960 resultados para insulin receptor


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Growth factors such as insulin regulate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in many types of cells. However, the mechanism by which the insulin signal is transmitted to the actin cytoskeleton remains largely unknown. Yeast two-hybrid screening revealed that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase downstream effector phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) interacted with protein kinase N (PKN), a Rho-binding Ser/Thr protein kinase potentially implicated in a variety of cellular events, including phosphorylation of cytoskeletal components. PDK1 and PKN interacted in vitro and in intact cells, and this interaction was mediated by the kinase domain of PDK1 and the carboxyl terminus of PKN. In addition to a direct interaction, PDK1 also phosphorylated Thr774 in the activation loop and activated PKN. Insulin treatment or ectopic expression of the wild-type PDK1 or PKN, but not protein kinase Cζ, induced actin cytoskeleton reorganization and membrane ruffling in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and Rat1 cells that stably express the insulin receptor (Rat1-IR). However, the insulin-stimulated actin cytoskeleton reorganization in Rat1-IR cells was prevented by expression of kinase-defective PDK1 or PDK1-phosphorylation site-mutated PKN. Thus, phosphorylation by PDK1 appears to be necessary for PKN to transduce signals from the insulin receptor to the actin cytoskeleton.


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Binding of erythropoietin (Epo) to the Epo receptor (EpoR) is crucial for production of mature red cells. Although it is well established that the Epo-bound EpoR is a dimer, it is not clear whether, in the absence of ligand, the intact EpoR is a monomer or oligomer. Using antibody-mediated immunofluorescence copatching (oligomerizing) of epitope-tagged receptors at the surface of live cells, we show herein that a major fraction of the full-length murine EpoR exists as preformed dimers/oligomers in BOSC cells, which are human embryo kidney 293T-derived cells. This observed oligomerization is specific because, under the same conditions, epitope-tagged EpoR did not oligomerize with several other tagged receptors (thrombopoietin receptor, transforming growth factor β receptor type II, or prolactin receptor). Strikingly, the EpoR transmembrane (TM) domain but not the extracellular or intracellular domains enabled the prolactin receptor to copatch with EpoR. Preformed EpoR oligomers are not constitutively active and Epo binding was required to induce signaling. In contrast to tyrosine kinase receptors (e.g., insulin receptor), which cannot signal when their TM domain is replaced by the strongly dimerizing TM domain of glycophorin A, the EpoR could tolerate the replacement of its TM domain with that of glycophorin A and retained signaling. We propose a model in which TM domain-induced dimerization maintains unliganded EpoR in an inactive state that can readily be switched to an active state by physiologic levels of Epo.


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Previous reports indicate that the expression and/or activity of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) LAR are increased in insulin-responsive tissues of obese, insulin-resistant humans and rodents, but it is not known whether these alterations contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice that overexpress human LAR, specifically in muscle, to levels comparable to those reported in insulin-resistant humans. In LAR-transgenic mice, fasting plasma insulin was increased 2.5-fold compared with wild-type controls, whereas fasting glucose was normal. Whole-body glucose disposal and glucose uptake into muscle in vivo were reduced by 39–50%. Insulin injection resulted in normal tyrosyl phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) in muscle of transgenic mice. However, phosphorylation of IRS-2 was reduced by 62%, PI3′ kinase activity associated with phosphotyrosine, IRS-1, or IRS-2 was reduced by 34–57%, and association of p85α with both IRS proteins was reduced by 39–52%. Thus, overexpression of LAR in muscle causes whole-body insulin resistance, most likely due to dephosphorylation of specific regulatory phosphotyrosines on IRS proteins. Our data suggest that increased expression and/or activity of LAR or related PTPs in insulin target tissues of obese humans may contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance.


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Insulin resistance is a feature of many common disorders including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these disorders, the β-cells compensate for the insulin resistance for long periods of time with an increase in secretory capacity, an increase in β-cell mass, or both. To determine whether the β-cell response might relate to a circulating growth factor, we have transplanted normal islets under the kidney capsule of normoglycemic insulin-resistant mice with two different models of insulin resistance: lean mice that have a double heterozygous deletion of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (DH) or the obese, hyperglycemic ob/ob mice. In the grafts transplanted into both hosts, there was a marked increase in β-cell mitotic activity and islet mass that was comparable with that observed in the endogenous pancreas. By contrast, islets of the DH mouse transplanted into normal mice showed reduced mitotic index. These data suggest the insulin resistance is associated with a circulating islet cell growth factor that is independent of glucose and obesity.


