274 resultados para halo—phreatophytic meadow


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本文综述了草原群落土壤呼吸研究的理论、方法、最新进展和主要成果。从2001年6月5日到10月15日,在内蒙古锡林河流域的一个典型草原群落放牧地段用气相色谱法对土壤呼吸进行了测定,并同期观测相应的环境因子,分析了它们之间的相互关系,并根据根系生物量和土壤呼吸的相关性外推出根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸的比例。同时,采用碱液吸收法对该草原群落和一个沼泽化草甸群落的土壤呼吸进行了比对测定,比较在不同生境下土壤呼吸速率的差异。另外,重点比较了两种常用的土壤呼吸测量方法——碱液吸收法和气相色谱法对典型草原群落土壤呼吸的测量效果。主要研究成果如下: 1.在草原群落,生物量(包括地上和地下生物量)、温度(包括气温和土壤温度)和水分及土壤呼吸的季节变化均呈不规则的波动曲线;土壤呼吸与土壤湿度高度相关,与温度尤其是土壤温度以及地下生物量之间存在着一定的相关性,但和地上生物量及绿色生物量之间几乎没有关系。 2.草原群落和草甸群落土壤呼吸的季节动态基本一致,均出现了两个峰值,分别出现在6月底和7月底,它们的变化范围分别为312.8~1738.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1 和 354.6 ~2235.6 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,日平均土壤呼吸速率分别为785.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1 和1349.6 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,草甸群落的土壤呼吸速率明显高于草原群落; 3.土壤水分是草原群落土壤呼吸的主要限制因子,但对草甸群落的土壤呼吸变化却基本没有影响;草甸群落中,地上总生物量与土壤呼吸速率间没有显著的相关关系,但地上部分绿色生物量与土壤呼吸间存在着显著的幂函数关系,而在草原群落中,土壤呼吸速率与地上活生物量或地上总生物量的相关关系均很弱。 4.在草原群落,根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸的比例为60.7% - 93.3%,平均为82%; 5.碱液吸收法和气相色谱法的测定结果具有很高的相关性(R2=0.7563),它们的季节动态基本一致,变化范围分别为从249.3~1795.1 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1和从312.8~1738.9 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,平均值分别为634.2 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1和802.7 mg C﹒m-2﹒d-1,碱液吸收法的测量值是气相色谱法的约1.4倍。


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随着青藏高原气候变暖进程及放牧压力与开垦面积的逐年加大,非常有必要评价青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量对气候变暖、放牧(包括粪尿斑)和开垦的响应和反馈。与此同时,我们进行了粪尿斑及开垦对土壤理化性质影响研究。本研究对于青藏高原高寒草甸C、N循环关键过程对全球变化响应的认识具有重要意义。 本文通过2年(2006-2007)增温(白天+1.2℃,晚上+1.7℃)与放牧耦合试验,在生长季观测了增温与放牧对高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量的影响。研究初步表明,增温试验显著增加10 cm土壤温度1℃左右;在放牧频度相对较高的2007年,放牧也显著增加了土壤温度1℃左右。总体上,增温对土壤湿度的影响不显著。 增温可以促进土壤对CH4的吸收,而放牧对CH4通量影响不大或起到一定程度抑制作用。在较低放牧频度的2006年,放牧显著降低了植物-土壤系统CO2总释放量,增温促进了CO2的释放。而在放牧频度相对较高的2007年生长季,没有发现增温及放牧对土壤-植被系统CO2释放显著的影响。2006年放牧后,增温促进了高寒草甸土壤N2O的释放;2007年,增温不放牧小区N2O总通量较对照增加了24.6%,同时放牧处理也促进了N2O释放。基于土壤温度和土壤湿度的线性回归模型可以解释55%-89%的CH4通量变异,而土壤湿度较土壤温度对CH4通量影响更大。土壤温度是影响CO2和N2O通量的主要因子,通过拟合的指数型曲线,土壤温度可以分别解释43%-63%CO2通量变异与65%-81%N2O通量变异。 在2005年与2006年夏季放牧期间,对牦牛粪尿斑处理对高寒草甸CH4、CO2和N2O通量进行了观测。牛粪小区2年观测期内CH4平均通量为687 μg m-2 h-1,而尿斑和对照土壤吸收CH4(平均通量分别为-34 μg m-2 h-1和-39 μg m-2 h-1)。牛粪小区CO2在2005年和2006年观测期内累积释放量较对照分别增加了35.8%和49.7%,而牛尿小区与对照累积释放量差异不显著。牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量显著高于对照,在2005年牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量较对照分别增加了3.7和3.5倍,而在2006年分别增加了2.1和1.8倍。因此,在估算放牧高寒草甸生态系统N2O释放时,来自牛粪斑释放量是不能被忽略的。但在中等放牧强度下(1.45头ha-1 y-1),有粪尿斑覆盖的高寒草甸在观测期内全球变暖潜势较相同面积没有粪尿斑覆盖的草甸仅增加了1%。土壤水分孔隙度(WFPS)可以解释牛尿小区35%和对照小区36%CH4通量变异。土壤温度是控制CO2释放的主要因子之一,它可以解释所有处理40-75% CO2的变异。牛尿处理(34%)、牛粪处理(48%)及对照(56%)N2O时间变异则同时受土壤温度和WFPS的驱动。在观测期内,牛尿可以显著提高土壤的pH值。粪尿斑对土壤微生物量碳氮没有产生显著性影响,但在一定时段内能显著增加土壤无机氮含量。 通过在青藏高原高寒草甸开展的人工草地试验,初步探讨了不同土地利用方式(种植燕麦、开垦后闲置及自然恢复)对CO2、CH4和N2O通量,以及土壤无机氮和微生物量氮的影响。燕麦地、自然恢复草地及开垦闲置地与天然草地相比,吸收CH4的能力均表现为增强(CH4的吸收总量分别增加了31.9%、57.2%和71.0%)。由于燕麦地生物量低于天然草地与恢复草地,造成了燕麦地土壤-植被CO2释放量低于天然草地和恢复草地。而闲置地几乎没有植被覆盖,其CO2释放量显著低于天然草地。草地恢复8年后,CO2释放基本恢复到天然草地的水平。闲置地N2O总通量显著高于天然草地,较天然草地增加了60.5%。观测期内燕麦地与天然草地相比,N2O总通量增加了24.3%,但没有达到显著性水平。开垦及种植燕麦,增加了土壤硝态氮的含量,而自然恢复地、燕麦地、天然草地和闲置地在观测期内土壤铵态氮平均含量没有观察到显著性差异。燕麦地土壤微生物量氮平均含量最低(119.7 mg N kg-1),而自然恢复草地、天然草地和闲置地土壤微生物量氮差异不大。


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One of the most endangered populations of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis), the central population, is declining due to habitat loss and degradation, but little is known about their space use patterns and habitat preferences. We examined the space use and habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes during the winter of 2007-2008 at the Napahai wetland in northwest Yunnan, China, where approximately 300 Black-necked Cranes (>90% of the total central population) spent the winter. Euclidean distance analysis was employed to determine the habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes, and a local nearest-neighbor, convex-hull construction method was used to examine space use. Our results indicate that Black-necked Cranes preferred shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats and avoided farmland and dry grassland. Core-use areas (50% isopleths) and total-use areas (100% isopleths) accounted for only 1.2% and 28.2% of the study area, respectively. We recommend that habitat protection efforts focus on shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats to maintain preferred foraging sites. Core-use areas, such as the primary foraging areas of Black-necked Cranes, should be designated as part of the core zone of the nature reserve. Monthly shifts in the core-use areas of the cranes also indicate that the reserve should be large enough to permit changes in space use. In addition to preserving habitat, government officials should also take measures to decrease human activity in areas used by foraging Black-necked Cranes.


