985 resultados para heritage management and conservation


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Arthropods that have a direct impact on crop production (i.e. pests, natural enemies and pollinators) can be influenced by both local farm management and the context within which the fields occur in the wider landscape. However, the contributions and spatial scales at which these drivers operate and interact are not fully understood, particularly in the developing world. The impact of both local management and landscape context on insect pollinators and natural enemy communities and on their capacity to deliver related ecosystem services to an economically important tropical crop, pigeonpea was investigated. The study was conducted in nine paired farms across a gradient of increasing distance to semi-native vegetation in Kibwezi, Kenya. Results show that proximity of fields to semi-native habitats negatively affected pollinator and chewing insect abundance. Within fields, pesticide use was a key negative predictor of pollinator, pest and foliar active predator abundance. On the contrary, fertilizer application significantly enhanced pollinator and both chewing and sucking insect pest abundance. At a 1 km spatial scale of fields, there were significant negative effects of the number of semi-native habitat patches within fields dominated by mass flowering pigeonpea on pollinators abundance. For service provision, a significant decline in fruit set when insects were excluded from flowers was recorded. This study reveals the interconnections of pollinators, predators and pests with pigeonpea crop. For sustainable yields and to conserve high densities of both pollinators and predators of pests within pigeonpea landscapes, it is crucial to target the adoption of less disruptive farm management practices such as reducing pesticide and fertilizer inputs.


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It has been possible to nominate places for their cultural landscape values to the World Heritage List since December 1992. The Operational Guidelines (2005) define cultural landscapes as cultural properties that ‘represent the “combined works of nature and man” designated in Article 1 of the Convention’. They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces, both internal and external’ (Para 47). Refining this further, the World Heritage system recognises three categories of cultural landscapes:

1. Clearly defined landscapes designed and intentionally created by man;

2. Organically evolved landscapes of two subtypes:
·  Relict or fossil landscapes in which an evolutionary process has come to an end but where its distinguishing features are still visible;
·  Continuing landscapes which retain an active social role in contemporary society associated with a traditional way of life and in which the evolutionary process is still in progress and where it exhibits significant material evidence of its evolution over time;

3. Associative cultural landscapes where the outstanding universal value relates to the powerful religious, artistic, or cultural associations of the natural elements rather than the evidence of material culture.


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Freshwater finfish species richness and level of endemism in East, and South and South-East Asia that included 17 nations were studied using available databases, and included nation-wise distribution, habitat types, and conservation status. The number of endemic finfish species in the region was 559, belonging to 47 families. Families Cyprinidae and Balitoridae accounted for 43.5% and 16.2% of the total number of endemic species in the region, respectively, followed by Sisoridae (25), Gobiidae (20), Melanotaeniidae (19), and Bagridae (16), and the other 41 families had at least one endemic species. Nation-wise the most number of endemic freshwater finfish species occur in India (191), followed by China (88), Indonesia (84), and Myanmar (60). In India, the endemic species accounted for 26.4% of the native freshwater fish fauna, followed by South Korea (16.9%), the Philippines, (16.3%) and Myanmar (15.7%).

Statistically significant relationships discerned between the number of indigenous and endemic species richness to land area (Xla in 103 km2) of the nations in the region were, Yin = 218.961 Ln(Xla) – 843.1 (R2 = 0.735; P < 0.001) and Ye = 28.445 Ln Xla−134.47 (R2 = 0.534; P < 0.01), respectively, and between indigenous and endemic species richness was Ye = 0.079Xn− 1.558 (R2 = 0.235; P < 0.05).

The overall conservation status of endemic finfish in Asia was satisfactory in that only 92 species were in some state of vulnerability, of which 37 species (6.6%) are endangered or critically endangered. However, the bulk of these species (83.7%) were cave- and or lake-dwelling fish. However, nation-wise, the endemic freshwater finfish fauna of the Philippines and Sri Lanka, based on the imperilment index, were found to be in a highly vulnerable state. Among river basins, the Mekong Basin had the highest number of endemic species (31.3%). The discrepancies between databases are highlighted and the need to consolidate information among databases is discussed. It is suggested that the Mekong Basin be considered as a biodiversity hotspot, and appropriate management strategies be introduced in this regard.


