982 resultados para he Johansen Co-integration


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Products from the spontaneous reaction of a long-chain arenediazonium salt, 2,6-dimethyl-4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate(16-ArN2BF4), in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)? are used to estimate the local concentration of chloride and bromide ions at the micellar surface. The arenediazonium ion, 16-ArN2+, which is totally bound to the SDS micelle, reacts by rate-determining loss of N-2 to give an aryl cation that traps available nucleophiles, i,e., H2O, Cl-, and Br-, to give stable phenol, 16-ArOH, and halobenzene products, 16-ArCl and 16-ArBr, respectively. Product yields, determined by HPLC, are related to local concentrations using calibration curves obtained from independent standards. The local concentrations determined by this method are consistent with co-ion concentrations calculated, using a cell model, by numerical integration of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE) taking into account salt-induced micellar growth. The salt dependence of the intel facial concentrations of Cl- and Br- are identical. indicating no specific interactions in the interfacial co-ion compartment. PBE calculations predict that, in micellar SDS, increasing the concentration of a particular halide salt (NaX) at constant concentration of another halide (NaY) should result in an increase in the local concentrations of both co-ions. Using this chemical-trapping method, this prediction was demonstrated experimentally.


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The Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE), with specific ion-surface interactions and a cell model, was used to calculate the electrostatic properties of aqueous solutions containing vesicles of ionic amphiphiles. Vesicles are assumed to be water- and ion-permeable hollow spheres and specific ion adsorption at the surfaces was calculated using a Volmer isotherm. We solved the PBE numerically for a range of amphiphile and salt concentrations (up to 0.1 M) and calculated co-ion and counterion distributions in the inside and outside of vesicles as well as the fields and electrical potentials. The calculations yield results that are consistent with measured values for vesicles of synthetic amphiphiles.


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Voltage-controlled spin electronics is crucial for continued progress in information technology. It aims at reduced power consumption, increased integration density and enhanced functionality where non-volatile memory is combined with highspeed logical processing. Promising spintronic device concepts use the electric control of interface and surface magnetization. From the combination of magnetometry, spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy, symmetry arguments and first-principles calculations, we show that the (0001) surface of magnetoelectric Cr2O3 has a roughness-insensitive, electrically switchable magnetization. Using a ferromagnetic Pd/Co multilayer deposited on the (0001) surface of a Cr2O3 single crystal, we achieve reversible, room-temperature isothermal switching of the exchange-bias field between positive and negative values by reversing the electric field while maintaining a permanent magnetic field. This effect reflects the switching of the bulk antiferromagnetic domain state and the interface magnetization coupled to it. The switchable exchange bias sets in exactly at the bulk Néel temperature.


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This study aimed to evaluate accessibility to treatment for people with TB co-infected or not with HIV. This cross-sectional study addressed issues regarding accessibility to treatment in a city in the interior of Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The instrument Primary Care Assessment Tool was utilized with 95 people. To evaluate access to treatment, Student's t test was used. The mean scores of variables were analyzed separately and compared between two groups (people with TB co-infected with HIV and people with TB not co-infected with HIV). Mean scores showed that HIV co-infected people presented greater difficulties in gaining access than those not co-infected. Professionals visited co-infected people more often when compared to those not co-infected; the co-infected people almost never accessed treatment for their disease in the Health Unit nearest their home. There is, therefore, the need for greater integration and communication between the programs for treatment of Tuberculosis and STD/AIDS.


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Background: In a classical study, Durkheim mapped suicide rates, wealth, and low family density and realized that they clustered in northern France. Assessing others variables, such as religious society, he constructed a framework for the analysis of the suicide, which still allows international comparisons using the same basic methodology. The present study aims to identify possible significantly clusters of suicide in the city of Sao Paulo, and then, verify their statistical associations with socio-economic and cultural characteristics. Methods: A spatial scan statistical test was performed to analyze the geographical pattern of suicide deaths of residents in the city of Sao Paulo by Administrative District, from 1996 to 2005. Relative risks and high and/or low clusters were calculated accounting for gender and age as co-variates, were analyzed using spatial scan statistics to identify geographical patterns. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations with socioeconomic variables, considering, the spatial cluster of high suicide rates as the response variable. Drawing from Durkheim's original work, current World Health Organization (WHO) reports and recent reviews, the following independent variables were considered: marital status, income, education, religion, and migration. Results: The mean suicide rate was 4.1/100,000 inhabitant-years. Against this baseline, two clusters were identified: the first, of increased risk (RR = 1.66), comprising 18 districts in the central region; the second, of decreased risk (RR = 0.78), including 14 districts in the southern region. The downtown area toward the southwestern region of the city displayed the highest risk for suicide, and though the overall risk may be considered low, the rate climbs up to an intermediate level in this region. One logistic regression analysis contrasted the risk cluster (18 districts) against the other remaining 78 districts, testing the effects of socioeconomic-cultural variables. The following categories of proportion of persons within the clusters were identified as risk factors: singles (OR = 2.36), migrants (OR = 1.50), Catholics (OR = 1.37) and higher income (OR = 1.06). In a second logistic model, likewise conceived, the following categories of proportion of persons were identified as protective factors: married (OR = 0.49) and Evangelical (OR = 0.60). Conclusions: This risk/ protection profile is in accordance with the interpretation that, as a social phenomenon, suicide is related to social isolation. Thus, the classical framework put forward by Durkheim seems to still hold, even though its categorical expression requires re-interpretation.