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由于人类活动所引起的地球大气层中温室气体的富集已导致全球地表平均温度在20世纪升高了0.6 ℃,并预测在本世纪将上升1.4-5.8 ℃。气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统影响深远,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。高海拔、高纬度地带的生态系统对气候变化最敏感。而在高原和高山极端环境影响下所形成的高寒草甸生态系统极其脆弱,对由于温室效应引起的全球气候变化极其敏感,对这些变化的响应更具有超前性。 本研究以川西北高寒草甸植物群落及几种主要物种为研究对象,采用国际山地综合研究中心(ITEX)普遍所采用的增温方法-----开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟气候变暖来研究增温对高寒草甸植物群落结构、物质分配及其主要物种生长和生理的影响,以探讨高寒草甸植物响应与适应气候变暖的生物学和生态学机制。主要研究结论如下: 1、OTC的增温效果 由于地温、地表温度和气温的平均值在OTC内分别高出对照样地0.28℃、0.46℃和1.4℃,这说明本研究所采用的开顶式生长室(OTC)起到了增温的作用;同时,由于温室内与温室外接受的降水量相同,温室内由于热量条件的改善,土壤蒸发和植被的蒸腾作用增强,直接导致了OTC内土壤表层相对湿度的减少。 2、群落结构对增温的响应 由于增温时间较短,增温内外样地的物种组成并未发生改变;但增温后一定程度上改变了植物群落的小气候环境,从而导致物种间的竞争关系被破坏,种间竞争关系的破坏引起群落优势种组成发生相应的改变,在对照样地,鹅绒委陵菜、甘青老鹳草、遏蓝菜和蚤缀是占绝对优势的物种,而在OTC内,小米草、尼泊尔酸模、垂穗披碱草、发草和羊茅的重要性显著增加。 禾草和杂草由于对增温的生物学特性及其资源利用响应的不同,加之增温造成土壤含水量下降等环境因子的改变。与对照样地相比较,OTC内禾草的盖度及生物量都显著增加,而杂草的盖度和生物量则显著下降。 3、植物生长期对增温的响应 OTC内立枯和调落物的生物量在生长季末(10月份)都要小于对照样地的立枯和调落物生物量,而OTC内的地上鲜体生物量在10月份却略高于对照样地。这说明OTC内植物的衰老或死亡得以延缓,而植物的生长期得以延长。 4、群落生物量及分配对增温的响应 OTC内的地上鲜体生物量(10月份除外)和地下0-30cm的根系生物量与对照样地相比较,都出现了不同程度的减少;土壤根系的分配格局也发生了明显的改变,其中,OTC内0-10cm土层的生物量分配比例增加,而20-30cm土层生物量分配比例的减少。 5、群落碳、氮对增温的响应 增温后,OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的碳浓度不同程度的高于对照样地,植物群落的碳库在OTC内也略高于对照样地;而OTC内植物群落地上活体和地下活根的氮浓度不同程度的低于对照样地,其植物群落的氮库与对照样地相比也略有下降。 6、几种主要植物的生长及物质分配对增温的响应 垂穗披碱草在增温后株高、比叶面积和地上生物量均显著地增加;尼泊尔酸模在增温后比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地增加,而各组分中,增温处理使叶的生物量显著增加,而根的生物量却显著下降;鹅绒委陵菜在增温后株高、比叶面积和单株平均生物量积累显著地减少,而各组分中,增温处理使叶和茎的生物量显著减少,根的生物量却显著地增加。 尼泊尔酸模的LMR、RMR、R/S、根部碳含量、碳和氮在叶片与根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、根部氮含量、碳和氮在茎部的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低;鹅绒委陵菜的RMR、R/S、碳和氮在根部的分配比例在增温后显著地增加,而SMR、LMR、碳在叶片的分配比例在增温后却显著地降低 7、几种主要植物的光合生理过程对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片中的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素含量在增温后显著减少,类胡萝卜素含量在增温后却显著增加。 增温对3种植物的气体交换产生了显著影响。其中,垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的光响应曲线在增温后明显高于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著增加,而LCP则显著降低;鹅绒委陵菜的光响应曲线在增温后则明显的低于对照处理,A、E、gs、Pmax、、Rday、AQY和LSP显著减少,而LCP则显著增加。 增温后垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP显著增加;而鹅绒委陵菜叶片的Fv/Fm、Yield和qP则显著减少,qN却显著地增加。 8、几种主要植物的抗氧化酶系统对增温的响应 增温使垂穗披碱草和尼泊尔酸模体内抗氧化酶活性和非酶促作用有所提高,植物膜脂过氧化作用降低;鹅绒委陵菜叶片中酶促反应和非酶促反应在增温后也显著提高,但可能由于增温后的土壤干旱超过了鹅绒委陵菜叶的抗氧化保护能力,抗氧化酶活性及非酶促反应(脯氨酸、类胡萝卜素)的提高不足以完全清除干旱诱导形成的过量活性氧,因此叶片的膜脂过氧化程度仍然显著提高。 Enrichment of atmospheric greenhouse gases resulted from human activities such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation has increased global mean temperature by 0.6 ℃ in the 20th century and is predicted to increase in this century by 1.4-5.8 ℃. The global warming will have profound, long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems. The ecoologcial consequences arising from global warming have also become the very important issuses of global change research. The terrestrial habitats of high-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are regarded as the most sensitive to changing climate. The alpine meadow ecosystme, which resulted from the composite effects of mountain extreme climatic factors in Tibetan Plateau, is thus thought to be especially vulnerable and sensitive to global warming. In this paper, the response of plant community and several main species in the alpine meadow of Northewst Sichuan to experimemtal warming was studied by using open-top chambers (OTC). The aim of the this study was to research the warming effects on plant community structure, substance allocation, growth and physiological processes of several mian species, and to explore the biological and ecological mechanism of how the alpine meadow plants acclimate and adapt to future global warming. The results were as follows: 1. Warming effects of OTC The mean soil temperature, soil surface temperature and air temperature in OTC manipulation increased by 0.28℃、0.46℃ and 1.4℃ compared to the control during the growing season. This suggested that the OTC used in our study had increased temperature there. Meanwhile, the OTC manipulation slightly altered thermal conditions, but the same amount of precipitation was supplied to both the OTC manipulation and the control, so higher soil evaporation and plant transpiration in OTC manipulation directly lead to the decrease of soil surface water content. 2. The reponse of community structure to experimental warming The species richness was not changed by the short-term effect of OTC manipulation. However, experimental warming changed the microenvironment of plant community, therefore competitive balances among species were shift, leading to changes in species dominance. In the present study, the dominant plant species in the control plots were some forbs including Potentilla anserine, Geranium pylzowianum, Thlaspi arvense and Arenaria serpyllifolia, however, the importance value of some gramineous grasses including Elymus nutans, Deschampsia caespitosa, Festuca ovina, and some forbs including Euphrasia tatarica and Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC. The different biology characteristics and resource utilizations between gramineous grasses and forbs, and enhanced temperature caused change in some environment factors such as soil water content. As a result, the coverage and biomass of gramineous grasses significantly increased in OTC compared to the control, however, the coverage and biomass of forbs singnifciantly decreased in OTC compared to the control. 3. The reponse of plant growing season to experimental warming Both the standing dead and fallen litter biomass in OTC were lower than those in the control in October, and the biomass of aboveground live-vegetation in OTC was higher than that of the control. The results indicated that the senescence of plants was postponed, and the growing season was prolonged in our research. 4. The reponse of community biomass accumulation and its allocation to experimental warming Experimental warming caused the decrease of aboveground live biomass and belowground root biomass except for the aboveground live biomass in October. Experimental warming also had pronounced effects on the pattern of root biomass allocation. In the present study, the root biomass in 0-10cm soil layer increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, however, the root biomass in the 20-30cm soil layer decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 5. The reponse of community C and N content to experimental warming The C concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the N concentration and stock in aboveground live and belowground root both decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. 6. The reponse of gowth and biomass, C and N alloction of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased the height, SLA (specific leaf area) and aboveground biomass of Elymus nutans in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The SLA and total biomass of Rumex acetosa also significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to control, among the different components of Rumex acetosa, leaf biomass significantly increased, but root biomass significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. However, the height, SLA and total biomass of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to the control, among the different component of Potentilla anserina, leaf and stem biomass significantly decreased, but root biomass significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to the control. The LMR (leaf mass ratio), RMR (root mass ratio), R/S (shoot/root biomass ration) and root C concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively more C and N content to leaf and root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR (stem mass ration) and root N concentration of Rumex acetosa significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Rumex acetosa allocated relatively less C and N content to stem in response to experimental warming. The RMR and R/S of Potentilla anserina significantly increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively more C and N content to root in response to experimental warming, however, the SMR and LMR of Potentilla anserina significantly decreased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, also, Potentilla anserina allocated relatively less C and N content to leaf in response to experimental warming. 7. The reponse of physiological processes of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming significantly increased chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control. However, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation significantly decreased compared to outside control. Experimental warming had pronounced effects on gas exchange of Elymus nutans, Rumex acetosa and Potentilla anserine. In the present study, warming markedly increased the light response curves of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly increased A (net photosynthesis rate), E (transpiration rate), gs (stomatal conductance), Pmax (maximum net photosynthetic rate), Rday (dark respiration rate), AQY (apparent quantum yield) and LSP (light saturation point), but LCP (photosynthetic light compensation) of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased compared to outside control. However, warming markedly decreased the light response curves of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation compared to outside control, and also singnificantly decreased A, E, gs, Pmax, Rday, AQY and LSP, but LCP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly increased compared to outside control. Experimental warming singnificantly increased the chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters such as Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa and qN of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation, but Fv/Fm, Yield and qP of Potentilla anserina in OTC manipulation singnificantly decreased. 8. The reponse of antioxidative systems of several species to experimental warming Experimental warming tended to increase the activities of antioxidative enzymes and stimulate the role of non-enzymes of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa. As a result, MDA content of Elymus nutans and Rumex acetosa decreased. The activities of antioxidative enzymes and non-enzymes of Potentilla anserina also significantly increased in OTC manipulation, but more O2- was produced because of lower soil water content, and the O2- accumulation exceeded the defense ability of antioxidative systems and non-enzymes fuctions. As a result, MDA content of Potentilla anserine still increased in OTC manipulation compared to outside control.