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Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and liver may play a primary role in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the mechanism by which insulin resistance occurs may be related to alterations in fat metabolism. Transgenic mice with muscle- and liver-specific overexpression of lipoprotein lipase were studied during a 2-h hyperinsulinemic–euglycemic clamp to determine the effect of tissue-specific increase in fat on insulin action and signaling. Muscle–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 3-fold increase in muscle triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of decreases in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. In contrast, liver–lipoprotein lipase mice had a 2-fold increase in liver triglyceride content and were insulin resistant because of impaired ability of insulin to suppress endogenous glucose production associated with defects in insulin activation of insulin receptor substrate-2-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. These defects in insulin action and signaling were associated with increases in intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites (i.e., diacylglycerol, fatty acyl CoA, ceramides). Our findings suggest a direct and causative relationship between the accumulation of intracellular fatty acid-derived metabolites and insulin resistance mediated via alterations in the insulin signaling pathway, independent of circulating adipocyte-derived hormones.


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Angiotensin II (AII), acting via its G-protein linked receptor, is an important regulator of cardiac, vascular, and renal function. Following injection of AII into rats, we find that there is also a rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the major insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 (IRS-1 and IRS-2) in the heart. This phenomenon appears to involve JAK2 tyrosine kinase, which associates with the AT1 receptor and IRS-1/IRS-2 after AII stimulation. AII-induced phosphorylation leads to binding of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) to IRS-1 and IRS-2; however, in contrast to other ligands, AII injection results in an acute inhibition of both basal and insulin-stimulated PI 3-kinase activity. The latter occurs without any reduction in insulin receptor or IRS phosphorylation or in the interaction of the p85 and p110 subunits of PI 3-kinase with each other or with IRS-1/IRS-2. These effects of AII are inhibited by AT1 receptor antagonists. Thus, there is direct cross-talk between insulin and AII signaling pathways at the level of both tyrosine phosphorylation and PI 3-kinase activation. These interactions may play an important role in the association of insulin resistance, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.


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Insulin was immobilized on a surface-hydrolyzed poly(methyl methacrylate) film. Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing human insulin receptors were cultured on the film in the absence of serum or soluble proteins. Small amounts of immobilized insulin (1-10% of the required amount of free insulin) were sufficient to stimulate cell proliferation. In addition, the maximal mitogenic effect of immobilized insulin was greater than that of free insulin. Immobilized insulin activated the insulin receptor and downstream signaling proteins, and this activation persisted for longer periods than that obtained with free insulin, probably explaining the greater mitogenic effect of the immobilized insulin. Finally the immobilized-insulin film was usable repeatedly without marked loss of activity.


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Recent experimental evidence has focused attention to the role of two molecules, insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), in linking the insulin receptor to glucose uptake; IRS-1 knockout mice are insulin resistant, and pharmacological inhibitors of PI3-kinase block insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. To investigate the role of PI3-kinase and IRS-1 in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake we examined whether stimulation of insulin-sensitive cells with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or with interleukin 4 (IL-4) stimulates glucose uptake; the activated PDGF receptor (PDGFR) directly binds and activates PI3-kinase, whereas the IL-4 receptor (IL-4R) activates PI3-kinase via IRS-1 or the IRS-1-related molecule 4PS. We found that stimulation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes with PDGF resulted in tyrosine phosphorylation of the PDGFR and activation of PI3-kinase in these cells. To examine whether IL-4 stimulates glucose uptake, L6 myoblasts were engineered to overexpress GLUT4 as well as both chains of the IL-4R (L6/IL-4R/GLUT4); when these L6/IL-4R/GLUT4 myoblasts were stimulated with IL-4, IRS-1 became tyrosine phosphorylated and associated with PI3-kinase. Although PDGF and IL-4 can activate PI3-kinase in the respective cell lines, they do not possess insulin's ability to stimulate glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. These findings indicate that activation of PI3-kinase is not sufficient to stimulate GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. We postulate that activation of a second signaling pathway by insulin, distinct from PI3-kinase, is necessary for the stimulation of glucose uptake in insulin-sensitive cells.


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Early neurogenesis progresses by an initial massive proliferation of neuroepithelial cells followed by a sequential differentiation of the various mature neural cell types. The regulation of these processes by growth factors is poorly understood. We intend to understand, in a well-defined biological system, the embryonic chicken retina, the role of the insulin-related growth factors in neurogenesis. We demonstrate the local presence of signaling elements together with a biological response to the factors. Neuroretina at days 6-8 of embryonic development (E6-E8) expressed proinsulin/insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNAs as well as insulin receptor and IGF type I receptor mRNAs. In parallel with this in vivo gene expression, E5 cultured neuroretinas synthesized and released to the medium a metabolically radiolabeled immunoprecipitable insulin-related peptide. Furthermore, insulin-related immunoreactive material with a HPLC mobility close to that of proinsulin was found in the E6-E8 vitreous humor. Exogenous chicken IGF-I, human insulin, and human proinsulin added to E6 cultured neuroretinas showed relatively close potencies stimulating proliferation, as determined by [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation, with a plateau reached at 10(-8) M. These factors also stimulated neuronal differentiation, indicated by the expression of the neuron-specific antigen G4. Thus, insulin-related growth factors, interestingly including proinsulin, are present in the developing chicken retina and appear to play an autocrine/paracrine stimulatory role in the progression of neurogenesis.


