980 resultados para indirect resin composites
We report a facile method to create the chemically converted graphene oxide/epoxy resin nanocomposites from graphene oxide sheets through two-phase extraction. Great improvements in mechanical properties such as compressive failure strength and toughness have been achieved for the chemically converted graphene oxide/epoxy resin for a 0.0375 wt% loading of chemically converted graphene oxide sheets in epoxy resin by 48.3% and 1185.2%, respectively. In addition, the loading of graphene is also conveniently tunable even to 0.15 wt% just by increasing the volume of the graphene oxide dispersion.
The resin transfer molding has gained popularity in the preparation of fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites because of its high efficiency and low pollution. The non-uniform inter-tow and intra-tow flows are regarded as the reason of void formation in RTM. According to the process characteristics, the axisymmetric model was developed to study the interaction between the flow in the inter-tow space and that in the intra-tow space. The flow behavior inside the fiber tows was formulated using Brinkman's equation, while that in the open space around the fiber tows was formulated by Stokes' equation. The volume of fluid (VOF) method was applied to track the flow front, and the effects of filling velocity, resin viscosity, inter-tow dimension and intra-tow permeability on fluid pressure and flow front were analyzed. The results show that the flow front difference between the inter-tow and intra-tow becomes larger with the decrease of intra-tow permeability, as well as the increase of filling velocity and inter-tow dimension.
Phenolic resin/clay nanocomposites were prepared using a suspension condensation polymerization method that was suitable to both novolac and resole. Natural montmorillonite and two kinds of organic modified montmorillonite were adopted to investigate the effect of modification on the final morphology of the nanocomposites. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) observations showed that clay platelets were easier to be exfoliated or intercalated in novolac than in resole because novolac usually has a linear structure. The modifier with a phenyl ring was more compatible with novolac (or resole) than the aliphatic type modifier. The influence of curing on the morphology was studied as well. An exfoliation-adsorption and in situ condensation mechanism was proposed on the formation of the nanocomposites.
The reinforcement effect of an acicular inorganic filler, tremolite, on nylon 66 was studied. The mechanical properties of tremolite-filled nylon 66 composites and the effect of the filler particle size on them were obtained. The dynamic mechanical properties and rheological properties of the composites were measured. Two treatments, silane and unsaturated polyester, were used to improve the interface between tremolite and the nylon matrix. The morphologies of the composites were investigated using SEM. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This article investigates the damage imparted on load-bearing carbon fibers during the 3D weaving process and the subsequent compaction behavior of 3D woven textile preforms. The 3D multi-layer reinforcements were manufactured on a textile loom with few mechanical modifications to produce preforms with fibers orientated in the warp, weft, and through-the-thickness directions. Tensile tests were conducted on three types of commercially available carbon fibers, 12k HTA, 6k HTS, and 3k HTS in an attempt to quantify the effect of fiber damage induced during the 3D weaving process on the mechanical and physical performance of the fiber tows in the woven composite. The tests were conducted on fiber tows sampled from different locations in the manufacturing process from the bobbin, through the creel and loom mechanism, to the final woven fabric. Mechanical and physical testing were then conducted to quantify the tow geometry, orientation and the effect of compaction during manufacture of two styles of 3D woven composite by vacuumassisted resin transfer molding (VaRTM).
