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Juvenile nasopharingeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign locally aggressive tumor characterized by irregular vessels embedded. in a fibrous stroma. Excessive vascularity results in bleeding complications, and the inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for managing extensive JNA tumors. To better characterize the endothelial components of JNA, we aimed to evaluate markers of vascular differentiation and proliferation, such as friend leukemia integration-1 (FLI-1) and endoglin, lymphatic markers, including podoplanin and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) and its cognate ligand VEGFC, GLUT-1, a diagnostic marker that discriminates between hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and two markers of tissue remodeling, stromelysin 3 (ST3) and secreted acid protein rich in cysteine (SPARC). Antigens were assessed immunohistochemically in vessels and stromal cells of JNA archival cases (n=22). JNA endothelial cells were positive for endoglin, VEGFC and FLI-1, whereas podoplanin and VEGFR3 were negative in all cases. Both endothelial cells and fibroblasts stained for ST3 and SPARC. GLUT-1 was investigated in JNA cases, in infantile hemangiomas (n=123) and in vascular malformations (n=135) as controls. JNAs and vascular malformations were GLUT-1-negative, while hemangiomas showed positive staining. The presence of markers of endothelial differentiation and proliferation highlighted the hyper-proliferative state of JNA vessels. The absence of podoplanin and VEGFR3 underscores their blood endothelial cell characteristic. The absence of GLUT-1 discriminates JNAs from hemangiomas. ST3 and SPARC up-regulation in endothelial cells and fibroblasts may contribute to a compensatory signaling for controlling angiogenesis. Some of these markers may eventually serve as therapeutic targets. Our results may aid in the understanding of JNA pathophysiology.
Patients with antibody deficiencies are more prone to develop acute neutropenic episodes even during immunoglobulin replacement. The aims of this study were to evaluate the presence of acute neutropenia in 42 patients with primary antibody immunodeficiencies, currently receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and to describe the clinical and laboratory findings during neutropenic episodes. Of all patients, 10 (23.8%) presented acute neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 1500 cells/mm(3)) during follow up (mean of 6.4 yr). The absolute neutrophil count ranged from 71 to 1488 cells/mm(3). Neutropenia was not clearly associated with antibiotic prophylactic therapy or immunoglobulin levels, while infections were associated with neutropenia in the majority of episodes. Most acute neutropenia episodes were mild or moderate, except in CVID patients who present more severe neutropenia. Although IVIG may have contributed to reducing the severity of neutropenia, it does not prevent its occurrence in all patients. In conclusion, primary immunodeficient patients, even submitted to IVIG replacement therapy, must be regularly evaluated for neutropenia in order to minimize the risk of infections and its appropriate approach.
Introduction Associations between systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) were analyzed to gain insight into the physiopathology of SLE. Some PIDs have been consistently associated with SLE or lupus-like manifestations: (a) homozygous deficiencies of the early components of the classical complement pathway in the following decreasing order: in C1q, 93% of affected patients developed SLE; in C4, 75%; in C1r/s, 57%; and in C2, up to 25%; (b) female carriers of X-linked chronic granulomatous disease allele; and (c) IgA deficiency, present in around 5% of juvenile SLE. Discussion In the first two groups, disturbances of cellular waste-disposal have been proposed as the main mechanisms of pathogenesis. On the other hand and very interestingly, there are PIDs systematically associated with several autoimmune manifestations in which SLE has not been described, such as autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECED), immunedys-regulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked (IPEX), and autoinumme lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), suggesting that mechanisms considered as critical players for induction and maintenance of tolerance to autoantigens, such as (1) AME-mediated thymic negative selection of lymphocytes, (2) Foxp3+ regulatory T cell-mediated peripheral tolerance, and (3) deletion of auto-reactive lymphocytes by Fas-mediated apoptosis, could not be relevant in SLE physiopathology. The non-description of SLE and neither the most characteristic SLE clinical features among patients with agammaglobulinemia are also interesting observations, which reinforce the essential role of B lymphocytes and antibodies for SLE pathogenesis. Conclusion Therefore, monogenic PIDs represent unique and not fully explored human models for unraveling components of the conundrum represented by the physiopathology of SLE, a prototypical polygenic disease.