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We have investigated the mitogenic effect of three mutant forms of human insulin on insulin-producing beta cells of the developing pancreas. We examined transgenic embryonic and adult mice expressing (i) human [AspB10]-proinsulin/insulin ([AspB10]ProIN/IN), produced by replacement of histidine by aspartic acid at position 10 of the B chain and characterized by an increased affinity for the insulin receptor; (ii) human [LeuA3]insulin, produced by the substitution of leucine for valine in position 3 of the A chain, which exhibits decreased receptor binding affinity; and (iii) human [LeuA3, AspB10]insulin "double" mutation. During development, beta cells of AspB10 embryos were twice as abundant and had a 3 times higher rate of proliferation compared with beta cells of littermate controls. The mitogenic effect of [AspB10]ProIN/IN was specific for embryonic beta cells because the rate of proliferation of beta cells of adults and of glucagon (alpha) cells and adrenal chromaffin cells of embryos was similar in AspB10 mice and controls. In contrast to AspB10 embryos, the number of beta cells in the LeuA3 and "double" mutant lines was similar to the number in controls. These findings indicate that the [AspB10]ProIN/IN analog increased the rate of fetal beta-cell proliferation. The mechanism or mechanisms that mediate this mitogenic effect remain to be determined.


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BACKGROUND The metacestode of the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis is the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis, a lethal zoonosis. Infections are initiated through establishment of parasite larvae within the intermediate host's liver, where high concentrations of insulin are present, followed by tumour-like growth of the metacestode in host organs. The molecular mechanisms determining the organ tropism of E. multilocularis or the influences of host hormones on parasite proliferation are poorly understood. RESULTS Using in vitro cultivation systems for parasite larvae we show that physiological concentrations (10 nM) of human insulin significantly stimulate the formation of metacestode larvae from parasite stem cells and promote asexual growth of the metacestode. Addition of human insulin to parasite larvae led to increased glucose uptake and enhanced phosphorylation of Echinococcus insulin signalling components, including an insulin receptor-like kinase, EmIR1, for which we demonstrate predominant expression in the parasite's glycogen storage cells. We also characterized a second insulin receptor family member, EmIR2, and demonstrated interaction of its ligand binding domain with human insulin in the yeast two-hybrid system. Addition of an insulin receptor inhibitor resulted in metacestode killing, prevented metacestode development from parasite stem cells, and impaired the activation of insulin signalling pathways through host insulin. CONCLUSIONS Our data indicate that host insulin acts as a stimulant for parasite development within the host liver and that E. multilocularis senses the host hormone through an evolutionarily conserved insulin signalling pathway. Hormonal host-parasite cross-communication, facilitated by the relatively close phylogenetic relationship between E. multilocularis and its mammalian hosts, thus appears to be important in the pathology of alveolar echinococcosis. This contributes to a closer understanding of organ tropism and parasite persistence in larval cestode infections. Furthermore, our data show that Echinococcus insulin signalling pathways are promising targets for the development of novel drugs.


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The addition of insulin during in vitro culture has beneficial effects on rabbit preimplantation embryos leading to increased cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis. We have previously described the expression of the insulin receptor (IR) and the insulin-responsive glucose transporters (GLUT) 4 and 8 in rabbit preimplantation embryos. However, the effects of insulin on IR signaling and glucose metabolism have not been investigated in rabbit embryos. In the present study, the effects of 170 nM insulin on IR, GLUT4 and GLUT8 mRNA levels, Akt and Erk phosphorylation, GLUT4 translocation and methyl glucose transport were studied in cultured day 3 to day 6 rabbit embryos. Insulin stimulated phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) Erk1/2 and levels of IR and GLUT4 mRNA, but not phosphorylation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent protein kinase, Akt, GLUT8 mRNA levels, glucose uptake or GLUT4 translocation. Activation of the MAPK signaling pathway in the absence of GLUT4 translocation and of a glucose transport response suggest that in the rabbit preimplantation embryo insulin is acting as a growth factor rather than a component of glucose homeostatic control.


