977 resultados para growth-promoting rhizobacteria


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O experimento foi conduzido com 210 leitões desmamados, afim de avaliar os efeitos da adição de frutooligosacarídeos (FOS) ou olaquindox nas rações sobre o desempenho dos 21 aos 63 dias de idade. Utilizou-se programa de alimentação por fases (pré-inicial, inicial-I e inicial-II, de zero aos 16, 17 aos 30 e dos 31 aos 42 dias, respectivamente). O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, seis tratamentos e sete repetições de cinco leitões cada: T1 - sem adição de FOS; T2 - com 0,1% de FOS; T3 - com 0,2% de FOS; T4 - com 0,3% de FOS; T5 - com 0,5% de FOS e T6 - sem FOS e 25ppm de olaquindox. A adição de FOS não afetou o consumo e o ganho diário de peso nas diferentes fases estudadas. Contudo, verificou-se melhor desempenho dos leitões que receberam olaquindox comparado à média dos demais tratamentos. Ao contrário do olaquindox, a adição de FOS foi ineficiente em promover melhora no desempenho.


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Estrogen involvement in breast cancer has been established; however, the association between breast cancer and thyroid diseases is controversial. Estrogen-like effects of thyroid hormone on breast cancer cell growth in culture have been reported. The objective of the present study was to determine the profile of thyroid hormones in breast cancer patients. Serum aliquots from 26 patients with breast cancer ranging in age from 30 to 85 years and age-matched normal controls (N = 22) were analyzed for free triiodothyronine (T3F), free thyroxine (T4F), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), antiperoxidase antibody (TPO), and estradiol (E2). Estrogen receptor ß (ERß) was determined in tumor tissues by immunohistochemistry. Thyroid disease incidence was higher in patients than in controls (58 vs 18%, P < 0.05). Subclinical hyperthyroidism was the most frequent disorder in patients (31%); hypothyroidism (8%) and positive anti-TPO antibodies (19%) were also found. Subclinical hypothyroidism was the only dysfunction (18%) found in controls. Hyperthyroidism was associated with postmenopausal patients, as shown by significantly higher mean T3 and T4 values and lower TSH levels in this group of breast cancer patients than in controls. The majority of positive ERß tumors were clustered in the postmenopausal patients and all cases presenting subclinical hyperthyroidism in this subgroup concomitantly exhibited Erß-positive tumors. Subclinical hyperthyroidism was present in only one of 6 premenopausal patients. We show here that postmenopausal breast cancer patients have a significantly increased thyroid hormone/E2 ratio (P < 0.05), suggesting a possible tumor growth-promoting effect caused by this misbalance.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria on the formation of sugarcane pre-sprouted seedlings, originated from individual buds, and to quantify the initial growth of these seedlings in association with nitrogen application, in a low fertility soil. Two experiments were carried out: one in greenhouse conditions, with a time span of 50 days, and the other in vases under field conditions, with a time span of 180 days. In both experiments, a randomized complete block design was used with a factorial arrangement of 2x3, in the first experiment - with or without inoculation, and with three quantities of bud reserve -, and of 2x2x4, in the second one - with or without inoculation, with or without nitrogen, evaluated in four times: at 45, 90, 135, and 180 days. The inoculant had effect on the initial growth of the pre-sprouted seedlings, increasing sprouting speed and dry matter accumulation on roots and shoots, regardless of the bud reserve amount. In the second experiment, the inoculant increased the initial growth of shoots and root system up to 180 days after transplantation, increasing height, tillering, stalk diameter, dry matter production of stalks and straw, and root length, regardless of nitrogen application. The inoculant has a positive physiological effect on plant growth.


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The sugarcane is a culture of great importance for the Brazilian agriculture. Every year this culture consumes great amounts of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. However, the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria can reduce the use of the chemical fertilizers, contributing to the economy and the environment conservation. So, the goal of this study was to select sugarcane-associated diazotrophic bacteria able to solubilize inorganic phosphate and to evaluate the genetic diversity of these bacteria. A total of 68 diazotrophic bacteria, leaf and root endophytic and rizoplane, of three sugarcane varieties. The selection of inorganic phosphate solubilizing diazotrophic bacteria was assayed by the solubilization index (SI) in solid medium containing insoluble phosphate. The genetic variability was analyzed by the BOX-PCR technique. The results showed that 74% of the diazotrophic strains were able to solubilize inorganic phosphate, presenting classes of different SI. The results showed that the vegetal tissue and the genotype plant influenced in the interaction between phosphate solubilizing diazotrophic bacteria and sugarcane plants. BOX-PCR revealed high genetic variability among the strains analyzed. So, sugarcane-associated diazotrophic bacteria express the capacity to solubilize inorganic phosphate and they present high genetic diversity.