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Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation wurde ein 3He-Applikationssystem für die in-vivo 3He-Magnetresonanztomographie der Lunge von Ratten entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bisher entwickelten MR-kompatiblen Beatmungsgeräten wurde in diesem Applikationssystem erstmals der polarisationserhaltende ³He-Langzeitspeicher im Streufeld des Tomographen integriert. Bei der 3He-Applikation wird das 3He-Gas automatisch aus dem Langzeitspeicher außerhalb des Magneten zum Tier in den Tomographen geleitet. Die Kernspin-Polarisationsverluste, die beim 3He-Transfer zum Tier in den Tomographen auftreten, betragen etwa 1% (rel.) und sind vernachlässigbar gering. Das Beatmungssystem wurde zusammen mit der MRT-Bildgebungssequenz COMSPIRA an mehr als 200 Tieren erfolgreich getestet. Die MRT-Aufnahmen fanden hauptsächlich an einem 0,47 T Niederfeldtomographen bei der Firma Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma in Biberach statt. Es wurden sowohl morphologische Aufnahmen der Rattenlunge gemacht als auch der „Apparent Diffusion Coefficient“ (ADC) gemessen. Die relative Streuung der ADC-Werte innerhalb einer Gruppe von Tieren ähnlichen Alters und Gewichts betrug dabei 5%. Bei Wiederholungsmessungen an ein und demselben Tier verringerte sich die relative Streuung auf 1%. Diese Werte unterstreichen die hohe Reproduzierbarkeit des Beatmungssystems sowie des gesamten Messverfahrens. Weiterhin wurde ein Verfahren vorgestellt, das den experimentell bestimmten ADC unabhängig von dem Mischungsverhältnis zwischen dem applizierten 3He und der Atemluft in der Lunge macht. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem das hp 3He mit dem chemisch inerten und ungiftigen Gas SF6 in einem definierten Verhältnis gemischt wird und anschließend dem Tier appliziert wird. Zuletzt wurde der ADC von emphysematischen Rattenlungen und von gesunden Rattenlungen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen signifikant kleineren ADC innerhalb der Gruppe der erkrankten Tiere. Diese Dissertation wurde durch die Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG unterstützt.


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In case of violation of CPT- and Lorentz Symmetry, the minimal Standard Model Extension (SME) of Kostelecky and coworkers predicts sidereal modulations of atomic transition frequencies as the Earth rotates relative to a Lorentz-violating background field. One method to search for these modulations is the so-called clock-comparison experiment, where the frequencies of co-located clocks are compared as they rotate with respect to the fixed stars. In this work an experiment is presented where polarized 3He and 129Xe gas samples in a glass cell serve as clocks, whose nuclear spin precession frequencies are detected with the help of highly sensitive SQUID sensors inside a magnetically shielded room. The unique feature of this experiment is the fact that the spins are precessing freely, with transverse relaxation times of up to 4.4 h for 129Xe and 14.1 h for 3He. To be sensitive to Lorentz-violating effects, the influence of external magnetic fields is canceled via the weighted difference of the 3He and 129Xe frequencies or phases. The Lorentz-violating SME parameters for the neutron are determined out of a fit on the phase difference data of 7 spin precession measurements of 12 to 16 hours length. The result of the fit gives an upper limit for the equatorial component of the neutron parameter b_n of 3.7×10^(−32) GeV at the 95% confidence level. This value is not limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, but by the strong correlations between the fit parameters. To reduce the correlations and therewith improve the sensitivity of future experiments, it will be necessary to change the time structure of the weighted phase difference, which can be realized by increasing the 129Xe relaxation time.


