867 resultados para key factors
The prevalence of delirium in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is reported to vary from 20 to 80 %. Delirium in the ICU is not only a frightening experience for the patient and his or her family, it is also a challenge for the nurses and physicians taking care of the patient. Furthermore, it is also associated with worse outcome, prolonged hospitalisation, increased costs, long-term cognitive impairment and higher mortality rates. Thus, strategies to prevent ICU-delirium in addition to the early diagnosis and treatment of delirium are important. The pathophysiology of delirium is still incompletely understood, but numerous risk factors for the development of delirium have been identified in ICU-patients, among which are potentially modifiable factors such as metabolic disturbances, hypotension, anaemia, fever and infection. Key factors are the prevention and management of common risk factors, including avoiding overzealous sedation and analgesia and creating an environment that enhances reintegration. Once delirium is diagnosed, treatment consists of the use of typical and atypical antipsychotics. Haloperidol is still the drug of choice for the treatment of delirium and can be given intravenously in incremental doses of 1 to 2 to 5 (to 10) mg every 15 - 20 minutes.
En este artículo se aportan algunos de los resultados preliminares de mi tesis doctoral: “Las políticas públicas de la televisión digital terrestre en la Unión Europea. Estudio comparado de Suecia y España”. Mediante el análisis de las estructuras institucionales implicadas en la transición analógico-digital de la plataforma de difusión terrestre, sus lógicas legitimadoras y las estrategias desarrolladas, se pretende contribuir a la identificación de buenas prácticas y de factores clave de éxito que ayuden a diseñar políticas públicas más efectivas.
If childcare policy has become topical in most OECD countries over the last ten years or so, actual developments display huge cross-national variations. Countries like Sweden and Denmark spend around 2 per cent of GDP on this service, and provide affordable childcare places to most children below school age. At the other extreme, in Southern Europe, only around 10 per cent of this age group has access to formal daycare. Against this background, this article aims to account for cross-national variations in childcare services. It distinguishes two dependent variables: the coverage rate and the proportion of GDP spent subsidising childcare services. Using a mix of cross-sectional and pooled times-series methods, it tests a series of hypotheses concerning the determinants of the development of this policy. Its main conclusion for the coverage rate is that key factors are public spending and wage dispersion (both positive). For spending, key factors are the proportion of women in parliaments (positive) and spending on age-related policies (negative).
Much of the current research in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements deals with the analysis of early pavement life failures and seeks to find ways to prevent those from reoccurring. The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) portion of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) has identified some of the key factors in designing and building new PCC pavements. This statement will build on the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-463, Field Performance Study of Past Iowa Pavement Research: A Look Back. In Iowa and across the nation, there are multiple pavements that were built more than 20 years ago that have been and are continuing to provide very good service to the public. They are found on both state and local routes and in both low and high traffic volume areas. There is a need to learn what went into those pavements, from the subgrade through the surface, that makes them perform so well. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research to study the attributes of well-performing concrete pavements. The concept of zero-maintenance jointed plain concrete pavements” was iterated in this study for long-lasting, well-performing portland cement concrete pavement sections. The scope of the study was limited to a brief literature survey, pavement performance data collection from many counties, cities, and primary and interstate roads in Iowa, field visits to many selected pavement sites, and analysis of the collected data. No laboratory orfield testing was conducted for this phase of the project. A problem statement with a research plan was created that could be used to guide the second phase of the project.
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: This was an observational, non-interventional, multicenter, phase IV study, in patients with genotype 1/4/5/6 chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The primary objectives were to evaluate SVR in patients with no or minimal fibrosis (METAVIR F0-F1) versus well established fibrosis (F2-F4), and to estimate response on Weeks 12, 24 and 48 on treatment in previously untreated patients with genotypes 1/4/5/6 CHC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 538 patients treated with pegylated interferon alfa 2b 1.5 mcg/kg in combination with ribavirin 800-1200 mg/day were enrolled in 55 sites in Belgium and Luxembourg, 505 being considered for the analysis. 40% of the patients were female and 60% male, the average age was 47.5 years, 10.5% were 65 or older. RESULTS: SVR was observed in 35% of the patients, EVR in 68%, of which pEVR in 33% and cEVR in 35%. SVR was observed in 43% of the low fibrosis group (F0, F1) and 30% of the high fibrosis group (F2, F3, F4) (p = 0.005). SVR rates were 34% for genotype 1, 37% for genotype 4, and 47% for genotype 5 (NS). Multivariate analysis showed that EVR and baseline METAVIR score are independent prognostic factors for SVR. CONCLUSIONS: This trial confirms that fibrosis stage and early viral response are the most important key-factors to predict sustained response, suggesting that the earlier patients are treated, the better the outcome. Non-invasive techniques enable us to closely monitor progression of fibrosis, allowing a better selection of patients for antiviral treatment in the DAA-era.
