984 resultados para identification with the message sender.
AbstractMyotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), also known as Steinert's disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. DM1 is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but it has a multisystemic phenotype. The genetic basis of the disease is the abnormal expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the expansion correlates to the severity of the disease and the age of onset.Respiratory problems have long been recognized to be a major feature of the disease and are the main factor contributing to mortality ; however the mechanisms are only partly known. The aim of our study is to investigate whether respiratory failure results only from the involvement of the dystrophic process at the level of the respiratory muscles or comes also from abnormalities in the neuronal network that generates and controls the respiratory rhythm. The generation of valid transgenic mice displaying the human DM1 phenotype by the group of Dr. Gourdon provided us a useful tool to analyze the brain stem respiratory neurons, spinal phrenic motoneurons and phrenic nerves. We examined therefore these structures in transgenic mice carrying 350-500 CTGs and displaying a mild form of the disease (DM1 mice). The morphological and morphometric analysis of diaphragm muscle sections revealed a denervation of the end-plates (EPs), characterized by a decrease in size and shape complexity of EPs and a reduction in the density of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Also a strong and significant reduction in the number of phrenic unmyelinated fibers was detected, but not in the myelinated fibers. In addition, no pathological changes were detected in the cervical motoneurons and medullary respiratory centers (Panaite et al., 2008). These results suggest that the breathing rhythm is probably not affected in mice expressing a mild form of DM1, but rather the transmission of action potentials at the level of diaphragm NMJs is deficient.Because size of the mutation increases over generations, new transgenic mice were obtained from the mice with 350-500 CTGs, resulting from a large increase of CTG repeat in successive generations, these mice carry more than 1300 CTGs (DMSXL) and display a severe DM1 phenotype (Gomes-Pereira et al., 2007). Before we study the mechanism underlying the respiratory failure in DMSXL mice, we analyzed the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in these mice by electrophysiological, histological and morphometric methods. Our results provide strong evidence that DMSXL mice have motor neuropathy (Panaite et al., 2010, submitted). Therefore the DMSXL mice expressing severe DM1 features represent for us a good tool to investigate, in the future, the physiological, structural and molecular alterations underlying respiratory failure in DM1. Understanding the mechanism of respiratory deficiency will help to better target the therapy of these problems in DM1 patients. In addition our results may, in the future, orientate pharmaceutical and clinical research towards possible development of therapy against respiratory deficits associated with the DM1.RésuméLa dystrophic myotonique type 1 (DM1), aussi dénommée maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosomique dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse musculaire avec atrophie et se manifeste aussi par un phénotype multisystémique. La base génétique de la maladie est une expansion anormale de répétitions CTG dans une région non traduite en 3' du gène de la DM protéine kinase (DMPK) sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion est corrélée avec la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1.Bien que les problèmes respiratoires soient reconnus depuis longtemps comme une complication de la maladie et soient le principal facteur contribuant à la mortalité, les mécanismes en sont partiellement connus. Le but de notre étude est d'examiner si l'insuffisance respiratoire de la DM1 est dû au processus dystrophique au niveau des muscles respiratoires ou si elle est entraînée aussi par des anomalies dans le réseau neuronal qui génère et contrôle le rythme respiratoire. La production par le groupe du Dr. Gourdon de souris transgéniques de DM1, manifestant le phénotype de DM1 humaine, nous a fourni un outil pour analyser les nerfs phréniques, les neurones des centres respiratoires du tronc cérébral et les motoneurones phréniques. Par conséquence, nous avons examiné ces structures chez des souris transgéniques portant 350-500 CTG et affichant une forme légère de la maladie (souris DM1). L'analyse morphologique et morphométrique des sections du diaphragme a révélé une dénervation des plaques motrices et une diminution de la taille et de la