758 resultados para increasing residential rents
El present treball fa un anàlisi i desenvolupament sobre les millores en la velocitat i en l’escalabilitat d'un simulador distribuït de grups de peixos. Aquests resultats s’han obtingut fent servir una nova estratègia de comunicació per als processos lògics (LPs) i canvis en l'algoritme de selecció de veïns que s'aplica a cadascun dels peixos en cada pas de simulació. L’idea proposada permet que cada procés lògic anticipi futures necessitats de dades pels seus veïns reduint el temps de comunicació al limitar la quantitat de missatges intercanviats entre els LPs. El nou algoritme de selecció dels veïns es va desenvolupar amb l'objectiu d'evitar treball innecessari permetent la disminució de les instruccions executades en cada pas de simulació i per cadascun del peixos simulats reduint de forma significativa el temps de simulació.
One of the most persistent and lasting debates in economic research refers to whether the answers to subjective questions can be used to explain individuals’ economic behavior. Using panel data for twelve EU countries, in the present study we analyze the causal relationship between self-reported housing satisfaction and residential mobility. Our results indicate that: i) households unsatisfied with their current housing situation are more likely to move; ii) housing satisfaction raises after a move, and; iii) housing satisfaction increases with the transition from being a renter to becoming a homeowner. Some interesting cross-country differences are observed. Our findings provide evidence in favor of use of subjective indicators of satisfaction with certain life domains in the analysis of individuals’ economic conduct.
This paper evaluates, from an Allyn Youngian perspective, the neoclassical Solow model of growth and the associated empirical estimates of the sources of growth based on it. It attempts to clarify Young’s particular concept of generalised or macroeconomic “increasing returns” to show the limitations of a model of growth based on an assumption that the aggregate production function is characterised by constant returns to scale but “augmented” by exogenous technical progress. Young’s concept of endogenous, self-sustaining growth is also shown to differ in important respects (including in its policy implications) from modern endogenous growth theory.
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Background: Chronic mountain sickness (CMS), which is characterised by hypoxemia, erythrocytosis and pulmonary hypertension, is a major public health problem in high-altitude dwellers. The only existing treatment is descent to low altitude, an option that for social reasons almost never exists. Sleep disordered breathing may represent an underlying mechanism. We recently found that in mountaineers increasing the respiratory dead space markedly improves sleep disordered breathing. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of this procedure on sleep disordered breathing in patients with CMS. Methods: In 10 male Bolivian high-altitude dwellers (mean ± SD age, 59 ± 9 y) suffering from CMS (haemoglobin >20 g/L) full night sleep recordings (Embletta, RespMed) were obtained in La Paz (3600 m). In random order, one night was spent with a 500 ml increase in dead space through a custom designed full face mask and the other night without it. Exclusion criteria were: secondary erythrocytosis, smoking, drug intake, acute infection, cardio- pulmonary or neurologic disease and travelling to low altitude in the preceding 6 months. Results: The major new finding was that added dead space dramatically improved sleep disordered breathing in patients suffering from CMS. The apnea/hypopnea index decreased by >50% (from 34.5 ± 25.0 to 16.8 ± 14.9, P = 0.003), the oxygen desaturation index decreased from 46.2 ± 23.0 to 27.2 ± 20.0 (P = 0.0004) and hypopnea index from 28.8 ± 20.9 to 16.3 ± 14.0 (P = 0.01), whereas nocturnal oxygen saturation increased from 79.8 ± 3.6 to 80.9 ± 3.0% (P = 0.009). The procedure was easily accepted and well tolerated. Conclusion: Here, we show for the very first time that an increase in respiratory dead space through a fitted mask dramatically improves nocturnal breathing in high-altitude dwellers suffering from CMS. We speculate that when used in the long-term, this procedure will improve erythrocytosis and pulmonary hypertension and offer an inexpensive and easily implementable treatment for this major public health problem.
This article analyzes empirically the main existing theories on income and population city growth: increasing returns to scale, locational fundamentals and random growth. To do this we implement a threshold nonlinearity test that extends standard linear growth regression models to a dataset on urban, climatological and macroeconomic variables on 1,175 U.S. cities. Our analysis reveals the existence of increasing returns when per-capita income levels are beyond $19; 264. Despite this, income growth is mostly explained by social and locational fundamentals. Population growth also exhibits two distinct equilibria determined by a threshold value of 116,300 inhabitants beyond which city population grows at a higher rate. Income and population growth do not go hand in hand, implying an optimal level of population beyond which income growth stagnates or deteriorates
Conall McDevitt (SDLP MLA) launched a consultation regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restrictions in residential streets as part of his bid to introduce legislation through a Private Members Bill in the Northern Ireland Assembly. The purpose of the Bill is to increase road safety, particularly for pedestrians and other road users, with additional health and environmental benefits. IPH submitted a response to the Private Members’ Bill regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restriction on smaller residential roads. IPH recognises the potential public health benefits of this proposal in terms of reduced injuries and fatalities in built up areas; more opportunities for walking and cycling (helping to tackle obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke); greater social cohesion among communities and improved mental health; and reduced emissions that contribute to climate change, air and noise pollution.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. Over the past ten years the Institute has worked closely with the Department of Health and Children and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland to build capacity for public health across the island of Ireland. The Institute takes the view that health is determined by policies, plans and programmes in many sectors outside the health sector as well as being dependent on access to and availability of first class health services. The importance of other sectors is encapsulated in a social determinants of health perspective which recognises that health is largely shaped and influenced by the physical, social, economic and cultural environments in which people live, work and play. Figure 1 illustrates these multi-dimensional impacts on health and also serves to highlight the clear and inextricable links between health and sustainable development. Factors that impact on long-term sustainability will thus also impact on health.
This document sets out the minimum standards which providers of Residential Family Centre services are expected to meet.
TNFRSF13B encodes transmembrane activator and calcium modulator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), a B cell- specific tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily member. Both biallelic and monoallelic TNFRSF13B mutations were identified in patients with common variable immunodeficiency disorders. The genetic complexity and variable clinical presentation of TACI deficiency prompted us to evaluate the genetic, immunologic, and clinical condition in 50 individuals with TNFRSF13B alterations, following screening of 564 unrelated patients with hypogammaglobulinemia. We identified 13 new sequence variants. The most frequent TNFRSF13B variants (C104R and A181E; n=39; 6.9%) were also present in a heterozygous state in 2% of 675 controls. All patients with biallelic mutations had hypogammaglobulinemia and nearly all showed impaired binding to a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL). However, the majority (n=41; 82%) of the pa-tients carried monoallelic changes in TNFRSF13B. Presence of a heterozygous mutation was associated with antibody deficiency (P< .001, relative risk 3.6). Heterozygosity for the most common mutation, C104R, was associated with disease (P< .001, relative risk 4.2). Furthermore, heterozygosity for C104R was associated with low numbers of IgD(-)CD27(+) B cells (P= .019), benign lymphoproliferation (P< .001), and autoimmune complications (P= .001). These associations indicate that C104R heterozygosity increases the risk for common variable immunodeficiency disorders and influences clinical presentation.
VFM Audit of Statutory Residential Homes for Older People - Executive Summary (March 2007)
VFM Audit of Statutory Residential Homes for Older People - Final Report (March 2007)
Charges for Residential Accommodation