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Diese Ausarbeitung zeigt Strukturen des menschlichen Miteinander im Rahmen einer systematisch-komparatistischen Annäherung ´auf dem Weg zum Anderen´ vor dem Hintergrund von Musils Roman ´Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften´ auf; sie verweist auf die Gefahren des zunehmend selbstzentrierten Identitätsdenkens, indem sie mit Blick auf den Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts eine Auswahl philosophischer Denker aus dieser Zeit auf Grundlage einer poetischen Orientierung in ein Gespräch geführt, das damals in Wirklichkeit leider nicht stattgefunden hat: Ulrich, der Protagonist des Romans, übernimmt in dieser Ausarbeitung neben der poetisch-orientierenden Funktion die Rolle des Begleiters; er leitet den Leser durch die Arbeit und verbindet ´auf dem Weg zum Anderen´ philosophische Richtungen mit Musils Roman. Mit der Metapher vom ´Konflikt der beiden Bäume´, den Ulrich in sich bemerkt, beginnt der ´Weg zum Anderen´: Unter beiden Bäumen wird menschlichem Miteinander nachgespürt,indem phänomenologische Ansätze dargestellt, analysiert und komparatistisch betrachtet werden. Der ´Baum des harten Gewirrs´ steht für distanziertes Erkennen; Husserls Intentionalität und Intersubjektivität führen in ein ´Konzert einsamer Monaden´. Der ´Baum der Schatten und Träume´ - repräsentiert durch Klages - steht für verschmelzend mystisch-pathisches Erleben, das Menschen ebenfalls isoliert. Eine Verbindung der beiden Bäume erfolgt in der ´Begegnung zwischen den Bäumen´ im menschlichen Miteinander von Ulrich und seiner Schwester Agathe; hier gedeiht – um im Bild zu bleiben – der ´Baum des Lebens´ auf dem Boden der ´Notwendigkeit des Du für das Ich´. Dieser Baum wird vorgestellt hinsichtlich seiner Verwurzelung: Ansätze Feuerbachs, Diltheys und Plessners verweisen auf Gemeinschaftlichkeit, Geschichtlichkeit und Exzentrizität des Menschen. Daran schließt sich die Analyse der Struktur des Baumes an: Hier verweist Löwiths Ansatz auf die im Menschen angelegte ontologisch-konstitutionelle Zweideutigkeit. In der Krone des ´Lebensbaumes´ suchen die Dialogiker Buber, Rosenzweig und Rosenstock-Huessy nach Gleichursprünglichkeit in der ´Sphäre des Zwischen´ und beschreiten den Weg von der Menschwerdung in der ´Sphäre des Zwischen´ zu einer gelebten voraussetzungsvollen Mitmenschlichkeit im Horizont gesprochener Sprache. Komparatistische Betrachtungen offenbaren divergierende Tendenzen, die im Resümee verdichtet aufgezeigt werden: Unter philosophisch-inhaltlichem Aspekt wird dargestellt, warum Menschen ´unter beiden Bäumen´ in einsamer Beschränktheit und Endlichkeit verharren, während sie in ´Begegnung zwischen den Bäumen´ - im menschlichen Miteinander - Freiheit und Unendlichkeit erlangen: ´Haltung versus Eingebundenheit´ entscheidet über isoliertes oder gelingendes Leben. Unter philosophisch-kulturwissenschaftlichem Aspekt werden Spuren in Musils Roman ´Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften´ aufgedeckt, die vermuten lassen, Musil habe über seinen Roman Dialogisches Denken ´inkognito´ vermitteln wollen; die darin erweckte Sehnsucht nach menschlichem Miteinander gilt es, im Leben zu verantworten – zwischen Menschen, konkret und immer wieder...