complexité de la membrane postsynaptîque, ainsi qu'une réduction de la densité des récepteurs à l'acétylcholine. Nous avons aussi détecté une réduction significative du nombre de fibres nerveuses non myélinisées mais pas des fibres myélinisées. Par ailleurs, aucun changement pathologique n'a été détecté pour les neurones moteurs médullaires cervicaux et centres respiratoires du tronc cérébral (Panaite et al., 2008). Ces résultats suggèrent que le iythme respiratoire n'est probablement pas affecté chez les souris manifestant une forme légère du DM1, mais plutôt que la transmission des potentiels d'action au niveau des plaques motrices du diaphragme est déficiente.Comme la taille du mutation augmente au fil des générations, de nouvelles souris transgéniques ont été générés par le groupe Gourdon; ces souris ont plus de 1300 CTG (DMSXL) et manifestent un phénotype sévère du DM1 (Gomes-Pereira et al., 2007). Avant d'étudier le mécanisme sous-jacent de l'insuffisance respiratoire chez les souris DMSXL, nous avons analysé le système nerveux périphérique chez ces souris par des méthodes électrophysiologiques, histologiques et morphométriques. Nos résultats fournissent des preuves solides que les souris DMSXL manifestent une neuropathie motrice (Panaite et al., 2010, soumis). Par conséquent, les souris DMSXL représentent pour nous un bon outil pour étudier, à l'avenir, les modifications physiologiques, morphologiques et moléculaires qui sous-tendent l'insuffisance respiratoire du DM1. La connaissance du mécanisme de déficience respiratoire en DM1 aidera à mieux cibler le traitement de ces problèmes aux patients. De plus, nos résultats pourront, à l'avenir, orienter la recherche pharmaceutique et clinique vers le développement de thérapie contre le déficit respiratoire associé à DM1.
BACKGROUND: Prominent visual symptoms can present in the visual variant of Alzheimer's disease (VVAD). Ophthalmologists have a significant role to play in the early diagnosis of VVAD. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the files of ten consecutive patients diagnosed with VVAD. All patients had a full neuro-ophthalmologic examination, a formal neurological and neuro-psychological testing, and cerebral MRI to confirm diagnosis. In addition, functional neuroimaging was obtained in seven patients. RESULTS: The common primary symptom at presentation with all patients was difficulty with near vision (reading difficulty n = 8, "visual blur" in near vision n = 2), and difficulty writing (n = 3). Following assessment, impaired reading and writing skills were evident in 9/10 and 8/10 patients respectively. Median distance visual acuity was 20/25 and at near the median visual acuity was J6. Partial homonymous visual field defect was detected in 80 % (8/10) of the patients. Color vision was impaired in all patients when tested with Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, but simple color naming was normal in 8/9 tested patients. Simultanagnosia was present in 8/10 patients. Vision dysfunction corresponded with cerebral MRI findings where parieto-occipital cortical atrophy was observed in all patients. PET scan (5 patients) or SPECT (2 patients) revealed parieto-occipital dysfunction (hypometabolism or hypoperfusion) in all 7 tested patients CONCLUSIONS: Visual difficulties are prominent in VVAD. Dyslexia, incomplete homonymous hemianopia, preserved color identification with abnormal color vision on Ishihara, and simultanagnosia were all symptoms observed frequently in this patient series. Ophthalmologists should be aware of the possibility of neurodegenerative disorders such as VVAD in patients with unexplained visual complaints, in particular reading difficulties.
During our study of the glyoxylate cycle in soybean (Glycine max. L. var. Maple arrow), two mitochondrial and three cytosolic aconitase molecular species (EC were detected, designated as M1, M2, C1, C2 and C3 isoforms, respectively, according to their intracellular locations and electrophoretic mobilities. Using the glyoxylate cycle marker enzymes isocitrate lyase (ICL, EC and malate synthase (MS, EC, the activity of this pathway providing the essential link between P-oxidation and gluconeogenesis was confirmed during germination (cotyledons) and senescence (leaves). It was then established that, in both cases, the activity of the CI aconitase isoform developed concomitantly with the transcription and translation levels of the icl and ms genes. This strongly suggests that C1 aconitase is constitutive of the glyoxylate cycle. In addition, the same isoform was found to be active during pathogenic attack as well (hypocotyls). It might be assumed that in such a case the glyoxylate cycle is reinitiated as a part of a carbon reallocation system feeding on the diseased tissue cellular components.
