956 resultados para idrossitirosolo green chemistry funzionalizzazione di derivati fenolici catecolo


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Neste trabalho, fracionou-se e tratou-se a argila Brasgel. Esta argila foi pilarizada em vários estágios de facionamento e/ou tratamento com 5 meq de Al / g de argila: (i) Al-PILC, a argila passou por todos os estágios de fracionamento e tratamento (ARG), (ii) Al-PILCFe, a argila não passou pela etapa de retirada de Fe livre (ARGFe) e (iii) Al-PILCFe/silte, a argila não passou pelas etapas de retirada de silte e Fe livre (ARGFE/silte). Em análise por DRX observou-se que as Al-PILCs apresentaram uma distância basal maior que as argilas de partida. A análise textural indicou que as argilas Al-PILCs e ARGs são materiais mesoporosos, com poros do tipo fenda estreita e do tipo fenda, respectivamente. Além disso, as Al-PILCs apresentaram área superficial razoavelmente maior que as ARGs correspondentes. Outras análises feitas nas argilas foram: teor de Si, Fe e Al; CTC; FTIR; TGA e TGD. As argilas Brasgel pilarizadas foram usadas como catalisador na reação de isomerização do óxido de estireno em hexano sob refluxo. A reação foi seletiva na formação de fenilacetaldeído. As argilas Al-PILCFe e Al-PILCFe/silte apresentaram melhor desempenho catalítico (100 % de conversão em 20 min de reação). Assim, as argilas Brasgel pilarizadas se apresentaram como uma Tecnologia Limpa na reação de isomerização do óxido de estireno ao fenilacetaldeído. Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Tecnologia Limpa. Química Verde. Argilas Pilarizadas. Isomerização de Epóxidos.


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Fotocatalisadores baseados em nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio modificados fornecem soluções em potencial para a mineralização de poluentes orgânicos em meio aquoso. Agentes modificadores têm sido amplamente investigados com o objetivo de promover a fotoativação pela luz visível. Foram estudadas a nível fundamental até aqui, as modificações estruturais, texturais e óticas causadas pela introdução de silício e nitrogênio na rede da titânia. Titânias puras (TiO2) e modificadas nanoestruturadas, particularmente titânias modificadas com silício (TiO2-SiO2), com razões atômicas Si/Ti de 0,1, 0,2 e 0,3 foram sintetizadas pelo método sol-gel a partir da hidrólise ácida de isopropóxido de titânio(IV) e tetraetoxisilano. As metodolo-gias sintéticas desenvolvidas tentaram aderir aos princípios da Química Verde, dispensando o uso de atmosfera inerte e temperatura e pressão elevadas, o que foi alcançado utilizando-se, principalmente, a agitação ultrassônica. Titânias modificadas com silício e dopadas com ni-trogênio (TiO2-SiO2-N) foram obtidas a partir do pré-tratamento de TiO2-SiO2 a 500 C ao ar e então submetidas ao fluxo de amônia (NH3) a 600 C por 1-3 h e, após resfriamento, foram recozidas a 400 C ao ar. Amostras distintas foram caracterizadas, na forma de pó seco e após calcinação entre 400600 C, por difração de raios X, adsorção de nitrogênio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. As titânias pu-ras, obtidas principalmente variando-se a razão de hidrólise, foram cristalizadas na forma de anatásio como fase predominante até 600 C, além de traços de brookita presente até 500 C. O rutilo foi identificado a partir de 600 C como fase minoritária, embora apresentando tama-nhos de cristal significativamente maiores que os estimados para o cristal de anatásio. As titâ-nias modificadas com até 20% de silício apresentaram notável estabilidade térmica, evidenci-ada pela presença exclusiva de anatásio até 900 C. Foi também observado o aparecimento de macroporos com diâmetro médio em torno de 55 nm após calcinação a 400 C, diferentemente do que se observou nas amostras em geral. A introdução de baixo teor de silício assegurou às titânias calcinadas valores elevados de área específica, atribuído ao efeito de contenção acentuada na taxa de crescimento do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e as titânias puras obtidas com taxa de hidrólise 25:1 para a razão H2O : Ti apresentaram mesoporos com diâmetros médios de mesma dimensão do cristal. As titânias modificadas com silício e dopa-das com nitrogênio apresentaram absorção na região visível entre 400-480 nm, com discreta redução da energia de band gap para as transições eletrônicas consideradas. Titânias calcina-das a 300−400 C apresentaram desempenho fotocatalítico semelhante ao TiO2 P25 da De-gussa sob irradiação UV, na degradação do azo corante Reactive Yellow 145 em soluções a-quosas em pH 5 a 20 1C


