949 resultados para high rate sedimentation
The barium distribution in sediments and pore fluids from five sites drilled in the Japan Sea have been used to illustrate the geochemical behavior of this element as it pertains paleoproductivity reconstructions, diagenetic remobilization, and barite precipitation in authigenic fronts. Sites where sulfate is depleted in the pore fluids also show high concentrations of dissolved barium, reflecting dissolution of biogenic barite. The high rate of sedimentation at Sites 798 and 799 results in a rapid sulfate depletion, which in turn leads to barite dissolution and reprecipitation in diagenetic fronts. The dissolved barium distribution at these sites has been used to quantify the rate of barite dissolution; we estimate a first-order rate constant for barite dissolution to be 2*10**-6/s at Site 799 and 2*10**-7/s at Site 798. Authigenic barite has been documented in sediments from Site 799 at 323 meters below seafloor by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence analysis. These results indicate barite precipitation in a diagenetic front near the zone of sulfate depletion by upward migration of dissolved barium and downward diffusion of sulfate. Barite precipitation has also been inferred at Sites 796 and 798 based on sedimentary and dissolved barium distributions. Sulfate is not depleted in the pore fluids of Site 794. The lack of diagenetic remobilization of biogenic barium at this site preserves the high barium signal associated with the high-productivity sequences deposited during the late Miocene to Pliocene. Significantly, the organic carbon distribution does not indicate high accumulation rates during the periods of high opal and barium deposition. Instead, higher organic carbon accumulations are recorded in the Quaternary and middle Miocene sequences; intervals that are also characterized by deposition of siliciclastic turbidites. The presence of a terrestrial component in the organic carbon record renders barium a more useful indicator than organic carbon for paleoproductivity reconstructions in this marginal sea.
High resolution palynological and geochemical data of sediment core GeoB 3910-2 (located offshore Northeast Brazil) spanning the period between 19 600 and 14 500 calibrated year bp (19.6-14.5 ka) show a land-cover change in the catchment area of local rivers in two steps related to changes in precipitation associated with Heinrich Event 1 (H1 stadial). At the end of the last glacial maximum, the landscape in semi-arid Northeast Brazil was dominated by a very dry type of caatinga vegetation, mainly composed of grasslands with some herbs and shrubs. After 18 ka, considerably more humid conditions are suggested by changes in the vegetation and by Corg and C/N data indicative of fluvial erosion. The caatinga became wetter and along lakes and rivers, sedges and gallery forest expanded. The most humid period was recorded between 16.5 and 15 ka, when humid gallery (and floodplain) forest and even small patches of mountainous Atlantic rain forest occurred together with dry forest, the latter being considered as a rather lush type of caatinga vegetation. During this humid phase erosion decreased as less lithogenic material and more organic terrestrial material were deposited on the continental slope of northern Brazil. After 15 ka arid conditions returned. During the humid second phase of the H1 stadial, a rich variety of landscapes existed in Northeast Brazil and during the drier periods small pockets of forest could probably survive in favorable spots, which would have increased the resilience of the forest to climate change.
Radiocarbon ages of bottom sediments and sedimentation rates in depressions of the Red Sea rift zone
Sedimentation rates (SR) for metalliferous and ore sediments containing ore material in 15 depressions of the Red Sea rift zone are discussed. SR for normal sediments was ca. 3.2 cm/ka in the second half of Holocene, 14.3 cm/ka yrs in the first half of Holocene, and 21.3 cm/ka in Late Würmian. Accumulation of metalliferous and ore sediments requires considerable accumulation of hydrothermal matter. Ore sediments have been found primarily in the Atlantis II and Chain Deeps; average sedimentation rate in these depressions is 90.0 cm/ka. In other depressions geothermal activity during considered time intervals was lower, and ore material occurs as admixture or in layers.
Results of radiocarbon dating of 23 cores (81 determinations) collected in the Red Sea rift zone at 8°N are presented. All of the main tectonic structures were dated: the upper and lower tectonic benches, the salt scarp, and the axial zone. Sediments in the upper tectonic bench exhibit normal sedimentation, while all other structures, which have highly dissected relief, show extensive re-deposition or non-accumulation of sediments. Sedimentation rate in Holocene was from two to three times lower than in Late Würm.
Concentrations and activity ratios of uranium and thorium isotopes (234U/238U, 230Th/232Th) were determined at about 5-m intervals through the composite top 22-m sequence of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 645 in Baffin Bay and, in the Labrador Sea, at 1-m intervals through the top 11 m of Core 84-030-003 (TWC and P) collected by the Hudson during a preliminary survey of Site 647, and also at about 2-m intervals through the composite top 22-m sequence of Hole 646. In the Labrador Sea, surficial sediments show unsupported 230Th having a 230Th/234U activity ratio of about 3. At Site 647, a regular decrease in the 230Th/232Th activity ratio was observed downcore from about 1.2 (at 1 mbsf) to about 0.4 (at ~8 mbsf), through a sequence spanning over 18O stages 2 through 8. The correlative thorium/uranium chronology and 18O stratigraphy indicate relatively constant sedimentation rates throughout the sequence. At Site 646, down Greenland slope, and at Site 645, in Baffin Bay, highly variable uranium and thorium concentrations and isotopic ratios were observed in relation to highly variable sedimentation rates. As a whole, the lower-excess observed in Baffin Bay records is indicative of very high absolute sedimentation rates in comparison with those of the Labrador Sea. These rates are confirmed by the 18O-stratigraphy and a few AMS 14C controls on handpicked foraminifers. At both Labrador Sea sites, a clear indication of an initial 230Th-excess (over the 230Th-rain from the water column) was found.