The quality of sample inoculation is critical for achieving an optimal yield of discrete colonies in both monomicrobial and polymicrobial samples to perform identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Consequently, we compared the performance between the InoqulA (BD Kiestra), the WASP (Copan), and manual inoculation methods. Defined mono- and polymicrobial samples of 4 bacterial species and cloudy urine specimens were inoculated on chromogenic agar by the InoqulA, the WASP, and manual methods. Images taken with ImagA (BD Kiestra) were analyzed with the VisionLab version 3.43 image analysis software to assess the quality of growth and to prevent subjective interpretation of the data. A 3- to 10-fold higher yield of discrete colonies was observed following automated inoculation with both the InoqulA and WASP systems than that with manual inoculation. The difference in performance between automated and manual inoculation was mainly observed at concentrations of >10(6) bacteria/ml. Inoculation with the InoqulA system allowed us to obtain significantly more discrete colonies than the WASP system at concentrations of >10(7) bacteria/ml. However, the level of difference observed was bacterial species dependent. Discrete colonies of bacteria present in 100- to 1,000-fold lower concentrations than the most concentrated populations in defined polymicrobial samples were not reproducibly recovered, even with the automated systems. The analysis of cloudy urine specimens showed that InoqulA inoculation provided a statistically significantly higher number of discrete colonies than that with WASP and manual inoculation. Consequently, the automated InoqulA inoculation greatly decreased the requirement for bacterial subculture and thus resulted in a significant reduction in the time to results, laboratory workload, and laboratory costs.
Here we adopt a novel strategy to investigate phonological assembly. Participants performed a visual lexical decision task in English in which the letters in words and letterstrings were delivered either sequentially (promoting phonological assembly) or simultaneously (not promoting phonological assembly). A region of interest analysis confirmed that regions previously associated with phonological assembly, in studies contrasting different word types (e.g. words versus pseudowords), were also identified using our novel task that controls for a number of confounding variables. Specifically, the left pars opercularis, the superior part of the ventral precentral gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus were all recruited more during sequential delivery than simultaneous delivery, even when various psycholinguistic characteristics of the stimuli were controlled. This suggests that sequential delivery of orthographic stimuli is a useful tool to explore how readers, with various levels of proficiency, use sublexical phonological processing during visual word recognition.
The study was done to identify the most active fungitoxic component of cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) oil that can be used as a marker for standardization of cinnamon extract or oil based natural preservative of stored seeds. Aspergillus flavus and A. ruber were used as test fungi. The hexane extracted crude oil and the hydro-distilled essential oil from cinnamon bark had complete growth inhibition concentration (CGIC) of 300 and 100 µl/l, respectively. Both oils produced three fractions on preparative thin layer silica-gel chromatography plates. The fraction-2 of either oil was the largest and most active, with CGIC of 200 µl/l, but the fungitoxicity was also retained in the other two fractions. The fraction-1 and 3 of the crude oil reduced growth of both the fungal species by 65%, and those of distilled oil by 45% at 200 µl/l. The CGIC of these fractions from both the sources was above 500 µl/l. The gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of the fraction-2 of the hexane extract revealed that it contained 61% cinnamaldehyde, 29% cinnamic acid, and two minor unidentified compounds in the proportion of 4% and 6%. The GC-MS of the fraction-2 of the distilled oil revealed that it contained 99.1% cinnamaldehyde and 0.9% of an unidentified compound. The CGIC of synthetic cinnamaldehyde was 300 µl/l and that of cinnamic acid above 500 µl/l. The 1:1 mixture of cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid had CGIC of 500 µl/l. The data revealed that cinnamaldehyde was the major fungitoxic component of hexane extract and the distilled essential oil of cinnamon bark, while other components have additive or synergistic effects on total fungitoxicity. It is suggested that the natural seed preservative based on cinnamon oil can be standardized against cinnamaldehyde.
