898 resultados para hybrid fiber type


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Ce mémoire présente une recherche détaillée et une analyse des étoiles naines blanches hybrides chimiquement stratifiées dans le Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Une seule étoile stratifiée, PG 1305-017, était connue avant notre recherche. L'objectif principal est de confirmer l'existence de plusieurs nouvelles étoiles stratifiées. Pour ce faire, il a fallu dans un premier temps développer une nouvelle génération de modèles d'atmosphère à partir de ceux de Bergeron et al. (1991) et Tremblay & Bergeron (2009). Nous y avons ajouté l'opacité de toutes les raies d'hélium et les calculs nécessaires pour tenir compte de la stratification chimique de l'atmosphère, où une mince quantité d’hydrogène flotte en équilibre diffusif au-dessus d’une enveloppe massive d’hélium. En parallèle, nous avons aussi calculé des modèles standards, chimiquement homogènes. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des naines blanches chaudes (Teff > 30,000 K) de type spectral hybride (traces d'hélium et d'hydrogène) parmi les ~38,000 naines blanches répertoriées dans le SDSS. Un total de 52 spectres d'étoile a été retenu dans notre échantillon final. La technique spectroscopique, c'est-à-dire l'ajustement des raies spectrales des modèles sur un spectre observé, a été appliquée à toutes les étoiles de notre échantillon. Nous avons ainsi mesuré la température effective, la gravité de surface et la composition chimique de l'atmosphère de ces étoiles. Par l'ajustement simultané de modèles stratifiés et homogènes, nous avons aussi pu déterminer si les étoiles étaient stratifiées ou non. Nous identifions ainsi 14 naines blanches stratifiées. Nous tirons de ces résultats plusieurs conclusions sur les processus physiques expliquant la présence d'hélium dans l'atmosphère.


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Ce mémoire présente une recherche détaillée et une analyse des étoiles naines blanches hybrides chimiquement stratifiées dans le Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Une seule étoile stratifiée, PG 1305-017, était connue avant notre recherche. L'objectif principal est de confirmer l'existence de plusieurs nouvelles étoiles stratifiées. Pour ce faire, il a fallu dans un premier temps développer une nouvelle génération de modèles d'atmosphère à partir de ceux de Bergeron et al. (1991) et Tremblay & Bergeron (2009). Nous y avons ajouté l'opacité de toutes les raies d'hélium et les calculs nécessaires pour tenir compte de la stratification chimique de l'atmosphère, où une mince quantité d’hydrogène flotte en équilibre diffusif au-dessus d’une enveloppe massive d’hélium. En parallèle, nous avons aussi calculé des modèles standards, chimiquement homogènes. Ensuite, nous avons sélectionné des naines blanches chaudes (Teff > 30,000 K) de type spectral hybride (traces d'hélium et d'hydrogène) parmi les ~38,000 naines blanches répertoriées dans le SDSS. Un total de 52 spectres d'étoile a été retenu dans notre échantillon final. La technique spectroscopique, c'est-à-dire l'ajustement des raies spectrales des modèles sur un spectre observé, a été appliquée à toutes les étoiles de notre échantillon. Nous avons ainsi mesuré la température effective, la gravité de surface et la composition chimique de l'atmosphère de ces étoiles. Par l'ajustement simultané de modèles stratifiés et homogènes, nous avons aussi pu déterminer si les étoiles étaient stratifiées ou non. Nous identifions ainsi 14 naines blanches stratifiées. Nous tirons de ces résultats plusieurs conclusions sur les processus physiques expliquant la présence d'hélium dans l'atmosphère.


