986 resultados para interval-valued similarity


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The unsteady laminar incompressible boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in the stagnation region of two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The boundary layer equations which are parabolic partial differential equations with three independent variables have been reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations by using suitable transformations and then solved numerically using a shooting method. Here, we have obtained new solutions which are solutions of both the boundary layer and Navier-Stokes equations.


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In this paper we consider the problem of learning an n × n kernel matrix from m(1) similarity matrices under general convex loss. Past research have extensively studied the m = 1 case and have derived several algorithms which require sophisticated techniques like ACCP, SOCP, etc. The existing algorithms do not apply if one uses arbitrary losses and often can not handle m > 1 case. We present several provably convergent iterative algorithms, where each iteration requires either an SVM or a Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) solver for m > 1 case. One of the major contributions of the paper is to extend the well knownMirror Descent(MD) framework to handle Cartesian product of psd matrices. This novel extension leads to an algorithm, called EMKL, which solves the problem in O(m2 log n 2) iterations; in each iteration one solves an MKL involving m kernels and m eigen-decomposition of n × n matrices. By suitably defining a restriction on the objective function, a faster version of EMKL is proposed, called REKL,which avoids the eigen-decomposition. An alternative to both EMKL and REKL is also suggested which requires only an SVMsolver. Experimental results on real world protein data set involving several similarity matrices illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms.


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In this study, we investigated nonlinear measures of chaos of QT interval time series in 28 normal control subjects, 36 patients with panic disorder and 18 patients with major depression in supine and standing postures. We obtained the minimum embedding dimension (MED) and the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) of instantaneous heart rate (HR) and QT interval series. MED quantifies the system's complexity and LLE predictability. There was a significantly lower MED and a significantly increased LLE of QT interval time series in patients. Most importantly, nonlinear indices of QT/HR time series, MEDqthr (MED of QT/HR) and LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR), were highly significantly different between controls and both patient groups in either posture. Results remained the same even after adjusting for age. The increased LLE of QT interval time, series in patients with anxiety and depression is in line with our previous findings of higher QTvi (QT variability index, a log ratio of QT variability corrected for mean QT squared divided by heart rate variability corrected for mean heart rate squared) in these patients, using linear techniques. Increased LLEqthr (LLE of QT/HR) may be a more sensitive tool to study cardiac repolarization and a valuable addition to the time domain measures such as QTvi. This is especially important in light of the finding that LLEqthr correlated poorly and nonsignificantly with QTvi. These findings suggest an increase in relative cardiac sympathetic activity and a decrease in certain aspects of cardiac vagal function in patients with anxiety as well as depression. The lack of correlation between QTvi and LLEqthr suggests that this nonlinear index is a valuable addition to the linear measures. These findings may also help to explain the higher incidence of cardiovascular mortality in patients with anxiety and depressive disorders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wuttig and Suzuki's model on anelastic nonlinearities in solids in the vicinity of martensite transformations is analysed numerically. This model shows chaos even in the absence of applied forcing field as a function of a temperature dependent parameter. Even though the model exhibits sustained oscillations as a function of the amplitude of the forcing term, it does not exactly capture the features of the experimental time series. We have improved the model by adding a symmetry breaking term. The improved model shows period doubling bifurcation as a function of the amplitude of the forcing term. The solutions of our improved model shows good resemblance with the nonsymmetric period four oscillation seen in the experiment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rapidly growing structure databases enhance the probability of finding identical sequences sharing structural similarity. Structure prediction methods are being used extensively to abridge the gap between known protein sequences and the solved structures which is essential to understand its specific biochemical and cellular functions. In this work, we plan to study the ambiguity between sequence-structure relationships and examine if sequentially identical peptide fragments adopt similar three-dimensional structures. Fragments of varying lengths (five to ten residues) were used to observe the behavior of sequence and its three-dimensional structures. The STAMP program was used to superpose the three-dimensional structures and the two parameters (Sequence Structure Similarity Score (Sc) and Root Mean Square Deviation value) were employed to classify them into three categories: similar, intermediate and dissimilar structures. Furthermore, the same approach was carried out on all the three-dimensional protein structures solved in the two organisms, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum to validate our results.


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In this paper, we use optical flow based complex-valued features extracted from video sequences to recognize human actions. The optical flow features between two image planes can be appropriately represented in the Complex plane. Therefore, we argue that motion information that is used to model the human actions should be represented as complex-valued features and propose a fast learning fully complex-valued neural classifier to solve the action recognition task. The classifier, termed as, ``fast learning fully complex-valued neural (FLFCN) classifier'' is a single hidden layer fully complex-valued neural network. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued activation function of the type of a hyperbolic secant function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated as the minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The results indicate the superior performance of FLFCN classifier in recognizing the actions compared to real-valued support vector machines and other existing results in the literature. Complex valued representation of 2D motion and orthogonal decision boundaries boost the classification performance of FLFCN classifier. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Temperature dependent X-ray powder diffraction and dielectric studies have been carried out on tetragonal compositions of (1-x) PbTiO 3(x) BiMeO 3; Me similar to Sc and Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2. The cubic and the tetragonal phases coexist over more than 100 degrees C for 0.70 PbTiO 30.3 Bi ( Zn 1/2 Ti 1/2) O 3 and 0.66 PbTiO 30.34 BiScO 3. The wide temperature range of phase coexistence is shown to be an intrinsic feature of the system, and is attributed to the increase in the degree of the covalent character of the ( Pb +Bi ) O bond with increasing concentration of Bi at the Pb -site. The d-values of the {111} planes of the coexisting phases are nearly identical, suggesting this plane to be the invariant plane for the martensitic type cubic-tetragonal transformation occurring in these systems.