The potential of multiple layer fibre-reinforced mouldings is of growing interest to the rotational moulding industry because of their cost/performance ratio. The particular problem that arises when using reinforcements in this process relate to the fact that the process is low shear and good mixing of resin and reinforcement is not optimum under those conditions. There is also a problem of the larger/heavier reinforcing agents segregating out of the powder to lay up on the inner part surface. In this study, short glass fibres were incorporated and distributed into a polymer matrix to produce fibre-reinforced polymer composites using the rotational moulding process and characterised in terms of morphology and mechanical properties. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
OBJECTIVE: We examined the correlation between clinical wear rates of restorative materials and enamel (TRAC Research Foundation, Provo, USA) and the results of six laboratory test methods (ACTA, Alabama (generalized, localized), Ivoclar (vertical, volumetric), Munich, OHSU (abrasion, attrition), Zurich). METHODS: Individual clinical wear data were available from clinical trials that were conducted by TRAC Research Foundation (formerly CRA) together with general practitioners. For each of the n=28 materials (21 composite resins for intra-coronal restorations [20 direct and 1 indirect], 5 resin materials for crowns, 1 amalgam, enamel) a minimum of 30 restorations had been placed in posterior teeth, mainly molars. The recall intervals were up to 5 years with the majority of materials (n=27) being monitored, however, only for up to 2 years. For the laboratory data, the databases MEDLINE and IADR abstracts were searched for wear data on materials which were also clinically tested by TRAC Research Foundation. Only those data for which the same test parameters (e.g. number of cycles, loading force, type of antagonist) had been published were included in the study. A different quantity of data was available for each laboratory method: Ivoclar (n=22), Zurich (n=20), Alabama (n=17), OHSU and ACTA (n=12), Munich (n=7). The clinical results were summed up in an index and a linear mixed model was fitted to the log wear measurements including the following factors: material, time (0.5, 1, 2 and 3 years), tooth (premolar/molar) and gender (male/female) as fixed effects, and patient as random effect. Relative ranks were created for each material and method; the same was performed with the clinical results. RESULTS: The mean age of the subjects was 40 (±12) years. The materials had been mostly applied in molars (81%) and 95% of the intracoronal restorations were Class II restorations. The mean number of individual wear data per material was 25 (range 14-42). The mean coefficient of variation of clinical wear data was 53%. The only significant correlation was reached by OHSU (abrasion) with a Spearman r of 0.86 (p=0.001). Zurich, ACTA, Alabama generalized wear and Ivoclar (volume) had correlation coefficients between 0.3 and 0.4. For Zurich, Alabama generalized wear and Munich, the correlation coefficient improved if only composites for direct use were taken into consideration. The combination of different laboratory methods did not significantly improve the correlation. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of composite resins is mainly dependent on differences between patients and less on the differences between materials. Laboratory methods to test conventional resins for wear are therefore less important, especially since most of them do not reflect the clinical wear.
Introduction : La force d’adhésion à l'interface métal-céramique avec les résines auto-polymérisantes destinées au collage indirect des boîtiers orthodontiques n'a pas été évaluée à ce jour et un protocole clinique basé sur la littérature scientifique est inexistant. Objectifs : 1) Comparer la force de cisaillement maximale entre des boîtiers métalliques et des surfaces en porcelaine préparées selon différentes méthodes; 2) Suggérer un protocole clinique efficace et prévisible. Matériel et méthodes : Quatre-vingt-dix disques en leucite (6 groupes; n = 15/groupe) ont été préparés selon 6 combinaisons de traitements de surface : mécaniques (+ / - fraisage pour créer les rugosités) et chimiques (acide fluorhydrique, apprêt, silane). Des bases en résine composite Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California) faites sur mesure ont été collées avec le système de résine adhésive auto-polymérisante Sondhi A + B Rapid Set (3M Unitek, Monrovia, California). Les échantillons ont été préservés (H2O/24hrs), thermocyclés (500 cycles) et testés en cisaillement (Instron, Norwood, Massachusetts). Des mesures d’Index d’adhésif résiduel (IAR) ont été compilées. Des tests ANOVAs ont été réalisés sur les rangs étant donné que les données suivaient une distribution anormale et ont été ajustés selon Tukey. Un Kruskall-Wallis, U-Mann Whitney par comparaison pairée et une analyse de Weibull ont aussi été réalisés. Résultats : Les médianes des groupes varient entre 17.0 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) à 26.7 MPa (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Le fraisage en surface ne semble pas affecter l’adhésion. La combinaison chimique (- fraisage + silane + apprêt) a démontré des forces de cisaillement significativement plus élevées que le traitement avec (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique), p<0,05, tout en possédant des forces similaires au protocole typiquement suggéré à l’acide fluorhydrique suivi d’une application de silane, l’équivalence de (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique + silane). Les mesures d’IAR sont significativement plus basses dans le groupe (- fraisage + acide fluorhydrique) en comparaison avec celles des 5 autres groupes, avec p<0,05. Malheureusement, ces 5 groupes ont des taux de fracture élévés de 80 à 100% suite à la décimentation des boîtiers. Conclusion : Toutes les combinaisons de traitement de surface testées offrent une force d’adhésion cliniquement suffisante pour accomplir les mouvements dentaires en orthodontie. Une application de silane suivie d’un apprêt est forte intéressante, car elle est simple à appliquer cliniquement tout en permettant une excellente adhésion. Il faut cependant avertir les patients qu’il y a un risque de fracture des restorations en céramique lorsque vient le moment d’enlever les broches. Si la priorité est de diminuer le risque d’endommager la porcelaine, un mordançage seul à l’acide hydrofluorique sera suffisant.
