817 resultados para kalevala - folk poetry - history of research


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BACKGROUND Disrupted sleep is a common complaint of individuals with alcohol use disorder and in abstinent alcoholics. Furthermore, among recovering alcoholics, poor sleep predicts relapse to drinking. Whether disrupted sleep in these populations results from prolonged alcohol use or precedes the onset of drinking is not known. The aim of this study was to examine the sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) in alcohol-naïve, parental history positive (PH+), and negative (PH-) boys and girls. METHODS All-night sleep EEG recordings in 2 longitudinal cohorts (child and teen) followed at 1.5 to 3 year intervals were analyzed. The child and teen participants were 9/10 and 15/16 years old at the initial assessment, respectively. Parental history status was classified by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria applied to structured interviews (DIS-IV) resulting in 14 PH- and 10 PH+ children and 14 PH- and 10 PH+ teens. Sleep data were visually scored in 30-second epochs using standard criteria. Power spectra were calculated for EEG derivations C3/A2, C4/A1, O2/A1, O1/A2 for nonrapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. RESULTS We found no difference between PH+ and PH- individuals in either cohort for any visually scored sleep stage variable. Spectral power declined in both cohorts across assessments for NREM and REM sleep in all derivations and across frequencies independent of parental history status. With regard to parental history, NREM sleep EEG power was lower for the delta band in PH+ teens at both assessments for the central derivations. Furthermore, power in the sigma band for the right occipital derivation in both NREM and REM sleep was lower in PH+ children only at the initial assessment. CONCLUSIONS We found no gross signs of sleep disruption as a function of parental history. Modest differences in spectral EEG power between PH+ and PH- children and teens indicate that a marker of parental alcohol history may be detectable in teens at risk for problem drinking.


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OBJECTIVES Previous literature suggests that early psychosis (EP) patients with a history of offending behavior (HOB) have specific clinical needs. The aims of this study were to assess: (1) the prevalence of HOB in a representative sample of EP; (2) the premorbid and baseline characteristics of patients with HOB, and (3) the potential differences in short-term outcome of such patients when compared to patients without HOB. METHODS The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) admitted 786 EP patients between 1998 and 2000. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. Data of 647 patients could be analyzed. RESULTS HOB patients (29% of the sample) were more likely to be male with lower level of premorbid functioning and education, have used illicit substances and have attempted suicide. They presented with a more complex clinical picture and had poorer 18-month outcome. Most importantly, they had a significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis. CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the high prevalence and specific features of EP patients with HOB, our study confirms a need for additional research in this domain and for the development of specific treatment strategies. Most importantly, it suggests a need for the promotion of early detection strategies among the populations of young offenders, considering that some of them may be going through the early phases of a psychotic disorder and that reduction of treatment delay and provision of well adapted interventions may have a significant impact at numerous levels in such patients


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BACKGROUND/AIMS Controversies still exist regarding the evaluation of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in childhood at the end of growth. The aim of this study was to describe the natural history of GHD in a pediatric cohort. METHODS This is a retrospective study of a cohort of pediatric patients with GHD. Cases of acquired GHD were excluded. Univariate logistic regression was used to identify predictors of GHD persisting into adulthood. RESULTS Among 63 identified patients, 47 (75%) had partial GHD at diagnosis, while 16 (25%) had complete GHD, including 5 with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies. At final height, 50 patients underwent repeat stimulation testing; 28 (56%) recovered and 22 (44%) remained growth hormone (GH) deficient. Predictors of persisting GHD were: complete GHD at diagnosis (OR 10.1, 95% CI 2.4-42.1), pituitary stalk defect or ectopic pituitary gland on magnetic resonance imaging (OR 6.5, 95% CI 1.1-37.1), greater height gain during GH treatment (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.0-3.3), and IGF-1 level <-2 standard deviation scores (SDS) following treatment cessation (OR 19.3, 95% CI 3.6-103.1). In the multivariate analysis, only IGF-1 level <-2 SDS (OR 13.3, 95% CI 2.3-77.3) and complete GHD (OR 6.3, 95% CI 1.2-32.8) were associated with the outcome. CONCLUSION At final height, 56% of adolescents with GHD had recovered. Complete GHD at diagnosis, low IGF-1 levels following retesting, and pituitary malformation were strong predictors of persistence of GHD.