À medida que oportunidades de emprego para toda a vida escasseiam, altas taxas de desemprego têm despertado o interesse por empreendedorismo. A salvação passa a ser a empregabilidade, sendo a educação empreendedora apontada como uma das áreas chave para fazer com que todos descubram potencialidades inovadoras e criativas despertando comportamentos empreendedores. A inserção dos jovens no mercado de trabalho é neste momento um dos maiores problemas da ilha de São Vicente com 23,3% de desempregados numa população maioritariamente jovem (65,7%) segundo INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatística). É neste contexto marcado por instabilidade e incerteza, que o Centro de Juventude de São Vicente tem vindo a promover a formação profissional oferecendo cursos de curta duração visando a inserção sócio económica de jovens carenciados e em situação de risco. Com base num suporte teórico que revela a possibilidade de desenvolver o espírito empreendedor através do ensino, optou-se pela metodologia de estudo de caso para analisar de que forma o Centro de Juventude de São Vicente contribui na formação para a empregabilidade e/ou no despertar do espírito empreendedor. Os resultados revelam que o Centro está dando os primeiros passos nesse sentido e que terá um papel importante no estímulo e incentivo ao trabalho por conta própria através da formação profissional, desde que em estreita articulação com o IEFP (Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional) e o mercado de trabalho. Visando uma mudança de mentalidade tem propiciado aos jovens um contexto de estímulo à iniciativa sobretudo através do apoio psicológico e na busca de financiamento. While opportunities for lifetime jobs are decreasing, high unemployment rates have aroused the interest in entrepreneurship. Employability will be the solution, being entrepreneurial education pointed out as one of the key factors in finding out innovative and creative potentialities as well as in stimulating entrepreneurial behaviours. Inserting young people in the labour market is, at present, one of the biggest problems in S.Vicente, an island with 23,3% of unemployed in a population mostly constituted by young people (65,7%), according to INE (National Institute of Statistics). In this context characterised by instability and uncertainty, the Youth Centre in S.Vicente has been promoting professional training through short courses aimed at socioeconomic insertion of young people in vulnerable and risky situations. Based on a theoretical support which points out the possibility of developing entrepreneurial spirit through education, the case study methodology was selected in order to analyse how the Youth Centre contributes through its training courses to employability and/or entrepreneurial spirit. The results obtained indicate that the Centre is taking its first steps in this direction and will play an important role in encouraging self-employment, through professional training. This has to be carried out in close relationship with both IEFP (Institute of Employment and Professional Training) and the labour market. With a view to changing mentalities, the Centre has been providing young people with a context capable of stimulating initiative, especially by supplying psychological support and helping them find financing sources.
In the plant-beneficial soil bacterium and biocontrol model organism Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the GacS/GacA two-component system upregulates the production of biocontrol factors, i.e. antifungal secondary metabolites and extracellular enzymes, under conditions of slow, non-exponential growth. When activated, the GacS/GacA system promotes the transcription of a small regulatory RNA (RsmZ), which sequesters the small RNA-binding protein RsmA, a translational regulator of genes involved in biocontrol. The gene for a second GacA-regulated small RNA (RsmY) was detected in silico in various pseudomonads, and was cloned from strain CHA0. RsmY, like RsmZ, contains several characteristic GGA motifs. The rsmY gene was expressed in strain CHA0 as a 118 nt transcript which was most abundant in stationary phase, as revealed by Northern blot and transcriptional fusion analysis. Transcription of rsmY was enhanced by the addition of the strain's own supernatant extract containing a quorum-sensing signal and was abolished in gacS or gacA mutants. An rsmA mutation led to reduced rsmY expression, via a gacA-independent mechanism. Overexpression of rsmY restored the expression of target genes (hcnA, aprA) to gacS or gacA mutants. Whereas mutants deleted for either the rsmY or the rsmZ structural gene were not significantly altered in the synthesis of extracellular products (hydrogen cyanide, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, exoprotease), an rsmY rsmZ double mutant was strongly impaired in this production and in its biocontrol properties in a cucumber-Pythium ultimum microcosm. Mobility shift assays demonstrated that multiple molecules of RsmA bound specifically to RsmY and RsmZ RNAs. In conclusion, two small, untranslated RNAs, RsmY and RsmZ, are key factors that relieve RsmA-mediated regulation of secondary metabolism and biocontrol traits in the GacS/GacA cascade of strain CHA0.