L’avancement en âge est associé à plusieurs modifications cognitives, dont un déclin des capacités à mémoriser et/ou à rappeler les événements vécus personnellement. Il amène parallèlement une augmentation des faux souvenirs, c.-à-d. le rappel d’événements qui ne se sont pas réellement déroulés. Les faux souvenirs peuvent avoir d’importantes répercussions dans la vie quotidienne des personnes âgées et il importe donc de mieux comprendre ce phénomène en vieillissement normal. Des études ont démontré l’importance de la fonction des lobes temporaux médians (FTM)/mémoire et de la fonction des lobes frontaux (FF)/fonctions exécutives dans l’effet de faux souvenirs. Ainsi, la première étude de la thèse visait à valider en français une version adaptée d’une méthode proposée par Glisky, Polster, & Routhieaux (1995), permettant de mesurer ces fonctions cognitives (Chapitre 2). L’analyse factorielle de cette étude démontre que les scores neuropsychologiques associés à la mémoire se regroupent en un facteur, le facteur FTM/mémoire, alors que ceux associés aux fonctions exécutives se regroupent en un deuxième facteur, le facteur FF/fonctions exécutives. Des analyses « bootstrap » effectuées avec 1 000 ré-échantillons démontrent la stabilité des résultats pour la majorité des scores. La deuxième étude de cette thèse visait à éclairer les mécanismes cognitifs (FTM/mémoire et FF/fonctions exécutives) ainsi que théoriques de l’effet de faux souvenirs accru en vieillissement normal (Chapitre 3). La Théorie des Traces Floues (TTF; Brainerd & Reyna, 1990) propose des explications de l’effet de faux souvenirs pour lesquelles la FTM/mémoire semble davantage importante, alors que celles proposées par la Théorie de l’Activation et du Monitorage (TAM; Roediger, Balota, & Watson, 2001) sont davantage reliées à la FF/fonctions exécutives. Les tests neuropsychologiques mesurant la FTM/mémoire ainsi que ceux mesurant la FF/fonctions exécutives ont été administrés à 52 participants âgés (moyenne de 67,81 ans). Basé sur l’étude de validation précédente, un score composite de la FTM/mémoire et un score composite de la FF/fonctions exécutives ont été calculés pour chaque participant. Ces derniers ont d’abord été séparés en deux sous-groupes, un premier au score FTM/mémoire élevé (n = 29, âge moyen de 67,45 ans) et un deuxième au score FTM/mémoire faible (n = 23, âge moyen de 68,26 ans) en s’assurant de contrôler statistiquement plusieurs variables, dont le score de la FF/fonctions exécutives. Enfin, ces participants ont été séparés en deux sous-groupes, un premier au score FF/fonctions exécutives élevé (n = 26, âge moyen 68,08 ans) et un deuxième au score FF/fonctions exécutives faible (n = 25, âge moyen de 67,36 ans), en contrôlant les variables confondantes, dont le score de la FTM/mémoire. Les proportions de vraie et de fausse mémoire (cibles et leurres associatifs) ont été mesurées à l’aide d’un paradigme Deese-Roediger et McDermott (DRM; Deese, 1959; Roediger & McDermott, 1995), avec rappel et reconnaissance jumelée à une procédure « Je me souviens / Je sais » (Tulving, 1985) chez les 52 participants âgés ainsi que chez 22 jeunes (âge moyen de 24,59 ans), apparié pour les années de scolarité. D’abord, afin de tester l’hypothèse de la TTF (Brainerd & Reyna, 1990), ces proportions ont été comparées entre les jeunes adultes