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岷江上游地区高山/亚高山植被分布的坡向性分异显著,阴阳坡高山林线不仅物种组成差异明显,并且分布海拔呈现出阴坡高阳坡低的格局.阳坡林线树种主要是圆柏属乔木,林线类型多为渐变型,海拔高度大约在3 400m~3 800m;阴坡林线树种主要是冷杉,林线类型多为骤变型,海拔高度约在3 800m~4 400m.本研究采用土壤种子库物理筛选、室内萌发实验及野外群落调查等方法,对岷江上游地区阴坡岷江冷杉和阳坡祁连圆柏两类林线树种不同海拔梯度上土壤种子库以及幼苗库特征进行了调查,从土壤种子库和幼苗更新特征的角度对林线乔木树种种群更新特征进行了分析,进而对该地区高山林线在阴阳坡分布差异的原因进行了探讨,结果显示: 1.土壤种子库 阴坡:阴坡高山林线附近岷江冷杉土壤种子的平均密度大约为50.96粒/m2,其中树线以上10m处土壤种子密度为1.00粒/m2,树线处大约19.33粒/m2,林线交错带内土壤种子密度最高为136.83粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有30.50粒/m2,种子平均空壳率为52%,霉变率达34%,完好种子只有6%.土壤种子库垂直分布特征为地被物层含种子比重最大,大约在67.50%左右;其次为0~2cm层,约18.84%左右;2~5cm层所占种子比例最小,约13.66%左右.霉变种子数量与土壤深度呈负相关. 阳坡:阳坡祁连圆柏土壤种子的平均密度为60.16粒/m2.树线以上10m处密度为1.92粒/m2,树线位置大约108.16粒/m2,林线交错带内平均为75.80粒/m2,郁闭林内种子密度小于林线交错带,只有20.00粒/m2.种子平均空壳率为36%,完好种子占49%,霉变率较低,大约为10%.阴阳坡林线树种土壤种子库垂直分布特征为:地被物层含种子最多,其次为0~4cm层,4~10cm层所占种子比例最小,霉变种子数量与土壤深度也呈负相关. 2. 幼苗库调查 阳坡:在树线以上区域没有发现幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达3 250株/hm2,郁闭林内仅2 750株/ hm2.整个样地内1~2a幼苗很少甚至没有出现,3~10a的幼苗相对较多.空间分布上,祁连圆柏幼苗在林线交错带内接近随机分布,郁闭林内则介于随机分布和均匀分布之间. 阴坡:在树线以上幼苗密度为1 250株/ hm2,全部为1~2a幼苗,林线交错带内幼苗密度平均达7 000株/ hm2,郁闭林内达6 250株/ hm2.林线附近岷江冷杉幼苗丰富度以及幼苗的出现频率明显高于祁连圆柏,年龄结构也较祁连圆柏完整.岷江冷杉幼苗空间分布除了树线处幼苗的分布为随机分布,其他海拔则为集群分布. 3.从不同土壤深度的种子总量和幼苗数量的相关性检验发现,当年生幼苗数量跟表层种子总量相关性极显著, 但是两年生幼苗的数量与底层种子数量相关性显著.土壤种子在土壤中的垂直分布格局从一定程度上可以反映种子库的年际特征.岷江冷杉土壤种子库较丰富,种子散布后的存活力随着时间的变化逐渐下降,属于季节性瞬时种子库;祁连圆柏土壤种子散布格局为集群型分布,成熟种子大部分散布在母株冠幅内,属于永久性土壤种子库. 4.在阴坡林线交错带及以上区域还存在较为丰富的乔木土壤种子,并且在树线以上区域还发现了少量的岷江冷杉幼苗.从样地乔木的年龄结构发现,在林线交错带内上部到树线位置主要以幼龄林为主,且年龄结构完整,基本符合入侵性林线特征;阳坡林线交错带内幼苗出现频率很低,树线以上区域虽然存在种子库,但是没有幼苗出现,在林线交错带内乔木径级差距很大,年龄结构异常不完整,这种特征的林线将会面临两个可能结果:一种是维持现有状态,保持平衡;另外一种就是退化,但阳坡林线的实际动态趋势还有待长期定点研究. Treelines on the upper region of Minjiang River differ between the north aspect and the south aspect in their appearances, altitudes and tree species. On the north aspect, trees of Abies form a sharp and abrupt treeline ranging from 3800m to 4400m, while on the south the treeline is generally lower(3 400~3 800m), more open and gradual and mostly composed of Sabina. In this study, we examined the altitudinal gradients of soil seed banks and seedling recruitments at the treeline ecotones of a N-aspect and a S-aspect by using soil sieving, germination experiment and field investigations, analyzed the characteristics of population regeneration of tree species at the transitional zone and presented a analysis of the causes to the aspect-related difference in treeline patterns in the study area. Major results of our study include: 1. Soil seed bank N-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 50.96/m2, in which well-formed seeds account for 6%, empty seeds 52%, parasitized seeds34%, and seeds damaged by animals 8%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, being 1.00 seeds /m2 at the 10m above the treeline and ca.19.33 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline. The highest density (136.83 seeds/m2) occurs at the treeline ecotone. By contrast, the density of soil seed for the closed forest is only 30.50 seeds/m2. In terms of vertical strata, 67.50% of the total seeds are at the surface layer, 18.84% at the middle layer (0~2cm) and 13.66% at deeper layer (2~5cm). The number of parasitized seeds is negatively correlated to soil depth. S-aspect: Of the 50 plots investigated, the average density of soil seeds is 60.16 seeds/m2, and the well-formed seeds account for 49%, empty seeds 36%, parasitized seeds10%, and seeds damaged by animals 1%. The size of soil seed bank varies along altitude, with 1.92 seeds/m2 recorded at the10m above the treeline,108.16 seeds/m2 at the upper limit of treeline, and 75.80 seeds/m2 at the treeline ecotone, while that for the closed forest is 20.00 seeds/m2. The number of seeds decreases with the depth of soil. As is on the N-aspect, the size of soil bank, from large to small, follows the order of the surface layer, the middle layer (0~4cm) and the bottom layer (4~10cm). The number of parasitized seeds is also negatively correlated to the depth of the soil. 2. Seedling bank N-aspect: A mean maximum seedling abundance of 31 000 seedlings/hm2 was recorded near alpine treeline at growing season. The density of seedlings is 1 250 seedlings/ha (all being 1 or 2 years old) at the alpine meadow 10m away above treeline, 7 000 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 6 250 seedlings/ha for closed forest.The spatial distribution of Abies faxoniana seedlings is random at the upper limit of the treeline but clumped at other altitudes. S-aspect: No seedlings were found at the alpine meadow 10m away from the treeline. The density of seedlings was 3 250 seedlings/ha at treeline ecotone and 2 750 seedlings/ha for the closed forest.Hardly any 1 year current and 2 year-old seedlings appeared at the plots. The spatial distribution of Sabina przewalskii seedlings is random at treeline ecotone and between “random” and “even” forest closed forest. 3.Correlation tests of seedling population and seed bank at different soil layers indicated that the emergents were strongly correlated to seed bank at surface layer while the number of two-year seedlings was significantly correlated to the seed bank at the bottom of soil layer, indicating that germination mainly occurs at the soil surface while the middle or bottom layer was the reserve for non-germination or dead seeds. It can thus be postulated that Abies faxoniana soil seed bank is of seasonal transient type. By contrast, the soil seed bank of Sabina przewalskii is of persistent type and the soil seeds and seedlings of this species occurred more frequently near the islands of adult trees. 4.A good many soil seeds of both tree species were found near the treeline ecotone and above at N- and S-aspects. A few young seedlings were found above the Abies treeline. Investigation of five altitudinal transects respectively on N- and S-aspects indicated that Abies faxoniana has a more complete age structure than the stands of Sabina przewalskii. The age of firs decreased from closed forest to the upper limit of treeline, which suggests that the Abies treeline is advancing to higher altitude. While on the south aspect, only few Sabina przewalskii soil seeds and nearly no seedlings were found above the treeline ecotone. The stands exhibit extremely great difference in diameter classes with significantly incomplete age structure. This would lead to two possible results for the treelines: maintaining an equilibrium state at the current position or degenerating. But more studies should be carried out at longer time scales or larger spatial scales to understand whether the Sabina treeline is degenerating.


