925 resultados para just and unjust peace
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh poses the greatest challenge to the security and stability of the Southern Caucasus. Although a ceasefire has been in place and a peace process under way since 1994, there is growing concern that the threat of the resumption of military action is growing. Proof of that is provided by, for example, the arms race dictated by Azerbaijan and its use of war rhetoric. A major factor, in addition to Azerbaijan’s increasing potential and ambitions, which is destabilising the situation concerning Karabakh seems to be the changing geopolitical situation in this region. Although the outbreak of a new war over Nagorno-Karabakh seems unlikely (as this would be risky to all the actors involved) within the next year, if the current trends continue, this will be difficult to avoid in the future. A further increase in the tension, and especially a military conflict (whatever its outcome), will lead to deep changes in the situation in the Southern Caucasus and in the policies of the countries which are active in this region.
On 9 May 2016, in a further attempt to discourage the British public opinion from opting for their country’s abandonment of the European Union (EU) in the ‘in/out’ referendum on 23 June, Prime Minister David Cameron stated that the UK has regretted "turning its back" on Europe in the past, and that the EU had "helped reconcile" countries and maintain peace on the Old Continent.
Caption title: Free and responsible collective bargaining and industrial peace.
v.1. The first eleven books of the Antiquities of the Jews, with a table of the Jewish coins, weights and measures -- v.2. The last nine books of the Antiquities of the Jews, with the life of Flavius Josephus written by himself -- v.3. The seven books of the Jewish war, with two books against Apion, and a discourse concerning Hades, to which are added three dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, and God's command to Abraham, etc., and an index to the whole.
Bibliographies prepared by members of the seminar in education at Clark University during the year 1915-16.
Vol. 1 has general title page, other volumes have unique title pages.
La tesina intenta abordar la poética de Aldo Oliva, autor ampliamente reconocido pero poco estudiado por la crítica. Para ello rastrea los modos en que lo político, lo histórico y lo coyuntural ingresan en una obra cuyo refinamiento, su juego libre con la tradición grecolatina y su autorreferencialidad han llevado a un encasillamiento prematuro en el campo de la "poesía pura".
The overriding philosophy of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 in Queensland is to facilitate the just and expeditious resolution of the issues in a civil proceeding at minimum expense. The court is enjoined to apply the rules to avoid undue delay, expense and technicality. Parties impliedly undertake to the court and each other to proceed expeditiously. These rules adopt management theories developed to contain delay and cost in the civil justice system. A survey was designed to determine whether the overriding objective is being achieved in practice. The results indicate a reduction in the time from initiation of a proceeding to termination as compared to a sample of similar cases determined under the repealed Rules of the Supreme Court.
Esta pesquisa procura entender o pensamento de Agostinho de Hipona e de Martinho Lutero, especificamente, no que concerne a suas obras que abordam a temática da ética e da política. Particularmente, a compreensão das metáforas da Cidade de Deus e Cidade dos Homens em Agostinho, e a recepção e ressignifição efetuada por Lutero e a construção de suas metáforas dos Dois Reinos, ou Dois Regimentos, é foco central desta dissertação. Para tal, será usa-da a concepção do filósofo contemporâneo Paul Ricoeur e seu entendimento do papel da metáfora. Para articular estas ideias será necessário pensar e expor as ideias agostinianas sobre sua Teologia da História. Após este momento, estuda-se duas doutrinas que são fundamentais para o pensamento teológico do refor-mador alemão: a questão sobre a Justificação pela Fé e a integração com as Bo-as Obras. O estudo do pensamento destes autores terá como objetivo dialogar dois pensadores cristãos que continuam sendo usados até os dias atuais pelas igrejas, buscando perceber as oportunidades e limitações que suas reflexões podem trazer para a prática da igreja atual. Para que ela seja atuante e relevante para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa, fraterna e marcada pe-los valores de Cristo, tendo o amor como sua base sustentadora.
When capitalism faltered and real change seemed possible, institutionalised Education for Sustainability (EfS) failed to overcome its organizational constraints and internal limitations and seize the opportunity to offer radical alternatives. If EfS is to resist further neoliberal corporatization and make a real contribution to the emergence of a more socially just and environmentally sustainable society it must embrace an alternative and radical critical pedagogy.
A dolgozatban a Neumann-modell lehetséges elméleti és módszertani rokonságát elemezzük annak fényében, hogy mind a neoklasszikusok, mind a klasszikus hagyományokat felélesztő neoricardiánusok a magukénak vallják. Ennek során megvizsgáljuk a klasszikus és a neoklasszikus gazdaságfelfogás, az ex post és az ex ante szemléletű modellek közötti különbségeket, és azt a forradalmi jelentőségű módszertani változást, amely a sok szempontból joggal bírálható modern matematikai közgazdaságtan kialakulásához vezetett. Összevetjük Neumann modelljét az osztrák iskola árbeszámítási elméletével, a WalrasCassel- és a SchlesingerWald-féle modellekkel, illetve a Ricardo, Marx, Dmitriev, Leontief nevekkel fémjelezhető klasszikus vonulat eredményeivel. Rámutatunk arra, hogy Neumann voltaképpen az "igazságos és értelmes gazdaság" ősi ideáját öntötte kora modern fizikájában honos matematikai modell formájába. /===/ The paper investigates the potential theoretical and methodological sources of inspiration of the von Neumann model, in view of the fact that both the neoclassical and the neo-Ricardian economists claim heritage to it. In the course of that the author assesses the main differences of the classical and neoclassical, the ex post and ex ante modeling approaches. He also confronts the von Neumann model with the Walras–Cassel and the Schlesinger–Wald models, and with models worked out in the classical tradition a’la Ricardo, Marx, Dmitriev and Leontief. He concludes that the Neumann-model is, in fact, nothing but a reformulation of a very old belief in a “just and reasonable economic system” based on the modern modeling approach of contemporary physics and mathematics.
Since its independence from Great Britain in 1948, the state of Burma has been at war with itself. Ethnic and religious tension fuel the conflict and has led to territorial disputes while no resolution to this strife is expected under a fragile and corrupt central government. Additionally, proxy wars have delayed any peaceful negotiations. The combinations of failing social welfare programs and prolonged peace talks have led many Burmese people join the military as soldiers in either the Burmese military or any one of the numerous ethnic paramilitary groups in the country. Human rights violations are common in Burma, including rape, pillaging, and ethnic cleansing. Essentially, Burma has had the longest ongoing civil war due to combination of grievances, many of which predate the 21st century.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.