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There is evidence that the platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) is involved in the clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages, and that this is associated with anti-inflammatory phenotype. Our group has previously shown that coinjection of a large number of apoptotic cells can promote tumor growth from a subtumorigenic dose of melanoma cells. Here, we studied the involvement of the PAFR in the tumor growth promoting effect of apoptotic cells. A sub-tumorigenic dose of melanoma cells (Tm1) was coinjected with apoptotic Tm1 cells, subcutaneously in the flank of C57Bl/6 mice, and the volume was monitored for 30 days. Animals received the PAFR antagonists, WEB2170 or PCA4248 (5 mg/kg body weight) or vehicle, by peritumoral daily injection for 5 days. Results showed that PAFR antagonists significantly inhibited the tumor growth induced by the coinjection of a subtumorigenic dose of melanoma cells together with apoptotic cells. This was accompanied by inhibition of early neutrophil and macrophage infiltration. Addition of (platelet-activating factor) to this system has no significant effect. PAFR antagonists did not affect the promoting effect of carrageenan. We suggest that the recognition of apoptotic cells by phagocytes leads to activation of PAFR pathways, resulting in a microenvironment response favorable to melanoma growth.


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[EN] The expression and regulation of intestinal oligopeptide transporter (PepT)-1 when vegetable sources are used as a substitute for fish meal in the diet of marine fish has not yet been explored. In the present study, as part of our ongoing work on elucidating PepT1 gene expression in relation to different dietary treatments, we have now isolated and deposited in Genbank database (accession no. GU733710) a cDNA sequence representing the PepT1 in the sea bream (Sparus aurata). The ?de novo? prediction of the three-dimensional structure of PepT1 protein is presented. We also analyzed diet-induced changes in the expression of PepT1 mRNA via real-time RT-PCR using the standard curve method. Sea bream were fed for 140 days with one of the following four diet formulations (43% protein/21% lipid): a control fast growth-promoting diet (C), and three diets with the same formulation but in which 15% of the fish meal was substituted by protein concentrates either from lupine (LPC), chick pea (CPC), or green pea (PPC). Fish fed PPC had significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of PepT1 transcripts in the proximal intestine than the controls, whereas PepT1 transcript levels in fish fed LPC or CPC were not significantly different from the controls. Although growth was similar between fish fed with different diets during the first 72 days of feeding, growth of the fish fed with PPC was reduced during the second part of the trial and was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than fish fed LPC and CPC diets by the end of the experiment. Correlation between these results and fish growth performances highlights that the intestinal PepT1 mRNA level may serve as a useful marker of the dietary protein quality and absorption efficiency.