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate clinical and laboratorial features of 1234 patients with different etiologies of hyper-prolactinemia, as well as the response of 388 patients with prolactinomas to dopamine agonists. Design, setting, and patients: A total of 1234 hyperprolactinemic patients from 10 Brazilian endocrine centers were enrolled in this retrospective study. Main outcome measure: PRL measurement, thyroid function tests, and screening for macroprolactin were conducted. Results: Patients were subdivided as follows: 56.2% had prolactinomas, 14.5% drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, 9.3% macroprolactinemia, 6.6% non-functioning pituitary adenomas, 6.3% primary hypothyroidism, 3.6% idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, and 3.2% acromegaly. Clinical manifestations were similar irrespective of the etiology of the hyperprolactinemia. The highest PRL levels were observed in patients with prolactinomas but there was a great overlap in PRL values between all groups. However, PRL>500 ng/ml allowed a clear distinction between prolactinomas and the other etiologies. Cabergoline (CAB) was more effective than bromocriptine (BCR) in normalizing PRL levels (81.9% vs 67.1%, p<0.0001) and in inducing significant tumor shrinkage and complete disappearance of tumor mass. Drug resistance was observed in 10% of patients treated with CAB and in 18.4% of those that used BCR (p=0.0006). Side-effects and intolerance were also more common in BCR-treated patients. Conclusion: Prolactinomas, drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, and macroprolactinemia were the 3 most common causes of hyperprolactinemia. Although PRL levels could not reliably define the etiology of hyperprolactinemia, PRL values >500 ng/ml were exclusively seen in patients with prolactinomas. CAB was significantly more effective than BCR in terms of prolactin normalization, tumor shrinkage, and tolerability.
Objective: To investigate pathophysiological factors underlying the presence of interictal hyper-perfusion within the limits of the polymicrogyric (PMG) cortex in epileptic patients. Methods: Retrospective observational study on interictal perfusion by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in 16 patients with PMG and its correlations with a number of clinical and neurophysiological variables. Patients underwent video-EEG monitoring, neurological and psychiatric assessments, invasive EEG, and the interictal SPECT coregistered to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results: Patients with interictal hyperperfusion within the PMG cortex had a significantly higher spike rate on interictal EEG than patients with normal perfusion. Interictal hyperperfusion was not correlated to sex, age at epilepsy onset, age at evaluation, number of seizures per month, presence of initial precipitating insult (IPI), abnormal neurological examination, EEG findings, ictal serniology, and seizure outcome. The high interictal spike rate did not correlate to a high frequency of seizures per month. Conclusions: Our work provides further evidences for an intrinsic epileptogenesis of the PMG cortex during the interictal state, which accounts for the major rote of PMG tissue in seizure generation. These results might help to increase our understanding about epileptogenesis related to the PMG cortex, providing new toots for more tailored epilepsy surgery in PMG patients. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: The effects of short-term 5-day and long-term 30-day hyperprolactinemia induced by domperidone (1.7 mg/kg/day, s.c.) or ectopic pituitary graft on the acute inflammatory response induced by carrageenan were evaluated in male rats. Both models of hyperprolactinemia effectively increased serum prolactin (PRL) levels. Methods: The volume in milliliters of inflammatory edema was measured by plethysnnography 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after carrageenan injection. The areas under the inflammatory time-response curves were compared. Additionally, the effects of hyperprolactinemia on body weight and serum corticosterone levels were evaluated. Results: In both domperidone-treated and pituitary graft-implanted animals, short-term 5-day hyperprolactinemia increased the inflammatory response, while long-term 30-day hyperprolactinemia had anti-inflammatory effects. Body weight was not affected by either short- or long-term hyperprolactinennia. Conclusion: These results show that PRL has biphasic effects on the carrageenan-induced inflammatory response. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Primary aldosteronism (PAL) may be as much as ten times more common than has been traditionally thought, with most patients normokalemic. The study of familial varieties has facilitated a fuller appreciation of the nature and diversity of its clinical, biochemical, morphological and molecular aspects. In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), glucocorticoid-remediable PAL is caused by inheritance of an ACTH-regulated, hybrid CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene. Genetic testing has greatly facilitated diagnosis. Hypertension severity varies widely, demonstrating relationships with gender, affected parent's gender, urinary kallikrein level, degree of biochemical disturbance and hybrid gene crossover point position. Analyses of aldosterone/PRA/cortisol 'day-curves' have revealed that (1) the hybrid gene dominates over wild type CYP11B2 in terms of aldosterone regulation and (2) correction of hypertension in FH-I requires only partial suppression of ACTH, and much smaller glucocorticoid doses than those previously recommended. Familial hyperaldosteronism type II is not glucocorticoid-remediable, and is clinically, biochemically and morphologically indistinguishable from apparently sporadic PAL. In one informative family available for linkage analysis, FH-II does not segregate with either the CYP11B2, AT1 or MEN1 genes, but a genome-wide search has revealed linkage with a locus in chromosome 7. As has already occurred in FH-I, elucidation of causative mutations is likely to facilitate earlier detection of PAL and other curable or specifically treatable forms of hypertension. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We describe the use of a murine model to evaluate resistance against subsequent challenge following a primary infection with oncospheres of Echinococcus granulosus. Mice (Kunming strain) were infected with hatched oncospheres of Echinococcus granulosus; 21 days later a second challenge was given by a different route of infection. A primary infection by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection stimulated 100 and 90.5% protection in terms of reduced cyst numbers against a secondary infection given subcutaneously (s.c.) or intravenously (i.v.) respectively. A primary infection given s.c. followed by i.p. or i.v. challenge resulted in 84.0 and 100% protection, respectively. Intravenous infection followed by i.p. or s.c. challenge resulted in 98.5 and 69.4% protection, respectively. With the i.v. route of infection, almost all resultant cysts were present in the lungs. The data show that a primary infection with oncospheres can induce total or a high degree of protection against a subsequent challenge and confirms that natural (concomitant) immunity can be stimulated in the intermediate host as the result of a primary infection. This may explain the decline in hydatid infection in sheep older than 2 years in hyper-endemic areas such as those found in Xingjiang, China. These older sheep may have been earlier infected and have subsequently self-cured, with the primary infection stimulating an immune response that protects the intermediate host animals from further infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tick paralysis caused by Ixodes holocyclus affects an estimated 20,000 domestic animals each year along the eastern coast of Australia (Stone 1988). Animals are presented with clinical signs ranging from mild paresis to ascending flaccid paralysis and varying degrees of respiratory and cardiac compromise. Mortality rates are significantly increased in animals presented with respiratory compromise compared to those animals without respiratory compromise, regardless of the degree of flaccid paralysis (Atwell et al 2001). Anecdotal evidence of ticks (collected from different sites in northern New South Wales) causing different clinical signs and mortality in hyper-immune dogs used for serum production, suggests that there may be a variation in toxin production and toxin content between individual ticks (Warne, N 2002 pers comm). This literature review suggests that two possible contributing factors to toxin variation may be the genetic variation within the I. holocyclus species and the variation in the host's response to tick feeding.
CD40 has emerged as a key signaling pathway for the function of B cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells (DC) in the immune system, and plays a major role in inflammatory pathways of nonhemopoletic cells. CD40 is expressed by monocytes and DC and is up-regulated when DC migrate from the periphery to draining lymph nodes (DLN) in response to microbial challenge. CD154 signaling by MHC-restricted, activated CD4* T cells induces differentiation of DC, as defined by an increased surface expression of MHC, costimulatory, and adhesion molecules. Thus, CD40 functions in the adaptive immune response as a trigger for the expression of costimulatory molecules for efficient T-cell activation. CD40 ligation of DC also has the capacity to induce high levels of the cytokine IL-12, which polarizes CD4(+) T cells toward a T helper 1 (Th1) type, enhances proliferation of CD8(+) T cells, and activates NK cells. CD40 may also play an important role in the decision between tolerance and immunity and the generation of regulatory CD4(+) T cells that are thought to maintain peripheral self-tolerance in vivo.