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For the successful integration of bone tissue engineering constructs into patients, an adequate supply with oxygen and nutrients is critical. Therefore, prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs is desirable for bone formation, remodelling and regeneration. Co-culture systems, consisting of human endothelial cells and primary osteoblasts (pOB) as well as osteosarcoma cell lines, represent a promising method for studying the mechanisms involved in the vascularisation of constructs in bone tissue en- gineering and could provide new insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control essential processes during angiogenesis. The present study demonstrated the im- portant components of co-culture systems with a focus on bone tissue replacement and the angiogenic effects of pOB and osteosarcoma cell lines on human endothelial cells. Furthermore, the studies emphasised an overall approach for analysis of signal molecules that are involved in the angiogenic activation of human endothelial cells by the regulation of VEGF-related pathways at the transcriptional and translational levels. The osteosarcoma cell lines Cal-72, MG-63 and SaOS-2, as well as pOB from several donors, differed in their angiogenesis-inducing potential in 2-D and 3-D co-culture systems. SaOS-2 cells appeared to have a high osteogenic differentiation level with no detectable angiogenesis-inducing potential in co-culture with human endothelial cells. The angiogenic potential of the osteoblast-like cells is mainly correlated with the upregulation of essential angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF, bFGF and HGF and the downregulation of the angiogenesis inhibitor, endostatin. However, other factors involved in angiogenic regulation were found to differ between SaOS-2 cells, compared to Cal-72 and MG-63. The present study focuses on VEGF pathway-effecting genes as key players in the regulation of angiogenesis. The levels of VEGF and VEGF-effecting genes, such as TGF-α and TIMP-2 are down-regulated in SaOS-2 cells. In contrast, direct regulators of VEGF, such as IL6, IL8 and TNF are strongly upregulated, which indicates disruptions in growth factor regulating pathways in SaOS-2 cells. Potential pathways, which could be involved include MEK, PI3K, MAPK, STAT3, AKT or ERK. Additional treatment of co-cultures with single growth factors did not accelerate or improve the angiogenesis-inducing potential of SaOS-2 cells. Knowledge of the detailed molecular mechanisms involved in angiogenesis control will hopefully allow improved approaches to be developed for prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs.


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Light pseudoscalar bosons, such as the axion that was originally proposed as a solution of the strong CP problem, would cause a new spin-dependent short-range interaction. In this thesis, an experiment is presented to search for axion mediated short-range interaction between a nucleon and the spin of a polarized bound neutron. This interaction cause a shift in the precession frequency of nuclear spin-polarized gases in the presence of an unpolarized mass. To get rid of magnetic field drifts co-located, nuclear spin polarized 3He and 129Xe atoms were used. The free nuclear spin precession frequencies were measured in a homogeneous magnetic guiding field of about 350nT using LTc SQUID detectors. The whole setup was housed in a magnetically shielded room at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin. With this setup long nuclear spin-coherence times, respectively, transverse relaxation times of 5h for 129Xe and 53h for 3He could be achieved. The results of the last run in September 2010 are presented which give new upper limits on the scalar-pseudoscalar coupling of axion-like particles in the axion-mass window from 10^(-2) eV to 10^(-6) eV. The laboratory upper bounds were improved by up to 4 orders of magnitude.


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Untersuchung eines Magnetometers zur exakten und präzisen Messung schwacher Magnetfelder. Diese Art von Magnetometer eignet sich zur Anwendung in physikalischen hochpräzisions Experimenten wie zum Beispiel der Suche nach dem elektrischen Dipolmomentrndes Neutrons. Die Messmethode beruht auf der gleichzeitigen Detektion der freien Spin Präzession Kern-Spin polarisierten 3He Gases durch mehrere optisch gepumpte Cäsium Magnetometer. Es wird gezeigt, dass Cäsium Magnetometer eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Methode zur Messung der 3He Larmor Frequenz und eine komfortable Alternative zur Benutzung von SQUIDs für diesen Zweck darstellen. Ein Prototyp dieses Magnetometers wurde gebaut und seine Funktion in der magnetisch abgeschirmten Messkabine der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt untersucht. Die Sensitivität des Magnetometers in Abhängigkeitrnvon der Messdauer wurde experimentell untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass für kurze Messperioden (< 500s) Cramér-Rao limitierte Messungen möglich sind während die Sensitivität bei längeren Messungen durch die Stabilität des angelegten Magnetfeldes limitiert ist. Messungen eines 1 muT Magnetfeldes mit einer relative Genauigkeit von besser als 5x10^(-8) in 100s werden präsentiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Messgenauigkeit des Magnetometers durch die Zahl der zur Detektion der 3He Spin Präzession eingesetzten Cäsium Magnetometer skaliert werden kann. Prinzipiell ist dadurch eine Anpassung der Messgenauigkeit an jegliche experimentellen Bedürfnisse möglich. Es wird eine gradiometrische Messmethode vorgestellt, die es erlaubt den Einfluss periodischerrnmagnetischer Störungen auf dieMessung zu unterdrücken. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Sensitivität des kombinierten Magnetometers und den Betriebsparametern der Cäsium Magnetometer die zur Spin Detektion verwendet werden wird theoretisch untersucht und anwendungsspezifische Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Betriebsartenwerden diskutiert. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in einer Formel zusammengefasst die es erlaubt, die erwartete Sensitivität des Magnetometers zu berechnen. Diese Vorhersagen befinden sich in perfekter Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten. Die intrinsische Sensitivität des Magnetometer Prototyps wird auf Basis dieser Formel theoretisch bestimmt. Ausserdem wird die erwartete Sensitivität für die Anwendung im Rahmen des Experiments der nächsten Generation zur Bestimmung des elektrischenrnDipolmoments des Neutrons am Paul Scherrer Institut abgeschätzt. Des weiteren wird eine bequeme experimentelle Methode zur Messung des Polarisationsgrades und des Rabi Flip-Winkels der 3He Kernspin Polarisation vorgestellt. Letztere Messung ist sehr wichtig für die Anwendung in hochpräzisions Experimenten.


