocity anisotropy.
Waves breaking on the seaward rim of a coral reef generate a flow of water from the exposed side of the reef to the sheltered side and/or to either channels through the reef-rim or lower sections of the latter. This wave-generated flow is driven by the water surface gradient resulting from the wave set-up created by the breaking waves. This paper reviews previous approaches to modelling wave-generated flows across coral reefs and discusses the influence of reef morphology and roughness upon these flows. Laboratory measurements upon a two-dimensional horizontal reef platform with a steep reef face provide the basis for extending a previous theoretical analysis for wave set-up on a reef in the absence of a flow [Gourlay, M.R., 1996b. Wave set-up on coral reefs. 2. Set-up on reefs with various profiles. Coastal Engineering 28, 1755] to include the interaction between a unidirectional flow and the wave set-up. The laboratory model results are then used to demonstrate that there are two basic reef-top flow regimes-reef-top control and reef-rim control. Using open channel flow theory, analytical relationships are derived for the reef-top current velocity in terms of the offreef wave conditions, the reef-top water depth and the physical characteristics of the reef-top topography. The wave set-up and wave-generated flow relationships are found to predict experimental values with reasonable accuracy in most cases. The analytical relationships are used to investigate wave-generated flows into a boat harbour channel on Heron Reef in the southern Great Barrier Reef. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.