Bakgrunden och inspirationen till föreliggande studie är tidigare forskning i tillämpningar på randidentifiering i metallindustrin. Effektiv randidentifiering möjliggör mindre säkerhetsmarginaler och längre serviceintervall för apparaturen i industriella högtemperaturprocesser, utan ökad risk för materielhaverier. I idealfallet vore en metod för randidentifiering baserad på uppföljning av någon indirekt variabel som kan mätas rutinmässigt eller till en ringa kostnad. En dylik variabel för smältugnar är temperaturen i olika positioner i väggen. Denna kan utnyttjas som insignal till en randidentifieringsmetod för att övervaka ugnens väggtjocklek. Vi ger en bakgrund och motivering till valet av den geometriskt endimensionella dynamiska modellen för randidentifiering, som diskuteras i arbetets senare del, framom en flerdimensionell geometrisk beskrivning. I de aktuella industriella tillämpningarna är dynamiken samt fördelarna med en enkel modellstruktur viktigare än exakt geometrisk beskrivning. Lösningsmetoder för den s.k. sidledes värmeledningsekvationen har många saker gemensamt med randidentifiering. Därför studerar vi egenskaper hos lösningarna till denna ekvation, inverkan av mätfel och något som brukar kallas förorening av mätbrus, regularisering och allmännare följder av icke-välställdheten hos sidledes värmeledningsekvationen. Vi studerar en uppsättning av tre olika metoder för randidentifiering, av vilka de två första är utvecklade från en strikt matematisk och den tredje från en mera tillämpad utgångspunkt. Metoderna har olika egenskaper med specifika fördelar och nackdelar. De rent matematiskt baserade metoderna karakteriseras av god noggrannhet och låg numerisk kostnad, dock till priset av låg flexibilitet i formuleringen av den modellbeskrivande partiella differentialekvationen. Den tredje, mera tillämpade, metoden kännetecknas av en sämre noggrannhet förorsakad av en högre grad av icke-välställdhet hos den mera flexibla modellen. För denna gjordes även en ansats till feluppskattning, som senare kunde observeras överensstämma med praktiska beräkningar med metoden. Studien kan anses vara en god startpunkt och matematisk bas för utveckling av industriella tillämpningar av randidentifiering, speciellt mot hantering av olinjära och diskontinuerliga materialegenskaper och plötsliga förändringar orsakade av “nedfallande” väggmaterial. Med de behandlade metoderna förefaller det möjligt att uppnå en robust, snabb och tillräckligt noggrann metod av begränsad komplexitet för randidentifiering.
The objective of this study was to evaluate herd management practices and mastitis treatment procedures as risk factors associated with Staphylococcus aureus antimicrobial resistance. For this study, 13 herds were selected to participate in the study to evaluate the association between their management practices and mastitis treatment procedures and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility. A total of 1069 composite milk samples were collected aseptically from the selected cows in four different periods over two years. The samples were used for microbiological culturing of S. aureus isolates and evaluation of their antimicrobial susceptibility. A total of 756 samples (70.7%) were culture-positive, and S. aureus comprised 27.77% (n=210) of the isolates. The S. aureus isolates were tested using the disk-diffusion susceptibility assay with the following antimicrobials: ampicillin 10mg; clindamycin 2μg; penicillin 1mg; ceftiofur 30μg; gentamicin 10mg; sulfa-trimethoprim 25μg; enrofloxacin 5μg; sulfonamide 300μg; tetracycline 30μg; oxacillin 1mg; cephalothin 30μg and erythromycin 5μg. The variables that were significantly associated with S. aureus resistance were as follows: the treatment of clinical mastitis for ampicillin (OR=2.18), dry cow treatment for enrofloxacin (OR=2.11) and not sending milk samples for microbiological culture and susceptibility tests, for ampicillin (OR=2.57) and penicillin (OR=4.69). In conclusion, the identification of risk factors for S. aureus resistance against various mastitis antimicrobials is an important information that may help in practical recommendations for prudent use of antimicrobial in milk production.
