714 resultados para inter-organisational
Pre-operative diffusion tensor (DT) tractography is currently employed in our institutions. We use it to predict the course of the facial nerve (FN) in the vicinity of vestibular schwannomas (VS) of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA). In this study we were interested to assess the inter-observer reproducibility of this method. Two Neuroradiologists (PMGP and TT) determined independently the location of the FN by tractography and compared the results with in-vivo findings of microsurgery of VS.
We examine volunteer satisfaction with HRM practices, namely recruitment, training and reward in NPOs and attitudes regarding the appropriateness of these practices. The participants in this study are 76 volunteers affiliated with four different NPOs, who work in hospitals and have direct contact with patients and their families. Analysing aggregate results we show that volunteers are more satisfied with training, and consider the training strategies to be very appropriate. After identifying differences between organisations we discover that in some organisations volunteers are satisfied with rewards but they have negative attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the recognition strategies. We also identify the volunteers who are the most and the least satisfied.
O estudo caso apresentado neste artigo aborda a colaboração entre profissionais de múltiplas áreas disciplinares. Este estudo descreve como foi realizada a parceria entre a equipa de enfermagem e a equipa de psicologia clinica nas visitas domiciliárias com familias em risco. Igualmente, discute as dificuldades enfrentadas quando os profissionais não partilhavam os mesmos modelos de praticas colaborativas.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
The concentrations of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in three commercially valuable fish species (sardine, Sardina pilchardus; chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus; and horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus) from the Atlantic Ocean. Specimens were collected seasonally during 2007–2009. Only low molecular weight PAHs were detected, namely, naphthalene, acenaphthene, fluorene and phenanthrene. Chub mackerel (1.80–19.90 microg/kg ww) revealed to be significantly more contaminated than horse mackerel (2.73–10.0 microg/kg ww) and sardine (2.29–14.18 microg/kg ww). Inter-specific and inter-season comparisons of PAHs bioaccumulation were statistically assessed. The more relevant statistical correlations were observed between PAH amounts and total fat content (significant positive relationships, p < 0.05), and season (sardine displayed higher amounts in autumn–winter while the mackerel species showed globally the inverse behavior). The health risks by consumption of these species were assessed and shown to present no threat to public health concerning PAH intakes.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química
OBJETIVO: Analisar as inter-relações entre auto-avaliação de saúde, percepção de doença de longa duração e diagnóstico de doenças crônicas. MÉTODOS: Na Pesquisa Mundial de Saúde, realizada no Brasil em 2003, foram entrevistados 5.000 indivíduos com 18 anos ou mais, selecionados a partir de amostra estratificada em três estágios. Foi utilizado o questionário original adaptado ao contexto brasileiro, abordando a presença de doença de longa duração ou incapacidade, a auto-avaliação de saúde (geral e dos vários domínios) e o diagnóstico de seis doenças crônicas (artrite, angina, asma, depressão, esquizofrenia e diabetes mellitus). Para comparar as relações entre a auto-avaliação de saúde, percepção de doença de longa duração e as doenças crônicas avaliadas foram utilizados teste estatístico de homogeneidade de proporções e modelos de regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: A auto-avaliação de saúde "não boa" e a percepção de ser portador de doença de longa duração foram significativamente mais freqüentes entre mulheres, indivíduos com 50 anos ou mais e aqueles com alguma das doenças pesquisadas. Os entrevistados com diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus apresentaram as piores avaliações de saúde: 70,9% referiram doença de longa duração e 79,3% avaliaram sua saúde como "não boa". Verificou-se pior avaliação de saúde com a associação de duas ou mais doenças. O efeito da auto-avaliação de saúde sobre a percepção de doença de longa duração foi maior que o número de doenças. CONCLUSÕES: As três formas de aferição da morbidade mostraram inter-relações significativas. A auto-avaliação de saúde "não boa" apresentou efeito mais importante para a percepção de doença de longa duração, sugerindo que as medidas subjetivas do estado de saúde possam ser mais sensíveis para estabelecer e monitorar o bem-estar do indivíduo.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na Especialização de Artes Plásticas na Educação
Three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub and horse mackerel) were collected from the Northeast and Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean in Portuguese waters during one year. Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic amounts were determined in muscles using graphite furnace and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. Maximum mean levels of mercury (0.1715 ± 0.0857 mg/kg, ww) and arsenic (1.139 ± 0.350 mg/kg, ww) were detected in horse mackerel. The higher mean amounts of cadmium (0.0084 ± 0.0036 mg/kg, ww) and lead (0.0379 ± 0.0303 mg/kg, ww) were determined in chub mackerel and in sardine, respectively. Intra- and inter-specific variability of metals bioaccumulation was statistically assessed and species and length revealed to be the major influencing biometric factors, in particular for mercury and arsenic. Muscles present metal concentrations below the tolerable limits considered by European Commission Regulation and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO). However, estimation of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks by the target hazard quotient and target carcinogenic risk, established by the US Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that these species must be eaten in moderation due to possible hazard and carcinogenic risks derived from arsenic (in all analyzed species) and mercury ingestion (in horse and chub mackerel species).