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Throughout the world, the increasing use of land for agriculture has been associated with extensive loss and fragmentation of natural habitats and, frequently, the degradation of remaining habitats. The effects of such habitat changes have been well studied for some faunal groups, but little is known of their consequences for bats. The aim of this study was to investigate the ecology and conservation of an assemblage of insectivorous bats in a rural landscape, with particular focus on their foraging and roosting requirements. This increased knowledge will, hopefully, assist the formulation of policy and management decisions to ensure the long-term survival of bats in these altered environments. The distribution and abundance of insectivorous bats in the Northern Plains of Victoria was investigated to determine the impacts of land-use change and to identify factors influencing the distribution of bats in rural landscapes. Thirteen species of insectivorous bats were recorded across the region by sampling at 184 sites. Two species were rare, but the remaining 11 species were widespread and occurred in all types of remnant wooded vegetation, ranging from large blocks (≥200 ha) to small isolated remnants (≤5 ha) and scattered trees in cleared farm paddocks. There was no significant difference between remnant types in the relative abundance of bat species, in species richness, or in the composition of bat assemblages at study sites. In a subsequent study, no difference in the activity levels of bats was found between remnants with different tree densities, ranging from densely-vegetated blocks to single paddock trees. However, sites in open paddocks devoid of trees differed significantly from all types of wooded remnants and had significantly lower levels of bat activity and a different species composition. In highly cleared and modified landscapes, all native vegetation has value to bats, even the smallest remnant, roadside and single paddock tree. Roost sites are a key habitat requirement for bats and may be a limiting resource in highly modified environments. Two species, the lesser long-eared bat Nyctophilus geoffroyi and Gould's wattled bat Chalinolobus gouldii, were investigated as a basis for understanding the capacity of bats to survive in agricultural landscapes. These species have different wing morphologies, which may be influential in how they use the landscape, and anecdotal evidence suggested differences in their roosting ecology. Roosting ecology was examined using radio-tracking to locate 376 roosts in two study areas with contrasting tree cover in northern Victoria. Both species were highly selective in the location of their roosts in the landscape, in roost-site selection and in roosting behaviour, and responded differently to differing levels of availability of roosts. The Barmah-Picola study area incorporated remnant vegetation in farmland and an adjacent extensive floodplain forest (Barmah forest). Male N. geojfroyi roosted predominantly within 3 km of their foraging areas in remnants in farmland. However, most female N. geoffroyi, and both sexes of C. gouldii, roosted in Barmah forest up to 12 km from their foraging areas in farmland remnants. These distances were greater than previously recorded for these species and further than predicted by wing morphology. In contrast, in the second study area (Naring) where only small remnants of wooded vegetation remain in farmland, individuals of both species moved significantly shorter distances between roost sites and foraging areas. There were marked inter- and intra-specific differences in the roosts selected. C. gouldii used similar types of roosts in both areas - predominantly dead spouts in large, live trees. N. geoffroyi used a broader range of roost types, especially in the farmland environment. Roosts were typically under bark and in fissures, with males in particular also using anthropogenic structures. A strong preference was shown by both sexes for roosts in dead trees, and entrance dimensions of roosts were consistently narrow (2.5 cm). In Barmah forest, maternity roosts used by N. geoffroyi were predominantly in narrow fissures in large-diameter, dead trees, while at Naring maternity roosts were also found under bark, in buildings, and in small-diameter, live and dead trees. The number of roost trees that are required for an individual or colony is influenced by the frequency with which bats move between roosts, the proportion of roosts that are re-used, the distance between consecutive roosts, and the size of roosting colonies. Both species roosted in small colonies and regularly shifted roost sites within a discrete roost area. These behavioural traits suggest that a high density of roost sites is required. There were marked differences in these aspects of behaviour between individuals roosting in Barmah forest and in the fragmented rural landscape. At Naring, N. geqffroyi remained in roosts for longer periods and moved greater distances between consecutive roosts than in Barmah forest. In contrast, C. gouldii used a smaller pool of roosts in the farmland environment by re-using roosts more frequently. Within Barmah forest, there is an extensive area of forest but the density of hollow-bearing trees is reduced due to timber harvesting and silvicultural practices. Individuals were selective in the location of their roosting areas, with both species selecting parts of the forest that contained higher densities of their preferred roost trees than was generally available in the forest. In contrast, in farmland at Naring, where there were small pockets of remnant vegetation with high densities of potential roost sites surrounded by cleared paddocks with few roosting opportunities, little selection was shown. This suggests that in Barmah forest the density of trees with potential roosts is lower than optimal, while in farmland roosting resources may be adequate in woodland remnants, but limiting at the landscape scale since more than 95% of the landscape now provides no roosting opportunities. Insectivorous bats appear to be less severely affected than some other faunal groups by habitat fragmentation and land-use change. A highly developed capacity for flight, the spatial scale at which they move and their ability to cross open areas means that they can regularly move among multiple landscape elements, rather than depend on single remnants for all their resources. In addition, bats forage and roost mainly at elevated levels in trees and so are less sensitive to degradation of wooded habitats at ground level. Although seemingly resilient to habitat fragmentation, insectivorous bats are fundamentally dependent on trees for roosting and foraging, and so are vulnerable to habitat loss and ongoing rural tree decline. Protection of the remaining large old trees and measures to ensure regeneration to provide ongoing replacement of hollow-bearing trees through time are critical to ensure the long-term conservation of bats in rural landscapes.