The main generator source of a longitudinal muscle contraction was identified as an M (mechanical-stimulus-sensitive) circuit composed of a presynaptic M-1 neuron and a postsynaptic M-2 neuron in the ventral nerve cord of the earthworm, Amynthas hawayanus, by simultaneous intracellular response recording and Lucifer Yellow-CH injection with two microelectrodes. Five-peaked responses were evoked in both neurons by a mechanical, but not by an electrical, stimulus to the mechanoreceptor in the shaft of a seta at the opposite side of an epidermis-muscle-nerve-cord preparation. This response was correlated to 84% of the amplitude, 73% of the rising rate and 81% of the duration of a longitudinal muscle contraction recorded by a mechano-electrical transducer after eliminating the other possible generator sources by partitioning the epidermis-muscle piece of this preparation. The pre- and postsynaptic relationship between these two neurons was determined by alternately stimulating and recording with two microelectrodes. Images of the Lucifer Yellow-CH-filled M-1 and M-2 neurons showed that both of them are composed of bundles of longitudinal processes situated on the side of the nerve cord opposite to stimulation. The M-1 neuron has an afferent process (A1) in the first nerve at the stimulated side of this preparation and the M-2 neuron has two efferent processes (E1 and E3) in the first and third nerves at the recording side where their effector muscle cell was identified by a third microelectrode.
The Down's syndrome candidate region 1 (DSCR1) protein, encoded by a gene located in the human chromosome 21, interacts with calcineurin and is overexpressed in Down's syndrome patients. As an approach to clarifying a putative function for this protein, in the present study we used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify DSCR1 partners. The two-hybrid system is a method that allows the identification of protein-protein interactions through reconstitution of the activity of the yeast GAL 4 transcriptional activator. The gene DSCR1 fused to the GAL 4 binding domain (BD) was used to screen a human fetal brain cDNA library cloned in fusion with the GAL 4 activation domain (AD). Three positive clones were found and sequence analysis revealed that all the plasmids coded for the ubiquitously expressed transcript (UXT). UXT, which is encoded in human Xp11, is a 157-amino acid protein present in both cytosol and nucleus of the cells. This positive interaction of DSCR1 and UXT was confirmed in vivo by mating the yeast strain AH109 (MATa)expressing AD-UXT with the strain Y187 (MATalpha) expressing BD-DSCR1, and in vitro by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. These results may help elucidate a new function for DSCR1 and its participation in Down's syndrome pathogenesis.
Cloning of the T-cell receptor genes is a critical step when generating T-cell receptor transgenic mice. Because T-cell receptor molecules are clonotypical, isolation of their genes requires reverse transcriptase-assisted PCR using primers specific for each different Valpha or Vß genes or by the screening of cDNA libraries generated from RNA obtained from each individual T-cell clone. Although feasible, these approaches are laborious and costly. The aim of the present study was to test the application of the non-palindromic adaptor-PCR method as an alternative to isolate the genes encoding the T-cell receptor of an antigen-specific T-cell hybridoma. For this purpose, we established hybridomas specific for trans-sialidase, an immunodominant Trypanosoma cruzi antigen. These T-cell hybridomas were characterized with regard to their ability to secrete interferon-gamma, IL-4, and IL-10 after stimulation with the antigen. A CD3+, CD4+, CD8- interferon-gamma-producing hybridoma was selected for the identification of the variable regions of the T-cell receptor by the non-palindromic adaptor-PCR method. Using this methodology, we were able to rapidly and efficiently determine the variable regions of both T-cell receptor chains. The results obtained by the non-palindromic adaptor-PCR method were confirmed by the isolation and sequencing of the complete cDNA genes and by the recognition with a specific antibody against the T-cell receptor variable ß chain. We conclude that the non-palindromic adaptor-PCR method can be a valuable tool for the identification of the T-cell receptor transcripts of T-cell hybridomas and may facilitate the generation of T-cell receptor transgenic mice.