A criação artística há muito que evoluí a par com desenvolvimento tecnológico. As novas tecnologias e as novas ferramentas que lhes estão associadas têm possibilitado não só novos meios de expressão, como também contribuído para uma alteração do próprio processo criativo. Desde a câmara obscura utilizada por Canaletto às imagens algorítmicas de George Legrady, muitos são os exemplos da influência das novas tecnologias na expressão e evolução da criação artística. Porém, a esta evolução estão também associadas transformações nos processos de trabalho, e no modo de colaboração entre as várias áreas de saber e suas diferentes especialidades. Os processos condicionam os resultados e no caso concreto do campo artístico representam importantes fatores potenciadores ou condicionadores da interdisciplinaridade e da transdisciplinaridade. Se, por um lado, as tecnologias digitais potenciam uma maior colaboração entre profissionais, por outro poderão ser responsáveis por uma maior fragmentação e hiperespecialização das diferentes fases do processo criativo. As plataformas de convergência, através da standartização de linguagens e ferramentas, induzem a criação artística para uma uniformização dos processos e para uma consequente uniformização dos resultados. A presente comunicação propõe uma reflexão, através da análise de diferentes estudos de caso, sobre a influência dos processos criativos e diferentes metodologias de projeto das artes audiovisuais na inter e transdisciplinaridade.
In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous media was accomplished through bridge-like devices with wireless stations being able to move between different wireless cells. Additionally, we had also proposed a worst-case timing analysis assuming that stations were stationary. In this paper we advance these previous works by proposing a worst-case timing analysis for the system’s message streams considering the effect of inter-cell mobility.
Recently, there have been a few research efforts towards extending the capabilities of fieldbus networks to encompass wireless support. In previous works we have proposed a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS network solution where the interconnection between the heterogeneous communication media was accomplished through bridge-like interconnecting devices. The resulting networking architecture embraced a Multiple Logical Ring (MLR) approach, thus with multiple independent tokens, where the communication between different domains was supported by the Inter-Domain Protocol (IDP). The proposed architecture also supports mobility of stations between different wireless cells. To that hybrid wired/wireless networking architecture we have proposed a worst-case response timing analysis of the IDP, without considering inter-cell mobility (or handoff) of stations. In this paper, we advance that previous work by proposing a worst-case timing analysis of the mobility procedure.
The marriage of emerging information technologies with control technologies is a major driving force that, in the context of the factory-floor, is creating an enormous eagerness for extending the capabilities of currently available fieldbus networks to cover functionalities not considered up to a recent past. Providing wireless capabilities to such type of communication networks is a big share of that effort. The RFieldbus European project is just one example, where PROFIBUS was provided with suitable extensions for implementing hybrid wired/wireless communication systems. In RFieldbus, interoperability between wired and wireless components is achieved by the use specific intermediate networking systems operating as repeaters, thus creating a single logical ring (SLR) network. The main advantage of the SLR approach is that the effort for protocol extensions is not significant. However, a multiple logical ring (MLR) approach provides traffic and error isolation between different network segments. This concept was introduced in, where an approach for a bridge-based architecture was briefly outlined. This paper will focus on the details of the inter-Domain Protocol (IDP), which is responsible for handling transactions between different network domains (wired or wireless) running the PROFIBUS protocol.