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Tumore haben die Fähigkeit ihr Mikromilieu zu modulieren, um so ihre Entwicklung und ihre Ausbreitung zu fördern oder sich vor Angriffen des Immunsystems zu schützen. Die Expression der Matrix Metalloproteinasen 7 (MMP-7) wurde in vielen verschiedenen Tumoren analysiert. Neben prometastatischen und wachstumsfördernden Funktionen wurden auch antiapoptotische Wirkungen von MMP-7 auf die Tumorzellen belegt (Strand et al., 2004). Doch noch sind nicht alle immunmodulatorischen Eigenschaften von MMP-7 aufgeklärt worden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die immunologischen Konsequenzen einer MMP-7 Expression durch Tumorzellen zu untersuchen.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass MMP-7 über die Spaltung der Rezeptortyrosinkinase EphB2 die Aktinpolymerisation und dadurch auch die Endozytose in Zellen verändern kann. EphB2 wurde als Target einer MMP-7 vermittelten Spaltung identifiziert. Die Untersuchungen mit MMP-7 überexprimierenden Hek 293 EcR Zellen und MMP-7 behandelten DCs zeigten unter dem Einfluss von MMP-7 eine wesentlich geringere EphB2 Expression auf deren Zelloberflächen. Zudem konnte durch in vitro Spaltversuche und anschließende Sequenzierung die Schnittstelle der MMP-7 induzierten Spaltung von EphB2 bestimmt werden. Anschließende Analysen belegten, dass durch die MMP-7 vermittelte Spaltung von EphB2 die Aktivierung der kleinen GTPasen Rac1 und Cdc42 stark reduziert wurden. Die Funktion von Cdc42 und Rac1 während der Aktinpolymerisation, als auch innerhalb der EphB2- Signalkaskade wurde bereits beschrieben (Irie and Yamaguchi, 2002). In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass MMP-7 die Aktinpolymerisation in Zellen reduzierte, was warscheinlich eine direkte Auswirkung der EphB2 Spaltung war. rnWeitere Versuche ließen einen Zusammenhang zwischen der reduzierten Aktinpolymerisation und der verminderten Endozytose in MMP-7 behandelten Zellen erkennen. Unter dem Einfluss von MMP-7 konnte sowohl in Hek 293 EcR MMP7 Zellen als auch in unreifen DCs eine Reduktion der endozytotischen Aktivität ermittelt werden.rnUntersuchungen mit humanen T-Zellen zeigten auch hier einen verminderten Nachweis von EphB2 auf den Zellen, wenn diese vorher mit MMP-7 inkubiert wurden. Zudem führte die Anwesenheit von MMP-7 in T-Zellen ebenfalls zu einer verminderten Aktinpolymerisation. Die mit der Aktinpolymerisation verbundene Restrukturierung des Zytoskeletts gilt als essentieller Prozess für die T-Zellaktivität (Tskvitaria-Fuller et al., 2003; Krummel et al., 2000). Anschließende Versuche konnte daher nicht nur eine Beeinträchtigung von MMP-7 auf die zytotoxische Aktivität von T-Zellen belegen, sondern deuteten auch auf eine verminderten Proliferation nach Antigenstimulation unter dem Einfluss von MMP-7 hin.rnDie Rolle von MMP-7 aber auch die von EphB2 in der Tumorimmunologie wurde bereits untersucht. So konnte eine induzierte Überexpression von EphB2 das Krebszellwachstum, die Adhäsion und die Migration inhibieren, während der Verlust der EphB2 Expression zu einer verstärkten Invasion und Metastisierung von Tumorzellen führte (Guo et al., 2006). Zudem konnte gezeigt werde, dass Tumorzellen die Funktion von DCs beeinflussen können. DCs aus tumortragenden Mäusen zeigten im Vergleich zu Kontrollzellen eine reduzierte Aktivierung von Cdc42 und Rac1 und zudem eine verminderte Endozytoseaktivität (Tourkova et al., 2007). Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigten MMP-7 bedingten Veränderungen der Aktinpolymerisation stellen womöglich eine Verbindung zwischen den genannten Untersuchungen her und offenbaren weitere immunologische Konsequenzen einer MMP-7 Expression im Tumor. rnrn


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The growing substrate of the putting greens is considered a key factor for a healthy turf ecosystem. Actually detailed study on the effects of growth promoting bacteria and biostimulants on a professional sport turf are very limited. This thesis aimed to study the effectiveness of different microorganisms and biostimulants in order to improve the knowledge relative to the relationship between the beneficial microflora and root apparatus of sport turfs. The research project was divided in three principal steps: Initially, commercial products based on biostimulants and microorganisms were tested on a Lolium perenne L. essence grown in a controlled-environment. The principal evaluations were the study of the habitus of plants, biomass production and length of leaves and roots. Were studied the capacity of colonization of microorganisms within root tissues and rhizosphere. In the second step were developed two different biostimulant solutions based on effective microorganisms, mycorrhizae and humic acids. This test was conducted both on an Agrostis stolonifera putting green (Modena Golf & Country Club) in a semi-field condition and within a growth chamber on a Lolium perenne L. essence. Fungicide and chemicals applications were suspended in order to assess the effectiveness of the inoculants for nutrition and control of pests. In the last step, different microorganism mixes and biostimulants were tested on an experimental putting green in the Turf Research Center (TRC) (Virginia Tech, United States) in a real managing situation. The effects of different treatments were studied maintaining all chemicals and mechanicals managements scheduled during a sport season. Both growth-chamber and field results confirmed the capacity of microorganisms based biostimulants to promote the physiologic conditions of the plants, improve the growth of the roots and enhance the aesthetic performance of the turf. Molecular analysis confirmed the capacity of microorganisms to colonize the root tissues.