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by Frederic W. Madden


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This thesis presents an analysis of data from Molecular Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Mexican Americans. The study included 294 families. Among the participating families were 500 Mexican American females aged 19 to 86 who provided information on characteristics such as height, weight, and a variety of biochemical indicators. The research questions for this thesis are: (1) How strong is the association between indicators of the metabolic syndrome in study participants and their family histories of type II diabetes; and (2) How is an individual's family history of type II diabetes, age and socioeconomic status associated with the metabolic syndrome? In this thesis education status of the participants is used as an indicator of socioeconomic status. Answers to these questions are provided through the analysis of women's responses to written questionnaires and biochemical data. ^


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This invited commentary reviews the survey research described in "Examining the Relationship between Media use and Aggression, Sexuality, and Body Image" and situates this research within the recent history of entertainment media regulation.


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Strictly speaking, space related activities at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Aeronáuticos (ETSIA) begun in 1973, when Prof. Ignacio Da Riva got a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to compile a handbook on spacecraft thermal control. By the same time, ESA issued an announcement of opportunities offering to the European scientific community the possibility of perform microgravity relevant experiments on board space platform like the European orbital laboratory Spacelab. Prof. Da Riva proposed one of the few selected experiments dealing with fluid physics under microgravity conditions, later flown on Spacelab-1 mission in 1983. These two events were the starting point where Prof. Da Riva, full professor of Aerodynamics at ETSIA, nucleated a small group of young professors and students located at the Laboratorio de Aerodinámica y Mecánica de Fluidos (LAMF) of ETSIA. Such group was leaded by Prof. Da Riva since its creation till 1991, when Prof. Da Riva died, and it was the seed of the more recently created research institute for aerospace science and technology named "Ignacio Da Riva" (IDR) in his honour. In this communication space related activities performed either at LAMF or IDR during the last three decades are briefly described.


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Although the prevalence or even occurrence of insect herbivory during the Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) has been questioned, we present the earliest-known ecologic evidence showing that by Late Pennsylvanian times (302 million years ago) a larva of the Holometabola was galling the internal tissue of Psaronius tree-fern fronds. Several diagnostic cellular and histological features of these petiole galls have been preserved in exquisite detail, including an excavated axial lumen filled with fecal pellets and comminuted frass, plant-produced response tissue surrounding the lumen, and specificity by the larval herbivore for a particular host species and tissue type. Whereas most suggestions over-whelmingly support the evolution of such intimate and reciprocal plant-insect interactions 175 million years later, we provide documentation that before the demise of Pennsylvanian age coal-swamp forests, a highly stereotyped life cycle was already established between an insect that was consuming internal plant tissue and a vascular plant host responding to that herbivory. This and related discoveries of insect herbivore consumption of Psaronius tissues indicate that modern-style herbivores were established in Late Pennsylvanian coal-swamp forests.


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The life history of Harpegnathos saltator is exceptional among ants because both queens and workers reproduce sexually. Recently mated queens start new colonies alone, but later some of the offspring workers also become inseminated and take over the egg-laying role. This alternation seems associated with the existence of very complex underground nests, which are designed to survive floods. Longevity of ponerine queens is low (a consequence of limited caste dimorphism in this "primitive" subfamily), and upon the death of an H. saltator foundress, the nest represents a substantial investment. The queen's progeny should thus be strongly selected to retain the valuable nests. Unlike the flying queens, the workers copulate with males from their own colonies, and, thus, their offspring are expected to be highly related to the foundress. Colony fission appears not to occur because a daughter fragment would lack an adequate nest for protection. Thus, the annual production of queens in colonies with reproductive workers remains essential for the establishment of new colonies. This contrasts with various other ponerine species in which the queens no longer exist.