854 resultados para habitat connectance
Em Cabo Verde, ainda existe uma percentagem significativa de pobreza, tendo o índice da pobreza humana (IPH) no país, sido calculado em 15,8%, em 2006, pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística. Assinala-se igualmente uma fraca capacidade de produção de riquezas e de empregos capazes de garantir melhores condições de vida à maior parte de sua população, (FMI, 2010: 36). Os últimos dados referentes à pobreza no país do QUIBB 2007 (Questionário Unificado de Indicadores Básicos de Bem Estar Social), referem que a incidência da pobreza diminuiu de 36,7% na população residente em 2001, para 26,6% da população em 2007, ou seja, um total de 32.000 pessoas deixaram de integrar o nível considerado de pobreza neste intervalo. De acordo com os mesmos dados, o concelho da Praia possui uma incidência de pobreza de 11,6% e São Domingos de 37,8%, concelhos esses, onde pertencem as duas comunidades em estudo, (UNICEF, 2011:36). Apesar dos esforços envidados para a melhoria das condições de vida da população e dos ganhos resultantes da implementação de várias políticas sociais e programas de desenvolvimento, constata-se que alguns grupos e categorias sociais continuam a enfrentar um conjunto de situações de precariedade de natureza económica e social que condicionam a sua qualidade de vida. Neste contexto, assinala-se o surgimento de várias ONG´s, como é o caso do CITI-Habitat, que foi criado como forma de dar resposta ao contexto de ajuda ao desenvolvimento das comunidades locais, visando reduzir e prevenir situações de desigualdade e exclusão social ainda existentes, atingindo particularmente os mais vulneráveis. Pretende-se, assim, com este trabalho analisar o papel do Citi Habitat no desenvolvimento local e no empoderamento desses grupos vulneráveis, das duas comunidades em estudo. Para a realização e concretização deste trabalho, utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa bem como a quantitativa e, para a análise dos inquéritos aplicados aos sujeitos de pesquisa, foi feito o tratamento dos dados no programa informático, SPSS.
The effects of patch size and isolation on metapopulation dynamics have received wide empirical support and theoretical formalization. By contrast, the effects of patch quality seem largely underinvestigated, partly due to technical difficulties in properly assessing quality. Here we combine habitat-quality modeling with four years of demographic monitoring in a metapopulation of greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) to investigate the role of patch quality on metapopulation processes. Together, local patch quality and connectivity significantly enhanced local population sizes and occupancy rates (R2 = 14% and 19%, respectively). Accounting for the quality of patches connected to the focal one and acting as potential sources improved slightly the model explanatory power for local population sizes, pointing to significant source-sink dynamics. Local habitat quality, in interaction with connectivity, also increased colonization rate (R2 = 28%), suggesting the ability of immigrants to target high-quality patches. Overall, patterns were best explained when assuming a mean dispersal distance of 800 m, a realistic value for the species under study. Our results thus provide evidence that patch quality, in interaction with connectivity, may affect major demographic processes.
n the last two decades, interest in species distribution models (SDMs) of plants and animals has grown dramatically. Recent advances in SDMs allow us to potentially forecast anthropogenic effects on patterns of biodiversity at different spatial scales. However, some limitations still preclude the use of SDMs in many theoretical and practical applications. Here, we provide an overview of recent advances in this field, discuss the ecological principles and assumptions underpinning SDMs, and highlight critical limitations and decisions inherent in the construction and evaluation of SDMs. Particular emphasis is given to the use of SDMs for the assessment of climate change impacts and conservation management issues. We suggest new avenues for incorporating species migration, population dynamics, biotic interactions and community ecology into SDMs at multiple spatial scales. Addressing all these issues requires a better integration of SDMs with ecological theory.
Designing an efficient sampling strategy is of crucial importance for habitat suitability modelling. This paper compares four such strategies, namely, 'random', 'regular', 'proportional-stratified' and 'equal -stratified'- to investigate (1) how they affect prediction accuracy and (2) how sensitive they are to sample size. In order to compare them, a virtual species approach (Ecol. Model. 145 (2001) 111) in a real landscape, based on reliable data, was chosen. The distribution of the virtual species was sampled 300 times using each of the four strategies in four sample sizes. The sampled data were then fed into a GLM to make two types of prediction: (1) habitat suitability and (2) presence/ absence. Comparing the predictions to the known distribution of the virtual species allows model accuracy to be assessed. Habitat suitability predictions were assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and presence/absence predictions by Cohen's K agreement coefficient. The results show the 'regular' and 'equal-stratified' sampling strategies to be the most accurate and most robust. We propose the following characteristics to improve sample design: (1) increase sample size, (2) prefer systematic to random sampling and (3) include environmental information in the design'
A stratified study of microhabitat use by grey mullet on the island of Minorca (Balearic archipelago, western Mediterranean) showed that the distribution of all the species was dramatically affected by salinity. Sites with a salinity level under 15 were positively selected in spring and summer by those species whose growth performance was the best in oligomesohaline water (Liza ramado and Mugil cephalus) but also by a species whose growth was not affected by salinity (Chelon labrosus). Liza aurata concentrated in polyhaline and euhaline sites, where growth was improved, a pattern also exhibited by Liza saliens. Both species avoided fresh water sites all year round. As a consequence, community structure was correlated with salinity. The above reported electivity patterns often disappeared in autumn, when most grey mullets migrate off-shore.