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Purpose: To analyze the repeatability of measuring nerve fiber length (NFL) from images of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus using semiautomated software. Methods: Images were captured from the corneas of 50 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus who showed varying severity of neuropathy, using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph 3 with Rostock Corneal Module. Semiautomated nerve analysis software was independently used by two observers to determine NFL from images of the subbasal nerve plexus. This procedure was undertaken on two occasions, 3 days apart. Results: The intraclass correlation coefficient values were 0.95 (95% confidence intervals: 0.92–0.97) for individual subjects and 0.95 (95% confidence intervals: 0.74–1.00) for observer. Bland-Altman plots of the NFL values indicated a reduced spread of data with lower NFL values. The overall spread of data was less for (a) the observer who was more experienced at analyzing nerve fiber images and (b) the second measurement occasion. Conclusions: Semiautomated measurement of NFL in the subbasal nerve fiber layer is highly repeatable. Repeatability can be enhanced by using more experienced observers. It may be possible to markedly improve repeatability when measuring this anatomic structure using fully automated image analysis software.


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A dramatically different consumption pattern seems to be emerging among a vast group of consumers. This may mean that conventional consumer stereotypes and segmentation theory are becoming outdated. The so called hybrid consumers seem to increasingly opt for both premium and budget alternatives in various product and service categories while mid-priced alternatives are losing share in their consumption basket. Although this type of polarisation, or dispersion, is already recognized as an important change, hybrid behaviour is still largely under-researched. The present study aims to analyze the possible drivers of hybrid consumption and by identifying typical categories and situations of trading up versus trading down derive tentative characteristics of hybrid consumption for further research on the topic. A tentative pattern of hybrid consumption was identified, which relates trading up to high-involvement, discretional spending and trading down to low-involvement necessities. However, it was also found that hybrid consumption transcends product category boundaries and may thus be less straightforward than previously perhaps assumed. In addition, a purchase pattern continuum was developed, accounting for various degrees of hybrid consumption.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.


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A commercial acrylic fiber with 92% (w/w) acrylonitrile content was partially hydrolyzed converting a fraction of the nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups, to coat the fiber with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin, which was then crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and further quaternized with ethyl chloroacetate to produce a novel strong-base anionic exchanger in the form of fiber. Designated as PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-), the fibrous sorbent was compared with a commercial bead-form resin Amberlite IRA-458(Cl-) in respect of sorption capacity, selectivity, and kinetics for removal of silver thiosulfate complexes from aqueous solutions. Though the saturation level of [Ag(S2O3)(2)](3-) on PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-) is considerably less than that on IRA-458(Cl-), the gel-coated fibrous sorbent exhibits, as compared to the bead-form sorbent, a significantly higher sorption selectivity for the silver thiosulfate complex in the presence of excess of other anions Such as S2O32-, SO42-, and Cl-, and a remarkably faster rate of both sorption and stripping. The initial uptake of the sorbate by the fibrous sorbent is nearly instantaneous, reaching up to similar to 80% of the saturation capacity within 10 s, as compared to only similar to 12% on the bead-form sorbent. The high initial rate of uptake fits a shell-core kinetic model for sorption on fiber of cylindrical geometry. With 4M HCl, the stripping of the sorbed silver complex from the fibrous sorbent is clean and nearly instantaneous, while, in contrast, a much slower rate of stripping on the bead-form sorbent leads to its fouling due to a slow decomposition of the silver thiosulfate complex in the acidic medium.


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The impact response and failure mechanisms of ultrahigh modulus polyethylene (UHMPE) fiber composites and UHMPE fiber-carbon fiber hybrid composites have been investigated. Charpy impact, drop weight impact and high strain rate impact experiments have been performed in order to study the impact resistance, notch sensitivity, strain rate sensitivity and hybrid effects. Results obtained from dynamic and quasi-static measurements have been compared. Because of the ductility of UHMPE fibers, the impact energy absorption of UHMPE fiber composites is very high, thereby leading to excellent damage tolerance. By hybridizing with UHMPE fibers, the impact properties of carbon fiber composites can be greatly improved. The impact and shock failure mechanisms of these composites are discussed.


