961 resultados para hydrogen storage materials
Proper storage practices are critical to protect materials from intermingling, contamination, or degradation, and to maintain consistent aggregate gradation throughout a project. Concrete Paving Workforce Reference no.1
Els materials de canvi de fase (PCM) han estat considerats per a l’emmagatzematge tèrmic en edificis des de 1980. Amb la inclusió dels PCM en plaques de guix, guix, formigó o altres materials que s’utilitzen per a cobrir les parets, l’emmagatzematge tèrmic pot ser part de les estructures fins i tot en edificis lleugers. Les noves tècniques de microencapsulació han obert moltes possibilitats en aplicacions per a edificis. El treball que es presenta és el desenvolupament d’un formigó innovador mesclat amb PCM microencapsulat, amb un punt de fusió de 26 oC i una entalpia de canvi de fase de 110 kJ/kg. El primer experiment va ser la inclusió del PCM microencapsulat dins del formigó i la construcció d’una caseta amb aquest nou formigó-PCM. Es va construir una segona caseta al costat de la primera amb les mateixes característiques i orientació però amb formigó convencional que serveix com a referència. Durant els anys 2005 i 2006 es va analitzar el comportament d’ambdues casetes i més tard es va edificar un mur Trombe a la paret sud de totes dues per investigar la seva influència durant la tardor i l’hivern.
Covering the grapevine rows to delay the maturity and harvest date became widely practiced in 'Sultana Seedless' vineyards. The research work was conducted to test different cover materials (polypropylene cross-stitch, life pack, mogul and transparent polyethylene) in respect to their effects on grape quality and storability. Harvest was delayed for one month in covered plots. Harvested grapes were packed and transferred to storage rooms after pre-cooling. During packing, the grape clusters were sealed in PE bags with sulphur dioxide pads. The grapes were stored for 90 days in the first year and 120 days in the second year, at -0.5ºC and 90% RH. All the grape clusters were healthy and of marketable quality after 90 days of storage period. In the first year, at the end of the storage, only those grapes harvested from the rows covered with polypropylene cross-stitch showed fungal growth. The sensory quality scores revealed a lower level of preference after 120 days of storage. The effects of the covering materials tested were similar regarding grape quality and storage performance except the transparent polyethylene that damaged the grapevine leaves.
Association of poly(carboxylic acids) and non-ionic polymers in solutions via hydrogen bonding results in formation of novel polymeric materials-interpolymer complexes. These materials can potentially be used for design of novel mucoadhesive dosage forms, development of solid drug dispersions and solubilisation of poorly soluble drugs, encapsulation technologies, preparation of nanoparticles, hydrogels, in situ gelling systems and electrically erodible materials. This review is an attempt to analyse and systematise existing literature on pharmaceutical application of hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
The discovery of polymers with stimuli responsive physical properties is a rapidly expanding area of research. At the forefront of the field are self-healing polymers, which, when fractured can regain the mechanical properties of the material either autonomically, or in response to a stimulus. It has long been known that it is possible to promote healing in conventional thermoplastics by heating the fracture zone above the Tg of the polymer under pressure. This process requires reptation and subsequent re-entanglement of macromolecules across the fracture void, which serves to bridge, and ‘heal’ the crack. The timescale for this mechanism is highly dependent on the molecular weight of the polymer being studied. This process is in contrast to that required to affect healing in supramolecular polymers such as the plasticised, hydrogen bonded elastomer reported by Leibler et al. The disparity in bond energies between the non-covalent and covalent bonds within supramolecular polymers results in fractures propagating through scission of the comparatively weak supramolecular interactions, rather than through breaking the stronger, covalent bonds. Thus, during the healing process the macromolecules surrounding the fracture site only need sufficient energy to re-engage their supramolecular interactions in order to regenerate the strength of the pristine material. Herein we describe the design, synthesis and optimization of a new class of supramolecular polymer blends that harness the reversible nature of pi-pi stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions to produce self-supporting films with facile healable characteristics.