This article focuses on how US professional sports utilize the New International Division of Cultural Labor to supplement an overly costly local labor pool and over-supplied local market. We argue that while the classic problem of over-production is slowly eroding the sealed-off nature of US culture, the forces of its hyper-protectionist capitalism continue to characterize sports, precluding equal exchange.
Objective: Allergic reactions to antibiotics occur in up to 30% of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Repeated antibiotic exposure and immune hyper-responsiveness increase the risk of allergic reactions and may limit antibiotic choice. Desensitization may allow the successful administration of an antibiotic despite previous allergy. We aimed to determine the success of antibiotic desensitization in patients with CF in an adult CF unit over a 7-year period. Methodology: A retrospective medical record review was performed on the 19 patients who had undergone antibiotic desensitization procedures. Data collected included drug allergy and intolerance profiles, nature of allergies, and the outcome of desensitization procedures. Desensitization procedures were performed in a ward setting according to published methods. Results: Nineteen patients (13 females) reported 62 drug allergies with a mean of 3.3 per patient. Of the 71 desensitization procedures undergone by this group, 54 (76%) were successful. Fifteen of the 19 patients were allergic to two or more beta-lactam antibiotics. Over half of the patients were desensitized to more than one antibiotic. Nine different antibiotics were used in 31 different patient/drug combinations. A successful outcome was achieved in 18/31 (58%) combinations, with three requiring treatment for mild allergic reactions. Allergic reactions caused drug cessation in a total of 19 patient/drug combinations (three after initial successful desensitization and full courses of antibiotics). Over 50% of these reactions occurred on day 1. Desensitization failures were more common in patients with well-documented allergic reactions to a specific drug. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that multiple antibiotic allergies are common in adults with CE Cross-reactivity between beta-lactam antibiotics may limit antibiotic choice for the treatment of pulmonary exacerbations. Antibiotic desensitization allows safe and successful treatment in the ward setting of many patients with previous allergies to an antibiotic. In many patients symptoms of allergy still occur and result in cessation of the antibiotics. Use of corticosteroids and antihistamines may improve the success rate of desensitization procedures.
Arsenic is a carcinogen to both humans and animals. Arsenicals have been associated with cancers of the skin, lung, and bladder. Clinical manifestations of chronic arsenic poisoning include non-cancer end point of hyper- and hypo-pigmentation, keratosis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Epidemiological evidence indicates that arsenic concentration exceeding 50 mug l(-1) in the drinking water is not public health protective. The current WHO recommended guideline value for arsenic in drinking water is 10 mug l(-1), whereas many developing countries are still having a value of 50 mug 1(-1). It has been estimated that tens of millions of people are. at risk exposing to excessive levels of arsenic from both contaminated water and arsenic-bearing coal from natural sources. The global health implication and possible intervention strategies were also discussed in this review article. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evolution of computer animation represents one of the most relevant andrevolutionary aspects in the rise of contemporary digital visual culture (Darlew,2000), in particular, phenomena such as cinema “spectacular “ (Ibidem) and videogames. This article analyzes the characteristics of this “culture of simulation” (Turkle, 1995:20) relating the multidisciplinary and spectrum of technical and stylistic choices to the dimension of virtual characters acting. The result of these hybrid mixtures and computerized human motion capture techniques - called virtual cinema, universal capture, motion capture, etc. - cosists mainly on the sophistication of “rotoscoping”, as a new interpretation and appropriation of the captured image. This human motion capture technology, used largely by cinema and digital games, is one of the reasons why the authenticity of the animation is sometimes questioned. It is in the fi eld of 3D computer animation visual that this change is more signifi cant, appearing regularly innovative techniques of image manipulation and “hyper-cinema” (Lamarre, 2006: 31) character’s control with deeper sense of emotions. This shift in the culture that Manovich (2006: 27) calls “photo-GRAPHICS” - and Mulvey (2007) argue that creates a new form of possessive relationship with the viewer, in that it can analyze in detail the image, it can acquire it and modify it - is one of the most important aspects in the rise of Cubbit’s (2007) “cinema of attraction”. This article delves intrinsically into the analyze of virtual character animation — particularly in the fi eld of 3D computer animation and human digital acting.