et les deux sous-groupes de personnes âgées catégorisées selon le score de la FTM/mémoire. Ensuite, afin de tester l’hypothèse de la TAM (Roediger et al., 2001), ces proportions ont été comparées entre les jeunes adultes et les deux sous-groupes de personnes âgées catégorisées selon le score de la FF/fonctions exécutives. Il s’agit de la première étude qui compare directement ces hypothèses à travers de nombreuses mesures de vraie et de fausse mémoire. Les résultats démontrent que seule la FTM/mémoire modulait l’effet d’âge en vraie mémoire, et de manière quelque peu indirecte, en fausse mémoire et dans la relation entre la vraie et la fausse remémoration. Ensuite, les résultats démontrent que seule la FF/fonctions exécutives jouerait un rôle dans la fausse reconnaissance des leurres associatifs. Par ailleurs, en des effets d’âge sont présents en faux rappel et fausse remémorations de leurres associatifs, entre les jeunes adultes et les personnes âgées au fonctionnement cognitif élevé, peu importe la fonction cognitive étudiée. Ces résultats suggèrent que des facteurs autres que la FTM/mémoire et la FF/fonctions exécutives doivent être identifiés afin d’expliquer la vulnérabilité des personnes âgées aux faux souvenirs. Les résultats de cette thèse sont discutés à la lumière des hypothèses théoriques et cognitives en faux souvenirs (Chapitre 4).
A series of short-isora-fiber-reinforced natural rubber composites were prepared by the incorporation of fibers of different lengths (6, 10, and 14 mm) at 15 phr loading and at different concentrations (10, 20, 30, and 40 phr) with a 10 mm fiber length. Mixes were also prepared with 10 mm long fibers treated with a 5% NaOH solution. The vulcanization parameters, processability, and stress-strain properties of these composites were analyzed. Properties such as tensile strength, tear strength, and tensile modulus were found to be at maximum for composites containing longitudinally oriented fibers 10 mm in length. Mixes containing fiber loadings of 30 phr with bonding agent (resorcinol-formaldehyde [RF] resin) showed mechanical properties superior to all other composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies were carried out to investigate the fiber surface morphology, fiber pullout, and fiber-rubber interface. SEM studies showed that the bonding between the fiber and rubber was improved with treated fibers and with the use of bonding agent.
The rheological characteristics of short Nylon-6 fiber-reinforced Styrene Butadiene rubber (SBR) in the presence of epoxy resin-based bonding agent were studied with respect to the effect of shear rate, fiber concentration , and temperature on shear viscosity and die swell using a capillary rheonzeter. All the composites containing bonding agent showed a pseudoplastic nature, which decreased with increasing temperature. Shear viscosity was increased in the presence of fibers. The temperature sensitivity of the SBR matrices was reduced on introduction of fibers. The temperature sensitivity of the melts was found to be lower at higher shear rates. Die swell was reduced in the presence of fibers. Relative viscosity of the composites increased with shear rate. In the presence of epoxy resin bonding agent the temperature sensitivity of the mixes increased. Die swell was larger in the presence of bonding agent.