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Nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio vêm sendo extensamente empregadas como fotocatalisa-dores, já que são eficientes na degradação de diversos poluentes. Visando a obtenção de titâ-nias com diferentes propriedades, realizaram-se sínteses através do método sol-gel, a partir da hidrólise do tetraisopropóxido de titânio (IV) TIPP e seguindo-se os princípios da Química Verde, dispensando-se temperaturas e pressões elevadas. Foi estudada a influência de dife-rentes parâmetros, como: pH, solvente, razão molar álcool/TIPP e ordem de adição dos rea-gentes. Foram obtidas titânias na forma cristalina anatásio, nanométricas, com elevadas áreas superficiais específicas e predominantemente mesoporosas. Visando-se obter titânias com melhores propriedades óticas, isto é, capazes de sofrer a fotoativação pela luz visível, foram sintetizadas titânias dopadas e co-dopadas com os metais ferro e rutênio (Fe3+ e Ru3+) e o a-metal N (N3). A síntese desses materiais também foi realizada através do método sol-gel, sendo a dopagem realizada durante o processo de hidrólise. As amostras foram caracterizadas na forma de pó por difração de raios-X, adsorção-dessorção de nitrogênio, microscopia ele-trônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. A titânia pura a-presentou como única fase cristalina o anatásio, quando calcinada até 400 C, com a presença de traços de brookita. A partir de 600 C, observou-se o aparecimento da fase rutilo, que em 900C foi a única fase encontrada na titânia. A dopagem com Ru3+dificultou a transformação de fase anatásio para rutilo, ao contrário da dopagem com Fe3+. O processo de co-dopagem acelerou a formação de rutilo, que se apresentou como única fase nas amostras calcinadas a 600 C. As titânias dopadas apresentaram uma leve diminuição na energia de bandgap, sendo os dopantes capazes de deslocar a absorção para o vermelho. Foram realizados testes fotoca-talíticos visando à degradação do azocorante Reactive Yellow 145 com lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio de 125 W a fim de se comparar as atividades fotocatalíticas das titânias puras, dopa-das e co-dopadas, calcinadas a 300C. De todas as titânias sintetizadas, a titânia pura foi a que melhor degradou o corante, tendo um desempenho semelhante ao do TiO2 P25, da Evo-nik