When compared to other model organisms whose genome is sequenced, the number of mutations identified in the mouse appears extremely reduced and this situation seriously hampers our understanding of mammalian gene function(s). Another important consequence of this shortage is that a majority of human genetic diseases still await an animal model. To improve the situation, two strategies are currently used: the first makes use of embryonic stem cells, in which one can induce knockout mutations almost at will; the second consists of a genome-wide random chemical mutagenesis, followed by screening for mutant phenotypes and subsequent identification of the genetic alteration(s). Several projects are now in progress making use of one or the other of these strategies. Here, we report an original effort where we mutagenized BALB/c males, with the mutagen ethylnitrosourea. Offspring of these males were screened for dominant mutations and a three-generation breeding protocol was set to recover recessive mutations. Eleven mutations were identified (one dominant and ten recessives). Three of these mutations are new alleles (Otop1mlh, Foxn1sepe and probably rodador) at loci where mutations have already been reported, while 4 are new and original alleles (carc, eqlb, frqz, and Sacc). This result indicates that the mouse genome, as expected, is far from being saturated with mutations. More mutations would certainly be discovered using more sophisticated phenotyping protocols. Seven of the 11 new mutant alleles induced in our experiment have been localized on the genetic map as a first step towards positional cloning.
Yeast soluble proteins were fractionated by calmodulin-agarose affinity chromatography and the Ca2+/calmodulin-binding proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. One prominent protein of 66 kDa was excised from the gel, digested with trypsin and the masses of the resultant fragments were determined by MALDI/MS. Twenty-one of 38 monoisotopic peptide masses obtained after tryptic digestion were matched to the heat shock protein Ssb1/Hsp75, covering 37% of its sequence. Computational analysis of the primary structure of Ssb1/Hsp75 identified a unique potential amphipathic alpha-helix in its N-terminal ATPase domain with features of target regions for Ca2+/calmodulin binding. This region, which shares 89% similarity to the experimentally determined calmodulin-binding domain from mouse, Hsc70, is conserved in near half of the 113 members of the HSP70 family investigated, from yeast to plant and animals. Based on the sequence of this region, phylogenetic analysis grouped the HSP70s in three distinct branches. Two of them comprise the non-calmodulin binding Hsp70s BIP/GR78, a subfamily of eukaryotic HSP70 localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, and DnaK, a subfamily of prokaryotic HSP70. A third heterogeneous group is formed by eukaryotic cytosolic HSP70s containing the new calmodulin-binding motif and other cytosolic HSP70s whose sequences do not conform to those conserved motif, indicating that not all eukaryotic cytosolic Hsp70s are target for calmodulin regulation. Furthermore, the calmodulin-binding domain found in eukaryotic HSP70s is also the target for binding of Bag-1 - an enhancer of ADP/ATP exchange activity of Hsp70s. A model in which calmodulin displaces Bag-1 and modulates Ssb1/Hsp75 chaperone activity is discussed.
October 18, 1814. Read, and committed to the Committee of the whole House on the report of the Committee of Ways and Means on so much of the President's message as relates to the finances of the United States.
The opinions of parents in relation to the education of their gifted child were examined, with particular attention paid to their satisfaction and the type and amount of programming their child is receiving. This study employed a mixed methods research design that focused on parents’ experiences with gifted education programming and their perceptions and level of satisfaction with these programs. A survey was used to gather the perceptions and opinions of parents of gifted children in Ontario. The data were quantified and used to make observations in relation to differences in parental satisfaction and to provide a more thorough understanding of the experiences of parents in Ontario in regards to the education of gifted children. Information was also gathered regarding the recommendations that parents have for the improvement of education for their gifted child. The results of the study found that parents of gifted children were satisfied with the connections their child made within a gifted placement with like-minded peers and with opportunities for their children to learn in a more individualized and in-depth manner. However, parents expressed dissatisfaction with the timing of the initial gifted identification and the lack of knowledge that teachers, in both regular and specialized classrooms, have about gifted children and the types of programming best suited to these children. The results of the study also showed parental dissatisfaction with the lack of funding allocated to gifted education programs by district school boards and the lack of involvement they were allowed with respect to the education of their child.