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Management of fire for biodiversity conservation is a global issue. This research provides new insights into the distribution of mammals in fire-prone eco-systems. A key outcome of this thesis is that understanding the role of fire over broad spatial scales and long time periods will benefit ecological and conservation management.


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We investigated the home-range size and habitat use of eight Sooty Owls (Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa) in coastal forests in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, between November 2006 and January 2008. The size of home-ranges varied widely; based on 95% adaptive kernel estimates, the average size of home-ranges of males was 3025ha (±1194s.d., n=3), whereas that of females was 994ha (±654s.d., n=5). Sooty Owls utilised a broad range of ecological vegetation classes and topographical features for roosting and foraging at a greater scale than previously assumed. There was minimal selection for habitat types based on floristic composition, primarily only avoiding heathlands (for foraging and roosting) and selecting particular dense foliage (rainforest and riparian scrub) for foliage roosting. Two Owls maintained home-ranges close to logged areas, with logging regrowth (<45 years old) being strongly avoided by both individuals. We recommend that the size of individual reserves for Sooty Owls in commercial forests should be increased to more closely resemble the core spatial resource requirements needed by a pair. Reserves should be largest where they feed predominantly on hollow-dependent prey. Most importantly, rather than conservation measures just focussing on the spatial requirements of Sooty Owls, efforts should be directed towards retaining high densities of crucial resources, such as hollow-bearing trees and mammalian prey species throughout the landscape.


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Although marine protected areas (MPAs) are a common conservation strategy, these areas are often designed with little prior knowledge of the spatial behaviour of the species they are designed to protect. Currently, the Coral Sea area and its seamounts (north-east Australia) are under review to determine if MPAs are warranted. The protection of sharks at these seamounts should be an integral component of conservation plans. Therefore, knowledge on the spatial ecology of sharks at the Coral Sea seamounts is essential for the appropriate implementation of management and conservation plans. Acoustic telemetry was used to determine residency, site fidelity and spatial use of three shark species at Osprey Reef: whitetip reef sharks Triaenodon obesus, grey reef sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos and silvertip sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Most individuals showed year round residency at Osprey Reef, although five of the 49 individuals tagged moved to the neighbouring Shark Reef (∼14 km away) and one grey reef shark completed a round trip of ∼250 km to the Great Barrier Reef. Additionally, individuals of white tip and grey reef sharks showed strong site fidelity to the areas they were tagged, and there was low spatial overlap between groups of sharks tagged at different locations. Spatial use at Osprey Reef by adult sharks is generally restricted to the north-west corner. The high residency and limited spatial use of Osprey Reef suggests that reef sharks would be highly vulnerable to targeted fishing pressure and that MPAs incorporating no-take of sharks would be effective in protecting reef shark populations at Osprey and Shark Reef.


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The ongoing evolution of the global heritage movement has been marked by a move away from fabric-centred understandings of heritage, towards a language of ‘place’, ‘values’ and ‘stakeholders’. Recent initiatives like the ‘Vienna Memorandum on Historic Urban Landscapes’ and the ‘Seoul Declaration on Heritage and the Metropolis in Asia and the Pacific’ represent important steps in such directions for managing the heritage of urban environments. This paper examines these developments in the context of Srinagar, the capital city of Indian administered Kashmir. With the conflict in the region enduring for more than fifteen years, the city - regarded as one of the most important pre-modern urban landscapes in South Asia - has suffered extensive physical damage. Nonetheless, the city remains the cultural and political heart of a wider collective identity rooted in the Kashmir Valley. As such, Srinagar presents a rich example of a city that would strongly benefit from the insights gained from Seoul and Vienna; an approach that recognises how a sense of ‘place’ arises through an intimate dialogue between the built environment and the socio-cultural context within which it sits. However, as we shall see, a framework oriented around ‘values’ and ‘context’ opens up unfamiliar and difficult questions and challenges. If a city like Srinagar is to be discussed in more holistic, less fabric-based terms, the interfaces between heritage and its wider social values, such as cultural sovereignty, multi-culturalism or democracy require far greater attention than they have received to date.