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本研究针对川西北高山草甸缺乏科学管理,过度放牧导致草场退化,并由此引发的一系列生态环境问题,选取红原县瓦切乡1996 年草地承包后形成的四个放牧强度草场,即不放牧、轻度(1.2 头牦牛hm-1)、中度(2.0 头牦牛hm-1)和重度放牧(2.9 头牦牛hm-1),作为研究对象,研究了不同放牧强度对草地植物-土壤系统中碳、氮这两个最基本物质的分布格局和循环过程的影响,并探讨了放牧干扰下高山草甸生态系统的管理。 1.放牧对草地植物群落物种组成,尤其是优势种,产生了明显的影响。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地群落物种数分别为22,23,26,20 种,群落盖度分别是不放牧96.2%>中度93.6%>轻度89.7%>重度73.6%。随放牧强度的增加, 原植物群落中的优势种垂穗鹅冠草( Roegneria nutans )、发草(Deschampsia caespitosa)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)等禾草逐渐被莎草科的川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)所取代成为优势种。同时,随放牧强度的增加,高原毛茛(Ranunculus brotherusii)、狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)、鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)和车前(Plantagodepressa)等杂类草的数量也随之增加。 2.生长季6~9 月份,草地植物地上和地下生物量(0~30cm)都是从6 月份开始增长,8 月份达到最高值,9 月份开始下降。每个月份,通常地上生物量以不放牧为最高,重度放牧总是显著小于不放牧;地下生物量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总生物量平均值分别是1543、1622、2295 和2449 g m-2,但随放牧强度的增加越来越来多的生物量被分配到了地下部分,地下生物量占总生物量比例的大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%。生物量这种变化主要是由于放牧使得群落优势种发生改变而引起的,其分配比例的变化体现了草地植物对放牧干扰的适应策略。 3.植物碳氮贮量的季节变化类似与生物量的变化。每个月份,不同放牧强度间植物地上碳氮的贮量有所不同,一般重度放牧会显著减少植物地上碳氮贮量。植物根系(0~30cm)碳氮贮量随放牧强度的增加表现为增加的趋势,通常重度和中度放牧显著高于不放牧和轻度放牧草地。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总碳平均值分别是547、586、847 和909 g m-2,根系碳贮量占植物总碳的比例大小顺序分别是重度88%>中度82%>轻度76%>不放牧69%;放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧草地6~9 月份4 个月的植物总氮平均值分别是17、17、23 和26 g m-2,根系氮贮量占植物总氮的比例大小顺序分别是重度79%>轻度71%>中度70%>不放牧65%。 4. 土壤有机碳贮量(0~30cm)的季节变化表现为7 月份略有下降,8 月开始增加,9 月份达到的最大值。土壤氮贮量的季节变化表现为随季节的推移逐渐增加的趋势。增加的放牧强度不同程度的增加土壤有机碳氮的贮量。不放牧、轻度、中度和重度放牧6~9 月份4 个月的土壤有机碳贮量的平均值分别是9.72、10.36、10.62 和11.74 kg m-2,土壤氮贮量分别为1.45、1.56、1.66 和1.83 kg m-2。土壤中有机碳(氮)的贮量都占到了植物-土壤系统有机碳(氮)的90%以上,但不同放牧强度之间的差异不明显。 5. 土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化,温室气体N2O 和CO2 的释放率的季节变化表现为从6 月份开始增加,7 月份达到最大值,8 月份开始下降,9 月份降为最小值。增加的放牧强度趋向于增加土壤氮的总硝化和反硝化作用,温室气体N2O和CO2 的释放率,通常情况下,中度放牧和重度放牧显著地加强了这些过程。 6.垂穗鹅冠草(Roegneria nutans)和川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)凋落物在不同放牧强度下经过1 年的分解,两种凋落物的失重率及其碳氮的损失率3都随放牧增加表现为增加的趋势。在同一放牧强度下,川嵩草凋落物的失重率和碳氮的损失率都高于垂穗鹅冠草凋落物。 7. 尽管重度放牧显著增加了土壤碳氮的贮量,但同时也显著降低了植被群落盖度,降低了植物地上生物量,因此,久而久之会减少植物向土壤中的碳氮归还率;与不放牧和轻度放牧相比,重度放牧又显著增加了土壤CO2 和NO2 的排放量,这是草地生态系统碳氮损失的重要途径。由此可见,对于这些地处青藏高原的非常脆弱的高山草甸生态系统,长期重度放牧不仅导致植物生产力降低,而且将导致草地生态系统退化,甚至造成土壤中碳氮含量减少。 Long-term overgrazing has resulted in considerable deterioration in alpine meadowof the northwest Sichan Province. In order to explore management strategies for thesustainability of these alpine meadows, we selected four grasslands with differentgrazing intensity (no grazing-NG: 0, light grazing-LG: 1.2, moderate grazing-MG: 2.0,and heavy grazing-HG: 2.9 yaks ha-1) to evaluate carbon, nitrogen pools and cyclingprocesses within the plant-soil system in Waqie Village, Hongyuan County, Sichuan Province. 1. Grazing obviously changed the plant species composition, especially ondominant plant species. Total number of species is 22, 23, 26, and 20 for NG, LG, MGand HG, respectively. Vegetation coverage under different grazing intensity ranked inthe order of 96.2% for HG>93.6% for MG>89.7% for LG>73.6% for NG. Thedominator of HG community shifted from grasses-Roegneria nutans andDeschampsia caespitosa dominated in the NG and LG sites into sedges-Kobresiapygmaea and K. setchwanensis. At the same time, with the increase of grazingintensity, the numbers of forbs, such as Ranunculus brotherusii, Stellera chamaejasme,Potentilla anserine and Plantago depressa, increased with grazing intensity. 2. Over the growing season, aboveground and belowground biomass showed a 5single peak pattern with the highest biomass in August. For each month, abovegroundbiomass usually was the highest in the NG site and lowest in the HG site.Belowground biomass showed a trend of increase as grazing intensity increased and itwas significantly higher in the HG and MG site than in the NG and LG sites. Totalplant biomass averaged over the growing season is 1543, 1622, 2295 and 2449 g m-2for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively. The proportion of biomass to total plantbiomass for NG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76% and 69%, respectively. Higherallocation ratio for is an adaptive response of plant to grazing. 3. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant components followed the similar seasonalpatterns as their biomass under different grazing intensities. Generally, heavy grazingsignificantly decreases aboveground biomass carbon and nitrogen compared to nograzing. Carbon and nitrogen storage in root tended to increase as grazing increasedand they are significantly higher in the HG and MG sites compared to the LG and NGsite. Total Carbon storage in plant system averaged over the growing season is 547,586, 847 and 909 g m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively, while 17, 17, 23 and 26g m-2 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon storage in root to total plant carbon forNG, LG, MG and HG is 88%, 82%, 76%, 69%, respectively, while 65%, 71%, 70%and 79% for nitrogen. 4. Carbon storage in soil (0-30cm) decreased slightly in July, then increased inAugust and peaked in September. Nitrogen storage in soil tended to increase withseason and grazing intensity. Total Carbon storage in soil averaged over the growingseason is 9.72, 10.36, 10.62 and11.74 kg m-2 for NG, LG, MG and HG, respectively,while 1.45, 1.56, 1.66 and 1.83 for nitrogen. The proportion of carbon (nitrogen)storage in soil to plant-soil system carbon (nitrogen) storage for NG, LG, MG and HGis more than 90%, which is not markedly different among different grazing intensities. 5. Gross nitrification, denitrification, CO2 and N2O flux rates in soil increasedfrom June to July and then declined until September, all of which tended to increasewith the increase of grazing intensity. Generally, heavy and moderate grazing intensitysignificantly enhanced these process compared to no and light grazing intensity. 6. After decomposing in situ for a year, relative weight, carbon and nitrogen loss in the litter of Roegneria nutans and Kobresia setchwanensis tended to increase asgrazing intensity increased. Under the same grazing intensity, relative weight, carbonand nitrogen loss in the litter of Kobresia setchwanensis were higher than these in thelitter of Roegneria nutans. 7. Although heavy grazing intensity resulted in higher levels of carbon andnitrogen in plant and soil, it decreased vegetation coverage and aboveground biomass,which are undesirable for livestock production and sustainable grassland development.What is more, heavy grazing could also introduce potential carbon and nitrogen lossvia increasing CO2 and N2O emission into the atmosphere. Grazing at moderateintensity resulted in a plant community dominated by forage grasses with highaboveground biomass productivity and N content. The alpine meadow ecosystems inTibetan Plateau are very fragile and evolve under increasing grazing intensity by largeherbivores; therefore, deterioration of the plant-soil system, and possible declines insoil C and N, are potential without proper management in the future.