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氮杂环化合物大多数都是具有生理活性的物质,例如喹喔啉化合物与苯二氮卓类化合物,因此研究氮杂环化合物骨架的构建方法具有一定意义。绿色化学的迅速发展迫切要求化学家发展清洁、经济和环境较友好条件下的有机合成方法。其中,水相反应与绿色固体酸催化剂的使用都是实现绿色有机合成的重要途径,它们非常具有潜力,近些年受到了广泛关注。本论文的主要工作是围绕水相及固体酸催化条件下两类具有生物活性的含氮杂环小分子的合成方法而开展的,具体包括以下内容: 1. 研究和探索出了两类绿色固体酸催化剂蒙脱土(Mont. K-10)和杂多酸(H4SiW12O40), 在水相条件下成功合成出喹喔啉化合物的有效方法。两个催化体系都以无毒无公害的水作反应溶剂,实验条件温和,操作安全简便,反应速度快,底物普适性强,产率高,且产物易分离收集。两类固体酸催化剂,对设备腐蚀性小,可回收循环使用,对环境无公害; 蒙脱土催化大部分底物能得到当量产率的产物,硅钨酸催化催化剂负载量小。 2. 实现了无溶剂条件下,以杂多酸(H3PW12O40)作催化剂,高效合成1,5-苯二氮卓衍生物的合成方法。该催化体系具有以下一些优势:实验条件温和,反应速度较快,底物普适性良好,产物易分离收集,反应过程中没有加入其它有机溶剂,绿色环保。 ‘Green Chemistry’ is currently a major issue of modern chemistry. It is widely acknowledged that there is a growing need for more environmentally acceptable processes in the chemical industry. New green catalysts and green reaction media are the important and efficient strategies in green chemistry. New green catalysts include solid acid catalysts, solid base catalysts, metal catalysts not only possess higher activity and selectivity, but also are easily separated from reaction system. Green reaction media include water, supercritical fluids and ionic liquids can not only substitute traditional toxic and harmed organic solvents, but also improve reaction activity and selectivity. Meanwhile water is a promising green reaction medium for use in modern chemistry because it has a number of advantages such as the cheapest solvent available on earth, being non-hazardous and non-toxic to the environment. Solid acids had also attracted much attention for realizing green chemistry due to their unique acidity, high activity and efficiency as organic catalysts. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds of different ring sizes such as quinoxaline and benzodiazepine are the important pharmacologically active compounds. Due to the wide biological significance of these compounds, the synthesis of these types of compounds have received a great deal of attention. Despite the large availability of methods to construct nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds, there is still a strong need to further explore green methods to efficiently and safely synthesize these compounds. Thus, we aim at developing efficient and green methodology for the synthesis of quinoxaline and benzodiazepine carried out under water condition with solid acid catalysts. The contents of this dissertation are listed as the following: 1. We have developed two catalytic systems for the synthesis quinoxaline via the condensation of an aryl 1,2-diamine with a 1,2-diketone compound in the presence of Mont. K-10 or H4SiW12O40 as a catalyst in water solvent. Both of these two methods can be applied to wide range of substrates, tolerating aryl 1,2-diamine/1,2-diketone with the electron donating/drawing substituent. Operational simplicity, the ambient conditions, use of an economically convenient catalyst, use of water as a desirable solvent, high yields and short reaction times are the key features of these two protocols. 2. We developed a convenient and efficient protocol for the synthesis of a variety of 1,5-benzodiazepines in high yields via condensation of aryl o-phenylenediamine derivatives with a variety of ketones using H3PW12O40 as a green recyclable and heterogeneous catalyst under solvent-free condition. The simple experiment procedure combined with ease of recovery and reuse of this catalyst make this procedure quite simple, more convenient and environmentally benign.


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Hydrogenation of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes (citral, 3-methyl-2-butenal, cinnamaldehyde) has been studied with tetrakis(triphenylphosphine) ruthenium dihydride (H2Ru(TPP)(4)) catalyst in a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)/ compressed carbon dioxide biphasic system. The hydrogenation reaction was slow under PEG/ H-2 biphasic conditions at H-2 4 MPa in the absence of CO2. When the reaction mixture was pressurized by a non-reactant of CO2, however, the reaction was significantly accelerated.


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CO2-in-Water (C/W) emulsion was formed by using a nonionic surfactant of poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (P123), and palladium nanoparticles were synthesized in situ in the present work. The catalytic performance of Pd nanoparticles in the C/W emulsion has been discussed for a selective hydrogenation of citral. Much higher activity with a turnover frequency (TOF) of 6313 h(-1) has been obtained in this unique C/W emulsion compared to that in the W/C microemulsion (TOF, 23 h(-1)), since the reaction was taking place not only in the surfactant shell but also on the inner surface of the CO2 core in the C/W emulsion. Moreover, citronellal was obtained with a higher selectivity for that it was extracted to a supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) phase as formed and thus its further hydrogenation was prohibited. The Pd nanoparticles could be recycled several times and still retain the same selectivity, but it showed a little aggregation leading to a slight decrease in conversion.