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This study aimed to provide an insight on the ecology of the bottlenose dolphin population in Madeira archipelago. To achieve this, population structure; group dynamics, site-fidelity, residency and movement patterns within and out of the study area; survival and abundance estimates and spatial and temporal distribution and habitat preferences related to physiographic parameters using data collected between 2001-2011, were investigated. Photo-identification data analysis revealed strong evidences that bottlenose dolphins seen in the archipelago of Madeira belong to an open population with regular recruitment of new animals to the area. This population exhibited a typical fission-fusion society, in which short-term acquaintances prevail, with only a few long-lasting associations. Photo-identification methods demonstrated that there is a large variability in residency pattern, with resident, transient and migrant individuals. Only a small number of dolphins were found to be resident (4.3%). Social network diagram as well as SLAR analysis supported the existence of a mixed population of residents, migrants and transients. Mark-recapture methods estimated a high survival rate, within the range of other long-lived cetacean species. The resident community is composed of app. 180 individuals. In addition, around 400 dolphins of different residency patterns were found to use the south area of Madeira Island. Spatial distribution indicated that bottlenose dolphins were regularly found in shallow and closer to shore areas, suggesting the existence of biological processes influenced by bathymetry. Moreover, temporal patterns revealed no strong seasonal fluctuation in the presence of bottlenose dolphins in Madeira archipelago waters. Bottlenose dolphins are listed under the Annex II of the EU habitats Directive that requires the designation of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for this species; as such, the knowledge gained through this work can be used by governmental authorities to the establishment and management of areas for the conservation of bottlenose dolphin in Madeira archipelago.


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The importance of genetic evaluations in aquaculture programmes has been increased significantly not only to improve effectiveness of hatchery production but also to maintain genetic diversity. In the present study, wild and captive populations of a commercially important neotropical freshwater fish, Brycon cephalus (Amazonian matrincha), were analyzed in order to evaluate the levels of genetic diversity in a breeding programme at a Brazilian research institute of tropical fish. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fingerprinting was used to access the genetic variability of a wild stock from the Amazon River and of three captive stocks that correspond to consecutive generations from the fishery culture. Although farmed stocks showed considerably lower genetic variation than the wild population, a significantly higher level of polymorphism was detected in the third hatchery generation. The results seem to reflect a common breeding practice on several hatchery fish programmes that use a small number of parents as broodstocks, obtaining reproductive success with few non-identified mating couples. The obtained data were useful for discussing suitable strategies for the genetic management and biodiversity conservation of this species.


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The present study shows the distribution of alien fish species in tropical lakes in the middle Doce river basin, southeastern Brazil, obtained from a rapid assessment program. The causes for their introductions were sport-fishing improvement in some specific lakes and aquaculture in the studied basin. Presently, these species have a wide distribution occurring in 41 of the 54 lakes studied, representing an actual threat to regional native fish community. The natural connection among lakes and streams during the rainy season and the dispersal mediated by local people are the main invasion agents for alien fishes. The success of these invaders is probably due to absence of pre-existing effective competitors or top-predators in the invaded communities. We consider that the eradication of alien fishes by means of the available management tools may be very difficult due to the large number of lakes invaded and to the wide spectrum of lake conditions and resources exploited by these alien species. We recommend the use of environmental education as a tool to stop the human-mediated dispersion of aliens and to improve conservation of native fish community in lakes where these alien species are not present yet. © 2004 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.


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An integrated and interdisciplinary research programme with native medicinal plants from tropical forests has been performed in order to obtain new forest products for sustainable use in regional markets vis-à-vis ecosystem conservation. For the success of this programme ethnopharmacological studies are very important with respect to (i) identification of useful plants including medicinal and aromatic species; (ii) recuperation and preservation of traditional knowledge about native plants; and (iii) identification of potential plants with economic value. The plants are selected with a view to evaluate efficacy and safety (pharmacological and toxicological studies), and phytochemical profile and quality control (phytochemical and chromatographic characterization). These studies are very important to add value to plant products and also to mitigate unscrupulous exploitation of medicinal plants by local communities, since multiple use of plants represents an excellent strategy for sustaining the tropical ecosystem through ex situ and in situ conservation. Thus, conservation of tropical resources is possible in conjunction with improvements in the quality of life of the traditional communities and production of new products with therapeutic, cosmetic and 'cosmeceutic' value. © NIAB 2005.