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The relentlessly increasing demand for network bandwidth, driven primarily by Internet-based services such as mobile computing, cloud storage and video-on-demand, calls for more efficient utilization of the available communication spectrum, as that afforded by the resurging DSP-powered coherent optical communications. Encoding information in the phase of the optical carrier, using multilevel phase modulationformats, and employing coherent detection at the receiver allows for enhanced spectral efficiency and thus enables increased network capacity. The distributed feedback semiconductor laser (DFB) has served as the near exclusive light source powering the fiber optic, long-haul network for over 30 years. The transition to coherent communication systems is pushing the DFB laser to the limits of its abilities. This is due to its limited temporal coherence that directly translates into the number of different phases that can be imparted to a single optical pulse and thus to the data capacity. Temporal coherence, most commonly quantified in the spectral linewidth Δν, is limited by phase noise, result of quantum-mandated spontaneous emission of photons due to random recombination of carriers in the active region of the laser.

In this work we develop a generically new type of semiconductor laser with the requisite coherence properties. We demonstrate electrically driven lasers characterized by a quantum noise-limited spectral linewidth as low as 18 kHz. This narrow linewidth is result of a fundamentally new laser design philosophy that separates the functions of photon generation and storage and is enabled by a hybrid Si/III-V integration platform. Photons generated in the active region of the III-V material are readily stored away in the low loss Si that hosts the bulk of the laser field, thereby enabling high-Q photon storage. The storage of a large number of coherent quanta acts as an optical flywheel, which by its inertia reduces the effect of the spontaneous emission-mandated phase perturbations on the laser field, while the enhanced photon lifetime effectively reduces the emission rate of incoherent quanta into the lasing mode. Narrow linewidths are obtained over a wavelength bandwidth spanning the entire optical communication C-band (1530-1575nm) at only a fraction of the input power required by conventional DFB lasers. The results presented in this thesis hold great promise for the large scale integration of lithographically tuned, high-coherence laser arrays for use in coherent communications, that will enable Tb/s-scale data capacities.


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Coincidence and common fixed point theorems for a class of Suzuki hybrid contractions involving two pairs of single-valued and multivalued maps in a metric space are obtained. In addition, the existence of a common solution for a certain class of functional equations arising in a dynamic programming is also discussed.


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Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite sandwich panels with hybrid foam filled CFRP pyramidal lattice cores have been assembled from a carbon fiber braided net, 3D woven face sheets and various polymeric foams, and infused with an epoxy resin using a vacuum assisted resin transfer process. Sandwich panels with a fixed CFRP truss mass have been fabricated using a variety of closed cell polymer and syntactic foams, resulting in core densities ranging from 44-482kgm-3. The through thickness and in-plane shear modulus and strength of the cores increased with increasing foam density. The use of low compressive strength foams within the core was found to result in a significant reduction in the compressive strength contributed by the CFRP trusses. X-ray tomography led to the discovery that the trusses develop an elliptical cross-section shape during pressure assisted resin transfer. The ellipticity of the truss cross-sections increased, and the lattice contribution to the core strength decreased as the foam density was reduced. Micromechanical modeling was used to investigate the relationships between the mechanical properties and volume fractions of the core materials and truss topology of the hybrid core. The specific strength and moduli of the hybrid cores lay between those of the CFRP lattices and foams used to fabricate them. However, their volumetric and gravimetric energy absorptions significantly exceeded those of the materials from which they were fabricated. They compare favorably with other lightweight energy absorbing materials and structures. © 2013.


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Perovskite-type organic/inorganic hybrid layered compound (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)PbI4 was synthesized. The patterning Of (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)PbI4 thin films on silicon substrate was realized by the micromolding in capillaries (MIMIC) process, a kind of soft lithography. Bright green luminescent stripes with different widths (50, 15, 0.8 mum) have been obtained. The structure and optical properties Of (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)PbI4 films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV/Vis absorption and photoluminescence excitation and emission spectra, respectively. It is shown that the organic-inorganic layered (C6H5C2H4NH3)(2)PbI4 film was c-axis oriented, paralleling to the substrate plane. Green exciton emission at 525 nm was observed in the film, and the explanations for it were given.