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A clean process has been developed for the synthesis of p-menthane-3,8-diols from cyclization of citronellal in CO2-H2O medium without any additives. With the addition of CO2, the reaction rate could be enhanced about 6 times for the cyclization of citronellal in H2O, because CO2 dissolved into water and formed carbonic acid inducing an increase of the acidity. Although, the reaction conversion in CO2-H2O is slightly lower compared to that obtained with sulfuric acid as catalyst, CO2-H2O could replace the sulfuric acid at a relative higher reaction temperature. The reaction kinetics studies showed that the hydration of isopulegols to p-menthane-3,8-diols is a reversible reaction. The equilibrium constant and the maximum equilibrium yield obtained in CO2-H2O at a range of CO2 pressures are similar to that with sulfuric acid catalyst.


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Chitosan(chitin)/cellulose composites as biodegradable biosorbents were prepared under an environment-friendly preparation processes using ionic liquids. Infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectra indicated the stronger intermolecular hydrogen bond between chitosan and cellulose, and the hydroxyl and amine groups were believed to be the metal ion binding sites. Among the prepared biosorbents, freeze-dried composite had higher adsorption capacity and better stability. The capacity of adsorption was found to be Cu(II) (0.417 mmol/g) > Zn(II) (0.303 mmol/g) > Cr(VI) (0.251 mmol/g) > Ni(II) (0.225 mmol/g) > Ph(II) (0.127 mmol/g) at the same initial concentration 5 mmol L-1. In contrast to some other chitosan-type biosorbents, preparation and component of the biosorbent were obviously more environment friendly. Moreover, adsorption capacity of chitosan in the blending biosorbent could be fully shown.


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As a green process, electrochemistry in aqueous solution without a supporting electrolyte has been described based on a simple polyelectrolyte-functionalized ionic liquid (PFIL)-modified electrode. The studied PFIL material combines features of ionic liquids and traditional polyelectrolytes. The ionic liquid part provides a high ionic conductivity and affinity to many different compounds. The polyelectrolyte part has a good stability in aqueous solution and a capability of being immobilized on different substrates. The electrochemical properties of such a PFIL-modified electrode assembly in a supporting electrolyte-free solution have been investigated by using an electrically neutral electroactive species, hydroquinone ( HQ) as the model compound. The partition coefficient and diffusion coefficient of HQ in the PFIL film were calculated to be 0.346 and 4.74 X 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1), respectively. Electrochemistry in PFIL is similar to electrochemistry in a solution of traditional supporting electrolytes, except that the electrochemical reaction takes place in a thin film on the surface of the electrode. PFILs are easily immobilized on solid substrates, are inexpensive and electrochemically stable. A PFIL-modified electrode assembly is successfully used in the flow analysis of HQ by amperometric detection in solution without a supporting electrolyte.


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A novel dissolving process for chitin and chitosan has been developed by using the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl) as a solvent, and a novel application of chitin and chitosan as substitutes for amino-functionalized synthetic polymers for capturing and releasing CO2 has also been exploited based on this processing strategy.


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Free-standing conductive films of organic-inorganic hybrids were prepared employing the sol-gel process of (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and water-borne conductive polyaniline (cPANI) in water/ethanol solution. The hybrids displayed a percolation threshold for electrical conductivity at a volume fraction of 2.1% polyaniline (PANI); the maximum conductivity of the hybrids reached 0.6 S/cm. GPTMS showed good compatibility with water-borne cPANI during the sol-gel process, and freestanding conductive films were obtained at room temperature. Transmission electron microscopy images of the hybrids indicated that the cPANI was dispersed in the inorganic phase in nanoscale. Because of good confinement of cPANI chains in the inorganic network, water resistance of the hybrid films was significantly improved compared with that of pure cPANI; the electrical conductivity of the films kept stable for 6-7 days soaking in water, whereas it decreased sharply for 1 day soaking for the pure cPANI.