After a steady decline in the early 20th century, several terrestrial carnivore species have recently recovered in Western Europe, either through reintroductions or natural recolonization. Because of the large space requirements of these species and potential conflicts with human activities, ensuring their recovery requires the implementation of conservation and management measures that address the environmental, landscape and social dimensions of the problem. Few examples exist of such integrated management. Taking the case of the otter (Lutra lutra) in Switzerland, we propose a multi-step approach that allows to (1) identify areas with potentially suitable habitat, (2) evaluate their connectivity, (3) verify the potentiality of the species recolonization from populations in neighbouring countries. We showed that even though suitable habitat is available for the species and the level of structural connectivity within Switzerland is satisfactory, the level of connectivity with neighbouring populations is crucial to prioritize strategies that favour the species recovery in the field. This research is the first example integrating habitat suitability and connectivity assessment at different scales with other factors in a multi-step assessment for species recovery.
1. Identifying those areas suitable for recolonization by threatened species is essential to support efficient conservation policies. Habitat suitability models (HSM) predict species' potential distributions, but the quality of their predictions should be carefully assessed when the species-environment equilibrium assumption is violated.2. We studied the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra, whose numbers are recovering in southern Italy. To produce widely applicable results, we chose standard HSM procedures and looked for the models' capacities in predicting the suitability of a recolonization area. We used two fieldwork datasets: presence-only data, used in the Ecological Niche Factor Analyses (ENFA), and presence-absence data, used in a Generalized Linear Model (GLM). In addition to cross-validation, we independently evaluated the models with data from a recolonization event, providing presences on a previously unoccupied river.3. Three of the models successfully predicted the suitability of the recolonization area, but the GLM built with data before the recolonization disagreed with these predictions, missing the recolonized river's suitability and badly describing the otter's niche. Our results highlighted three points of relevance to modelling practices: (1) absences may prevent the models from correctly identifying areas suitable for a species spread; (2) the selection of variables may lead to randomness in the predictions; and (3) the Area Under Curve (AUC), a commonly used validation index, was not well suited to the evaluation of model quality, whereas the Boyce Index (CBI), based on presence data only, better highlighted the models' fit to the recolonization observations.4. For species with unstable spatial distributions, presence-only models may work better than presence-absence methods in making reliable predictions of suitable areas for expansion. An iterative modelling process, using new occurrences from each step of the species spread, may also help in progressively reducing errors.5. Synthesis and applications. Conservation plans depend on reliable models of the species' suitable habitats. In non-equilibrium situations, such as the case for threatened or invasive species, models could be affected negatively by the inclusion of absence data when predicting the areas of potential expansion. Presence-only methods will here provide a better basis for productive conservation management practices.
La faune amphibienne du bassin de l'Aubonne et de ses affluents entre Ballens et Allaman a été recensée durant deux campagnes de terrain en 2000 et 2001. Douze espèces d'amphibiens ont été observées sur 63 sites répartis sur près de 130 km2. Plus des deux tiers des espèces amphibiennes de Suisse sont représentées dans le secteur 1Laboratoire de Biologie de la Conservation, Institut d'Ecologie, Bâtiment de Biologie CH-1015 Dorigny E-mail: Jerome.Pellet@ie-zea.unil.ch CODEN: BSVAA6 © Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles Droits de reproduction réservés 42 J. Pellet, S. Dubey et S. Hoehn étudié. Des cartes illustrent la distribution de chaque espèce. Une régression logistique appliquée à chaque espèce tente de mettre en évidence une relation entre les données de présence et 23 paramètres d'habitats mesurés dans 48 sites. Dans 5 cas, un ou deux paramètres d'habitat peuvent être mis en relation avec la répartition de l'amphibien en question. Ainsi, le crapaud commun est positivement corrélé avec la proportion de végétation érigée recouvrant les plans d'eau et négativement corrélé avec l'altitude. Le crapaud calamite est lui fortement lié aux paysages rudéraux et gravières, tandis que la répartition des grenouilles rousses et rieuses est limitée par l'altitude. La rainette verte semble éviter les plans d'eau où la conductivité est trop élevée. Indication dans un paysage rural d'une charge en nitrates, la conductivité d'un plan d'eau peut être considérée comme une mesure indirecte de sa pollution organique. Un suivi du secteur prospecté permettra de connaître l'évolution des populations de chaque espèce présente.