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若尔盖高原湿地位于青藏高原东北部地区,平均海拔3,400-3,600m,是长江和黄河的自然分水区,区内发育了大面积的草本沼泽以及高寒沼泽化草甸、高寒湖泊。由于它所处的位置海拔高、气候波动较大,并处于我国三大自然区的交错过渡带,因而被认为是我国最为典型的脆弱湿地生态系统之一。由于地处偏远、自然环境条件恶劣等多方面的原因,针对若尔盖湿地的科学研究资料一直以来还非常缺乏。本文对国内外近年来在湿地生态系统甲烷排放过程、研究方法,以及关于湿地生态系统甲烷排放的影响因素进行了综述,并采用静态箱-气相色谱法,从湿地环境格局、湿地甲烷排放等方面,对若尔盖高原典型高寒湖泊湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放特征进行了研究,并进一步探讨了影响若尔盖高原高寒湖泊湖滨带甲烷排放的因素。得到如下结果:1.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地在植物生长季(6 至8 月),甲烷排放平均速率为0.315 mg·m-2·h-1;不同月份间甲烷排放速率存在差异,分别为:-0.054、0.471、0.493 mg·m-2·h-1。不同类型湿地甲烷排放速率亦表现出差异,两栖蓼(Polygonum amphibium)湿地、滩涂和藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)草甸甲烷排放速率分别为:0.464、0.477、0.005mg·m-2·h-1。2.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率与土壤10cm 温度显著相关。土壤温度是影响若尔盖高原花湖湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放的重要因素之一。随着土壤温度的升高,土壤微生物活性增强,使土壤中的氧消耗加快,氧化还原电位下降,有利于产甲烷菌的生长,从而增加土壤的甲烷产生量。3.地表水位与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率相关性不显著。地表水覆盖,使得湿地土壤缺氧状况得到加强,增强了土壤中产甲烷菌的活性,促进甲烷形成,再通过植物、气泡或扩散的形式释放出土壤。但水层的加深,也使土壤中已产生的甲烷在通过气泡或扩散形式穿越水层时,被氧化的量增加,从而减少了甲烷向大气中的排放。4.植被高度以及植被地上生物量与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨带甲烷排放速率的相关性不显著。植物主要通过凋落物以及根系分泌物的输入为产甲烷菌提供基质,并作为土壤与大气之间的甲烷气体交换的传输途径;与其他环境因素共同影响湿地生态系统甲烷排放。The Zoige wetland on the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, with averagealtitude between 3,400 and 3,600m, is the watershed of Yangtze River and YellowRiver. There are large area of peatland, subalpine meadow and lakes in this region.Due to its high elevation, transitional topology and high fluctuation of climate, theZoige wetlands represent one of the most fragile wetland ecosystems in China. And asa result of remote location and harsh environment conditions, the researches on theZoige wetland are relatively rare, especially the researches on the methane emissionfrom littoral zone of alpine lakes. Variations of methane emission rates as measuredby the method of static chamber – gas chromatography (GC) were detected fromlittoral zone of alpine lake on the Zoige Plateau. Relationships between methaneemission rates and environmental factors were analyzed. It is concluded that:1.The average methane emission rate in the littoral zone of Huahu Lake, ZoigePlateau is 0.315 mg·m-2·h-1, with evident spatial and temporal variations. The littoralzone has different methane effluxes with -0.054, 0.471, and 0.493 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1in June, July and August respectively. Different types of wetland have differentmethane emission rates, with value of 0.464, 0.477, and 0.005 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1 forPolygonum amphibium wetland ( PA ), Shoal ( S ) and Kobresi tibetica meadow ( KT ), respectively.2. The soil temperature at 10cm is significantly correlated with the methane effluxesin littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau, and which is one of the most important factors influencing the methane emission from this region. The activities of soilmicroorganisms rise under higher soil temperature and increases oxygen consumptionand decreases Eh, which is in favor of the methanogensis, and enhances theproduction of methane in soil.3. The correlation between the standing water and methane effluxes from littoralzone of Huahu Lake is not significant. Because of the standing water, the anaerobicconditions of wetland soil have been enhanced, and are favor to the decomposition oforganic matter. And the anaerobic conditions strengthen the methanogensis’ activities,thus the methane production, which release to the atmosphere by diffusion, ebullitionand aerenchymal plants. With the water level’s increase, more methane produced insoil which is transferred by ebullitions or diffusion are oxidated, thus reduce themethane release to the atmosphere.4. The height and aboveground biomass of vegetation are not significant related tothe methane effluxes from littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau. The vegetationprovides substrates for methanogensis by litter and root exudates; act as thetransportation way of methane between soil and atmosphere; influence the methaneemission of wetland ecosystems with other environment factors.


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瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme L.)是瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)狼毒属的一种多年生野草,有毒。据调查,从20 世纪60 年代开始至今,狼毒在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上不断蔓延、密度不断变大,在一些地段甚至成为优势物种。有关狼毒在高寒草甸蔓延的生态系统效应的研究尚未见报道。本文从系统碳、氮循环的角度,分别研究狼毒在生长和非生长季节对高寒草甸生态系统的影响。同时,从花粉化感的角度,深入研究狼毒对当地同花期物种有性繁殖的影响。系统地研究高寒草甸生态系统物质循环过程,特别是非生长季节微生物和土壤碳氮库的动态变化,有助于揭示狼毒在系统物质循环方面的“物种效应”以及这种效应的季节变化,为丰富有关高海拔生态系统,特别是其非生长季的物质循环的科学理论做出贡献。同时,碳氮循环和花粉化感的研究还有助于深刻地理解狼毒作为一种入侵性很强的杂草的特殊的蔓延机制,从而为狼毒的有效防治、高寒草甸的科学管理提供依据。 针对狼毒在青藏高原高寒草甸上蔓延的生态系统碳氮循环方面的影响,开展以下2 方面的研究:(1)在生长季,研究松潘县尕米寺附近(北纬32°53',东经103°40',海拔3190 m)的两种地形(平地和阳坡)条件下狼毒对土壤碳氮循环影响及可能的原因。狼毒和其它几个主要物种(圆穗蓼(Polygonummacrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum),草地早熟禾(Poa pretensis L.),四川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.),鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine)和鳞叶龙胆(Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb.)的地上凋落物产量以及地上凋落物和根的化学组成被测量。在有-无狼毒斑块下,各种土壤的库(比如,铵态氮、硝态氮、无机磷和微生物生物量)和周转率(包括净矿化、净硝化、总硝化、反硝化和微生物呼吸速率)被测量和比较。(2)在非生长季节,尤其是春季冻融交替期,选取了两个研究地点——尕米寺和卡卡沟(北纬32°59',东经103°41',海拔3400 m),分别测定有狼毒和无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物生物量碳和氮、可溶性有机碳和氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮的动态变化。同时,分别在上述两个地点有-无狼毒的样地上,研究6 个主要物种(狼毒、圆穗蓼、草地早熟禾、四川嵩草、鹅绒委陵菜和鳞叶龙胆)从秋季开始、为期1 年的凋落物分解过程。 针对狼毒花粉化感对同花期其它物种可能的花粉化感作用开展以下工作:在实验室中,用一系列浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液对与它同花期的其它物种以及自身花粉进行测试,测定花粉萌发率;在野外自然条件下的其它物种的柱头上施用上述浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液,观测种子结实率,同时,观察狼毒花粉的种间花粉散布数量。 生长季节的研究结果表明,狼毒地上凋落物氮含量比其它几个主要物种更高,而木质素-总氮比更低。狼毒显著地增加其斑块下表层土壤中有机质的含量,而有-无狼毒的亚表层土壤在有机碳和总磷方面没有显著差异。狼毒表土中硝态氮含量在平地和阳坡比无狼毒土壤分别高113%和90%。狼毒表土中微生物生物量碳和氮量显著高于无狼毒表土。无论是平地还是阳坡,狼毒土壤的总硝化和微生物呼吸速率显著高于无狼毒土壤;而它们的反硝化速率只在平地有显著的差异。狼毒与其它物种间地上凋落物的产量和质量的差异可能是导致有-无狼毒土壤碳氮循环差异的原因。我们假设,狼毒可能通过增加贫氮生态系统土壤中的有效氮含量提高其入侵能力。 非生长季的研究结果表明,在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上,土壤微生物生3物量在11 月的秋-冬过渡期达到第一个峰值;在春季的冻融交替期,微生物生物量达到第二个峰值后又迅速降低。无机氮以及可溶性有机碳氮与微生物生物量有相似的变化过程。微生物碳氮比呈现显著的季节性变化。隆冬季节的微生物生物量碳氮比显著高于生长旺季的微生物碳氮比。这种变化可能暗示冬、夏季微生物的群落组成和对资源的利用有所不同。有-无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物和土壤碳、氮库一般只在秋-冬过渡期有显著差异,有狼毒土壤微生物生物量和土壤碳、氮库显著高于无狼毒土壤;而在之后的冬季和春季没有显著差异。所有6 个物种凋落物在非生长季分解率为24%-50%,均高于生长季的10%到30%。其中在秋-冬过渡期,凋落物开始埋藏的两周时间内,分解最快,达10%-20%。不同物种凋落物全年的分解率和分解过程有显著差异。圆穗蓼在全年的分解都较缓慢(非生长季26%,生长季15%),草地早熟禾和四川嵩草等全年的分解速率比较均匀(非生长季和生长季均为30%,非生长季略高),而狼毒在非生长季分解较快(约50%),而在接下来的生长季分解变得缓慢(约12%)。所有物种的凋落物氮含量在非生长季下降,而在随后的生长季上升。 实验室的花粉萌发试验证明,狼毒花粉对自身花粉萌发没有自毒作用,而其它受试的所有物种(圆穗蓼,秦艽(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii),湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa),鳞叶龙胆,椭圆叶花锚(Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica),蓝钟花(Cyananthus hookeri C. B.Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq.),小米草(Euphrasia pectinata Ten.),川西翠雀花(Delphinium tongolense Franch.),高原毛茛(Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.)Ovcz. var. tanguticus)和鹅绒委陵菜)的花粉萌发率随着狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。大约3 个狼毒花粉的浸提液就可以抑制受试的多数物种的50%的花粉萌发。在鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量分别为5.76 个和3.35 个。狼毒花粉散布数量的差异最可能的原因在于是否有共同的传粉昆虫。花的形状(辐射对称VS 左右对称)、植株或花的密度以及花期重叠性可以部分解释这种差异。在野外试验中,我们发现6 个物种(秦艽、湿生扁蕾、鳞叶龙胆、椭圆叶花锚、蓝钟花和小米草)的种子结实率随狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量(分别是5.76 个和3.35 个)分别达到了抑制它们63%和55%种子结实率的水平。因此,狼毒对鳞叶龙胆和小米草可能存在明显的花粉化感抑制作用。狼毒周围的物种可能通过花期在季节或昼夜上的分异避免受到狼毒花粉化感的影响或者通过无性繁殖来维持种群繁衍,因此狼毒通过花粉化感作用对其周围物种繁殖的影响程度还需要进一步地研究。如果狼毒的花粉化感抑制作用确实存在,那么它可能成为一种自然选择压力,进而影响物种的进化。 Stellera chamaejasme L., a perennial toxic weed, has emerged and quicklydominated and spread in the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau ofChina since the 1960s. In the present study, effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon andnitrogen cycles on the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ingrowing and non-growing season, and its pollen allelopathic effects on the sympatricspecies were determined. The present study that focused on carbon and nitrogencycles, especially on microbial biomass and pools of carbon and nitrogen innon-growing season, could profoundly illuminate plant-species effects on carbon andnutrient cycles and its seasonal pattern and help to understand spread mechanism ofS. chamaejasme as an aggressive weed. The present study also contributed to furtherunderstand carbon and nutrient cycles on alpine regions in non-growing season andprovide a basis on weed control of S. chamaejasme and scientific management in thehigh-frigid ecosystem. Effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles on the high-frigidmeadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study couldbe divided into two parts. (1) In the growing season, we quantified the effects of S.chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles in two types of topographic habitats, theflat valley and the south-facing slope, where S. chamaejasme was favored to spreadlitter and root were measured to explain the likely effects of S. chamaejasme on soilcarbon and nutrient cycles. The sizes of various soil pools, e.g. nitrite, ammonium,inorganic phosphorus and microbial biomass, and turnover rates including netmineralization, gross nitrification, denitrification and microbial respiration weredetermined. (2) In the non-growing season study, microbial biomass carbon andnitrogen, soluble organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate weredetermined through the non-growing season, especially in the processes offreeze-thaw of spring in two high-frigid sites, i.e. Kaka valley and Gami temple, onthe eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Meanwhile, litter decomposition of six commonspecies, including Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var.Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis L., Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine and Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., were also examined under theabove-mentioned experimental design through one whole-year, which began in theautumn in 2006. In the study of pollen allelopathy, several work, including in vitro study oneffects of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme on sympatric species and pollenfrom itself, field experiments on effects of pollen extract with the same regime ofconcentrations on seed set and field observation on heterospecific pollen transfer ofS. chamaejasme to six of those sympatric species has been done. The results in the growing season showed that aboveground litter of S.chamaejasme had higher tissue nitrogen and lower lignin: nitrogen ratio than thoseco-occurring species. S. chamaejasme significantly increased topsoil organic matter,whereas no significant differences were found for organic C and total P in subsoilbetween under-Stellera and away-Stellera locations. The nitrate in Stellera topsoilwas 113% and 90% higher on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope,respectively. Both microbial biomass C and N were significantly higher in Stelleratopsoil. Gross nitrification and microbial respiration were significantly higher inStellera topsoil both on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope, whereassignificant differences of denitrification were found only on the flat valley. Thedifferences in the quantity and quality of aboveground litter are a likely mechanismresponsible for the changes of soil variables. We assumed that S. chamaejasme couldenhance their spread by increasing nutrient availability in N-deficient ecosystems. The results in the non-growing season showed that microbial biomass achievedthe first summit in late autumn and early winter on the eastern Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. In the stages of freeze-thaw of spring, microbial biomass firstly achieved thesecond summit and subsequently sharply decreased. Inorganic nitrogen, solubleorganic carbon and nitrogen had a similar dynamics with that of microbial biomass.Ratio of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had an obviously seasonal pattern.The highest microbial C: N were in the non-growing season, which weresignificantly higher than those in the growing season. The seasonal pattern inmicrobial biomass C: N suggested that large changes in composition of microbialpopulation and in resources those used by microbes between summer and winter.Generally, microbial biomass and pools size of carbon and nitrogen in Stellera soilwere significantly higher than those under adjacent locations in late autumn andearly winter, but there were not significant differences in winter and in spring. Litterof all the focal species (Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Donvar. Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.,Potentilla anserina L. var. anserine and G. squarrosa Ledeb.) decomposed about24%-50% in the non-growing season, which were higher than those in the growingseason (ranged from 10% to 30%). Litter decomposed 10%-20% within the first twoweeks in late autumn and early winter. Significant differences in the whole-yeardecomposition rate and in the processes of decomposition were found among species.Polygonum macrophyllum decomposed slowly through the whole year (26% and15% in the non-growing season and in the growing season, respectively). Certainspecies, such as P. pretensis L. and K. setchwanensis, decomposed at a similar rate(30% both in the non-growing and in the growing season, slightly higher in the8growing season than those in the growing season), whereas S. chamaejasmedecomposed more rapidly (about 50%) in the non-growing season and subsequentlydecomposition became slow (about 12%) in the growing season. Litter nitrogencontents of all the focal species firstly decreased in the non-growing season and thenincreased in the growing season. In vitro experiments of pollen allelopathy, the results showed that pollen from S.chamaejasme was not autotoxic, whereas pollen germination in all the sympatricspecies (Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum, Gentianamacrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa,Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica, Cyananthushookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq., Euphrasia pectinata Ten., Delphiniumtongolense Franch., Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz. var. tanguticus andPotentilla anserina L. var. anserina) decreased nonlinearly as the increasingconcentrations of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme. Pollen Extract of threepollens from S. chamaejasme generally inhibited 50% pollen germination of most ofthe focal species. 5.76 and 3.35 pollens from S. chamaejasme were observed in fieldon stigmas of G. squarrosa and E. pectinata, respectively. Differences inheterospecific pollen transfer of S. chamaejasme could be attributed to the primaryreason whether they shared common pollinators. Flower morphology (e.g.zygomorphic or actinomorphic), plant or floral density and concurrence in floweringphonologies could explain, in part, the differences in heterospecific pollen transfer.In field experiments, the results showed that seed set in six sympatric species(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Mavar. paludosa, Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica,Cyananthus hookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq. and Euphrasia pectinata Ten.)decreased nonlinearly as the increasing concentrations of extract of pollen from S.chamaejasme. According to the nonlinear curves, the amounts of pollens from S.chamaejasme on stigmas of G. squarrosa and of E. pectinata (i.e. 5.76 grains and3.35 grains, respectively) could reduce 63% and 55% seed set of G. squarrosa and ofE. pectinata, respectively. Thus, allelopathic effects of S. chamaejasme on G.squarrosa and E. pectinata could be realistic. The sympatric species of S.chamaejasme could avoid pollen allelopathy of S. chamaejasme to sustainthemselves. This highlights the need to study how much pollen allelopathy in S.chamaejasme influences the sympatric species through divergence in seasonal ordiurnal flowering phonologies or through asexual reproduction. If pollen allelopathyin S. chamaejasme was confirmed, it could be as a pressure of natural selection andthus play an important role in species evolution.


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本文以青藏高原东部的高山草甸为研究对象,设置早融、中间及晚融三个融雪部位,采用实验室测量、野外测量、野外样方调查相结合的 方法,从个体、种群和群落的水平上比较研究了高山雪场植物在同一雪场样地中不同融雪梯度上的特征变异及适应,结果表明: 从早融到晚融的梯度上,随着融雪时间的逐渐推迟,表土日温差降低,冻融交替的强度减弱,土壤水份逐渐增加,总N、总P、总K 以及 可溶性的N、P 和pH 变化不明显,土壤有机质及可溶性的K 和Ca 逐渐降低。冻融交替强度上的差异以及土壤水分差异被认为是融雪梯度上 影响植物生长的主要原因。 从早融到晚融的梯度上,伴随着生态因子的改变,几种常见植物的个体特征也发生相应的变化。首先,物候期推迟。植物开始生长的时间 一般要推迟将近二十天,但同一种植物在不同的融雪部位上的衰老期趋于一致,这预示着在晚融部位同一植物的生长期要缩短。其次,个体生 长特性发生改变。黑褐穗苔草(Carex atrofusca subsp. minor (Boott) T.Koyama)和西北黄芪(Astragalus fenzelianus Pet.-Stib.)的个体生长(株高、单株叶数、单叶面积和地上生物量)表现为逐渐增加的趋势;斑唇马先蒿(Pedicularis longiflora Rudolph var. tubiformis (Klotz.) Tsoong)和川西小黄菊(Pyrethrum tatsienense (Bur. et Franch.) Ling ex Shih.)则表现为逐渐降低的趋势;长叶火绒草(Leontopodium longifolium Ling)在融雪梯度上的变化趋势不明显。再次,从繁殖特性来看,大卫马先蒿(Pedicularis davidii var. pentodon Tsoong)的单株花数、单花种子数、种子千粒重及种子萌发率随融雪的推迟呈现为逐渐增加的趋势;圆穗蓼(Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don)的种子(小坚果)千粒重和萌发率也表现为逐渐增加,其余繁殖特征变化不明显。 在种群层次上,几个常见物种的分布格局随着融雪的推迟都发生一定的变化,基本上表现为从早融的集群分布到中间或晚融部位的随机分布。物种间的联结性也发生较大的变化,由早融部位的总体上的正关联逐步过度到晚融部位上的总体上的负关联。特定种对间的联结性也发生较大的变化。恶劣环境条件(如剧烈的冻融交替)的影响以及对恶劣条件适应被认为是分布格局及种间联结性发生变化的主要原因。 在群落层次上,物种多样性的变化表现为单峰曲线的格局,即在中间部位多样性最高。早融部位强烈的冻融交替和晚融部位缩短的生长季是早融及晚融部位物种多样性不高的重要原因。几乎所有的只出现在一个融雪部位(雪深级别)上的物种都发生在中间融雪部位。这说明,中等的雪深更有利于许多高山植物的存活,而过浅过深的积雪都不利于植物的生存。另外,相距较近的融雪梯度之间的物种相似性较大,而相距较远的梯度之间物种的替代率较高,物种的相似性较小。在群落的生物量方面,地上生物量随融雪的推迟而升高,地下生物量随融雪的推迟而下降,地上与地下生物量之总和随着融雪的推迟而下降,地下生物量与地上生物量之比随着融雪的推迟而下降。早融部位的地上生物量主要集中于地上0-10cm 的范围内,表明在早融部位植物地上部分有变矮的趋势;早融部位的地下生物量在土壤各深度分布相对较均一,而晚融部位地下生物量则主要集中于地下0-10cm 的范围内。生物量的变化趋势主要与雪场中各部位的土壤水分含量及地表日温度差异有关,是植物适应特定环境的结果。 To detect the plants’ responses to snow-cover gradients in an alpine meadow of eastern Tibetan plateau, laboratory method and field sample plot method were employed, and three gradeients (early-, medium and late-melting)were established in a natural snowbed. The measurements were carried out for two years and was done on three levels——individual, population and community. The results are shown as follows : From early- to late-melting gradients, daily ground temperature difference between day and night decreased, amplitude of freeze-thaw alternation weakened, soil organic matter contents and soluble K and Ca decreased, while soil water content increased. Total N, total P, total K,pH soluble N and soluble P kept constant from early- to late-melting portions. Among these factors, the changes of intense freeze-thaw alternation and soil water contents were considered as main factors affecting plants’ growth. From early- to late-melting portions, all phenological phases postponed, e.g. phase of plant emergence postponed almost twenty days. However, the same species’ individuals at different portions withered in step, which implied that the individuals at late-melting portion possessed shorter growing season length. Along the same gradient, both Carex atrofusca subsp. minor (Boott) T. Koyama and Astragalus fenzelianus Pet.