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The transformation of the 1990s has had a bearing on the academic and scientific world, as is becoming increasingly obvious with the changing numbers of foreign students wishing to study in the Czech Republic and of Czech students wishing to study abroad, the virtual collapse of doctoral studies, and the rapidly increasing age of Czech academics (placed at 48 by official sources and at rather more by this research). At the same time there is an apparent lack of interest in analysing and understanding these trends, which Mr. Cermak terms an ostrich policy, although his research showed that academics are in fact both aware and concerned about them. The mid-1990s migration of talent to and from R+D in the Czech Republic is also reflected in the number of talented Czech students studying abroad, who represent the largest and most interesting group of actual and potential migrants. Mr. Cermak's study took the form of a Delphi enquiry participated in by 44 specialists, including experts in the problems of higher education and science policy from the Presidium of the Higher Education Council (n = 23), members of the Council's Science and Research Commission (n = 14), former and current managers of higher education authorities (n = 4) and selected participants of the longitudinal talent research (n = 3). Questions considered included the influence of continuing talent migration from domestic R+D on the efficiency of domestic higher education, the diversification of forms of the brain drain and their impact on other processes in society, the possibility of positive influence on the brain drain processes to minimise the risks it presents, and the use of the knowledge obtained about the brain drain. The study revealed a clear drop of interest in brain drain problems in higher education in the mid-1990s, which is probably related to the collapsed of Czech R+D in the field of talent education. The effects on this segment of the labour market appeared earlier, with a major migration wave in 1991-1993 which significantly "cleared" the area of scientific talent. In addition, prospective talents from the ranks of younger students have not been integrated into domestic R+D, leading to the increasing average age of those working in this field. "Talent scouting" tended to be oriented towards much younger individuals, even in some cases towards undergraduate students. The R+D institutions deprived of human resources considered as basic in a functional R+D system have lost much of their dynamism and so no longer attract not only domestic talent but also talent from other regions. As a result the public, including the mass media and political structures, have stopped regarding the support of domestic science as a priority. This is clear both among the young people who are important for the future development of R+D (support for the education of talented children has dropped), from the drop in the prestige of this area as a profession among university students, and from the lack of explicit support for R+D by any of the political parties. On the basis of his findings Mr. Cermak concludes that there is no basis for the belief that the brain drain will represent a positive force in stimulating the development of the open society. Migration data shows that the outflow of talent from the Czech Republic far exceeds the inflow, and that the latter is largely short-term. Not only has the number of returning Czech professors dropped to half of its level at the beginning of the 1990s, but they also tend to take up only short-term contracts and retain their foreign positions. Recruitment of scientific talent from other countries, including the Slovak Republic, is limited. Furthermore internal contacts between those already involved in R+D have been badly hit by economic pressures and institutional co-operation has dropped to a minimum. There have been few moves to counteract this situation, the only notable one being the Program 250, launched in 1996 with government support to try and attract younger (i.e. under 40) talent into R+D. Its resources are however limited and its effects have not so far been evaluated. The deficit of academic and scientific talent in the Czech Republic is increasing and two major directions of academic work are emerging. Classic higher education science based on the teaching process is declining, largely due to economic factors, while there is an increasing emphasis on special; ad hoc projects which cannot be related directly to teaching but are often interesting to specialists outside the Czech Republic. This is shown clearly by the increase in publishing and in participation in domestic and foreign grant projects, which often serve to supplement the otherwise low salaries in the higher education sector. This tend was also accelerated by the collapse of applied R+D in individual sectors of the national economy and by substantial cutbacks in the Czech Academy of Sciences, which formerly fostered such research. Some part of the output of this research can be used in the education system and its financial contribution does significantly affect the stability of the present staff, but Mr. Cermak sees it as generally unfavourable for the development of talent education. In addition, it has led to a certain resignation on the question of integration into international structures, due to the emphasis on short-term targets, commercial advantages and individualism rather than team work. At the same time, he admits that these developments reflect those in other areas of the transformation in the Czech Republic.