Optical energy storage properties of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) persistent luminescence materials
The details of the mechanism of persistent luminescence were probed by investigating the trap level structure of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials (R: Y, La-Lu, excluding Pm and Eu) with thermoluminescence (TL) measurements and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The TL results indicated that the shallowest traps for each Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) material above room temperature were always ca. 0.7 eV corresponding to a strong TL maximum at ca. 90 A degrees C. This main trap energy was only slightly modified by the different co-dopants, which, in contrast, had a significant effect on the depths of the deeper traps. The combined results of the trap level energies obtained from the experimental data and DFT calculations suggest that the main trap responsible for the persistent luminescence of the Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials is created by charge compensation lattice defects, identified tentatively as oxygen vacancies, induced by the R(3+) co-dopants.
In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Arten von nicht-kovalent verknüpften Netzwerkstrukturen vorgestellt, die aus phosphonsäurehaltigen Molekülen aufgebaut sind. Einerseits sollen diese phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle als Protonenleiter in Brennstoffzellen eingesetzt werden. Dies ist durch die Möglichkeit des kooperativen Protonentransports in wasserstoffbrückenhaltigen Netzwerken begründet. Auf der anderen Seite sollen die phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle unter Einsatz von Metallkationen zur Darstellung ionischer Netzwerke verwendet werden. In diesem Fall fungieren die phosphonierten Moleküle als Linker in porösen organisch-anorganischen Hybridmaterialien, die sich beispielsweise zur Gasspeicherung eignen.rnEine Brennstoffzelle stellt Energie mit hoher Effizienz und geringer Umweltbelastung bereit. Das Herzstück der Brennstoffzelle ist die Elektrolytmembran, die auch als Separator oder Protonenaustauschmembran (PEM) bezeichnet wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß der Schlüssel zur Weiterentwicklung der PEM-Brennstoffzellen in der Entwicklung von Elektrolyten liegt, die ausschließlich und effizient Protonen transportieren und darüber hinaus chemisch (oxidationsbeständig) und mechanisch stabil sind. Die mechanische Stabilität betrifft insbesondere den Betrieb der Brennstoffzelle bei hohen Temperaturen und niedriger relativer Feuchtigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zum Erreichen eines hohen Protonentransports im Festkörper vorgestellt, der auf dem Einsatz kleiner Moleküle beruht, die durch Selbstorganisation eine kontinuierliche protonenleitende Phase erzeugen. Bis jetzt stellt Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol das erste Beispiel eines kristallinen Protonenleiters dar, der im festen Zustand eine hohe und konstante Leistung zeigt. Die Modifizierung von Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol, entweder durch Änderung von para- zu meta-Substitution oder die Einführung von Alkylketten, führt zu Verbindungen geringerer Kristallinität und niedriger Protonenleitfähigkeit.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker in der Synthese von offenen Phosphonat-Netzwerken eingesetzt. Es bilden sich aufgrund der ionischen Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Metallkationen und den negativ geladenen Phosphonsäuregruppen hochstabile Feststoffe. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit besteht darin, daß 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker zum Aufbau poröser Hybridmaterialien eingesetzt werden kann. Zum ersten Mal wurde ein dreifach phosphoniertes organisches Molekül zum Aufbau mikroporöser offener Phosphonat-Netzwerke verwendet. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Porosität mit dem Wachstumsmechanismus dieser Materialien zusammenhängt. Es ist nur dann möglich ein gleichfalls mikroporöses und kristallines ionisches Netzwerk auf der Grundlage phosphonierter Moleküle zu erhalten, wenn Linker und Konnektor die gleiche Geometrie und Funktionalität besitzen.rn