-Stib. increased their individual growth, whereas Pedicularis longiflora Rudolph var. tubiformis (Klotz.) Tsoong and Pyrethrum tatsienense (Bur. et Franch.) Ling ex Shih. decreased their individual growth. Unlike the four plants mentioned above, Leontopodium longifolium L. did not show any evident change. As to reproductive charateristics, the flowers per individual, the number of seeds per flower, the thousand seed weight and the seed germination rate of Pedicularis davidii var. pentodon showed an increasing trend; and Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don also increased its thousand seed weight and seed germination rate along the same gradient. However, the other reproductive charateristics of Polygonum macrophyllum D.Don did not change significantly. At population level, the distribution pattern of several selected species changed from cluster pattern to random pattern as the snowmelt postponed. Overall association among the species changed from positive to negative along the same gradient. Further, interspecific association also changed evidently. Adverse circumstances such as intense freeze-thaw alternation were considered as primary factors resulting in changes of population distribution pattern and interspecific association. At the level of community, species diversity showed a pattern of a unimodal trend, i.e. the highest diversity occurred at medium snow depth,perhaps because of intense freeze-thaw alternation at early-melting portions and the shortest growing season at late-melting portions. Almost all species that only appeared at one snowmelt portion occurred at medium portion, indicating that medium snow depth was more suitable for many species’ survival. Species replacement from one snowmelt portion to its neighboring portion seldom took place. However, while distance between two portions became farther, species replacement between the two portions occurred more frequently. As for biomass, aboveground biomass increased from early- to late-melting portions, whereas belowground biomass, total biomass and the ratio of belowground to aboveground all decreased along the same snow gradient. A majority of aboveground biomass distributed in a height range of 0-10 cm, suggesting that height of plants inhabiting early-melting portion be shorter compared with other portions. In addition, belowground biomass at early-melting portion was evenly distributed at different soil depth in comparison with aboveground biomass, whereas belowground biomass at late-melting portion concentrated 0-10cm soil layer below ground. The changing trend of biomass was also related to two factors. One was soil water content, and the other topsoil temperature difference between day and night.


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除植被冠层的光合作用之外,土壤的呼吸作用是陆地生态系统碳收支中最大的通量。土壤呼吸即使发生较小的变化也能显著地减缓或加剧大气中CO2浓度的增加,从而明显影响到全球气候变化。土壤呼吸速率变化与否以及变化的方向可以反映生态系统对环境变化的敏感程度和响应模式。尽管如此,土壤呼吸仍是一个为人们了解不多的生态系统过程。 草地生态系统是陆地生态系统的一个重要组成部分。针对草地土壤呼吸进行野外实验研究和相应方法论的探讨将对区域乃至全球碳源汇性质的准确估算具有重要的科学意义。然而,近几年来关于草地土壤呼吸的主要研究工作都集中在温带草原和部分热带草原,而针对高寒草甸生态系统土壤呼吸的研究报道还很少。 2008年4月至2009年4月期间,我分别在2008年6、8、10、12月和2009年2月和4月分6次对川西北的典型高寒草甸群落的土壤呼吸进行观测,分析了不同类型高寒草甸群落土壤呼吸的季节变化特征以及环境因子和放牧模式对其影响。主要研究结果如下: 1)该地区高寒草甸生态系统在生长季(6月~8月)土壤呼吸速率较大(6.07~9.30μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1 ) , 在非生长季( 12 月~ 2 月) 较小( 0.16 ~0.49μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1 ) 。土壤CO2 年累积最大释放量为3963 ~ 5730gCO2¡m-2¡yr-1,其中,生长季土壤CO2的释放量占年总释放量的85%~90%。非生长季占10%~15%。非生长季所占比例略小于冬季积雪覆盖地区的冬季土壤呼吸占年土壤呼吸量的比例(14%~30%)。温度,尤其地温,是影响该地区高寒草甸生态系统土壤呼吸速率的最主要环境因子。土壤呼吸速率与地上生物量和土壤水分之间没有显著相关性,但是土壤含水量过大会导致土壤呼吸速率下降。 2)在观测期内,草丘区的土壤呼吸显著高于对照区的土壤呼吸,其最大土壤呼吸速率为16.77μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1,土壤CO2 年累积最大释放量为8145gCO2¡m-2¡yr-1,是对照区的近2 倍。由于草丘在高寒草甸中占有较大的面积比例(近30%),因此,它将对高寒草甸生态系统的碳循环起着重要的作用。 3)放牧模式不仅可以影响高寒草甸群落的土壤CO2 排放,而且还可以改变土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)。本研究表明,在生长季有长期放牧活动干扰时将会增加土壤向大气中释放二氧化碳的速度,促使土壤碳库中碳的流失。禁牧样地的土壤呼吸速率在刚禁牧时先迅速增大,随着禁牧时间的延长土壤呼吸速率将会下降。此外,与其它放牧模式相比,冬季放牧将高寒草甸群落土壤呼吸速率在生长季达到最大值的时间明显向后推迟。不同放牧模式下高寒草甸群落土壤呼吸的Q10 值大小顺序为:禁牧一年群落>冬季放牧群落>禁牧三年群落>夏季放牧群落>自由放牧群落。 4)基于呼吸室技术的观测方法中,测量前的剪草处理可以明显改变该地区高寒草甸群落的土壤温度和土壤呼吸速率。在生长季,剪草处理将使土壤呼吸速率的瞬时响应增加90%左右。由于剪草处理明显增加了剪草样方白天的土壤温度,而土壤温度与土壤呼吸之间存在着极显著的指数相关关系,因而剪草处理导致土壤呼吸速率迅速增加。因此,在高寒地区基于呼吸室技术观测的土壤呼吸应当进行校正。 综上所述,川西北高寒草甸生态系统土壤呼吸速率在生长季较高,而在非生长季较低。土壤温度是影响该地区土壤呼吸的最主要环境因子。在实验观测期,草丘区土壤呼吸速率显著高于对照区的,是对照区土壤呼吸速率的近2倍。由于测量前的剪草处理可以明显改变待测点的土壤呼吸速率,因此,应对在高寒地区基于呼吸室技术观测的土壤呼吸进行校正。 Soil respiration is the second largest component (less than plant phtotosynthesis) of carbon dioxide flux between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. A minor change in soil respiration rate can significantly slow down or accelerate the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration that is closely related to global climatic change. In turn, the change in the flux direction and rate of soil respiration may indicate the elasticity and stability of ecosystems to global changes and human disturbance. However, soil respiration is still an ecosystem process that has been poorly understood. Grassland ecosystem is an important component of the terrestrial ecosystem. Accurately estimating the CO2 flux from soil to atmosphere in situ is the key to evaluating the carbon resource and sink regionally or globally. Despite of extensive studies on the temperate and tropic grasslands, the soil respiration of alpine meadows has not substantially been measured. In the current study, soil respiration was measured for an annual cycle from April, 2008 to April, 2009 for the alpine meadow in northwestern Sichuan Province of China to determine the seasonal variation of soil respiration for the typical plant communities. The results are shown as follows: 1) Large seasonal variation of soil respiration was observed in the alpine meadow. The rate of soil respiration was the greatest (6.07~9.30μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1) in June and the smallest (0.16 ~ 0.49μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1) occurred from December to February in the non-growing season. The total emission of soil CO2 was estimated as 3963~5730 gCO2¡m-2¡yr-1, 85%~90% of which was released during the growing season, and 10%~15% during the non-growing season which was slightly less than the ratio of winter and annual CO2 flux from soil. Temperature, particularly the soil temperature, was the major environmental factor regulating the soil respiration. Significant and positive relationships were not found between soil respiration and soil moisture and between soil respiration and plant above-ground biomass, but excessive soil water content would decrease in the rate of soil respiration. 2) The rate of soil respiration in grass hummock communities was up to 16.77μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1, which was about twice as great as in the controls (communities located in low and even sites). Considering the large proportion (about 30% on average) of hummock area in the meadow, it can be concluded that the hummocks played an important role in the carbon cycling of the study ecosystem. 3) Grazing patterns affected the flux of CO2 emission and the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration (Q10) in the alpine meadow. Grazing during growing season increased the rate of soil respiration. The rate of soil respiration increased significantly immediately after the alpine meadow being fenced, but thereafter decreased. In addition, grazing in winter delayed the peak respiration rate relative to the non-grazing mode. The Q10 value was the largest in the non-grazed area for one year, and next came the area with grazing in winter, followed by the non-grazed area for three years, the area with grazing in summer, and the non-limited grazed area. 4) In the chamber-based techniques, clipping manipulation before each measurement increased the transient rate of soil respiration by about 90% in the summer of the alpine meadow. As increase in soil temperature at daytime in the clipped plots by clipping and the exponential relationship between soil respiration and temperature, clipping manipulation led to increase in the rate of soil respiration. This suggested that a correction should be done for the techniques if employed in alpine and cold regions. In summary, the rate of soil respiration in the alpine meadow was the greatest in June and the smallest occurred from ecember to February in the non-growing season. Soil temperature was the major environmental factor regulating the soil respiration. The rate of soil respiration in grass hummock communities was up to 16.77μmolCO2¡m-2¡s-1, which was about twice as great as in the controls. A correction should be done for the techniques if employed in alpine and cold regions, because of the effect of clipping manipulation on soil temperature and respiration.