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Competition theory predicts that local communities should consist of species that are more dissimilar than expected by chance. We find a strikingly different pattern in a multicontinent data set (55 presence-absence matrices from 24 locations) on the composition of mixed-species bird flocks, which are important sub-units of local bird communities the world over. By using null models and randomization tests followed by meta-analysis, we find the association strengths of species in flocks to be strongly related to similarity in body size and foraging behavior and higher for congeneric compared with noncongeneric species pairs. Given the local spatial scales of our individual analyses, differences in the habitat preferences of species are unlikely to have caused these association patterns; the patterns observed are most likely the outcome of species interactions. Extending group-living and social-information-use theory to a heterospecific context, we discuss potential behavioral mechanisms that lead to positive interactions among similar species in flocks, as well as ways in which competition costs are reduced. Our findings highlight the need to consider positive interactions along with competition when seeking to explain community assembly.


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How do we perform rapid visual categorization?It is widely thought that categorization involves evaluating the similarity of an object to other category items, but the underlying features and similarity relations remain unknown. Here, we hypothesized that categorization performance is based on perceived similarity relations between items within and outside the category. To this end, we measured the categorization performance of human subjects on three diverse visual categories (animals, vehicles, and tools) and across three hierarchical levels (superordinate, basic, and subordinate levels among animals). For the same subjects, we measured their perceived pair-wise similarities between objects using a visual search task. Regardless of category and hierarchical level, we found that the time taken to categorize an object could be predicted using its similarity to members within and outside its category. We were able to account for several classic categorization phenomena, such as (a) the longer times required to reject category membership; (b) the longer times to categorize atypical objects; and (c) differences in performance across tasks and across hierarchical levels. These categorization times were also accounted for by a model that extracts coarse structure from an image. The striking agreement observed between categorization and visual search suggests that these two disparate tasks depend on a shared coarse object representation.


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Time series classification deals with the problem of classification of data that is multivariate in nature. This means that one or more of the attributes is in the form of a sequence. The notion of similarity or distance, used in time series data, is significant and affects the accuracy, time, and space complexity of the classification algorithm. There exist numerous similarity measures for time series data, but each of them has its own disadvantages. Instead of relying upon a single similarity measure, our aim is to find the near optimal solution to the classification problem by combining different similarity measures. In this work, we use genetic algorithms to combine the similarity measures so as to get the best performance. The weightage given to different similarity measures evolves over a number of generations so as to get the best combination. We test our approach on a number of benchmark time series datasets and present promising results.


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In this paper, we present a fast learning neural network classifier for human action recognition. The proposed classifier is a fully complex-valued neural network with a single hidden layer. The neurons in the hidden layer employ the fully complex-valued hyperbolic secant as an activation function. The parameters of the hidden layer are chosen randomly and the output weights are estimated analytically as a minimum norm least square solution to a set of linear equations. The fast leaning fully complex-valued neural classifier is used for recognizing human actions accurately. Optical flow-based features extracted from the video sequences are utilized to recognize 10 different human actions. The feature vectors are computationally simple first order statistics of the optical flow vectors, obtained from coarse to fine rectangular patches centered around the object. The results indicate the superior performance of the complex-valued neural classifier for action recognition. The superior performance of the complex neural network for action recognition stems from the fact that motion, by nature, consists of two components, one along each of the axes.


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In several systems, the physical parameters of the system vary over time or operating points. A popular way of representing such plants with structured or parametric uncertainties is by means of interval polynomials. However, ensuring the stability of such systems is a robust control problem. Fortunately, Kharitonov's theorem enables the analysis of such interval plants and also provides tools for design of robust controllers in such cases. The present paper considers one such case, where the interval plant is connected with a timeinvariant, static, odd, sector type nonlinearity in its feedback path. This paper provides necessary conditions for the existence of self sustaining periodic oscillations in such interval plants, and indicates a possible design algorithm to avoid such periodic solutions or limit cycles. The describing function technique is used to approximate the nonlinearity and subsequently arrive at the results. Furthermore, the value set approach, along with Mikhailov conditions, are resorted to in providing graphical techniques for the derivation of the conditions and subsequent design algorithm of the controller.


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Let R be a (commutative) local principal ideal ring of length two, for example, the ring R = Z/p(2)Z with p prime. In this paper, we develop a theory of normal forms for similarity classes in the matrix rings M-n (R) by interpreting them in terms of extensions of R t]-modules. Using this theory, we describe the similarity classes in M-n (R) for n <= 4, along with their centralizers. Among these, we characterize those classes which are similar to their transposes. Non-self-transpose classes are shown to exist for all n > 3. When R has finite residue field of order q, we enumerate the similarity classes and the cardinalities of their centralizers as polynomials in q. Surprisingly, the polynomials representing the number of similarity classes in M-n (R) turn out to have non-negative integer coefficients.