Objectives: To investigate surface roughness and microhardness of two recent resin-ceramic materials for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) after polishing with three polishing systems. Surface roughness and microhardness were measured immediately after polishing and after six months storage including monthly artificial toothbrushing. Methods: Sixty specimens of Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) and 60 specimens of VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) were roughened in a standardized manner and polished with one of three polishing systems (n=20/group): Sof-Lex XT discs (SOFLEX; three-step (medium-superfine); 3M ESPE), VITA Polishing Set Clinical (VITA; two-step; VITA Zahnfabrik), or KENDA Unicus (KENDA; one-step; KENDA Dental). Surface roughness (Ra; μm) was measured with a profilometer and microhardness (Vickers; VHN) with a surface hardness indentation device. Ra and VHN were measured immediately after polishing and after six months storage (tap water, 37°C) including monthly artificial toothbrushing (500 cycles/month, toothpaste RDA ~70). Ra- and VHN-values were analysed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α=0.05). Results: For Lava Ultimate, Ra (mean [standard deviation] before/after storage) remained the same when polished with SOFLEX (0.18 [0.09]/0.19 [0.10]; p=0.18), increased significantly with VITA (1.10 [0.44]/1.27 [0.39]; p=0.0001), and decreased significantly with KENDA (0.35 [0.07]/0.33 [0.08]; p=0.03). VHN (mean [standard deviation] before/after storage) decreased significantly regardless of polishing system (SOFLEX: 134.1 [5.6]/116.4 [3.6], VITA: 138.2 [10.5]/115.4 [5.9], KENDA: 135.1 [6.2]/116.7 [6.3]; all p<0.0001). For VITA ENAMIC, Ra (mean [standard deviation] before/after storage) increased significantly when polished with SOFLEX (0.37 [0.18]/0.41 [0.14]; p=0.01) and remained the same with VITA (1.32 [0.37]/1.31 [0.40]; p=0.58) and with KENDA (0.81 [0.35]/0.78 [0.32]; p=0.21). VHN (mean [standard deviation] before/after storage) remained the same regardless of polishing system (SOFLEX: 284.9 [24.6]/282.4 [31.8], VITA: 284.6 [28.5]/276.4 [25.8], KENDA: 292.6 [26.9]/282.9 [24.3]; p=0.42-1.00). Conclusion: Surface roughness and microhardness of Lava Ultimate was more affected by storage and artificial toothbrushing than was VITA ENAMIC.
Purpose: To investigate the bond strength to dentin of two recent resin-ceramic materials for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) after 24 hours and after six months storage. Methods and Materials: Ninety cylinders were milled out of Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) and 90 cylinders out of VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) (dimension of cylinders: ∅=3.6 mm, h=2 mm). All Lava Ultimate cylinders were sandblasted (aluminium oxide, grain size: 27 μm) and cleaned with ethanol, whereas all VITA ENAMIC cylinders were acid-etched (5% hydrofluoric acid) and cleaned with water-spray. According to the three groups of cements used, the cylinders (n=30/resin-ceramic material) were further pretreated with 1) Scotchbond Universal for RelyX Ultimate (3M ESPE), 2) CLEARFIL Ceramic Primer for PANAVIA F2.0 (Kuraray), or 3) no further pretreatment for Ketac Cem Plus (3M ESPE). The cylinders were then bonded to ground human dentin specimens with 1) Scotchbond Universal and RelyX Ultimate (light-cured), 2) ED PRIMER II and PANAVIA F2.0 (light-cured), or 3) no adhesive system; Ketac Cem Plus (self-cured). Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured after 24 hours for 15 specimens/group and after six months (37°C, 100% humidity) for the other 15 specimens/group. SBS-values were statistically analysed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α=0.05). Results: SBS of the two resin-ceramic materials and the three cements after 24 hours and after six months storage are shown in Figure 1. The statistical analysis showed that the duration of storage had a significant effect on SBS of Lava Ultimate for all three cements but had no significant effect on SBS of VITA ENAMIC. For Lava Ultimate SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 13.5/22.5 (p=0.04) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/5.8 (p=0.0006) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.34/0.09 (p=0.04) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). For VITA ENAMIC SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 16.0/21.2 (p=0.10) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/14.4 (p=0.06) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.43/0.41 (p=0.32) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). After 24 hours, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for all three cements (p≥0.37). After six months, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for RelyX Ultimate and Ketac Cem Plus (p≥0.07) whereas for PANAVIA F2.0, SBS was significantly lower for Lava Ultimate than for VITA ENAMIC (p<0.0001). Conclusion: SBS of Lava Ultimate was more affected by six months storage and by the cement used than was VITA ENAMIC.