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揭示水体中繁殖的两栖动物在异质性景观中的空间扩散特点,探讨景观面积丧失和破碎化对于两栖动物的影响,为两栖动物的保护提供理论依据。本文以四川西北部若尔盖湿地自然保护区的高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)为研究对象,通过运用地理信息系统及建立景观模型等方法,在分析若尔盖湿地自然保护区范围内现有景观格局的基础上,建立了高原林蛙的景观扩散模型,并模拟了“沼泽→草甸”的湿地逆演化过程下高原林蛙的空间分布与景观连接的变化特点。主要结果是: 1.若尔盖湿地自然保护区呈典型的沼泽—草甸式斑块—基质景观格局。草甸面积占整个景观面积的79.42%,景观蔓延度指数(CONTAG)为79.00远离最小值0而更趋向于最大值100,面积和景观蔓延度指数表明草甸是整个景观中面积占绝对优势且景观连接好的类型,构成了景观的基质,对景观的动态格局演变起主导作用。沼泽面积仅占整个景观面积的18.08%,但却是整个景观中斑块数目最多的单元,占所有斑块数的82.9%。因此沼泽斑块与草甸基质之间的动态结构对高原林蛙的扩散起着决定性的作用。 2.空间扩散模型表明,其它类型的景观不但扩展了高原林蛙的活动范围,而且也为高原林蛙在不同沼泽斑块间的连接提供了通道。高原林蛙的空间扩散区域使得彼此间成斑块化隔离状分布的沼泽形成了潜在景观功能连接,促进了不同斑块间物种的交流。小型沼泽作为垫脚石(stepping-stone),使得整个景观中的相隔距离较远的大型斑块联结为一个功能整体,促进了高原林蛙在整个景观中的相互动态联系。 3.模拟“沼泽→草甸”的湿地逆演化过程表明,大量小型沼泽湿地的消失将会 对在沼泽中繁殖并扩散到其它景观类型中去的高原林蛙造成潜在影响。逆演化过程不仅使沼泽斑块的分布范围,沼泽源斑块的面积和空间扩散面积减少,而且对景观连接也有很大影响。小型沼泽的消失,将使得景观斑块的功能连接变小,使得依靠小型沼泽作为跳板的动物在沼泽斑块之间的移动将变得更加困难。 本文是对生境丧失与破碎化影响下两栖动物的行为反应的一种尝试。影响模型的因素很多,包括动物对各种类型景观的偏好程度,地理数据的精度,及模型的可靠程度都是制约模型准确度的因素。 The spatial diffusion of water—breeding amphibian through heterogeneous landscape and the effects of landscape losing and fragmentation to amphibian were the core theory of the landscape ecology of amphibian. Geographical information system (GIS) and landscape model were used to model the diffused area of Rana kukunoris in Zoige Wetland Natural Reserve. Model was also used to analysis the spatial distribution variation of R. kukunoris and the change of landscape connectivity when simulated the retrogressive succession of landscape. The main results are below: 1. There was peatland—meadow pattern which was typical patch—matrix landscape pattern in Zoige Natural Reserve. The meadow area occupied 79.42% of the entire landscape area, contagion index (CONTAG) was 79.00 which was far away the minimum value (0) but tend to the maximum value (100). Both of these showed that meadow was the largest part and the most continue units. It was shown that meadow was matrix of the landscape, which evolved the leading role to the landscape dynamic pattern. Though their area only occupies 18.08% of entire landscape area, peatlands were according to 82.9% of the total patches. Dynamic of the pattern between peatlands and meadows decided the spatial diffusion of R. kukunoris. 2.The model indicated that the other types of landscape not only expanded diffusion of R. kukunoris, but also have provided the potential channels for frog's connections among different peatlands. The spatial diffusion zone of R. kukunoris forced isolated patch peatlands to be potential landscape functional connectivity. The small peatlands, as stepping-stone, made the large peatlands connect as a functional one and promoted the integrated and dynamic connectivity of R. kukunoris in the whole landscape. 3. The simulation of “peatlands→meadows”retrogressive succession process indicated that the decrease of small peatlands will have potential effect to R. kukunoris because they must bred in peatlands and diffuse to other type of the landscape. Retrogressive succession process not only made the decrease of distribution of peatlands, patches number of peatlands and diffused area of R. kukunoris, but also reduced the connectivity among source patches. As stepping-stone, the disappearance of small peatlands will made the migration of R. kukunoris among patches more difficult. The model was an experiment of the amphibian behavior reaction to habitat losing and fragmentation. There were many factors that could influence the accuracy of model, such as the preference of animals to each type of landscape, the geographical data precision, reliable degree of model.


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The vertical growth of shoots of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig in four meadows, along a range of exposure to waves, in the Mexican Caribbean was examined to elucidate its magnitude and its relationship to sediment dynamics. Average internodal length varied between 0.17 and 12.75 mm, and was greatest in the meadow which experienced the greatest burial by sand waves moved by Hurricane Gilbert (September 1988). Internodal length showed annual cycles, confirmed by the flower scars always preceding or coinciding with the annual minimum internodal length. These annual cycles on the shoot allowed estimation of annual leaf production, which varied, on average, between 14.2 and 19.3 leaves per shoot year-1. High vertical shoot growth was associated with long internodes and high leaf production rate, which increased with increasing vertical shoot growth to a maximum of approximately 25 leaves per shoot year-1, with vertical growth of about 30 mm year-1 or more. Average internodal length showed substantial interannual differences from perturbations derived from the passage of Hurricane Gilbert. The growth response of the plants surviving moderate burial and erosion after the hurricane involved enhanced vertical growth and increased leaf production, and reduced vertical growth, respectively, after 1988. The variability in shoot vertical growth of T testudinum can be separated into seasonal changes in plant growth, and long-term variability associated with episodic perturbations involving sediment redistribution by hurricanes.


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通过野外天然降雨产流及人工模拟降雨试验,研究不同植被对坡面土壤侵蚀及土壤铜元素流失的影响及降雨过程中铜元素的流失规律。结果表明:(1)紫花苜蓿、绿豆、荒草3种植被覆盖小区的年径流量为5183.8,5 366.2,3 867.3 m~3/km~2,比裸地减少33%,30.8%和50.1%;侵蚀模数为379.18.482.3,15.78 t/km~2,比裸地减少34.7%,16.4%和97.2%;全年全铜流失量为12.9,25.5,0.46 kg/km~2,有效铜流失量为6.22,11.01,0.15 kg/ km~2,分别比裸地减少67.3%,35.3%,98.8%和54.6%,19.6%,98.9%;(2)在模拟降雨过程中,农地小区的产流产沙强度过程呈现波动上升趋势,产沙过程波动较产流过程剧烈。铜元素流失强度过程与产流产沙强度过程相似,但其峰值多于产流产沙过程,且最高峰出现时间不同。有效铜流失强度变化率略高于全铜。


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黄土区大面积、高强度的植被营造工程和各项水利工程虽充分利用了有限的水资源 ,减少了入黄泥沙 ,但同时也人为的切断或改变了水分循环的途径 ,对水环境产生不同方向和程度的影响。尽管国内外学者对水土保持的水环境效应已进行了不少研究 ,但仍存在一些问题 ,主要表现在单项措施 ,特别是林草措施下的水环境效应研究比较深入 ;在水环境研究内容上 ,多注重对地表径流减水减沙的分析 ,而对水量平衡、水文情势等研究较少 ;在研究尺度上 ,多集中于对径流小区的分析 ,单点研究深入而面研究不够