Caste differentiation and division of labor are the hallmarks of social insect colonies [1, 2]. The current dogma for female caste differentiation is that female eggs are totipotent, with morphological and physiological differences between queens and workers stemming from a developmental switch during the larval stage controlled by nutritional and other environmental factors (e.g., [3-8]). In this study, we tested whether maternal effects influence caste differentiation in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. By conducting crossfostering experiments we identified two key factors in the process of caste determination. New queens were produced only from eggs laid by queens exposed to cold. Moreover, there was a strong age effect, with development into queens occurring only in eggs laid by queens that were at least two years old. Biochemical analyses further revealed that the level of ecdysteroids was significantly lower in eggs developing into queens than workers. By contrast, we found no significant effect of colony size or worker exposure to cold, suggesting that the trigger for caste differentiation may be independent of the quantity and quality of resources provided to larvae. Altogether these data demonstrate that the developmental fate of female brood is strongly influenced by maternal effects in ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex.
Gazelle companies are relevant because they generate much more employment than other companies and deliver high returns to their shareholders. This paper analyzes their behavior in the years of high growth and their evolution in the following years. The main factors that explain their success are competitive advantages based on human resources, innovation, internationalization, the excellence in processes and a conservative financial policy. Nevertheless, as time goes by they can be divided in two groups: a group which continues having growth, but most of them with lower growth rates; and the rest which face great problems or even disappear. The present study identifies several key factors that explain this different evolution.
When can a single variable be more accurate in binary choice than multiple sources of information? We derive analytically the probability that a single variable (SV) will correctly predict one of two choices when both criterion and predictor are continuous variables. We further provide analogous derivations for multiple regression (MR) and equal weighting (EW) and specify the conditions under which the models differ in expected predictive ability. Key factors include variability in cue validities, intercorrelation between predictors, and the ratio of predictors to observations in MR. Theory and simulations are used to illustrate the differential effects of these factors. Results directly address why and when one-reason decision making can be more effective than analyses that use more information. We thus provide analytical backing to intriguing empirical results that, to date, have lacked theoretical justification. There are predictable conditions for which one should expect less to be more.
Ever since their discovery as cellular counterparts of viral oncogenes more than 25 years ago, much progress has been made in understanding the complex networks of signal transduction pathways activated by oncogenic Ras mutations in human cancers. The activity of Ras is regulated by nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase activating proteins (GAPs), and much emphasis has been put into the biochemical and structural analysis of the Ras/GAP complex. The mechanisms by which GAPs catalyze Ras-GTP hydrolysis have been clarified and revealed that oncogenic Ras mutations confer resistance to GAPs and remain constitutively active. However, it is yet unclear how cells coordinate the large and divergent GAP protein family to promote Ras inactivation and ensure a certain biological response. Different domain arrangements in GAPs to create differential protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions are probably key factors determining the inactivation of the 3 Ras isoforms H-, K-, and N-Ras and their effector pathways. In recent years, in vitro as well as cell- and animal-based studies examining GAP activity, localization, interaction partners, and expression profiles have provided further insights into Ras inactivation and revealed characteristics of several GAPs to exert specific and distinct functions. This review aims to summarize knowledge on the cell biology of RasGAP proteins that potentially contributes to differential regulation of spatiotemporal Ras signaling.
Background and aims: The extent and molecular mechanisms governing plasma extravasation and formation of ascites in cirrhosis are unknown. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) and angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) are endogenous substances with powerful vascular permeability effects. We assessed regional blood flow, vascular leakage, mRNA and tissular expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 and vascular permeability following VEGF receptor 2 blockade in control and cirrhotic rats to define the vascular territories showing altered vascular permeability in cirrhosis and to determine whether VEGF-A and Ang-2 are involved in this phenomenon. Methods: Arterial blood flow was analysed with the coloured microsphere method. Vascular leakage was measured and visualised with the dye Evan¿s Blue and colloidal carbon techniques, respectively. VEGF-A and Ang-2 expression were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunohistochemistry and western blot. The effect on vascular permeability induced by VEGFR2 blockade was assessed by administration of the receptor inhibitor SU11248. Results: Arterial blood flow was increased in the mesentery, pancreas and small intestine but not in the kidney and spleen of cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Increased vascular leakage was observed in the mesentery and liver, where colloidal carbon spread from microvessels to the adjacent fibrotic tracts. Increased hepatic and mesenteric expression of VEGF-A and Ang-2 was found in cirrhotic rats as compared to controls. Blockade of VEGFR2 markedly reduced hepatic and mesenteric vascular leakage in cirrhotic rats. Conclusions: Enhanced endothelial permeability is restricted to the hepatic and mesenteric vascular beds in cirrhotic rats with ascites and VEGF-A and Ang-2 are key factors in the signalling pathways regulating this dysfunction.
Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death with a rising trend in incidence. These epidemiologic observations underline the need for novel treatment strategies. In this regard, a promising approach takes advantage of the adaptive effector mechanisms of the immune system, using T lymphocytes to specifically target and destroy tumour cells. However, whereas current approaches mainly depend on short-lived, terminally differentiated effector T cells, increasing evidence suggests that long lasting and maximum efficient immune responses are mediated by low differentiated memory T cells. These memory T cells should display characteristics of stem cells, such as longevity, self-renewal capacity and the ability to continuously give rise to further differentiated effectors. These stem celllike memory T (TSCM) cells are thought to be of key therapeutic value as they might not only attack differentiated tumour cells, but also eradicate the root cause of cancer, the cancer stem cells themselves. Thus, efforts are made to characterize TSCM cells and to identify the signalling pathways which mediate their induction. Recently, a human TSCM cell subset was described and the activation of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway by the drug TWS119 during naive CD8+ T (TN) cell priming was suggested to mediate their induction. However, a precise deciphering of the signalling pathways leading to TSCM cell induction and an in-depth characterization of in vitro induced and in vivo occurring TSCM cells remain to be performed. Here, evidence is presented that the induction of human and mouse CD8+ and CD4+ TSCM cells may be triggered by inhibition of mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 with simultaneously active mTOR complex 2. This molecular mechanism arrests a fraction of activated TN cells in a stem cell-like differentiation state independently of the Wnt-ß-catenin signalling pathway. Of note, TWS119 was found to also inhibit mTORCl, thereby mediating the induction of TSCM cells. Suggesting an immunostimulatory effect, the acquired data broaden the therapeutic range of mTORCl inhibitors like rapamycin, which are, at present, exclusively used due to their immunosuppressive function. Furthermore, by performing broad metabolic analyses, a well-orchestrated interplay between intracellular signalling pathways and the T cells' metabolic programmes could be identified as important regulator of the T cells' differentiation fate. Moreover, in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells possess superior functional capacities and share fate-determining key factors with their naturally occurring counterparts, assessed by a first-time full transcriptome analysis of in vivo occurring CD4+ TN cell, TSCM cells and central memory (TCM) cells and in vitro induced CD4+ TSCM cells. Of interest, a group of 56 genes, with a unique expression profile in TSCM cells could be identified. Thus, a pharmacological mechanism allowing to confer sternness to activated TN cells has been found which might be highly relevant for the design of novel T cell-based cancer immunotherapies.
The distribution of low molecular weight carboxylic acids (LMWCA) was investigated in pore water profiles from two porphyry copper tailings impoundments in Chile (Piuquenes at La Andina and Cauquenes at El Teniente mine). The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the distribution of LMWCA, which are interpreted to be the metabolic byproducts of the autotroph microbial community in this low organic carbon system, and (2) to infer the potential role of these acids in cycling of Fe and other elements in the tailings impoundments. The speciation and mobility of iron, and potential for the release of H+ via hydrolysis of the ferric iron, are key factors in the formation of acid mine drainage in sulfidic mine wastes. In the low-pH oxidation zone of the Piuquenes tailings, Fe(III) is the dominant iron species and shows high mobility. LMWCA, which occur mainly between the oxidation front down to 300 cm below the tailings surface at both locations (e.g., max concentrations of 0.12 mmol/L formate, 0.17 mmol/L acetate, and 0.01 mmol/L pyruvate at Piuquenes and 0.14 mmol/L formate, 0.14 mmol/L acetate, and 0.006 mmol/L pyruvate at Cauquenes), are observed at the same location as high Fe concentrations (up to 71.2 mmol/L Fe(II) and 16.1 mmol/L Fe(III), respectively). In this zone, secondary Fe(111) hydroxides are depleted. Our data suggest that LMWCA may influence the mobility of iron in two ways. First, complexation of Fe(III), through formation of bidentate Fe(III)-LMWCA complexes (e.g., pyruvate, oxalate), may enhance the dissolution of Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides or may prevent precipitation of Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides. Soluble Fe(III) chelate complexes which may be mobilized downward and convert to Fe(II) by Fe(III) reducing bacteria. Second, monodentate LMWCA (e.g., acetate and formate) can be used by iron-reducing bacteria as electron donors (e.g., Acidophilum spp.), with ferric iron as the electron acceptor. These processes may, in part, explain the low abundances of secondary Fe(III) hydroxide precipitates below the oxidation front and the high concentrations of Fe(II) observed in the pore waters of some low-sulfide systems. The reduction of Fe(III) and the subsequent increase of iron mobility and potential acidity transfer (Fe(II) oxidation can result in the release of H+ in an oxic environment) should be taken in account in mine waste management strategies.
Key factors that provide context for the state's Maternal and Child Health (MCH) annual report and state plan are highlighted in this overview. This section briefly outlines Iowa's demographics, population changes, economic indicators and significant public initiatives. Major strategic planning efforts affecting development of program activities are also identified.