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Muscle glycogen inharmoniously regulates glycogen synthase activity, glucose uptake, and proximal insulin signaling. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 290: E154-E162, 2006. First published August 23, 2005; doi:10.1152/ajpendo. 00330.2005.-Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and incorporation of glucose into skeletal muscle glycogen contribute to physiological regulation of blood glucose concentration. In the present study, glucose handling and insulin signaling in isolated rat muscles with low glycogen (LG, 24-h fasting) and high glycogen (HG, refed for 24 h) content were compared with muscles with normal glycogen (NG, rats kept on their normal diet). In LG, basal and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen synthase activation were higher and glycogen synthase phosphorylation (Ser645, Ser649, Ser653, Ser657) lower than in NG. GLUT4 expression, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, and PKB phosphorylation were higher in LG than in NG, whereas insulin receptor tyrosyl phosphorylation, insulin receptor substrate-1-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity, and GSK-3 phosphorylation were unchanged. Muscles with HG showed lower insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glycogen synthase activation than NG despite similar dephosphorylation. Insulin signaling, glucose uptake, and GLUT4 expression were similar in HG and NG. This discordant regulation of glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in HG resulted in higher insulin-stimulated glucose 6-phosphate concentration, higher glycolytic flux, and intracellular accumulation of nonphosphorylated 2-deoxyglucose. In conclusion, elevated glycogen synthase activation, glucose uptake, and GLUT4 expression enhance glycogen resynthesis in muscles with low glycogen. High glycogen concentration per se does not impair proximal insulin signaling or glucose uptake. Insulin resistance is observed at the level of glycogen synthase, and the reduced glycogen synthesis leads to increased levels of glucose 6-phosphate, glycolytic flux, and accumulation of nonphosphorylated 2-deoxyglucose.


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Phocid seals have been proposed as models for diabetes because they exhibit limited insulin response to glucose, high blood glucose and increasing insulin resistance when fasting. Liver glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) catalyses the final step in glucose production and is central to glucose regulation in other animals. G6Pase comprises a translocase (SLC37A4) and a catalytic subunit (G6PC). G6PC and SLC37A4 expression and activity are normally regulated by nutritional state and glucostatic hormones, particularly insulin, and are elevated in diabetes. We tested the hypotheses that (1) grey seal G6PC and SLC37A4 cDNA and predicted protein sequences differ from other species’ at functional sites, (2) relative G6Pase protein abundances are lower during feeding than fasting and (3) relative G6Pase protein abundances are related to insulin, insulin receptor phosphorylation and key metabolite levels. We show that G6PC and partial SLC37A4 cDNA sequences encode proteins sharing 82–95 % identity with other mammals. Seal G6PC contained no differences in sites responsible for activity, stability or subcellular location. Several substitutions in seal SLC37A4 were predicted to be tolerated with low probability, which could affect glucose production. Suckling pups had higher relative abundance of both subunits than healthy, postweaned fasting pups. Furthermore, relative G6PC abundance was negatively related to glucose levels. These findings contrast markedly with the response of relative hepatic G6Pase abundance to feeding, fasting, insulin, insulin sensitivity and key metabolites in other animals, and highlight the need to understand the regulation of enzymes involved in glucose control in phocids if these animals are to be informative models of diabetes.


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Background: Vitamin D and insulin play an important role in susceptibility to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and therefore vitamin D receptor (VDR), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and insulin receptor (INSR) gene variants might be involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS. Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the possible associations between polymorphisms in VDR, PTH, and INSR genes and the risk of PCOS. Materials and Methods: VDR, PTH, and INSR gene variants were genotyped in 35 women with PCOS and 35 controls using Polymerase chain reaction – Restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Furthermore, serum levels of glucose and insulin were measured in all participants. Results: No significant differences were observed for the VDR FokI, VDR Tru9I, VDR TaqI,, PTH DraII, INSR NsiI, and INSR PmlI gene polymorphisms between the women with PCOS and controls. However, after adjustment for confounding factors, the VDR BsmI “Bb” genotype and the VDR ApaI "Aa" genotype were significantly under transmitted to the patients (p= 0.016; OR= 0.250; 95% CI= 0.081-0.769, and p= 0.017; OR= 0.260; 95% CI= 0.086-0.788, respectively). Furthermore, in the women with PCOS, insulin levels were lower in the participants with the INSR NsiI "NN" genotype compared with those with the "Nn + nn" genotypes (P= 0.045). Conclusion: The results showed an association between the VDR gene BsmI and ApaI polymorphisms and PCOS risk. These data also indicated that the INSR "NN" genotype was a marker of decreased insulin in women with PCOS. Our findings, however, do not lend support to the hypothesis that PTH gene DraII variant plays a role in susceptibility to PCOS.