The thesis deals with the development of short nylon fiber-reclaimed rubber/elastomer composites. Three rubbers viz, natural rubber, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber and styrene butadiene rubber were selected and were partially replaced with reclaimed rubber. The blend ratio was optimized with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. Reclaimed rubber replaced 40 parts of NR and SBR and 20 parts of NBR without much affecting the properties. These blends were then reinforced with short nylon fibers. The mechanical properties of the composites were studied in detail. In all the cases the tensile strength, tear strength and the abrasion resistance increased with increase in fiber content. In the case of NRlreclaimed rubber blends, the tensile strength-fiberloading relationship was non-linear where as in the case of NBRlreclaimed rubber blends and SBRlreclaimed rubber blends the tensile strength-fiber loading relationship was linear. All the composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. The effect of bonding system on the composite properties was also studied with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. For this, a 20 phr fiber loaded reclaimed rubber/elastomer composites were selected and the effect of MDI/PEG resin system was studied. The resin used was 5 phr and the resin ratios used were 0.67: I, 1:1, 1.5:1 and 2:1. The bonding system improved the tensile strength, tear strength and abrasion resistance. The best results are with SBRlreclaimed rubber-short nylon fiber composites. The optimized resin ratio was 1:1 MDI/PEG for all the composites.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the bond strength of fibre glass and carbon fibre posts in the root canal walls cemented with self-adhesive (RelyX-Unicem) and chemical (Cement-Post) resin cements. Forty maxillary canines were divided into four groups according to the cement and post used and submitted to the push-out test (0.5 mm min(-1)). The data were submitted to statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni - P < 0.05) and fracture analysis by Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Fibre glass presented the best results when cemented with RelyX-Unicem and Cement-Post (P < 0.05). RelyX-Unicem presented the highest bond strength values for both posts (P < 0.05). Fracture analysis showed predominance of cohesive fracture of post for RelyX-Unicem and adhesive fracture between dentin/cement and mixed for Cement-Post. The bond strength values were significantly affected by the type of post and cement used and the highest values were found for fibre glass posts and RelyX-Unicem.
The regular use of mouthrinses, particularly when combined with the use of air-powder polishing, could affect the appearance of tooth-colored restorations. The current study sought to evaluate the effect of NaHCO(3) powder on translucency of a microfilled composite resin immersed in different mouthrinses, at distinct evaluation periods. Eighty disk-shaped specimens of composite resin (Durafill VS, Heraeus Kulzer GmbH & Co. KG, Hanau, Germany) were prepared. The composite specimens were then randomly allocated into two groups according to the surface treatment: exposure to NaHCO(3) powder (10 seconds) or nonexposure, and they were randomly assigned into four subgroups, according to the mouthrinses employed (N = 10): Periogard (Colgate/Palmolive, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil), Cepacol (Aventis Pharma, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil), Plax (Colgate/Palmolive), and distilled water (control group). The samples were immersed for 2 minutes daily, 5 days per week, over a 4-month test period. Translucency was measured with a transmission densitometer at seven evaluation periods. Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey`s test) revealed that: distilled water presented higher translucency values (86.72%); Periogard demonstrated the lowest translucency values (72.70%); and Plax (74.05%) and Cepacol (73.32%) showed intermediate translucency values, which were statistically similar between them (p > 0.01). NaHCO(3) air-powder polishing increased the changes in translucency associated with the mouthrinses. Air-powder polishing alone had no effect on material translucency. Translucency percent was gradually decreased from 1 week of immersion up to 4 months. It may be concluded that the NaHCO(3) powder and the tested mouthrinses have affected the translucency of microfilled composite resin, according to the tested time. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE During the last decade, the demand for composite resin restorations has grown considerably, however, controversy persists regarding the effect of surface roughness on color stability.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the in vitro bond strength (BS) of glass fiber posts (GF) and carbon fiber posts (CF) in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds of root canals cemented with RelyX-Unicem (RX) and Cement-Post (CP). Materials and Methods: Forty maxillary canines were divided into 4 groups (n = 10) according to the cement and post used: group 1: GF and RX; group 2: CF and RX; group 3: GF and CP; group 4: CF and CP. The push-out test was applied in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of each specimen to assess bond strength of the cement/post complex to the root canal wall. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA (Bonferroni test, p < 0.05), and fracture analysis was done with SEM. Results: The GF posts presented the best results when cemented with RX and with CF (p < 0.05). RX presented the highest BS values for both GF and CF (p < 0.05). For all the groups, BS was higher in the cervical third, followed by the middle and apical thirds. Fracture analysis showed a predominance of cohesive fracture of posts for RX, and a predominance of adhesive fracture between dentin/cement, and mixed failure mode for CP. Conclusion: GF posts cemented with RX presented the highest BS values in all root thirds.